93 entries in Newspaper / Headline Prediction
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Erased Address Prediction mailing envelope with pencil-written address to yourself
Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 79)
Sylvan Barnet Wuxtra!
1945 220
Herb Runge Tomorrow's News headline predictions, nested in three tubes
1945 263
Bill Becher Brain Buster with Brema's bill tube, sealed in envelope
Nov. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 115)
C. L. Boarde Stop Press! letter sent beforehand, never touched again
Jan. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 142)
Harlan Tarbell The Royal Newspaper Headline Prediction
1954 228
Harlan Tarbell, Robert Parrish Newspaper Headline Prediction
1954 233
Amazing James Randi A Record Prediction headline prediction on record disc that is signed on both sides and given to the spectator until the performance
June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
Tony Corinda No. 20. Headline Predictions
1958 23
Dr. Spencer Thornton Futuramic Headline Prediction prediction mailed
1958 16
Tony Corinda Headline Predictions on its staging and presentation
1960 383
Robert A. Nelson Nelson's Notes idea for headline prediction with Nelson Mental-Gimmic
1961 11
Dick Johnson Impromptu Headline Prediction prediction in envelope, opened with pair of scissors
1961 30
Eddie Clever Lo! A Prophet mailed prediction
Feb. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Ned Rutledge, James G. Thompson Jr. Before the Presses Roll! headline prediction in nest of envelopes, sent by mail
Also published here 1967 69
Ned Rutledge Tomorrow's Newspaper
1967 73
Hans "Mr. Bogo" Boginski Mr. Bogo und der Weltmeister headline prediction, envelopes in box, promotion stunt
Related to
  • "Magie" Nr. 2, 1967.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 3)
Fredric Kolb Club Show Headline Prediction prediction mailed in advance, two envelopes
Magick (Issue 21)
Gene Nielsen Challenge Prediction subtleties for the Billet Pencil and locked-box
Inspired by 1971
Magick (Issue 28)
Gene Nielsen Matchless Prediction (published April, 1978), prediction in matchbox
Aug. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Paul Siegel Future Witness headline and magazine prediction
1972 21
Chester "Dr. DeMille" Miller Miller's Miracle as explained by North Bigbee, sent prediction in bill tube
Related to 1972
Magick (Issue 51)
Al Koran The Million Dollar Prediction prediction of sports result, political election etc, nest of envelopes
Related to 1972 73
Al Koran Insight Spectaculr coded prediction as long number, book of codes to decode it
Related to 1972 81
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Poor Man's Prediction Chest bill tube in locked chest, prediction in capsule
Related to 1973
Magick (Issue 69)
Nathan Stark The Man from 2001 prediction is on a cassette
Variations 1973
Magick (Issue 81)
Gaylord E. Hill Time Capsule headline prediction recorded on cassette
Inspired by 1974
Magick (Issue 105)
Gene Nielsen NuAge Prediction mailed before, Himber wallet
Magick (Issue 131)
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle No-Touch Sealed Prediction mailed prediction, color, card, number, and vague headline
Magick (Issue 137)
Arthur Setterington Headline Hit live headline prediction, by tearing a newspaper and selecting a piece
Apr. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Gene Nielsen Matchless Guile prediction in signed matchbox
Magick (Issue 149)
Al Mann Break Through card and headline prediction, nest of envelope sent to a member of the audience by mail
1977 1
Walter B. Gibson, Al Mann Walter's Letter prediction in nest of envelopes, sent to spectator by mail
1977 10
Al Mann The Prediction Caper previously mailed nest of envelopes
1977 4
Warren Stephens Look at it This Way or This Way NCR / carbon paper envelope
Magick (Issue 181)
Ned Rutledge, James G. Thompson Jr. Vor Drucklegung headline prediction in nest of envelopes, sent by mail
Also published here Dec. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Larry Becker Mental Case prediction in coin purse
1978 97
Al Mann Joanna Southcott's Box different box design, for headline prediction, Arca system
1978 14
Thomas Alan Waters Unknown Power tape cassette with headline prediction on
Related to 1979
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue New Thoughts For Old)
Karrell Fox "Pro"-Diction prediction envelope switched with newspaper
1979 157
Karroll Priest Predic-O-Clip! prediction with bulldog clip in box, headline prediction etc, sent in advance, Nelson Gimmick
Magick (Issue 266)
Uriah Fuller 10. Predictions publicity stunt predictions
1980 63
Stan Lobenstern "Impromptu" Headline Prediction credit correction on page 612, additional credit to Donn Davison, Sid Lorraine, Ted Annemann
Sep. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Al Mann Page One with an Al Koran Wallet
1981 9
Barrie Richardson Tri-Psi three slips in signed and sealed envelope
Magick (Issue 284)
Joseph Dunninger, Al Mann Dunninger's Brain-Thrust analysis of Dunninger's Headline prediction according to some news articles, slip of paper
Related to 1983 1
Al Mann The Cornucopia Caper send prediction with different papers, different things are predicted which happen in the show as well as the headline of the newspaper, paper dumbed in a bread basket
1983 5
Geller's Gaff with assistant predicting actual events while performing
1983 6
Al Mann Knock on any Door headline predictions with demographic probability, adding details later on
1983 7
Jerry Fulton A Laugh comedy headline predictions
1983 8
Jack Dean The IronClad Prediction headline prediction sealed in envelope inside plates of steel
1983 9
Al Mann Fabulous Concepts on the principle of "Dy-No-Mite Prediction" by Donn Davison and how Dr. Stanley Jaks used it
Related to 1983 16
Thomas Alan Waters, Edmund Rowland, Fred Lowe, Robert Harbin X-Positions page is torn in sixteen parts and a piece selected, analysis , ideas on headline predictions
Related to
  • Edmund Rowland in Warlock's "Pentagram" Vol, 7. No.2. P. 11.
  • Fred Lowe in "New Pentagram" Vol. 4, No. 1. P.1.
  • Robert Harbin in "Abra" Vol.7, No. 181. P. 387.
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 2: The Newspaper Test)
Bruce Bernstein A Sporting Prediction prediction of sports game, two envelopes in larger envelopes, in one envelope is name of winning team and in other number of home runs , MVP etc.
Also published here 1985 25
Karrell Fox The "Let's cut out all of the Phoney Baloney and do something normal and natural for a Change.. Prediction" thoughts about framing a prediction
1986 37
Karrell Fox How to Do - The "Let's cut out all of the Phoney Baloney and do something normal and natural for a Change" Prediction sending letter ahead for headline prediction, slip of paper switched when dumped out of envelope
1986 47
Burton S. Sperber Mind Flash headline prediction, predictions inside envelope
Nov. 1987
Magick (Issue 398)
Karrell Fox Producing Predictions using headling prediction to predict winners, stock market, ...
1991 74
Larry Becker, Lee Earle, Ross Johnson The Howard Hughes Headline Prediction comedy prediction, humorous entries in news paper, apparently mailed 20 years ago
1992 211
Larry Becker Clearly Predictable mailed prediction of headline and chosen Jumbo card
1992 251
Larry Becker, Roy Roth The Nostradamus Prediction Chests two boxes, inside is cassette with recorded prediction, with effect variations
1992 265
Dick Steiner Page One Headline Prediction book with headlines used
Inspired by
  • Terry Nosek's "The Best of Life" in "The Collected Works of Sigmund Fraud" 1984.
Also published here
  • Terry Nosek's "The Best of Life" in "Mentalist's Technical Bulletin" 1979.
Oct. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Spook Slate two small slates are initialed, headline prediction by performer and page number by spectator, sealed in envelopes, one kept by spectator, several days later: headline on chosen page is predicted on slate
Related to 1994
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Ted Lesley Early Edition newspaper headline prediction, sent by mail in advance, several methods
1994 263
Jim Steinmeyer Headline Prediction
  • Conjuring
a small chest is mailed in advance
Related to Jan. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Jim Steinmeyer Headline Prediction: The Sequel
  • Conjuring
two more prediction chests
Related to Feb. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Karrell Fox A Bottomless Prediction loading prediction into bottomless pay envelope
1995 66
Rudolf Braunmüller Trickumschläge III loading envelope for headline prediction
Mar. 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Lee Earle Future's Window headline prediction mailed to client, sent to hotel
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 13)
Paul Pacific Greeked! sending Himber wallet in advance
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Bruce Bernstein A Prediction in Code prediction is coded as number and sent in advance, code is shown and prediction can by deciphered, headline prediction, sport event etc.
Related toAlso published here 1997 22
Bruce Bernstein Logical Headline Prediction
Also published here 1997 45
Maurice Nicole ImPressive in nest of envelopes, with bulldog clip
Mar. 1998 3
Bruce Bernstein A Sporting Prediction prediction of sports game, two envelopes in larger envelopes, in one envelope is name of winning team and in other number of home runs , MVP etc.
VariationsAlso published here 1999 32
Docc Hilford Murder by Mail prediction of person who will die that day, morbid headline prediction
2002 34
Andy Nyman The Wet Headline Scenario! envelope switching anecdote
Related toAlso published here 2002 [19]
Robert Cassidy Signed Twice prediction billet is signed by two spectators and placed inside envelope
Also published here 2002 7
John Riggs Post-Prognostication headline prediction done during show, with comedy headlines
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 17)
Robert Cassidy Signed Twice prediction billet is signed by two spectators and placed inside envelope
Also published here 2004 257
Wonder Man Fred Headline Prediction oder Headline Production on the headline prediction, sent by mail
  • Die massgeblichen Kriterien
  • Die Herstellung gleicher Umschläge
  • Der Austausch
2004 289
Peter Kougasian Headline Prediction (Or Card Trick) envelope mailed to host in advance, later switched in pre-show, as an out it contains a poker deal prediction in case the switch is not possible
2007 428
Jon Allen White Noise
2009 138
David Penn Bluff Headline Prediction "I have only performed this once..."
2009 213
Burton S. Sperber Mind Flash
2010 97
Andy Nyman The Wet Headline Scenario! envelope switching anecdote
Also published here 2010 132
Bruce Bernstein A Sporting Prediction prediction of sports game, two envelopes in larger envelopes, in one envelope is name of winning team and in other number of home runs , MVP etc.
Also published here 2012 37
Bruce Bernstein Logical Headline Prediction
Also published here 2012 39
Bruce Bernstein A Prediction in Code prediction is coded as number and sent in advance, code is shown and prediction can by deciphered, headline prediction, sport event etc.
Related toAlso published here 2012 40
Colin McLeod Devil-May-Care mailed prediction contains two envelopes, one predicts which one spectator will select and the other predicts first couple of word of newspaper
Inspired by 2014 148
Alan Shaxon, Al Koran Headline Prediction prediction inside ball of ribbon which is inside a closed jar
2014 172
Ted Karmilovich The P.S. Principle adding a ps to any prediction with something not related to the routine, headline prediction style
2015 30
Andy (The Jerx) Dewey Defeats Truman Solutions to common issues magicians have with headline predictions

Issue 1: Too bold a power to claim
Issue 2: What if there's a tragedy that day?
2016 165
Andy Nyman Foreseen letter mailed to client in advances contains headline prediction from event day's newspaper, detailed description
Related to 2020 2