68 entries in CD & Record
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
T. Page Wright Selected card passes between two phonograph records
Related to 1933 15
George B. Anderson Words and Music prediction of a selected music record
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1947)
John Brown Cook, Arthur H. Buckley The Spirit multiple prediction on a record
Related to 1947 74
Cy Keller Say it with Music!!! record is selected and medium divines it, interesting presentation
Oct. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 188)
W. C. Gibson Rope Records and Ribbon rope penetrates phonograph record
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Sid Lorraine Off the Record card prediction on a record
June 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 232)
Yellowstone Phono Graft phonograph and specific side is chosen, prediction of song
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Milbourne Christopher A Record Prediction chosen record and song are predicted
1954 7
Amazing James Randi A Record Prediction headline prediction on record disc that is signed on both sides and given to the spectator until the performance
June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
Tony Corinda, Robert Harbin Ultra-Modern Mentalism prediction of a word, with tape recorder and assistant
Related to 1959 215
Fredric Kolb Telepathy in HI-FI medium in other room, when she comes back, she divines chosen record and song
1959 19
P. Howard Lyons Phonograph Gag song normal on one side and backwards on the other side
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning The Restored Record two halves of a 45rpm record are thrown into the air and come down restored
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
David Hoy Paradiscophy using 45 pop records, DJ or medium divines chosen songs by playing music
June 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 26)
Marconick Record Silk Vanish silk is placed in hole of a record cover, when cover is opened silk disappears in a flash
1967 152
Joan Wolf Houdini Speaks card revelation by phonograph
1969 3
Bascom Jones The Ultimate Telephone Test revelation recorded
Magick (Issue 6)
Glenn Falkenstein Mission Impossible five colored jumbo cards, one with an X, tape recorder presentation
Magick (Issue 19)
Jack Lottey Electronic Cards square layout of nine cards, instruction on tape, based on Martin Gardner routine
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 30)
Stan Blumenthal Magic's New Team....You and Houdini card appears in cigarette case, presentation of talking to Houdini's ghost, spirit telephone
Magick (Issue 33)
Sid Fleischman W. C. Fields Does a Card Trick talking with voice on record, revelation of a playing card
Also published here 1971
Magick (Issue 38)
Ariel Schallplattenfärbung presentation for color changing records / Silk serenade
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 4)
Roger Smith Mission Impossible instructions and prediction of chosen card heard on tape, Mission Impossible themed
Dec. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Earl Keyser Cast a Spell ABC cards are dealt, on word is created and tape recording as prediction shown
July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Nathan Stark The Man from 2001 prediction is on a cassette
Variations 1973
Magick (Issue 81)
Marconick A Floating Record Zombie style
Also published here 1973 23
Gaylord E. Hill Time Capsule headline prediction recorded on cassette
Inspired by 1974
Magick (Issue 105)
Gerald Kosky Tape Recorder Prediction prediction on tape of a number, a card and the relation between black and red objects (Miraskill)
1975 179
Gerald Kosky Cassette Speaking instruction and divination on cassette
1975 198
Punx Kismet objects are removed, last one is divined, instructions on record
1977 68
Larry Becker Track Record name of race horses on cards, prediction on tape record with two-way out
Related to 1978 125
Marconick Le disque Zombie Zombie style
Also published here 1979 20
Gene "Phantini" Grant Greatest Tape Prediction prediction on tape
1981 88
Gene "Phantini" Grant Video Tape Miracle dream vacation prediction on video tape
Inspired by
  • a routine by Bob Dorian
1981 91
Howard A. Adams Predisc prediction of chosen record and chosen album cover
OICUFESP (Issue 7 - Matheight Miracles)
Mike Hilburger A Tape Recorder Gag son does introduction
1982 58
Jonathan Neal Brown The Record with the Movable Hole hole in record moves from edge to center
1983 109
Thomas Alan Waters Geminight tape recorder prediction of named star sign, several other versions:
  • Headlines
  • Foot(crystal)ball
  • Poker Phase
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychl)
Denny Laub, Gary Inglese Music Man prediction of chosen song on recorder, using album covers
Apr. 1983
Magick (Issue 318)
Philip T. Goldstein Pop Luck six different records are placed inside white paper sleeves, prediction inside box, glove by Michael Jackson
Nov. 1984
Magick (Issue 342)
Stephen Minch New Wave Precognition prediction of a record and its prize, list with sixteen bands
1984 39
Jerry Mentzer 33 1/3 Release ribbon through record or beer mat with hole
1984 (ca.) 2
Jonathan David Music Sense tape in in tape recorder with small bits of music, spectator can fast forward and performer is able to name tune before i is played
Mar. 1985
Magick (Issue 348)
Jack Yates Magi instruction from tape, moving and removing four cards until one remains, tape prediction
1986 41
Bob Haines In the Wings chosen ESP symbol is divined/predicted using a phone answering machine
Apr. 1986
Magick (Issue 369)
Pat Conway Colour Change Record Subtlety
1987 119
Jack Dean Predictation voice record prediction of chosen line in book, using peculiarity of Rex Stout's "The Red Box"
1991 27
Larry Becker The $99.95 Miracle! Dick Tracy themed routine, chosen villain is predicted on memo-recording pen
1992 91
Karl Fulves Pitch Out pitch of music used to code information
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Sid Fleischman W. C. Fields Does a Card Trick talking with voice on record, revelation of a playing card
Also published here 1993 130
Robert Siepielski Visual Stimuli for Auditory Perceptions prediction using tape recorder, cards with objects that make different sounds
Inspired by
  • "Sound Seer" (Phil Goldstein, M-U-M, Mar. 1979)
Sep. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Jim Steinmeyer Contagious Red
  • Conjuring
in a paper tube, several things change to red: silk, light bulb, cd
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Reminding and Deceiving, 1997 lecture notes
Dec. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Jennifer Dayton JD's CD CD vanishes from holder and appears in player
1998 255
Christoph Borer, Michel Gammenthaler Schöffel one of three CDs is selected, and a song, prediction is cover of cd with song written on the back in bold letters
1999 34
Pierre Barry Stamp It Out CD is chosen, performer fishes matching stamp from envelope with tweezers
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Christopher Caldwell Cassette Deck using papers from cassettes to select bands, prediction in form of record
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 11)
David Ben Alpha Faux presentation for "Alpha Mental": computer predicts chosen word
2003 95
Bob Ostin The Satanic Disc 666 word from list is selected and divined, using a CD and case
Inspired by 2005 114
Jamie Daws Psychological Jukebox song and CD album chosen and predicted
2009 184
Christoph Borer Der Brief prediction of a chosen CD
Related to 2012 12
Alberto de Figueiredo Mi Juego de las Sillas para James Biss three chairs, with CDs
Inspired by
  • James Biss' "Musical Chairs" in "Messing with Minds"
2013 87
Roberto Giobbi An Extraordinary Ability reading a vinyl album by looking at the grooves
Hidden Agenda (Issue Dec 10)
Christoph Borer Der Brief prediction of a chosen CD, cigar and position of a knife in a blade holder
Related to 2018 74
Rory Adams Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo
  • Left-Handed (Jeff Prace)
DVD taken out of case, DVD label changes to another movie, then box is shown to have change as well
June 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 6)
Steve Spillman Groupie concert ticket is chosen from bag, matching record starts to rise, tune plays from record player and as final prediction poster of concert is revealed
2019 181
Nathan Kranzo A Parting Gift Gag to give cheap DVD as a gift for spectator
2021 61
Christoph Borer A String of Pearls prediction of chosen song, using album covers
2022 58
Salvador Sufrate CD Explosion manipulative four CD production from bare hands
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2005
2022 380