71 entries in Light & Fire / Light Bulb
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Water to Light Bulb "Thoughts in General"
Sep. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 12)
Robert Parrish The Flying Light Bulb bulb from lamp vanished, reappears lighted
1937 59
Eddie Clever A Variation by Eddie Clever traveling light bulb
1937 60
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Cigarette in Electric Light Bulb bulb lights in hand, vanished cigarette appears inside
1937 18
William Taylor Puzzle Lamps circuit of four light bulbs
July 1939
The Jinx (Issue 58)
Gordon R. McKenney Silk Gone Mad handkerchief to egg combined with handkerchief to light bulb
The Jinx (Issue 122)
Howard Warringer The Flashing Fetish flashlight lights on it's own, also when batteries are removed, answers questions
Inspired by
  • "The Flashing Fetish" in "Genii" March, 1938. P. 232.
Mar. 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Herman L. Weber Namreh's "Electrick" handkerchief and bill are shot into a light bulb, apparatus
1945 337
King Stevenson Card on Light Bulb electric light bulb, cards are sprung against the light bulb and the silhouette of the card appears on it
June 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 107)
Billy McComb Assorted Gaglets of the William Brand gags with, thimbles, a mouse trap, a spring snake, with ropes, hair, light bulbs, coffee beans, diminishing cards, cracking a spectator's arm, dead rat
Variations 1947 37
Martin Gardner Scissors Sorcery two different colored light bulbs throw different colored shadows, Christmas theme
Dec. 1948 495
U. F. Grant, Winston Freer The Effect of Freer's Challenge Lite Bulb recount of Winston Freer's floating light bulb, method posed as a challenge to readers
Oct. 1948 3
Don Tanner Another Impossible Card Flight light bulb shown empty, wrapped in handkerchief and given to spectator, card travels inside
Mar. 1949 13
Felix Korim Silk to Light Bulb
Apr. 1949 4
George F. Wright The Wright Silk in Lite Bulb
June/July 1949 11
Felix Korim Flame from Candle to Bulb flame carried from candle to light bulb
June/July 1949 14
Milbourne Christopher The Jumping Light Bulp light bulb travels from one bag to another, rubber bulb
Jan. 1950 626
Milbourne Christopher Plastic Spray tip for treating rubber light bulb
Feb. 1951 756
Yellowstone Tricky Tidbits ideas, gags and puns
  • Joy Buzzer
  • Flexible Glass
  • Bill in Cigarette
  • Sucker Silk Vanish
  • Coin in Egg
  • Dancing Hanky
  • Egg Bag Finish
  • Swallowing Wand Gag
  • Stamp Album
  • Diminishing Bills Finale
  • Torn and Restored Paper
  • Floating Bulb
  • Milk in Light Bulb
  • Handkerchief Frame
  • Hat Production
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Karrell Fox Light's Out card to lightbulb, missing corner matches
1954 18
Edwin Leist-Bernini, Gaston "Gasbor" Borgeaud Die elektrische Glühbirne on the invention of the electric light bulb
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 5)
Edwin Leist-Bernini Eine unmögliche Möglichkeit light bulb lights up when placed inside mouth, eating candle
Also published here
  • in "Magie" 1938
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 5)
Idea for Ring on Wand gag, light bulb appearance under handkerchief as climax
Aug. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 360)
Dr. William Weyeneth Die rote Birne red light bulb, red writing is invisible, some ideas
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 6)
Jochen Zmeck Tips - Tricks Anregungen various brief ideas
  • Wasser marsch!
  • Papierzerreissen
  • Glühlampe und Karte
  • Match to Flower
  • Tuchgag
  • Eierbeutel
  • Lichtetui
Also published here
  • in "Methodische Reihe der Zauberkunst"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 2)
Billy McComb Light Humour light bulb, painted half black
1972 136
Marconick The High Light of the Show light bulb screwed into unconnected socket lights up
Also published here 1973 29
Karl Fulves Something Bright "Problems", green light bulb in handkerchief lights and turns red when held over selected card, posed as problem, see p. 874 for credit information
Nov. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Marconick Une idée lumineuse light bulb screwed into unconnected socket lights up
Also published here 1979 26
Michael Ammar Signed Bill in Lightbulb
Also published here 1980 21
Ken De Courcy The Electrified Passing Cards both spectators hold a rope with light bulb in center that lights up as a card passes
1980 28
Steve Spillman An Energy Crisis Solution cut cable apparently becomes filled with electricity and stiffens, performer touches end and sparks fly around, Funken Ring, combined with automatic light bulb
Inspired by 1980 15
Al Mann The Ghost Bullet gimmick for shattering glasses or light bulps
1981 9
Al Bertini Das Edison-Mirakel (Der Ring in der Glühbirne) finger ring to light bulb, followed by french translation "Le miracle d'Edison (La bague dans l'ampoule)"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 2)
Michael Ammar Signed Bill in Light Bulb
Also published here 1991 193
Jim Steinmeyer Neon girl penetrates barrier of lit neon light tubes
1991 21
Vanni Bossi The Ring into the Light Bulb
Also published here 1992 20
Scotty York The Scotty York Light Bulb - History and Development of the Bulb
1993 91
Scotty York Construction Details for the Original Scotty York Light Bulb
1993 96
Scotty York Assembly, Testing, and Adjustment of the Scotty York Light Bulb
1993 103
Scotty York The Scotty York Handling & Presentation of the Light Bulb bulb in handkerchief, different packets on table, location of selection with bulb
Related to 1993 109
Fred Kaps The Fred Kaps' Handling of the Scotty York Lamp
1993 116
Vanni Bossi The Ring in Light Bulb with gaff
Also published here Jan. 1993
Opus (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Alan Wakeling The Goldfish in the Light Bulb liquid vanishes from shaker, appears in light bulb with gold fish
1993 86
Alan Wakeling The Bar Act
  • Opening: Flaming Wine and The Jumping Grasshopper
  • Drinks for the Audience
  • The Challenge of a Modern Bar Act
  • The Flaming Glass of Wine
  • The Grasshopper in the Light Bulb
  • The Series of Drinks
  • Variations on the Bar Act
1993 181
Lee Noble Flower Power smell of flower gives spectator powers, light bulb explodes or divination of chosen card
Feb. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Jim Steinmeyer, Marvyn Roy Marvyn Roy's Bill In The Light Bulb
  • Conjuring
Feb. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Larry White The Necklace in the Light Bulb
Also published here
  • "The Necklace in the Light Bulb" in "MUM" April, 1991.
Dec. 1997 11
Joseph Curcillo Time is of the Essence russian roulettes type using a hammer and five paper bags, four contain a light bulb and one a spectator's watch
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Martin Gardner Sneaky Switches
  • Martin Gardner's Corner
light bulb and switch board
May 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Jim Steinmeyer Strange Power
  • Conjuring
glass-fronted box with three light bulbs inside, center one red, all bulbs light white, then all red, secret glass walls
Also published here
  • Strange Power and Other Problems for Magicians, 1992 lecture notes
May 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Jim Steinmeyer Contagious Red
  • Conjuring
in a paper tube, several things change to red: silk, light bulb, cd
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Reminding and Deceiving, 1997 lecture notes
Dec. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Andrew Mayne Light Out light bulb vanishes from lamp and appears in shoe
Related to 1998 49
David Berglas Regulite spectator thinks of an object on the table, then he holds to wires from a lamp and choses a light bulb and when concentrates on his object, the lamp lights up, eventually the object vanishes from the table and is fount inside the light bulb
2002 109
Jay Sankey Revival Make light bulb held at fingertips suddenly flash brightly
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Amazing Tricks)
Michel Huot D'Christmas Tree red light bulb, light plucked out (D'Light) and tossed back
VariationsAlso published here 2003 16
Ted Lesley, Eckhard Böttcher Light Bulb Spectacular card and other objects travel inside light bulb, card, bill, liquid etc
2003 15
Andrew Mayne Electric Lunch smashing light bulb in bag and apparently eating pieces
2003 16
Robert Cassidy Eating a Piece of a Light Bulb
2004 14
Vanni Bossi Light Bulb ala Die Box light bulb travels, including how to make a light bulb shell
2007 9
Michel Huot D'Christmas Tree red light bulb, light plucked out (D'Light) and tossed back
Also published here Dec. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 12)
David Acer Holiday Miracle tiny Christmas lightbulb flashes while child sings Christmas carol, then given out
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 12)
Jim Steinmeyer Toccata for Light Bulb & Paper Bag "The Ghost in the Machine"
turned-on light bulb on stand is seen through a glass box, vanishes and appears in a paper bag held by the performer, repeat, then paper bag vanishes and appears over bulb, then repeat with paper bag inside bulb
2009 133
Tom Stone Light Bulb & Lampshade Idea
2010 157
David Acer Holiday Miracle tiny Christmas lightbulb flashes while child sings Christmas carol, then given out
Also published here 2011 21
Karl Fulves Nite Lite "Unexplained"
light bulb smashed, pieces on fan, egg on fan until bulb is restored and lights up, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 10)
John Gaughan The Silk Handkerchief in Light Bulb
  • The Chamber of Secrets
May 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 5)
Robert Cassidy The Tavern Show act, exploding light bulb, eating glass and Q&A using a crystal ball
  • The Bag
  • The Method
Also published here 2013 227
Christian Scherer Die verschwindende Birne light bulb vanish, magic bandana presentation in german, double meaning of "Birne" (pear / light bulb)
2014 365
Kieron Johnson Light up the World blank cards with word "off" on them, spectator choses one and changes word to "on", card found with light bulb that lights over chosen card
2018 76
Roberto Giobbi Sight Gag taking a light bulb from pocket, igniting it on shoe and lighting cigarette with it
Unexpected Agenda (Issue July 3)