31 entries in Cigarette & Cigar / Traveling
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edward Bagshawe Cigarette Sorcery silk flag vanishes, is found in cigarette case, cigarettes are now on a tray under a tissue paper
1924 50
Edward Bagshawe The "Kum-Bak" Cigarette Mystery cigarette pack hangs on stage, chosen number of cigarette is removed, vanishes and found back in pack
1924 76
Oswald Rae Here and There cigarette travels from hand to hand, rice paper shell
1928 24
Oswald Rae Travelling Cigarettes several different brands of cigarette boxes, one is selected and a number is named, that amount of cigarettes travels in a sealed box
Also published here
  • "Travelling Cigarettes" in "The Magic Wand"
1930 10
Oswald Rae A Suggested Combination wand wrapped in newspaper, signed cigarette changes into wand and newspaper is crushed, cigarette later found inside a candle
Also published here
  • "A Suggested Combination" in "The British Ring"
1930 45
Swallowing a Cigar and Reproduction from Vest
1937 14
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Cigarette in Electric Light Bulb bulb lights in hand, vanished cigarette appears inside
1937 18
Half a Cigarette from hand to hand
1938 753
Henry Gordien Cigarettes and Hats matrix with four cigarettes and two hats
1938 756
Tom Sellers Winged Cigarettes cigarettes across with two bags, folding cigarettes
1939 17
Jack Chanin Jap Jape cigarette and two drawer boxes, bill to cigarette finale
Jan. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 194)
Bill Nord Cigarette (28)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
two in the hand type, with cigarette pieces
Sep. 1951 841
U. F. Grant Grant's Cigarette Classic clean vanish behind card and reproduction from cigarette pack, using metal tube clipped to thumb
1954 142
Matt Schulien The Cards and the Cigarette cigarette torn into four pieces, they gather under matrix-style with help of four bent cards
1959 100
Max Malini Vanishing Tobacoo tobacco vanishes and appears under ashtray, see p. 94 for more information
Related toVariations 1962 57
Ronnie Gann Pentracig marked cigarette vanishes and appears inside folded handkerchief
Sep. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Ben Christopher Scroll bill rolled up, vanished cigarette appears inside
Dec. 1965 11
Harry Lorayne That Burns Me Up! lit cigarette vanishes and reappears in pocket
1967 43
Tenkai Ishida Cigarette and Handkerchief Routine lit cigarette vanishes from handkerchief and appears inside pocket
Also published here
  • "The Bat" February, 1946.
1974 70
Lewis Ganson Other Routines using other props for "Two in the hands..." routines
  • Cigarettes
  • Matches
  • Coins
  • Dice
  • Miniature Models
  • Toys
1979 32
Harry Lorayne Quick Cig apparently throwing cigarette on floor, reproducing it
Feb. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Wayne Dobson Eye-Tray cigarette apparently pushed in eye, ends up in mouth
Related to 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Wayne Dobson Xmas is Ear! cigarette vanishes and appears sticking in ear
Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Bob Chesbro Lit Cigarette to Pocket still lit when removed from pocket, using thumb tip with slits
1982 23
Joe Safuto The Trick That Never Was cigarette from new pack is broken in four pieces, matrix effect, restoration, pack resealed, time travel presentation
1984 111
Pat Conway Pipe Dream cigarette travels to pocket, rises out of fist, manipulative sequences, changes into pipe
1987 121
Roger Bernheim Zig-A-Zig chink a chink using four cigarette butts and ashtrays
Inspired by 1988
Magische Blätter (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Mac King Bill Vanishin' Cigarette Cigarette used as magic wand to vanish a bill - first cigarette vanish to behind the ear, then bill vanish and appear inside the cigarette
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 4
Doug Conn Smoke (Gets in Your Eyes) cigarette pushed into eye socket, reappears between lips when performer turns around
Also published here 1997 27
Doug Conn Smoke Poke cigarette pushed into eye socket, reappears between lips when performer turns around
Related toAlso published here 1999 63
Earl "Presto" Johnson The Naughty One-Two-Three Cigarette Vanish cigarette slapped into butt, comes out from zipper
2017 143