38 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Traveling / Variations on "Two in the Hand, One in Pocket"
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
J. B. Bobo, George F. Wright The Gadabout Coins two in the hand, one in the pocket
Inspired by
  • "The Alleurian Coins" by George F. Wright in "The Linking Ring" 1/1950
1952 182
Royal H. Brin, Jr. Stand-Up Coin Opener two coins in left hand, one travels to right and is put in pocket, then travels back
1966 389
Milton Kort The Mexican Gadabout Coins with purse in which coins travels back at the end, two handlings
Inspired byVariations 1966 405
Jerry McDermott Nuts To You surprising final load
1966 406
Siempre Unidas - Realización 1 two coins in the hand one in the pocket, they all come together
1969 64
Juan Tamariz Siempre Unidas - Realización 2 two coins in the spectator's hand, one in the magician's, they all come together
1969 65
Allan Ackerman Small Change combo
1971 21
Horace E. Bennett The Half Crown Affair american penny and half crown in hand, one placed in pocket & travels back, transposition with spectator in which one coin grows
1973 68
David Bornstein Orient Express "Coin Tricks"
Aug. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Jerry Mentzer 3 Penny Trick jumbo coin finale for "two in the hands, one in the pocket"
1975 9
Gerald Kosky Coin of the Realm two in the hand one in the pocket, Silver coin climax
1975 104
Larry Jennings Coins and Handkerchief
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Glenn G. Gravatt Drei Münzen und viel Kleingeld two in the hand with coins
Also published here
  • "Genii" November, 1974.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 2)
The Come Back Coins all three vanish as climax
1976 112
Larry Jennings Vernon Ball Routine Done With Coins
1977 9
Lewis Ganson Other Routines using other props for "Two in the hands..." routines
  • Cigarettes
  • Matches
  • Coins
  • Dice
  • Miniature Models
  • Toys
1979 32
Mary Wolf A Little Bit of Coke (a-Cola) "two in the hand..." with miniature cans, then miniature bottle, normal bottle and coins appear
1980 131
Michael Rubinstein The Commuting Coins Routine coins seen to be put in pocket
Inspired by 1982 31
Michael Rubinstein Stand Up Three Coin Routine coin vanishes and reappears, becomes up to three coins, traveling to pocket phases
  • Variations
1982 79
Ross Bertram Minus Equals Plus one of three coins removed, comes back to spectator's hand
1983 72
Jamy Ian Swiss Hippity "Cop" ungaffed Hopping Halves
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Larry Jennings Coins and Handkerchief silk is held by spectators as table
VariationsAlso published here 1986 107
Jamy Ian Swiss Hippity Cop ungaffed Hopping Halves
Also published here 1987 35
Dr. Edward G. Ervin One from Two No. 4, two coins clearly shown, one placed in pocket, it comes back, featuring three-coin arrangement that can be shown from both sides as two coins, also for six-as-three coins
Variations 1989 5
Jamy Ian Swiss Hippity Cop ungaffed Hopping Halves
Also published here 1990 21
Paul Gertner Chinese in the Hand two in the hand, one in the pocket with transformation of all three into Chinese coins
1994 79
Mark Jenest Short Hop "(Poor Man's Hopping Half)"
Sep. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Sam Schwartz Bottled penny and quarter in hand, hand-pocket sequence, chosen coin travels into miniature bottle, first marketed in 1964
Related to 1997 151
Edgar C. Hernandez-Viera Hip Hip-Hop ungaffed Hopping Halves, two half dollars and two pennies
Related to Apr. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Milton Kort The Nomad Coins Three different coins fly from hand to hand, pocket to hand, hand to under card
Inspired by 1999 183
Ron Bauer Gadabout Coins Revisited
Inspired by 2000 1
James M. Boyd Hopping Halves Credit Information published in 1967 by Harry Stanley's Unique Magic Studio as "Confusing Coins" by Jim Boyd
2005 13
Andrew Galloway British Gadabout Coins with purse
Inspired by 2006 39
Troy Hooser The World Famous Two Coin Trick Homing Coin type of effect, three coins, remove one coin but it keeps coming back, end with all coins vanishing
Related to 2010 69
Kainoa Harbottle Gadabout You
Inspired by Nov. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 11)
Jamy Ian Swiss Hippity Cop ungaffed Hopping Halves
Inspired byAlso published here 2016 23
Michael Rubinstein Vegas Math multi-coin production as finale
Inspired byAlso published here
  • At the Table lecture, 2017
2020 222
Michael Rubinstein Stealth Showcase
  • Phase Two: Coins Across
  • Phase Three: Gadabout Coins
Also published here
  • New York Coin Magic Seminar Vol. 10, dvd
2020 232