110 entries in MC & Compere Bits of Business
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Milbourne Christopher That Trick Again MC bit, several magicians show the same trick
Nov. 1946 264
Milbourne Christopher M. C. Item production of bowl of fire, when someone asks for a lighter
July 1947 332
George Mackenzie M. C. Item ashes of cigarette bit
Feb. 1948 392
Bert Douglas Rubber Ice Cream Cone Routine ice cream in pocket, licked during the show as running gag
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Bert Douglas A Humorous Introduction jumbo business card, transformation of sides and message
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
U. F. Grant The Phantom Stage Carpenter vanishing carpenter, with gag intro in which explanation of trick cannot be heard because of loud banging noice
May 1949 8
B. J. McGory B. J. McGory Gives Us An M. C. Gag wallet taken out of second pair of trousers
June/July 1949 7
  • Popularity
  • MC's
  • Finger-Flingers
July 1951 816
Milbourne Christopher One Man's Opinion opening gag, paper makes some noise
Also published here Jan. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 247)
P. Howard Lyons M. C. Bit gag in which MC is interrupted by escape artist multiple times
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 2)
Allessandro Comedy Convention Skit
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Norman Houghton Bubble Spectacle performer blows at lens of his glasses, stream of bubbles shoots out
Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Don Tanner "Now Where's That Ticket" No. 47, spring flower production from pockets as running gag
1958 ca. 13
Dr. William E. Belanger Exit Gag for Performer or M.C. with a big watch
Apr. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 368)
Don Tanner The Back Room on Micky Hades, Jesse J. Langston, Eddie McGuire on Malini's button biting and more, gags by Goodlette Dodson
Related to Sep. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 383)
Heinz "Durox" Rüegg 2 Hinweise MC idea for several magicians
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 5)
Heinz "Durox" Rüegg 5 Gags gags and idea
  • MC bit, bill as crib sheet, gag
  • MC gag, parked car
  • torn and restored newspaper gag
  • thumb flies away
  • chocolate coin gag
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 5)
Alan Shaxon The Magical Compère joke for MC work, balloon bangs
1970 65
Alan Shaxon By Popular Request! MC trick, spectator can decide who comes next, and what they have to do, forcing the program of the evening
1970 68
Alan Shaxon In Person! MC trick, a name is chosen from a booklet containing artists as well as his telephone number, the number appears on a slate, the picture of the artist in a frame and the artist performs next, forcing the artist
1970 70
Billy McComb Frolics with the Hummer Whirling Card
  • A Variation
  • A Don't! - If You Unravel Your Own!
  • A Miracle!
  • You're All Set!
  • Light Weight - But Great!
  • True Story!
Inspired by 1972 51
Billy McComb Flying Moo milk travels from glass to glass, visible as gag through hole
1972 132
Billy McComb An Historical Gag address of Lincoln
1972 151
Milbourne Christopher Nur die Meinung eines Mannes opening gag, paper makes some noise
Also published here Oct. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Richard Merry, George Mackenzie Humoristische Vortragssplitter und Magische Gags various gags
  • Begrüßung
  • Freiwillige Helfer
  • Geld (Münzfang)
  • Handguillotine
  • Kopfguillotine
  • Karten
  • Mentalmagie
  • Schwebeeffekte (Sambakugel)
  • Seile
  • Verschiedenes
  • Wenn das Weihnachtsfest vorbei ist
  • Zauberstab
  • Zigaretten
Also published here
  • The Gen & Genii
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Ken Green Humor für Magier
  • Beiläufig gesagt
  • Eröffnung
  • Kurz Sketsch
  • Zuschauerbriefe
  • Nicht für Levante
  • Nur für Magie
  • Für Conferenciers
Also published here
  • from Abracadabra, 1957 & 1958
June 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Ken Green Der Verschwindende Eimer vanishing bucket comedy routine
Related toAlso published here
  • Abracadabra, 1957/1958
June 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Peter A. McDonald, Sam Dalal, Edwin Hooper Komische Effekte gags with balloons, "Die laufenden Frankfurter"
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
John Murray Nothing "NOTHING" sign up the sleeve
1977 144
Sid Lorraine Words, Words, Words word STARLING on slate, one letter erased at a time to form a new word, gag patter
Inspired by
  • Rupert Slater item, The Magic Wand
1977 150
Ken De Courcy Die Erbschaft four messages appear on two slates
Also published here
  • The Gen, Dec. 1951
Mar. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Rudolf Braunmüller Magische Scherze und Gags various gags with balloon, butter/knife/bread, bill in cigarette, cigarette, coins
Mar. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Rudolf Braunmüller Spaß Muss Sein "Vortragssplitter und Gags für Magier und Conferenciers"
  • Afghan Bänder
  • Applaus
  • Assistenten
  • Geld
  • Finger Guillotine
  • Handschellen
  • Hund
  • Karten
  • Kinder
  • Manipulation
  • Mentalmagie
  • Ringspiel
  • Pistole
  • Verschiedenes
  • Würfel
Oct. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Sid Lorraine Kunstgetrickse MC gag with painting
Inspired by
  • "Crazy Capers" (Arnold Crowther, Abracadabra #1286)
Also published here
  • Abracadabra #1340, Oct. 1971
Dec. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Karrell Fox Introduction to the Introductions about MC work
1979 197
Karrell Fox Banner-Bit confetti thrown in empty cloth banner, name appears
1979 198
Karrell Fox Nova-Cane cane transforms into silk with name of next performer
1979 199
Karrell Fox Hand of the Caliph five cards appear at five fingertips of fake hand à la card star, spelling out name of next performer
Related to 1979 200
Karrell Fox, Tommy Windsor Windsor/McAthy Applause Card apparently three sides on card that is turned over to read different messages
1979 201
Karrell Fox Code-Intro way to present name of next performer by highlighting his name on card with many letters
1979 202
Karrell Fox 6 Foot Surprise next performer "appears" behind large silk
1979 203
Karrell Fox Puppet-Intro bunny puppet introduces next performer
1979 204
Karrell Fox, Charlie Cheer Rope-Intro way to introduce next performer
1979 207
Karrell Fox First Act giant bottle opener, way to introduce first performer
1979 208
Karrell Fox Good News way to introduce next performer
1979 209
Karrell Fox It's in the Bag way to introduce next performer
1979 210
Karrell Fox "Sexy" Intro using playboy magazine to introduce next performer
1979 211
Karrell Fox Map Intro way to introduce next performer
1979 212
Karrell Fox Umbrella-Intro name on next performer on umbrella
1979 213
Karrell Fox Paper-Tear Intro way to introduce next performer
1979 214
Karrell Fox Handy Intro giant hand used to introduce next performer
1979 215
Karrell Fox Phone Intro way to introduce next performer
1979 217
Karrell Fox "Crystal-Clear" Intro name of next performer appears in drawn crystal ball
1979 218
Karrell Fox "Big-Little" Intro way to introduce next performer
1979 219
Karrell Fox "Short-Pause" Intro way to introduce the intermission, arrow signs, exit
1979 221
Karrell Fox "Double-Act" Intro way to introduce a double act with two giant playing cards
1979 222
Karrell Fox "Ducky" Intro using card duck to introduce next performers with alphabet cards
1979 224
Karrell Fox "T&R" Intro torn and restored paper ribbon to introduce next performer
1979 225
Karrell Fox "Notes"-Intro way to introduce next performer
1979 226
Karrell Fox "Cue" Intro way to introduce next performer
1979 227
Karrell Fox "Special Delivery" Intro way to introduce next performer with giant box
1979 229
Karrell Fox Further "Info on Intro's"
1979 232
Karrell Fox King "Toots" Tablet scribblings on cardboard visible move to name or selected card
1979 275
Roy Johnson Bangers! banner with letters "SAUGSAGE", different words can be build by folding and covering
1979 59
Patrick Page Emcee Bit comedy presentation for Sitta's Leopard Silk
1980 10
Ken Brooke Big Squirt syphon bottle held the wrong way and water shoots into performer's face
Also published here 1980 44
George Blake "Flash!" reading funny things from newspaper, it vanishes in a flash, then cigarette vanishes in handkerchief, with more elaborate version for magicians
1980 49
Rudolf Braunmüller Gags für den magischen Conferencier gags and bits for MC
Jan. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Rudolf Braunmüller Der zaubernde Conferencier on mc work
  • 1. Die Überbrückung der Pausen
  • 2. Der "Verkauf" der Künstler
  • 3. Verbindungsglied und Rahmen
    • Artverwandte Darbietungen
    • Geeignete Zauberkunststücke
    • Störgags
    • Verschiedene Zaubergags
    • Zauberwitze, Einzeiler und Anekdoten für Laienpublikum
    • Zauberwitze, Einzeiler und Anekdoten für Zaubererpublikum
July 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Karrell Fox "Hand it to 'Em" company name appears on cards at fingertips of fake hand
Related to 1986 155
Karrell Fox "A Commercial Fame-Up" company name appears in frame
1986 157
Terry Seabrooke Terry's Tennis Ball comedy bit, tennis ball with face and slit as mouth
1986 48
Terry Seabrooke The M.C.
  • The Running Order
  • The Start of the Show
  • The End of the Show
  • The Band
  • The Room
  • The Show
  • Final Thoughts
1986 72
Terry Seabrooke Looking for Laughs comedy bits, on humor
1986 78
Tommy Windsor Die Zauberkamera drawer box as camera
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Karrell Fox A "Hot" Item trade show presentation for flaming book
1988 128
Steve Beam Taping Time mc bit, for stretching time, gag
1989 451
Ken Brooke Der Große Spritzer siphon bottle held the wrong way and water shoots into performer's face
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Alexander de Cova Mikrofon-Gags 1. Das sich vergrößernde Mikrofon (growing sponge)
2. Probleme mit dem Mikro-Ständer
3. Das lange Mikrofon
Also published here June/July 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Marvin Leventhal From the Labyrinth Emcee Hammer, MC bit with a hammer and a lot of puns
Sep. 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Karrell Fox Funny-Filter paper streamer from cigarette
1991 83
Alexander de Cova Mikrofon-Gags
  • 1. Das sich vergrößernde Mikrofon (growing sponge)
  • 2. Probleme mit dem Mikro-Ständer
  • 3. Das lange Mikrofon
Also published here 1991 20
Terry Seabrooke Without Further Ado... on working as a MC
Oct. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Karl Fulves R.I.P. gag paper fold, design becomes a waste bin in the end and is about funeral
Verbatim (Issue 7)
Steve Dusheck Poor George gag dollar bill with clown face on George Washington, nose can light up
1994 146
Simon Lovell Sebastian the Mind-Reading Chicken gag with drawing of chicken and a part that is apparently about to vanish
Also published here 1997 224
Simon Lovell Sebastian - The Mind-Reading Chicken gag with drawing of chicken and a part that is apparently about to vanish
Also published here May/June 1997
The Magic Menu (Vol. 7 No. 41)
Rudolf Braunmüller Für zaubernde Conferenciers eight lines for MCs
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Thank You short gag with "Turn Me Over" on a piece of paper, "Thank You" on other side
Discoverie (Issue 1)
Johnnie Geddes Egg Sandwich fried egg taken out of pocket and put between breads, gag
Also published here
  • Abracadabra, Vol. 15 No. 378, May 1953, p. 220
2002 259
Clettis V. Musson Heavy Egg egg tossed off stage and makes loud clank
Also published here
  • Clettis Musson, Situation Comedy for Magicians, 1954, p. 41
2002 259
Tony Bartolotta Polygraph comedy bit with puppet
Discoverie (Issue 7)
Rick Bronson No Sweat! sweat from forehead take up with towel, lots of water pours out when wrung out, gag
2005 23
Trevor Lewis The Master of Ceremonies
  • Requirements and Advice
  • Patter Fillers
  • Novelty Introduction Aids
  • Other MC Prop Bits
  • Bits of Business to Use as MC or in Act
  • MC Miscellaneous Lines
  • Newspaper Lines
  • Lines, Lines, Lines
  • Martial Bliss Lines
2009 165
Jim Steinmeyer The Fabric Cabinet Solution "Practical Apparatus for Everyday Stages"
person appears in cloth cabinet
2009 159
Maurice Fogel, Nick Lewin Fogel's Invisible Piano comedy routine with an invisible piano and the gag prediction of a tune
2010 69
Jim Steinmeyer Cue Card Mentalism
  • Conjuring
large cue cards with GAPS, WOW, APPLAUSE, ... shown, one chosen and predicted
VariationsAlso published here Oct. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 10)
Jim Steinmeyer Cue Card Mentalism large cue cards with GAPS, WOW, APPLAUSE, ... shown, one chosen and predicted
Also published here 2012 12
Mike Caveney Mastering the Ceremonies on MC work
2013 439
Mike Caveney Walking Out of a Curtain sight gag with back drop that matches suit
2013 199
Jim Steinmeyer Cue Card Mentalism large cue cards with GAPS, WOW, APPLAUSE, ... shown, one chosen and predicted
Also published here 2014 9
Jim Steinmeyer Gobbledygook large cue cards shown, one chosen and predicted
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 11
Jim Steinmeyer Gobbledygook
  • Conjuring
large cue cards shown, one chosen and predicted
Inspired byAlso published here Feb. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 2)
Roberto Giobbi It's Up Your Sleeve! MC bit
Hidden Agenda (Issue July 5)
Nathan Kranzo Handful of Balls Gag Gag to use lots of ping pong balls to choose "random" spectator
2021 89
Nathan Kranzo Frisbee Gag Gag for using frisbee to choose spectator
2021 105
Nick Diffatte Party Blower party blow-out stuck in ear unrolls, apparently blowing through ear
Inspired by 2022 61
Markus Gabriel Carpie routine with paper carton and pen for MC, pen and cap appear, vanish, ...
2023 79
Roberto Giobbi Sight Gag taking a light bulb from pocket, igniting it on shoe and lighting cigarette with it
Unexpected Agenda (Issue July 3)
Roberto Giobbi Double Mishap Opening gag opening with rope, also cigarette to rope transformation
Related to 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Nov. 3)