38 entries in Button
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Der bezauberte Knopf coin vanishes and is reproduced from a button on the jacket
Mar. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Das Knopfabschneiden button cut off spectator's jacket and restored
Mar. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Al Baker Button Button! thread-penetration, using mini-drawer box
Also published here 1935 30
Nat Louis Button, Button, Who's Got the Button? button vanish
1941 39
Wallace A Button off the Vest button torn off spectator's vest and restored
1943 72
Button (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
button in drink seems to rise and fall on command
July 1951 819
Button (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
button on coat is removed and replaced
July 1951 819
Button (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
button spinner, toy with button and thread
July 1951 819
Button (4)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
"The Five Buttons", buttons in ears, eyes and nose end up in mouth, pearl trick
July 1951 819
Max Malini The Button Trick button biting trick
Related toVariations 1962 37
Don Tanner The Back Room on Micky Hades, Jesse J. Langston, Eddie McGuire on Malini's button biting and more, gags by Goodlette Dodson
Related to Sep. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 383)
Al Leech Al Leech's Coin Trick spellbound with surprise ending
1966 393
Dr. William Weyeneth Okay Gag! button is reattached on vest, magnetic
Related to 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 5)
Eddie Joseph Bewildering Buttons routine with buttons and plastic cups and magnet gimmick at finger (impromptu chop cup style)
  • Downward Penetration
  • Upward Penetration
  • Direct Penetration
1969 179
Amedeo Vacca Button-Button vanishing button with reel through sleeve fabric
1974 37
Ken Bowell Knopfologie three large buttons are on suit, one dangling, they behave like in Chinese sticks
Mar. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Tom Zoss The Zoss... Button-Writer button on coat as alternative nail writer
Magick (Issue 217)
Hen Fetsch Die Fingerhutspitze secret inner nesting thimble for
  • threading a button
  • thread restoration
  • cigarette vanish in thimble
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Tony Slydini The Invisible Tailor button from spectator's coat is torn off and restored
1985 65
Richard Bartram, Jr. "This Ain't Psychokinesis!!" "UP" elevator button always turn over in performer's hand
1985 19
Michael Weber The Healer button torn off spectator's shirt, then buttonhole on other side is vanished
Inspired by 1985 23
Lawrence Frame Spellbound Climax after spellbound routine, coin changes to coat button, and coin is now found attached to coat
Also published here 1986 4
Ian Baxter Stitched chosen button is magically sewn to lapel
1994 153
Joshua Jay Button Buster Small button enlarges, then attaches permanently onto magician's shirt
1999 23
Barrie Richardson Molecules in Motion initialed coin in bottle, then other objects as well like key, button, ring, bottle smashed at the end
Inspired by 1999 30
Joe Givan Keep Them in Stitches buttons assemble on handkerchief, then they are found to be sewn on
Inspired by
  • Lamont Ream version of this Steve Schneiderman plot
1999 1
Alain Iannone Sewn in Rome card appears sewn to silk lining inside the magician's jacket
Oct. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 10)
Al Baker Button Button! thread-penetration, using mini-drawer box
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Second Book)
Karl Fulves Maximum Malini "Problems"
button turn off, then button hole disappears, posed as a problem
2004 377
Vanni Bossi Buttoned 2 card appears on shirt button, reel
2005 6
Trevor Lewis Birthday Button hindu thread presentation, using large button
2009 92
Dan Sperry Pin Striped Pants Two different buttons fastened on trousers switch places with a wave of the hand
2010 26
Wayne Dobson On the Button six buttons on cloth, one chosen, it is the only one sewn onto cloth, Hot Rod Force
2013 17
Alberto de Figueiredo El dominó child holds white handkerchief, a string and buttons, then a dominoe stone is selected from a plastic bag and string and buttons are found sewn onto handkerchief to match chosen dominoe
2018 101
Christoph Borer Wofür Zauberei gut ist button is removed and reattached to shirt
Related to 2022 68
Max Malini Button Biting discussion and various possible methods
  • Method One - Fabric Feke & Extra Button (Stanyon's)
  • Method Two - Extra Button Only (The Magician Monthly)
  • Method Three - The Unbutton (U. F. Grant)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • The Magician Monthly, Aug. 1905
  • Stanyon's Magic, "The Great Button-Biting Trick", Jan. 1904
  • U. F. Grant, "Secrets", 1928
2022 171
Max Malini Button Biting about doing it in Malini's platform act
2022 393
Lawrence Frame Spellbound Climax after spellbound routine, coin changes to coat button, and coin is now found attached to coat
Also published here 2022 144