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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
George G. Kaplan Card, Crystal Ball, and Panties impromptu stooge, card visible in crystal ball, then performer reads spectator's mind with gag revelation (paper panties)
Related toVariations 1948 301
Sam Dalal Another Brain Wave two decks, same card reversed
Dec. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 40)
Sam Dalal Introduction
1970ca. 3
Sam Dalal The Basics on sound reading
1970ca. 5
Sam Dalal The Two Sounds systematic approach to sound reading, symbols, letters, numbers
1970ca. 6
Sam Dalal How to Practice using an amplifier to practice sound reading
1970ca. 13
Sam Dalal The Act on performance using sound reading
1970ca. 14
James G. Thompson Jr. Jet Thought one of five cities predicted in envelope (with index)
VariationsAlso published here Winter 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 6th Folio)
Al Koran Numerology ca. nine called-out four-digit numbers written on paper and put in bowl, spectator takes out paper and it is predicted, disappearing ink, see p. 552 for credit information, see p. 608 for comments by Mike Rogers and Sam Dalal
Related to
  • "Decision Control" (Syd Bergson)
VariationsAlso published here
Apr. 1972 514
Sam Dalal The Skull of Tamoa-mi-ber as Sam Delal, skull pendulum, card found by spectator
Magick (Issue 42)
Sam Dalal Turn it 'Round red square changes to blue one and eventually to a circle, Squaring the Circle with rubber sheeting
Magick (Issue 46)
Mike Rogers, Sam Dalal, Paul Brian Etcetera
Mar. 1973 608
Sam Dalal Disappearing Ink
Mar. 1973 608
J. A. Lindon Shed another Tear paper with text torn and one half destroyed, other half reads as a coherent text, repeated, two examples, see also p. 758 for comment by Sam Dalal
July 1973 638
Karl Fulves Drop Out three red dice alternate with two white dice and are held between thumb and first finger as block, white dice fall out at once, posed a problem
Related toVariations Aug. 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Sam Dalal I Predict... of a single card, chosen card has an X on small chart
Magick (Issue 84)
Sam Dalal Double Vision two cards predicted on paper slips, using ballpoint pen with pencil lead, mirage deck
Also published here
  • Magigram (Rough-Smooth part, by Sam Dalal)
June 1974 743
Sam Dalal, Marvin Johnson Etcetera
July 1974 758
Sam Dalal Drop Out Solution
Inspired by July 1974 758
Sam Dalal Women Can Tell... ESP deck, card selected and sealed in envelope, spectator divines symbol by looking into crystal ball
Related to 1974
Magick (Issue 116)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Sam Dalal's "Swami"
Magick (Issue 117)
Philip T. Goldstein, Arthur Emerson 'tis the Season to Be Lying four name tags, spectator finds the one with the real name, based on Arthur Emerson's "Liar's License" in Sam Dalal's Swami magazine, marking method
1976 10
Peter A. McDonald, Sam Dalal, Edwin Hooper Komische Effekte gags with balloons, "Die laufenden Frankfurter"
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Al Mann The Falling Block block of wood falls, discussion on different methods
Related to
  • Ed Mellon's MentalWise, Vol. II #12 and Vol. III #1, and George Arrowsmith's idea with playing cards "Arrowsmith's Assorted Myseries", Tom Fitzgerald's "A Block from the Wall of Jericho" in Sam Dalal'
1981 11
Thomas Alan Waters Optionail three spectator's count their change, name and amount of the one who has the most is predicted, other applications of the principle
Inspired by
  • Sam Dalal's "Magical Musings" in "Swami" Vol. 3, No. 30.
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Thomas Alan Waters, Sam Dalal, James G. Thompson Jr. Indiair method for two-phase prediction, window envelope
Inspired by 1982
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Michael Close (reviewer) Swami/Mantra by Sam Dalal July 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Tom Lauten Stepping Stones dominoes with ESP symbols on them, spelling instruction game
Also published here
  • "Choice or Fate" (Sam Dalal, Psychic Dominoes set)
2009 54