247 entries in Words & Letters / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henri Decremps Sur un Vers Latin qu'on Peut Retourner de Plus de Trois Millions de Manieres, on Fait une Opération par laquelle il Semble qu'il Est Possible de Prévoir ou de Contraindre la Pensée d'autrui. "Autre Opération Mystérieuse Sur Deux Cents Mots, Dont les définitions réunies forment un logogryphe très - scientifique." (title continued)
box with latin words, words are arranged and order is divined as well as one word is predicted, with other word with bigger choice is divined with an optical box, multiple out prediction, Van Estin anecdote
1784 104
Carl L. Curiel Die mysteriöse Geisterhand "Home" puppet hand writes named words by itself
Related to July 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Abracadabra letter pyramid with the word "abracadabra"
Related to Aug. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Aus und mit dem Leserkreise "by Dr. H. S.", comments on the letter triangles
Related to Oct. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Stanley Collins Cards, Crayons and Cross-Words eight cards selected from a frame with all cards visible, their value is then spelled out in a cross-word puzzle layout
1925 43
Edward Bagshawe Magic Letters tumbler of alphabet letters, ribbon is vanished and reproduced from within tumbler, letters are stuck to ribbon that spell out thought-of word
1936 ca. 53
Bertram Adams The Krazy Kode word from text selected with role of dice, use of progressive anagrams
VariationsAlso published here Apr. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 31)
Albert Sidney One Little Word chosen word found via dictionary directions
Also published here Feb. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 41)
Theodore Annemann Ten Word Telegram psychological gag
The Jinx (Issue 130)
Stewart James Half and Half three dice and list of letter combinations, a coincidence/prediction happens
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 134)
L. Vosburgh Lyons The New Half and Half three dice and list of letter combinations, a coincidence/prediction happens
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 148)
The Unreversed Word words "choice quality" on Camel cigarette cases held in mirror, one remains readable
Also published here
  • "Ten After Dinner Tricks" (Harlan Tarbell)
1941 6
Tapping Table Objects spectator thinks of one of seven objects, performer taps them while spectator spells silently, at end of word performer taps thought-of object
Also published here 1941 12
Martin Gardner The Swizzle Stick Cipher distorted writing can be read through glass stick
1942 19
L. Vosburgh Lyons The New Half and Half three dice and list of letter combinations, a coincidence/prediction happens
Inspired byAlso published here 1944 123
Bertram Adams The Krazy Kode word from text selected with role of dice, use of progressive anagrams
Also published here 1944 131
Stewart James Half and Half three dice and list of letter combinations, a coincidence/prediction happens
Also published here 1944 204
H. C. Mole Mixed Mystery letter cards chosen, word selected from newspaper with number addition, letter cards arrange magically in chosen word
Also published here 1944 229
Stewart James, Theodore Annemann Waiting Place for Unknown Thoughts spectator forms word with alphabet cards, performer knows it, three phases/methods
Also published here 1944 276
R. M. Jamison Ykcowrebbaj effect with mirror and the reflection of words
Also published here Oct. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 113)
Edward Clinkscale, Eugene Taylor Thru the Looking Glass spectator writes something on paper and the paper is rolled into a ball, that ball is pressed into a mirror and removed again, now the writing of the spectator is backwards
Related to Apr. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 149)
John A. M. Howie Eyes Right spectator writes his name on a paper and balls it up, performer divines name but written reversed and when the paper is opened the spectator's name is also reversed with his handwriting
Related to July 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 182)
Tom Fitzgerald ABECEDARIAN stunt where alphabet is written alternately forwards and backwards
Variations Nov. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 190)
Jean Hugard The Alphabet Backwards method learn ABC backwards
Inspired by Dec. 1949 609
Swizzle Stick Gags reading sentences through swizzle stick fro different meaning, gag
1949 29
Milbourne Christopher Palm Writing initials written on paper, paper is burnt and initials appear on hand of spectator
Apr. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Book (12)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
words written on bent front edges of book, transformation of words
June 1951 803
Fred Fletcher Mentalexicon word is divined, with alphabet cards and a range of sixteen words
Related toVariations May 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 255)
Aage Darling A Thriller different colored cards with several words on it, spectator thinks of a word and puts all cards down, where the word does not appear, performer divines the word by reading from a crime novel, last word is the thought of
1953 16
Stewart James Dateaser list with five dates shown, when the months and days are converted to letters of the alphabet they spell out a selection
1954 15
Stewart James Party Line stack with thirty-six wod cards, three cards are spelled to Kruskal-like and they are always the same three
Inspired by Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Howard A. Adams Gruesome name chosen from list is divined
Variations Dec. 1960
The New Phoenix (Issue 352)
Ernest Heldman Some Gruesome Comments simplification of Adams routine
Inspired by Feb. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 354)
Bob Tilford Alphamentally selected letter is found threaded on rope
July 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 359)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Codetelegramm word from text selected with role of dice, use of progressive anagrams
Also published here 1961 112
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli, Edwin Leist-Bernini Slogan's Hellsehtrick business cards and discs with different names of magicians, one is chosen and spelled silently while performer taps on discs, when spectator stops it will match the last card touched by the performer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 6)
Albert Sidney One Little Word chosen word found via dictionary directions
Also published here June 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Puzzle Reflections palindrome sentence for swimming pool
Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Herb Runge Applause Card flap card, changing message
Feb. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Allessandro Magic Christmas Letters letters placed in a bag form Merry Christmas
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer Welche Karte cards with letters on both sides, message "which card?" last letter has selection on back, based on ideas by Elmsley and Jaks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 25 No. 1&2)
David Hoy ????? puzzle, writing Khrushchev
June 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 26)
Dr. Jacob Daley, L. Vosburgh Lyons Mirror Mirror paper strip with mirror words (OTTO, WOW, ...), performer writes "TOP" and "BOTTOM" on either end, when held in mirror top and bottom change places
Also published here Mar. 1967 85
Walter B. Gibson Zum Dessert: Buchstabieren spectator thinks of one of seven objects, performer taps them while spectator spells silently, at end of word performer taps thought-of object
Also published here 1967
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 1)
Roy Fromer "NY" (Not Yet) prediction using photo slides, letters on two slides, when one is removed name of card is revealed
Inspired by July 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 63)
Dr. William Weyeneth, Dr. Stanley Jaks MRS two sets of three letters placed in three envelopes, match or coincidence
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 5)
Albert Spackman Miniature Rapping Hand miniature doll hand in box rapping and answering questions, different routine ideas,
  • word and card divination and with spirit slates
  • stop trick with cards
  • whistle put into the box and the hand moves and the whistle blows
  • gipsy thread is restored in the box, while hand moves
  • in conjunction with "The Thing"
  • card turnover

Related to 1969 74
Bob Wagner The Legend of the Wilis magazine test with cards and dice, prediction, words in mirror are not reversed
Aug. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 26)
Del Dixon Here's a Tip writing a word in "reverse lettering"
Inspired by July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Herb Runge X Equals Five text is folded and visible letters form card
1972 84
Glenn G. Gravatt Word Matching letters match to form word
1972 176
James G. Thompson Jr. Think-A-Word cards with words, one chosen, performer divines it by rattling off all letters, can get one "no"
Related to Aug. 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Stanley Collins Whisper Word two sets of word cards, one word chosen by one and five words by another spectator, performer finds out the word by first spectator, using words that spell differently but sound alike
Also published here
  • marketed 1931
Apr. 1973 613
J. A. Lindon Shed another Tear paper with text torn and one half destroyed, other half reads as a coherent text, repeated, two examples, see also p. 758 for comment by Sam Dalal
July 1973 638
J. A. Lindon A Poem palindromic poems in which the sentences mirror, not the letters
  • Doppelgänger
July 1973 639
Robert E. Neale, Karl Fulves In the Mirror spectator writes number on mirror, performer on another mirror, numbers transpose in mirror writing, variation with words, see also p. 786 for comment by Reinhard Müller
Feb. 1974 712
Calculator Spelling spelling words with upside down calculator
Related to Mar. 1974 714
Wesley James, Noel Coughlin The James-Coughlin List list of words that can be read as words upside down on a calculator, see also p. 786
June 1974 748
R. M. Jamison Ykcowrebby effect with mirror and the reflection of words
Also published here Oct. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Jochen Zmeck Der J. Z. Karten-Zauberstab paper strip wrapped around stick, letters on paper then form name of selection
1974 22
Phil Wye Blank Faces messages appear on blank cards
Oct. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Jack Bridwell Tell-Tale Tea! tea bag is ignited and vanishes, the tea leaves fall on piece of paper, some stick and form the word love
Magick (Issue 141)
Druids Dilemma numbers written paper become "pissed" when held against light
1976 34
Phil Wye Half & Half prediction with half word cards, based on a Stewart James idea
May 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Jim Hooper Your Autograph, Please sentence appears on blank card
July 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Sid Lorraine Words, Words, Words word STARLING on slate, one letter erased at a time to form a new word, gag patter
Inspired by
  • Rupert Slater item, The Magic Wand
1977 150
Paul Rylander Word Test! cards with words written on, chosen words are divined
Variations 1978
Magick (Issue 214)
Philip T. Goldstein Intimate Spirit spirit writing appears on business card, signed on both sides by spectator
Apr. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Karrell Fox Straight Curves presentation to reveal a word, first straight lines drawn, then curved lines added to complete word
1979 155
Karrell Fox Code-Intro way to present name of next performer by highlighting his name on card with many letters
1979 202
Karrell Fox King "Toots" Tablet scribblings on cardboard visible move to name or selected card
1979 275
Karl Fulves Hyperspace No. 51, slate under table pressed to table, spectator writes word, it goes through fourth dimension and is now in mirror writing
Related to 1979 81
Roy Johnson Bangers! banner with letters "SAUGSAGE", different words can be build by folding and covering
1979 59
Philip T. Goldstein Kirigami paper with letters, spectator folds and cuts it, then he forms a word with the either face up or face down letters
Variations 1980 4
Automatic Mirror Writing
Related to 1980 10
Alex Elmsley Honesty Test Liar's Matrix, spectator selects word column and reads out print color lying on one of them
1980 31
Howard A. Adams Wordwave eleven cards with a letter and a written on them, chosen word is divined by performing, reversing the correct letters behind his back
OICUFESP (Issue 5 - the SON of esp card & mental miracles)
Howard A. Adams Alpha 3 ten words written on cards, three are selected and divined by performing, removing the correct ABC cards to spell the words, anagram words
OICUFESP (Issue 6 - the GHOST of esp card & mental miracles)
Karl Fulves The Word Machine on letter and word frequencies
1981 23
Karl Fulves Four-Letter Words
1981 24
Karl Fulves Loose Marbles
1981 24
Karl Fulves The Frequent E
1981 24
Karl Fulves Like English words that look like they belong to a language
1981 25
Karl Fulves Crossed Words on probabilistic word divination
1981 28
Karl Fulves Infinite Regress word play
1981 35
Karl Fulves Super Sentences paradox sentences
Related to 1981 40
Gene "Phantini" Grant Two Heads Better two packets of cards, one with word beginnings and one of word endings, two are chosen and they form a word
Inspired by 1981 52
Martin Gardner, Karl Fulves, R. M. Jamison Looking-Glass Logic No. 78, sentences and letters in reflection of a mirror change meaning
1981 96
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Eyes of Isis cards with words, several are selected and divined by performer
Magick (Issue 289)
Howard A. Adams Matheight Triple Threat divination of mentally selected card, word written of face of a card and name of concealed card, using eight playing cards
OICUFESP (Issue 7 - Matheight Miracles)
Howard A. Adams Words of Wonda divination of chosen word, list of words and ABC cards in envelopes
OICUFESP (Issue 8 - 21 Cidentaquin Variations)
Jack Hughes, Will Blyth The Illusive Stop four cards arrange in see-through stand, to form the word "Done"
Inspired by
  • Will Blyth's "Effective Conjuring"
1981 77
Hen Fetsch Die Mehrfarbkreide performer writes different colors with chalk as gag (RED, GREEN), words then change into correct colors on slates
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Barrie Richardson Alphabet Mentalism with scrabble letters, prediction, coincidence and mindreading
Also published here Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Dr. Jacob Daley, David Hoy Doc Daley Subterfuge sit down subterfuge for Tossed Out Deck, here with scrabble letters
Nov. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Steve Beam Upside Down Chinese compass effect with the words "up" and "down", square plaque, several moves, see also p. 51 for additional ideas and remarks by Martin Gardner, Dan Garrett and Sid Lorraine, more ideas on p. 990 by Lee Fred
Related toVariations 1983 1
Steve Beam Name-Calling toy license plates, performer tries to divine spectator's name, holds up wrong plate and puts it in an envelope, name on plate transforms into name of spectator, comedy routine
1983 17
Stanley Collins S.C. Expanded Anagrams word chosen, divined with lexicon deck
Also published here
  • "Nonpareil Book Mystery" (Stanley Collins)
1983 9
Stewart James Anagram Matrix six cards with word lists of six words, spectator names position and remembers a word on any card, divined
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Anagramatic Facsimile" (Stewart James, Tops, March 1953)
1983 10
Sam Schwartz Interlocking Anagrams same trick without knowing position
Inspired byAlso published here
  • "Word-A-Matic" (Sam Schwartz, 1963, Linking Ring)
1983 11
Sam Schwartz The First GREAT SIN "GREATSIN", removing any letter, rest can be arranged into word ("deletion principle"), worked into Astrology book for fishing
1983 34
Karl Fulves The Anagrammer how to present the word after the letters have been called out, using calculator upside down to reveal word from a list of eight words
Related to 1983 49
John Hamilton The Nine Mystery No. 1, "nine" spelled on paper without dot, dot appears, inversion
1983 1
Resistible Rithmetic No. 3, spectator writes number with writing surface held away and gets it wrong (18 instead of 81), mirror writing
1983 3
Robert E. Neale Neale's Number No. 16, binary cards with four word cards
1983 23
The Fortune 100 No. 77, bet about the numbers from one to hundred which do not contain eight specific letters
1983 100
Bamboozled No. 78, percentage bet concerning the letters in spelled-out numbers
1983 100
Karl Fulves Mirror Writing credit information
1983 108
Rudolf Braunmüller Ein Zuschauer sieht hell letters and number are on a grid on a paper, spectator folds grid and cuts off edges, then makes up word which is divined, parity
Variations Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Phillip Young Autograph Hound gag on autograph collecting, additional idea by Dexter Cleveland
1985 183
Steve Beam Expanded Autograph Hound black card with full of signatures, a magician is named and all autographs are erased except the one from the named magician
Related to 1985 184
Tony "Doc" Shiels Irish Eyes performer writes message which can only be read with mirror, automatic writing presentation
Feb. 1985
Magick (Issue 346)
Dr. Jacob Daley, L. Vosburgh Lyons Mirror, Mirror No. 80, paper strip with mirror words (OTTO, WOW, ...), performer writes "TOP" and "BOTTOM" on either end, when held in mirror top and bottom change places
Also published here 1985 144
Karl Fulves Anagrams with words on dollar bills
1985 33
Karl Fulves Crypto Coins "Penny Papers", letters in an equation stand for letters or coins
1985 70
Karl Fulves Snow "Penny Papers", puzzle question about phrase on a bill, anagram
1985 104
Bruce Bernstein Word Test letters of three letter word are written on three billets, two of them are destroyed and remaining letter is predicted, word is revealed as a climax
Also published here 1985 26
Philip T. Goldstein Numper word from list divined, progressive anagram credit information
Related to 1986 12
Roy G. Vasquez Word and Number Play coincidences with words and playing cards
Aug. 1986 2
Philip T. Goldstein Numpersona telephone application with astrological sign revelation
Inspired by 1987 12
Joe Givan Voodoo Putty name of spectator written on bill, transferred to silly putty, putty is stretched and stamped name stretches as well, when bill is unfolded the name is seen stretched
1987 4
Steve Beam Armchair Painter toy letters on a slate forming a message, some fall down and forming name of selection
1988 428
Karl Fulves Kcab! Kcab! on songs that may have hidden meaning when played in reverse
Interlocutor (Issue 47)
Snow No. 33, looking for anagram of "night snow" on dollar bill
1989 43
David Harkey Crib formula written on finger, it is smudged and than becomes clean writing again
1991 243
David Harkey Rote writing appears on chosen finger, e.g. a prediction, Goldfinger principle
1991 249
Dean Montalbano High Voltage Thoughts two piles of cards with different words, two are selected and divined
Inspired by 1991 53
Karl Fulves Smiley Faces
1992 105
Philip T. Goldstein Tempathy using cards with words which either fall in category hot or cold
May 1992
Magick (Issue 471)
Rudolf Braunmüller Symbolauswahl tapestry folding with symbol and letter cards, face-down cards predicted and word made from letters divined
Inspired by Dec. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Larry Becker Wordarama divination of chosen word from a list, using Larry White's Get The Picture envelope
1992 89
Larry Becker, Richard Stride Super Reflecta-Thot five cards with hundred words each, word is selected by forming a number, divination of chosen word
Inspired by 1992 367
Bob Farmer Cheat The Store Where You Bought This Magazine
  • Flim-Flam
bet that one can call out a hundred different words without an a
Dec. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
R. J. Reynolds A Topsy-Turvy Word word on cigarette pack turns upside down
1993 59
Rudolf Braunmüller Phantastische Phänomene forced number in calculator makes up word that fits circumstances
June 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Sid Fleischman Harry Is At It Again box drawn on napkin, "Houdini" written inside, writing vanishes from napkin and appears on hand
1993 25
Alex Elmsley Verbum Veritas Liar's Matrix, spectator selects word column and reads out print color lying on one of them
1994 97
Philip T. Goldstein Pangmaster letter/word tiles used for a coincidence
VariationsAlso published here 1994 27
Philip T. Goldstein Shufflegram
  • First Avenue (with fishing)
  • Second Avenue (where spectator looks at a word in a dictionary as tell)
Inspired by
  • "Webster Had A Word For It" (Stewart James, Linking Ring)
1994 38
Philip T. Goldstein Unigram word built with alphabet cards divined
1994 44
Philip T. Goldstein Duplex alphabet cards
Inspired by 1994 67
Robert E. Neale (E)VIL(E) four cards with letters e,v,i,l are put down to form different words, one back changes color
1994 952
Mel Bennett What Happened To Eve? palindrome comes out on calculator, numbers letters correlation
Inspired by
  • "Flip Flop Number Prediction" (D. Altman, MUM, Oct. 1983)
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Mel Bennett S.P.A.T. letters associated with numbers, credit information
Inspired by
  • Lee Sallows idea in Word Ways, Feb. 1990
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Four Play letters on cards, spectator forms a word which is divined by performer,
Nov. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Counter Spell spectator forms words with scrabble tiles, all words are divined
Also published here
  • in Leo Boudreau's "Psimatrika"
Dec. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 6)
Karrell Fox The Applause Sign sign on which the message changes, Tommy Windsor prop, trade show presentation
1995 94
Karl Fulves Loaded cards with letters in scale layout, spectator thinks of a letter and says whether it would tip to left or right, binary, gray code, see also p. 26
Related to 1995
Underworld (Issue 1)
Mel Bennett Half Now calculation, then psalm in bible found according to number, prediction from only vertical lines is complete to the word
Inspired by
  • "The Count of Monte Carlo" (Stewart James in Print, p. 716)
Underworld (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Loaded credit notes
Related to 1995 3
Karl Fulves Red Magic No. 34, some words are reversed in mirror and some not
1995 48
Karl Fulves Reverso No. 39, numbers, words and designs appear in mirror image through glass of water
1995 56
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Buzzwords 24 flash cards with different words, chosen word is divined
Related to May 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 11)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Buzzwords - Part 2 24 flash cards with different words, chosen word is divined
Related to June 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Words Worth ten words on a list read once by spectator, then twenty words on another list given to spectator and he should say how many were on the first list, "memory coin" held in fist
1996 66
David Devant Reverse Writing "Unsolved Mysteries"
writing on blotting paper is not reversed/mirrored, posed as problem
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, August 1956
1997 120
James Biss The Silent Word business cards with different emotions are selected, each spectator spells word in his mind, performer divines emotions
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Martin Gardner A Mirror Paradox
  • Martin Gardner's Corner
phrase that reflects lengthwise in the mirror but not sideways
Mar. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Fake Memory
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
on false memories, a list of words is read, and later it apparently disappears from the list but was never really there
Related to 1998 284
Rudolf Braunmüller Paarweise word pairs on paper pieces, two chosen that match
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 2)
John Paulos Mind Bending excerpt from book
Related toAlso published here
  • A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper (John Paulos)
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Barrie Richardson Alphabet Mentalism scrabble pieces in clear change bag, Trick that Fooled Einstein, followed by letter divination (tossed-out deck principle)
Also published here 1999 126
Bruce Martyn Think Psychic word from a lose page is selected and divined
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 18)
Martin Gardner Reverse Jack's Profile
  • Martin Gardner's
seeing one-eyed Jacks through glass of water, mirror writing
Sep. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Matrix With Words "Problems"
matrix force with words, composing something like a card or a condition "red kings are reversed", posed as a problem
2000 107
Bill Woodfield Automatisches Schreiben automatic writing turns out to be the selected card, way to write in mirror writing
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Karl Fulves X-Eyes distorted writing on paper or two index fingers becomes a prediction or revelation when put near the eyes and eyes are thrown out of focus
Discoverie (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Homing Device 4x4 layout with life themed words, two phase routine in which first phase gives idea that any word is possible
2001 63
Christoph Borer Alcon words written on paper change color, clever switching pad
Also published here 2002 7
Marty Kane The Anna Graham Scam with letters on the back to form words
Related to
  • Marty Kane's "Anna Graham's Magic Spells" in "Precursor" #76.
2002 83
Philip T. Goldstein Shipshape four sponge letters THIS spell different words, T changes to a P, humorous
Also published here Nov. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 3)
Jon Allen Changing Faces (Oralgami) paper with text is folded several times and unfolded again, text is longer than paper has surfaces
Also published here 2003 15
Charlie Frye Eccentricks wrong prediction is appended with a pen until it looks like a King
Feb. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 6)
Kalle Hakkarainen Nightstand Prediction prediction written on glass changes from wrong to right card
Also published here Dec. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Wordsmith stack with word cards
2004 15
Karl Fulves Blocking Function work week cards (monday through friday) shuffled and dealt in groups of five, performer divines which days are duplicated and where in the packet
2004 49
Karl Fulves Write Stuff mirror writing ideas, actual mirror, exercises, writing different words with both hands simultaneously
2004 338
Ron Frost Sticky Words Word divination, words on a paddle keeps changing
2004 140
Karl Fulves Text Wrap eight torn papers with words are matched up again
Inspired by 2004
Discoverie (Issue 9)
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves Alphabet Square 5x5 square, numbers are converted to letters to spell out names
Inspired by 2005 409
Bob Ostin The GONE Card Trick small plaques with letters to spell the word 'gone', chosen card packet and appears between plaques
Related to 2005 57
Bob Ostin Magical Ca$h Cards two plates with letters are used to spell the word cash, bill is produced
Related to 2005 91
Bob Ostin The Satanic Disc 666 word from list is selected and divined, using a CD and case
Inspired by 2005 114
Paolo Cavalli Pun thought of word is whispered to other person, who has to come up with a new word, repeated with 5 more people, last word is named and performer divines word, then a word written on a business card is read by one person and apparently mis-remembered
2005 47
Christoph Borer Alcon words written on paper change color, clever switching pad
Also published here 2006 14
Christoph Borer Anagramm-Wahl from a piece of newspaper two selected words are mixed up to form a message, anagram
Related toAlso published here 2006 131
Mick Ayres Subliminal Message words on white board are erased, some letters remain and form name of selection
Inspired byRelated to 2006 17
Mick Ayres Cue-Cards words on whiteboard are erased, some letters remain and form other message, humorous routine
Inspired by 2006 18
Jon Allen Oralgami paper with text is folded several times and unfolded again, text is longer than paper has surfaces
Also published here 2006 311
Patrik Kuffs Boggled letters are jumbled on piece of paper, spectator makes up a word and that word appears after bill switch technique
2006 314
Christoph Borer Abwasserleitung pieces of newspaper are chosen and words selected, letters in selected words reveal card selection
2007 1
Christoph Borer Anagramm-Wahl from a piece of newspaper two selected words are mixed up to form a message, anagram
Also published here 2007 7
Stewart James The Purloined Letters A poem that predicts a selected card, has three different outs to predict three different cards
Also published here
  • Marketed by SJ, 1948
2007 102
David Berglas Spell-Bound unreadable gibberish on boards, suddenly spectator can read the words
May 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 5)
Kevin Dunn Haiku Rumba Word divination done with a series of Japanese haikus
2008 31
Robert E. Neale Spins and Waves Routine with plastic "rattleback" toy, when spun one way, it will spin backwards after a while. Uses plastic's refractive properties to cause written words to transpose
2008 302
Allan Slaight ESP-ionage three dice and list of letter combinations, a coincidence/prediction happens, presentation for Stewart James's effect
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The James File, 2000
2008 146
Juan Tamariz Live with the Devil letters of words written on pieces of paper, paper mixed and eliminated, piles with same letters as a climax, no cards used
2008 69
Juan Tamariz Barbecue Party words written on slips of paper, one is chosen and found by spelling in a clock lay-out, barbecue theme, the tapping trick
Related to
  • Stewart James' "The Last Drink" in "New Tops" Vol. 2, Nr. 8. 1962. P. 18.
2008 73
Juan Tamariz Temptation list filled with words, slips of papers with numbers on both sides used to select a number and a word from the list, all end up with same word
Inspired by 2008 77
Juan Tamariz Your Evening With... Q card trick using sixteen slips of paper and names of celebrities
2008 79
Juan Tamariz The Fortune of the Week long word used and numbers written below each letter, number is formed by calculation (1089) and adding cards to build a new number, digits are used to build a new word from original long word, everybody ends up with same word
Inspired by
  • Stewart James' "Secret Weapon" 1941-42.
2008 83
Juan Tamariz The Cry of Truth letters are linked with numbers, named numbers are added to values of chosen playing cards, digits used to build a word using the letters, everybody gets "Guerra no!"
2008 86
Juan Tamariz The Origins of Evil birth year plus age number force, letters linked to numbers to form a word, everybody gets "Bush"
2008 89
Juan Tamariz Letters Instead of Numbers
2008 142
Speaking of Colors colors written on paper in another color, difficulty of reading the colors of writing
Prolix (Issue 6)
Trevor Lewis Guilty / Not Guilty cards with faces on one side and letters on the other, one is selected and found, word guilty is spelt, murder theme
2009 85
Tom Stone Cinderella mentalism 1 "mentalist’s version of 'Sam the Bellhop'", story told with props in bags in random order
2009 6
Jon Allen Oralgami paper with text is folded several times and unfolded again, text is longer than paper has surfaces
Also published here 2009 78
Roberto Giobbi 2nd December on palindromes
Related to 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue Dec 2)
Roberto Giobbi Anagrams
Related to 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue Dec 3)
Burton S. Sperber Mind Play Frixion pen scrambles become selected card
2010 94
Spirit Writing making writing look like shaky spirit writing
Prolix (Issue 9)
Max Maven Con-Pound cards with word endings and with word beginnings, some pairs are made and they all form actual words, Omega Bet principle
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The James File, 2000
Dec. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 12)
Max Maven Procre two piles with three-letter strings are dealt through with one card face-up, the cards at that position form an actual word
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The James File, 2000
Dec. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 12)
Max Maven Rif forty cards with three-letter sets, pairs are eventually handed out, those that can combine their two cards to an actual word raise their hand, performer divines the words
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The James File, 2000
Dec. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 12)
Christoph Borer Die Verwandlung der Schrift message transformation, thorough study and lots of ideas
Related to 2012 14
Christoph Borer Der Vertrag spectator signs contract, when opened up again content has changed and he gave his soul to the devil
Related toAlso published here 2012 16
Max Maven Pangmaster
  • Lost Horizons
letter/word tiles used for a coincidence
Also published here June 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 6)
Max Maven, Fred Fletcher Lexicontact
  • Lost Horizons
word is divined, with alphabet cards and a range of thirty-two words
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Genii, Oct. 1983
Aug. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 8)
David Redondo Sopa de Letras paper with letters is torn in pieces and placed on table, now pieces form name of selection, various patterns
Inspired by
  • "Manera curiosa de revelar una carta" in Padre W. Ciuró's "Juegos de Manos de Bolsillo, Vol. 4".
2012 93
Bruce Bernstein Word Test letters of three letter word are written on three billets, two of them are destroyed and remaining letter is predicted, word is revealed as a climax
Also published here 2012 17
Sebastien Clergue Optix Vision Test optician's eye chart on cleaning cloth for glasses, spectator thinks of a letter which is divined
Variations May 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Optix Vision: Bonus Handlings optician's eye chart on cleaning cloth for glasses, spectator thinks of a letter which is divined
(PDF bonus from May 2013)
Inspired by May 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Mahdi Gilbert Word Generator idea of using the card index symbols as letters, some upside down or on its side
  • Routine Ideas
2013 [10]
Tomas Blomberg Mxyzptlk word "mirror" written on back of card, another chosen word on another card, both words change to mirror writing
Inspired by 2014 222
Michael Weber 4 Sided Triangle - Weber Notes variation with a word instead of cards
Inspired by 2015 15
Max Maven Kirigami paper with letters, spectator folds and cuts it, then he forms a word with the either face up or face down letters
Related to 2015 17
Roberto Giobbi More Word Curiosities
Related to 2016
Hidden Agenda (Issue Aug 9)
Roberto Giobbi Wizard on the word "wizard"
Hidden Agenda (Issue Aug 21)
Christoph Borer Der Vertrag content of contract changes, signed by spectator
Related to 2016 49
Christoph Borer Die Anagramm-Wahl from a piece of newspaper two selected words are mixed up to form a message, anagram
Related toAlso published here 2016 210
Martin Lewis Vanity
  • Making Magic
words on vanity license plate change, then can be read upside down
Mar. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 3)
Kieron Johnson Hot Deck prediction of wrong card on card case visually melts/changes into right one, electronics
2018 83
Louie Foxx Mixtape bands are written on a card, selfie picture taken, card torn up and one band chosen, it is the only one not in mirror image on photo
Sep. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 9)
Ben Hart Written in Your Blood needle through arm, blood drops onto cloth, it is used to divine a word chosen from a book
2020 260
Jim Steinmeyer The Enigma Process Age Cards with lists of words
2020 36
Jim Steinmeyer Back in Town, The Poem
  • Conjuring
two spectators think of words in a poem, fishing divination
May 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 5)
Jonathan Friedman Pigment of the Imagination "Red + Blue" written on a blank card changes into "Purple" in red an blue letters, when wiped the letters become purple-colored, dry erase
May 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 5)
Philip T. Goldstein Shipshape four sponge letters THIS spell different words, T changes to a P, humorous
Also published here 2022 136
Kalle Hakkarainen Nightstand Prediction prediction written on glass changes from wrong to right card
Also published here 2022 249
Jonathan Friedman Bird
  • WWPD
three cards chosen, odd/even property used to eliminate letters on alphabet chart, remaining letters spell Emu which is predicted
Feb. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 2)
Jonathan Friedman CHICO's Curse
  • WWPD
one of six words chosen, it is the only one that reads the same in a mirror
Oct. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 10)
John Hostler Top Twenty song title chosen from list, title's letters used to remove cards from a deck of cards with letters written on the cards's backs, the face are Ace through Queen of Hearts and a previously chosen card is the King to complete the suit, the song's title is an anagram and spells out "King of Hearts"
Inspired by 2023 30
Roberto Giobbi Heterologic Autologic on linguistics
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Sep. 23)
Christoph Borer Anagram from a piece of newspaper two selected words are mixed up to form a message, anagram
  • Further Thoughts (letters as numbers idea by Andreas Fleckenstein)
Also published here 2024 84
Christoph Borer The Contract spectator signs contract, when opened up again content has changed and he gave his soul to the devil
Also published here 2024 257