110 entries in Numbers / Number Forces / Only Calculation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Oswald Rae Number Force sum is forced
1928 71
Mathematical Trick Al Baker's date addition force, result predicted with digits of four cards
Related to 1928 26
Number Trick No. 44, date addition force, using simple dealing into four piles to get the forced number to top of four piles
Related to 1935 41
Number Addition Force
1936 156
To Force the Number 9
1938 198
Franklin M. Chapman Match-Ic Numbers number appears on head of match, mental calculation
Sep. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Das fabelhafte Gedächtnis (Ein kleiner Stammtischscherz) mathematical trick, 1089 to force name in phone book
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 3&4)
A. F. Vickland A Match for You “thought-of” number (after a mathematical process) appears on head of a burnt match, mathematical force of four
1941 5
Alvin R. Plough Gaglet calculation and multiple outs
May 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 36)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Nine forcing nine
Also published here Feb. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 53)
Richard Himber Transcendental Book Test two page numbers selected and added, that number opened in third book and first word divined, using mathematical addition force and miscalling a page number
Also published here 1945 192
Addition Force number variable
1945 195
L. Vosburgh Lyons Number Force forcing nine
1945 21
Fricke Fricke's Trick 1089 for book test
Nov. 1947 370
Scurti The Magician For Radio, Television, or Newspaper calculation trick
Apr. 1949 15
U. F. Grant Another 15 Diamonds Gag gag with Fifteen of Diamonds, calculation
May 1949 10
Bob Somerfeld Cut-Witted number force, from one to ten
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Harry Houdini, Nate Leipzig, Harry Levine Affinity in Numbers No. 110, after some mental calculation, the two digits of the total match the values of two selected cards
Variations 1950 212
Book Test (8)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
arithmetical force, year of birth used
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Book Test (9)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
arithmetical force, principle of 9
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Jack Yates Astral Digit after some easy arithmetics, spectator and performer have the same number written on a slate
1954 17
Predicting a Number Think of a number, do some operations, predict final result
1956 159
T. O'Connor Sloane The Mysteries of Nine Number forces using the number nine (e.g. 1089), includes variation by T. O'Connor Sloane using money
Related to 1956 163
Digital Roots Number force using digital roots
Related to 1956 164
Persistent Root Number force using digital roots of nine
Related to 1956 165
Guessing Someone's Age Using digital roots to estimate the age of someone
Related toVariations 1956 166
Ronald B. Edwards Just Two Much calculation with number, result is predicted, two-way out, can only be one of two results
Variations Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Felix Greenfield True Love spectator writes name of partner on a business card and random names on other, calculation is made with the last digit of two phone numbers and number leads to business card with name of partner
Aug. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Chan Canasta Oops 1: Fifty years of history Numerical force to select a particular card on a grid of twenty cards, based on an important year to the spectator
1966 4
Chan Canasta Oops 9: Look out for a number 1089 force, prediction is 6801 on the page, must flip upside down to reveal prediction
Related to 1966 20
John Bragoli Roulette Force cross total of three numbers
1969 71
Duane Henry Two Much And More calculation with number, result is predicted (forced)
  • Possible Uses
Inspired by Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Paul Siegel Vision Diabolique performer is blindfolded, the reveals number written on a slate, name and drawing drawn on blank card
1972 6
Paul Siegel Number Force limited pool of numbers, spectator's hold up hands with outstretched fingers, two-digit number is created
1972 9
F. "Frizano" Honegger Telefonnummer magisch ermittelt forcing a telephone number using calculation only, see p. 71 for correction
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 3)
Gerald Kosky 1089 - Plus using a variation of the 1089-force for a book test
1975 170
Burling Hull Volta's "All-Fair" Dictionary Feat numbers written on card or slate are used to arrive at sentence in dictionary, forcing a range of nine numbers
1976 61
Burling Hull The Performer Presents a Number Test row of numbers written on slate, a number arrived at by calculation, numbers wiped away and calculated number appears (1089)
1976 86
1089 and All That ideas for 1089 force
1976 26
Ken De Courcy Are You Kidding? "how many children" presentation for prediction of number 5
Inspired by
  • effect in Royal V. Heath's "Mathemagic"
1976 28
Will Dexter Number Force
July 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 2)
C. L. Boarde By the Numbers - Variation A addition of numbers to select page, range
1978 91
C. L. Boarde Statistics - Variation A several numbers added, ranging force, list
1978 97
C. L. Boarde Statistics - Variation B several numbers added, ranging force, list
1978 99
Edmund Rowland Zifferntricks twelve puzzles and tricks with numbers
Also published here
  • Abracadabra #576-579, Feb. 1957
Nov. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Ken De Courcy The Invisible Die and Card Trick card chosen via calculation with invisible dice, spectator sits on that card
Inspired by
  • card on chair in The Quaker Oat Book of Magic
  • "The Invisible Die" (Ken de Courcy, Magigram)
1980 9
Dr. Stanley Jaks Hinter meiner Tafel with number range force (using spectator's age) and three-way-out
Also published here
  • "Behind My Blackboard" (The Gen, May 1959)
Dec. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Thomas Alan Waters Symbo-Chart off beat revelation of a chosen ESP sign, 1089 force
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Psychl)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Karl Fulves Think of a Number No. 9, spectator does calculation procedure and adds value of change in pocket, performer knows value of change
1983 11
Richard Himber Transcendental Book Test two page numbers selected and added, that number opened in third book and first word divined, using mathematical addition force and miscalling a page number
Also published here 1983 134
1985 25
Bruce Bernstein, Jack London The Number Prediction martrix principle
Inspired by
  • Jack London's "Almost Real Prediction"
Related toAlso published here
1985 1
Steve Beam 6801 Prediction comedy prediction with a twist, 1089 force
Related to 1986 222
Steve Rogers Central Limit forcing a range of numbers, open prediction application
Aug. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 8)
L. Vosburgh Lyons, Rudolf Braunmüller, R. Machford Zahlenforcen: Das Neuner-Prinzip
Also published here Oct. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Walter Webb Variations on a Number Force number force inspired by force in Mann's book test, number from one to nine on pad, three are circled
  • The 84-Possibility Choice
  • The 28-Possibility Choice
  • One-Out-Of-28 Force
  • 27-Possibility Choice
  • 9-Possibility Choice
  • Patter Deception
  • Advantages of the Variations
  • And Uses
Inspired by June 1989
Magick (Issue 423)
Ralph Monserrat Talking to Numbers number force, as a reading
Aug. 1989
Magick (Issue 427)
Karl Fulves Smart Money No. 92, calculation with date on any coin with result in number nine, this book is a force-book with "of" as every ninth word at the start of each chapter
1989 135
Confusing the Mathematician mathematical force using face of a watch
1992/1999 23
Roy Miller Editor's Log on Riley G. Matthews, John Booth, Richard Webster, Phil Willmarth, Ron Pataki, Leo Boudreau, elephant in Denmark
Feb. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Steve Dusheck No Apologies result of calculation appears on business card
1994 1
Bill Scott Predicto number force, using years and age
Oct. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Farvel the Marvel Different and Odd number force
Nov. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Digit Tell Us "Thoughts on a classic number stunt"
three digit number, taken reversed and subtracted, fool-proof method
1995 7
Karl Fulves Application letters correspond to letters for fun number reveal
Inspired by 1995 9
John Mulholland, Karl Fulves Highway Robbery letters correspond to letters for fun number reveal
Related to
  • Informant (Karl Fulves, 1995)
  • Demonstration of "Affinity of Letters and Figures" (Linking Ring, March 1933)
1995 10
Mel Bennett An 8-Cylinder Deal forcing the number eight
1995 14
Think of a Number No. 10, number thought-of, after some calculation the result is always six
1995 13
Karl Fulves Beyond Numbers No. 23, page and word selected with calculation procedure
1995 30
James Baker You've Already Won! calculation that always results in the number five, predicted with five dollar bills
Underworld (Issue 9)
Philip T. Goldstein Fingers Digit Force limited range of numbers possible
Also published here 1999 238
Chris Wardle Compatibility test with couple, woman writes a number down and man does some additions, both end up with same number
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Chris Wardle Great Minds Think Alike one person writes down a four-figure number, another makes calculations with years and dates (extension of Al Baker's date addition force), the numbers match
Inspired by
  • earlier version using Tarot Cards by Chris Wardle in Abracadabra
2000 16
Tom Johnston Water to Wine six bottles with water, one chosen with calculation and counting procedure, it contains wine, "did not appear in the first edition of this booklet"
Also published here
  • Alchemy, Vol. 2 No. 1
2000 24
Steve Beam Steve's Nothing-To-Do-With-Canning's-Idea Prediction number is formed by simple arithmetics and predicted with a coin
2002 210
Jim Steinmeyer Two Dictionary Test
  • Conjuring
calculations to arrive at word, range force
Oct. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Docc Hilford 1089 Force handling using four spectators, several revelations
2002 22
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Principle of Nine adding digits and subtracting from original number always is a multiple of nine
  • The basic estimation principle
  • The Count-Back Force
  • The Less-counting principle
2003 79
Karl Fulves Cooked Book page number chosen via calculation method, can only be one of two numbers
Prolix (Issue 1)
Docc Hilford Gh0st0tal "Ghostotal", various calculations of a number, result is divined and matches random three-digit number written down by second spectator
2006 15
Stewart Judah My # Yours number prediction by both performer and spectator, only calculation
Prolix (Issue 3)
Tony Bartolotta, Karl Fulves High School Hijinks using school textbooks
Prolix (Issue 3)
Ken De Courcy A Real Pocket Trick comedy presentation for number force for five
Inspired by
  • a number force in Annemann's "202 Method of Forcing"
Prolix (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Numismatica "they've got your number"
after some calculation, one of five force numbers is the outcome
Variations 2008
Xtra Credit (Issue 2)
Marty Kane Cursed by an Evil Spell after spelling on fingers a number is divined
Also published here 2008 50
Juan Tamariz The Fortune of the Week long word used and numbers written below each letter, number is formed by calculation (1089) and adding cards to build a new number, digits are used to build a new word from original long word, everybody ends up with same word
Inspired by
  • Stewart James' "Secret Weapon" 1941-42.
2008 83
Juan Tamariz The Origins of Evil birth year plus age number force, letters linked to numbers to form a word, everybody gets "Bush"
2008 89
Juan Tamariz Wish Granted number forcing curiosity with wish list, multiplying with 12345679
2008 133
Jim Steinmeyer The Three Book Experiment mathematical calculations to arrive at page number
Inspired by
  • "The Great Book Test" (The Magic of Robert Harbin)
  • U. F. Grant's marketed book test
Also published here
2009 18
Marty Kane Cursed by an Evil Spell after spelling on fingers a number is divined
Inspired byAlso published here 2010 220
Marty Kane, Steve Beam Finger Flinger alternate handling
Inspired byRelated to 2010 221
Richard Ganstwig The Most Interesting Man number force, forcing a name on a list
2010 35
Dick Christian Mathematical and Numerical Forces to force a page or word, various methods, 1089, calendar force
2010 29
Steve Mayhew A Bird in the Hand audience selects finger through counting procedure - middle finger
Inspired byRelated to 2011 13
Karl Fulves Potter's Index book test with borrowed Harry Potter book, calculations on paper required
Prolix (Issue 9)
Jim Steinmeyer The Three Book Experiment
  • Conjuring
mathematical calculations to arrive at page number
Also published here Feb. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 2)
Bruce Bernstein, Jack London Number Predictions martrix principle
Also published here 2012 65
Bruce Bernstein, Jack London The Bernstein / London Number Prediction martrix principle
Also published here 2012 66
Alexander de Cova Der Bibel-Buchtest bible book test, number range force and multiple out prediction
Related toAlso published here June 2013 11
Alexander de Cova Papierflieger paper plane tossed into audience, named number is printed in large numbers on the paper when unfolded, range force and index
Inspired by
  • Prof. Dr. Toni Forster routine from 1982
Also published here
Dec. 2013 420
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Lucky Number presentation for Al Baker's date addition force
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
July 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Alexander de Cova Paper Darts paper plane tossed into audience, named number is printed in large numbers on the paper when unfolded, range force and index
Also published here Mar. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 7)
The Number Force range force for about twenty numbers, shown by Toni Forster
Mar. 2014
Scrapbook (Issue 8)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono In Security presentation for Al Baker's date addition force as steps to generate a secure PIN code
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Sep. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 30)
Steve Beam Fingered Audience selects finger through counting procedure. Comedy revelation.
Inspired by 2015 186
Alexander de Cova Der Bibel-Buchtest bible book test, number range force and multiple out prediction
Also published here 2015 182
Alexander de Cova Die Bierflieger–Tafel paper plane tossed into audience, named number is printed in large numbers on the paper when unfolded, range force and index, updated index design
Also published here 2015 149
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Birth, Happiness and Wealth presentation for Al Baker's date addition force, prediction on Zoltar Medaillon
Mar. 2015
Real Secrets (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Jim Steinmeyer The Nickel Under Your Foot presentation for mathematical number force leading to the date on a coin
2015 2
Alexander de Cova Die unvollendete Zahlenforce number force, range force
2018 31