138 entries in Book / Book Test / Sleights & Principles
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann The One-Man 'Genuine' Magazine Test three magazines, fake cover ploy
Related toVariations 1931 46
Book Test Force with playing card stuck into book, brief
1936 ca. 56
R. C. Buff The $64.00 Word Taylor's Peek Deck combined with a dictionary book test
Related to Oct. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 46)
Richard Himber Transcendental Book Test two page numbers selected and added, that number opened in third book and first word divined, using mathematical addition force and miscalling a page number
Also published here 1945 192
Milbourne Christopher Milbourne Christopher's Column several ideas on book tests
  • Best seller book test
  • Bold Book Test
  • Conclusion
Dec. 1946 272
George Armstrong Miracle - Impromptu Book Test with borrowed book and borrowed deck of playing cards, information glimpsed on the fly and that page number forced with cards
Related to July 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 130)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Different Books with Same Content books made to look differently have the same content
Related to Sep. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 211)
Book (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
carbon paper under dust jacket
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Book (4)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
to force odd or even number with a book
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Book Test (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
inserting playing card or business card
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Book Test (4)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
corner is bent
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Dai Vernon Book Test (5)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
page force
Related to May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Book Test (6)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
using playing cards
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Book Test (7)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
using playing cards
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Martin Gardner Mathematical Forces
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
on forcing pages, general comments
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Book Test (8)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
arithmetical force, year of birth used
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Book Test (9)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
arithmetical force, principle of 9
May 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Amazing James Randi A Clean Book Test words circled on page of Reader's Digest, page torn out and crumpled up, performer divines words, secret duplicate page under forced page
Related to Mar. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 9)
P. Howard Lyons Martin Gardner Force Book comment that Martin Gardner's "Mathematics, Magic And Mystery" is a force book
Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Tom Bowyer Book Riffle Force
Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
Tony Corinda Page Force same as David Hoy's
Related to 1959 205
David Hoy The Bold Book Test impromptu, glimpsing information on the fly and miscalling page number
Related toVariations 1963 21
David Hoy Miscall Page Force two books
Related to 1963 22
Dan Tong Tele Tact book test with magazine, flashback principle
Related to Mar. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 11)
E. Leslie May It's in the Book on Martin Gardner's "Mathematics, Magic and Mystery" as a forcing book
Nov. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 19)
E. Leslie May This That Those any book opened and finger pointed to a section, word is divined
Nov. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Edward Marlo Another Effect is the Following as a number force or book test
Inspired by 1964 19
Dan Tong, Ken Krenzel Telecoincidence book test with books, flashback principle, performer and spectator select same word from two books
Related to Apr. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 60)
Miscall Page Force
Related to 1968 40
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Change Bag to force Page Number
Winter 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 5 No. 3rd Folio)
P. Howard Lyons Book Test Idea with computer book
Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Phone Book Test No. 343, riffle force with phone book, broken binding for break
1972 96
Al Koran The Index Card index on playing card for books test
1972 170
Jerry Fulton Book Note idea for book test
Magick (Issue 88)
Thomas Alan Waters Library Card impromptu, business card in book for riffle force
Magick (Issue 106)
Dan Tong Peek-A-Book prepared book, flashback principle
Related toVariations 1975
Magick (Issue 143)
Gerald Kosky 1089 - Plus using a variation of the 1089-force for a book test
1975 170
Burling Hull An Old Word Force double-pocket bag with numbered chips
1976 74
Karl Fulves Force Books on "Aftermath" and "Mother Good" (Martin Gardner)
Related to 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 21)
Eddie Goldstein Tele-Peek stop force
Magick (Issue 211)
C. L. Boarde Forcing the Word - Variation A using the page number to force the word
1978 7
C. L. Boarde Forcing the Word - Variation B forcing a word using the properties of the book / magazine
1978 8
C. L. Boarde Forcing the Word - Variation C using other props to force a word, dice etc.
1978 9
C. L. Boarde Which One - Variation A using a marker or special dust jacket to force which page
1978 9
C. L. Boarde Which One - Variation B on finding out if the spectator has chosen the page on the left or the right
1978 10
C. L. Boarde Reference Procedures - Variation A on hiding a list of words, with pad
1978 10
C. L. Boarde Reference Procedures - Variation B on hiding a list of words, with a slate
1978 11
C. L. Boarde Reference Procedures - Variation C on hiding a list of words, pens and crayons
1978 12
C. L. Boarde Reference Procedures - Variation D on hiding a list of words, another book
1978 13
C. L. Boarde Say When - Variation A riffle force, natural breal
1978 32
C. L. Boarde Say When - Variation B riffle force
1978 35
C. L. Boarde Say When - Variation C riffle force, trimmed and glued section
1978 36
C. L. Boarde Say When - Variation D riffle force, multiple areas, svengali book
1978 38
C. L. Boarde Bottoms Up two books, double faced cover, fake cover ploy, using a marker
1978 40
C. L. Boarde Tumbling Weed corner is bent to select a page
1978 43
C. L. Boarde Allez-Oop! add-a-number using the book as turnover pad, total to select page and word
1978 45
C. L. Boarde Ex-Spear-Ience using a knife, to select page
Variations 1978 47
C. L. Boarde Printer's Pleasure - Variation A same pages, Svengali book
1978 53
C. L. Boarde Printer's Pleasure - Variation B same pages
1978 54
C. L. Boarde Shift using a marker, shifting it to forcing page
1978 55
C. L. Boarde In the Groove book in bag, stabbed with knife to select a page
1978 58
C. L. Boarde Billets and Books - Variation A numbered corners from a book are torn, one selected to determine a page in second book
1978 61
C. L. Boarde Billets and Books - Variation B number written down on billet by spectator
1978 63
C. L. Boarde Billets and Books - Variation C using multiple billets
1978 64
C. L. Boarde By the Marker - Variation A marker with extra page, postcard or playing card flap
1978 66
C. L. Boarde By the Marker - Variation B card with a hole to chose a word, flap
1978 70
C. L. Boarde Line Up - Variation B marked pages, performer sees where book is opened
1978 77
C. L. Boarde Under Cover - Variation A using an anthology, fake cover ploy
1978 83
C. L. Boarde Under Cover - Variation B magazines of different sizes, fake cover ploy
1978 85
C. L. Boarde By the Numbers - Variation B numbers written on papers are placed inside envelopes to chose a page, flapless envelope switch, range
1978 93
C. L. Boarde Statistics - Variation A several numbers added, ranging force, list
1978 97
C. L. Boarde Statistics - Variation B several numbers added, ranging force, list
1978 99
C. L. Boarde Give Away - Variation B hair glued on book to locate page opened by spectator
1978 113
C. L. Boarde Give Away - Variation C loop through book, to locate page opened by spectator
1978 114
C. L. Boarde Plated Psychometry using daub
1978 130
Larry Becker Fool-Ette gambling and roulette theme, page force with playing card, book test, inspired by a Roulette Force from a Jerry Mentzer cavalcade book (?)
1979 198
Al Mann The Format of the X-Tomes set-up of the three the Codex-X books
1979 3
Al Mann Mindreading and Predicting the Word forcing a word using the Codex-X books
1979 4
Al Mann The Awesome Augury prediction of book and paragraph, using Codex-X books
1979 6
Al Mann Instant Mindreading first word of any chapter, using Codex-X books, progressive anagrams
1979 6
Al Mann Another Force Word forcing a word with the Codex-X books
1979 8
Al Mann The Club Force forcing a word from Codex-X books, sucker element for magicians
1979 9
Frederick M. Shields Page Force toothpick between pages for riffle stop force
Related to 1980
Magick (Issue 264)
Peter Warlock Knife Force with Book
Inspired byRelated to
  • Peter Warlock in "Pentragram" 1946, P.2.
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Thomas Alan Waters Miscellanea book test ideas
Related to 1983
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 1: The Book Test)
Richard Himber Transcendental Book Test two page numbers selected and added, that number opened in third book and first word divined, using mathematical addition force and miscalling a page number
Also published here 1983 134
Cushing Strout On Book Tests and Tarot Decks using tarot cards to force spot in book
Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
David Lederman The "X" Factor forcing a page, toothpick in book for riffle force
Related to Nov. 1984
Magick (Issue 342)
Juan Tamariz Page Force with Inserted Playing Card
1988 73
Ben Harris The Word force principle briefly explained, slit
1989 9
Ted Lesley Book of Seven Seals using attached book mark to force page, ribbon with seal
Variations June 1990
Magick (Issue 441)
David Zver Book, Too spectator places attached bookmark in book to chose page, ribbon with seal
Inspired by Nov. 1990
Magick (Issue 448)
Bob King Triple Threat on three numbered cards the performer write a chosen country, card and word from dictionary (gaffed by writing cue words on bottom of pages)
1991 20
Bob Baker The Damned Near Impromptu Book Test trimmed rubber finger tip
1991 5
Ken Weber Real Men Don't Play With Words magician's choice handling, for Hoy book test, three objects
1991 82
Orville Wayne Meyer Incredo Book Test impromptu book test, paperback, spectator pushed open and peeks inside book
Related toAlso published here
  • marketed in 1958
Apr. 1992
Magick (Issue 470)
Michel Asselin Book Jacket Variations "thoughts on the use of book jacket (slip cover) for Book Tests"
Sep. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Tom Grossman The Real Thing riffle force, short page, method and way to reveal sentence and getting most of it
Apr. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 10)
Bill Daniels Daniels Rambles on book tests
Dec. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Richard Mark Brainstorm on the flashback book test, history and routine
Feb. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Alan Nguyen The Silver Dollar Force ploy to force a specific section or specific group of words on a page
Labyrinth (Issue 4)
Dan Tong Flashback Book
Aug. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 12)
David Jelinek Wordophile word selected from a book via riffle & stop, spectator looks it up in dictionary, performer divines page number on dictionary and word itself
Also published here Feb. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 6)
Book Riffle Stop Force piece of carton inside
2004 2
Wonder Man Fred Booked on a Feeling on book tests
2004 29
Wonder Man Fred Das Forcieren der Buchseite thorough analysis of the forcing of a page
2004 30
Wonder Man Fred Task Force Book svengali book, to force page
2004 40
Wonder Man Fred Sliding Force forcing a page using a bookmark, gaffed book
2004 45
Wonder Man Fred Das Forcieren des Wortes: Das Lotsen-Konzept forcing a word on a page, verbal
2004 50
Wonder Man Fred Die Präsentation des Ergebnisses on the revelation of the word
2004 52
Michael Sibbernsen Application Idea #2: AAA Book Test forcing page from a book, riffle force
2005 41
Alain Nu, Kevin Dunn Parties Over Progressive anagram idea using a single sentence for book tests
2008 18
Karl Fulves Flat Dice six dice, spectator rolls three, numbers drawn in 2x3 grid, repeated, addition made, number force, book test application or counting to Aces
Prolix (Issue 6)
Dick Christian Mathematical and Numerical Forces to force a page or word, various methods, 1089, calendar force
2010 29
Dick Christian Numerical Ranging Forces to force a page
2010 30
Dick Christian Forcing Matrix to force a page
2010 31
Dick Christian Switching Devices to force a page or word, switch books
2010 32
Dick Christian Limited Viewing Devices to force a word, various methods
2010 32
Dick Christian The "Svengali" Principle to force a page
2010 33
Dick Christian Forces by Insertion of an Object
2010 33
Dick Christian The "Long Word" Force
2010 34
Dick Christian The "Xed" or Circled Word Force
2010 35
Dick Christian Psycological Forces
2010 35
Christoph Borer Die Buchseiten-Force forcing page from a book
Related to
  • Borodin's "Die Riffelforce" in "Ex Faustibus", 1999. P. 24.
2012 32
Steve Bedwell The "I Choose You" Force forcing a book
Feb. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 2)
Bruce Bernstein Circled prediction of circled word in book
Also published here
  • Bruce Bernstein's "Circled" in "New Invocation" N° 36, 1986.
2012 19
Michael Weber, Tim Trono The Hole Word book mark with three holes is moved on a chosen page in a chosen book, the last of those three words is predicted, forcing device
Jan. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Book Riffle Stop Force piece of carton inside
2015 12
Christoph Borer Die Buchseiten-Force forcing page from a book
Related to
  • Borodin's "Die Riffelforce" in "Ex Faustibus", 1999. P. 24.
2016 176
Christoph Borer Die Buchseiten-Force forcing page from a book
Also published here 2018 141
Christoph Borer Buchtest - Einleitung chapter intro on book tests
2018 193
Christoph Borer Buchtests selber herstellen making your own book test
  • 1. Das Buch erfinden (inventing the book)
  • 2. Der Text
  • 3. Das Buch gestalten (designing the book)
  • 4. Das Buch drucken lassen (printing the book)
2018 194
Christoph Borer Effekte und Methoden effects and methods of book tests
  • 1. Der Grundeffekt: Ein Wort herausfinden (divination of a word)
  • 2. Variationen (variations)
  • 3. Andere Effekte (other effects with books)
2018 199
Christoph Borer Spezielle Bücher using special books
2018 208
Christoph Borer Crossing the line book tests with newspaper, diary, leaflets etc.
2018 210
David Jelinek Wordophile word selected from a book via riffle & stop, spectator looks it up in dictionary, performer divines page number on dictionary and word itself
Also published here 2022 54
Christoph Borer Die Buchseiten-Force riffle forcing page from a book
Related to
  • Borodin's "Die Riffelforce" in "Ex Faustibus", 1999. P. 24.
2023 17
Christoph Borer The Page Force forcing page from a book, riffle force with wedge break
Also published here 2024 163