52 entries in Calendar
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Tom Sellers Calendar Conjuring number effects with calendar sheets, see page 172 for improvement by Dr. Jacob Daley
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 23)
Louis Lam Calendro some numbers on calendar are added by spectator
1937 3
Walter B. Gibson Date Sense numbers on calendar are added, matrix force
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 41)
Tom Sellers Calendar Conjuring number effects with calendar sheets
Also published here 1944 133
Walter B. Gibson Date Sense numbers on calendar are added, matrix force
Also published here 1944 135
Mel Stover Days of Force calendar number force
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 77)
Hen Fetsch Date Man Duplication day on calendar sheet is encircled, divination
Related toVariations Sep. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 238)
Milbourne Christopher Super Date Senses sheet of calendar is used and days named, blindfold performer names total of numbers, matrix force
  • Stage Version
  • Impromtu Version
Inspired by Mar. 1951
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Calendar (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
game throwing coins on calendar
July 1951 819
Calendar (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
a day for any date, only source no method
July 1951 819
Royal Vale Heath, Walter B. Gibson Calendar (3)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
Five dates are circled on a calendar month, magician asks how many Mondays/Tuesdays... are circled, magician can divine the sum total of the circled dates
Also published here July 1951 819
Mel Stover Calendar (5)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
calendar number force, should be numbered as "Calendar (4)"
Also published here July 1951 819
Magic Squares Three by three square drawn on calendar, magician is told smallest number in square, can then divine total sum of the nine dates in the square
Related toVariations 1956 48
Walter B. Gibson, Royal Vale Heath Gibson's Circled Dates Five dates are circled on a calendar month, magician asks how many Mondays/Tuesdays... are circled, magician can divine the sum total of the circled dates
Also published here 1956 48
Martin Gardner Calendars intro
1956 48
Mel Stover Stover's Prediction four by four square drawn on calendar, four circles drawn (draw circle and cross out row and column each time), magician divines the sum, Matrix Force
Also published here 1956 49
Martin Gardner Calendar Memorizing Bibliography and suggested reading list for memorizing calendars
1956 50
Tony Corinda No. 17. Any Date of the Year two calendars, spectator and performer mark the same date
1958 22
David Hoy Dated For Destiny cards with dates, spectator selects one and written on it is their birthday
Variations 1963 12
Sandy Spillman It's a Date calendar card, performer circles thought of date
Also published here 1976
Magick (Issue 162)
Karl Fulves The Date Problem coding a date, posed as a problem
1979 22
Philip T. Goldstein Data date is predicted
May 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Hen Fetsch Calendar Force
Related to May 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Sandy Spillman It's A Date calendar card, performer circles thought of date
Also published here 1980 43
Sid Lorraine It's A Date! prediction of spectator's birthdate, using a one-sheet calendar, humorous routine
Sep. 1983
Magick (Issue 323)
What a Week! No. 65, spectator circles three consecutive days on a calendar, days divined from total
1983 87
Best Daze No. 66, spectator circles three consecutive days on a calendar vertically, days divined from total
1983 88
Four of a Mind No. 67, spectator circles four consecutive days on a calendar vertically, days divined from total
1983 89
Day Five No. 68, spectator circles four days on a calendar, days divined from total
1983 89
The Square Week No. 69, spectator circles four days on a calendar in square, days divined from total
1983 90
Cross Out No. 70, spectator circles five days on a calendar in cross, days divined from total
1983 91
Second Saturday No. 71, knowing the first of a month when the second saturday's number is named
Variations 1983 91
Walter B. Gibson Date Sense No. 72, numbers on calendar are added, matrix force
Related to 1983 92
Martin Gardner Crazy Calendar No. 73, calendar force with matrix principle
Inspired byRelated to 1983 94
Gene Nielsen Blind Date sum prediction using a calendar
Oct. 1985
Magick (Issue 359)
Jeff Busby Birthday Boy single-day calendar pages are in zip loc bag, spectator choses his own birthday
1985 4
Philip T. Goldstein Astrologame game with zodiac cards and printed rules, signs revealed
Inspired by 1986 3
Philip T. Goldstein Numpersona telephone application with astrological sign revelation
Inspired by 1987 12
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: The Calendar Force calendar number force, selecting row and column by drawing numbers
Related to Feb. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 8)
George Kirkendall Four on a Date sheet of calendar is selected and square drawn, some numbers are chosen, total predicted, Days of Force
Inspired byAlso published here 1996
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Karl Fulves Date Deck cards with week days, months, days, week day found for given date
1997 28
Karl Fulves Mystique woman choses week day, man month and day, they match, variation with chosen card
1997 33
Karl Fulves The Tomorrow Card
1997 39
Mel Bennett Date Certain
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
on calendar some days are circled and a calculation made, predicted
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Crazy Calendar matrix with months, spectator choses his own
2001 12
Basil Horwitz Challenge Diary Body Language Test
2004 31
Mel Stover Calendar Prediction Mel Stover's "Days of Force" with calendar
Related toAlso published here 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue Oct 20)
Alexander de Cova, Patrick Page Der Kalendertrick
Inspired by
  • "Old Moore's Diary" (Patrick Page)
2011 11
Patrick Page, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ted Dansons' Diary Trick with two variations
2011 96
Patrick Page, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) The Ultimate Variation: Old Moore's Diary
Related to
  • Arun Bonerjee's "Another Diary" in "Club 71" Easter, 2000. P. 67.
2011 99
Michael Weber Rainbow Matrix - Weber Notes
Inspired by 2015 5
Mark Tirone Time Traveler spectator selects a date on their phone calendar with some calculations done with it, performer then reveals date and week day
Inspired by Apr. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 4)