171 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Think a Card / Princess Card Trick (Matrix)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To Guess Four Cards thought of by Different Persons
Related toVariations 1876 53
Erraten von Karten durch Quadrate with square layout on table and four, five, six or seven spectators
1896 99
Louis F. Christianer Twenty-Five Cards with one selection
1923 20
Louis Nikola Wizard's Whist Four spectators each given four cards, each think of one card out of the four. Deck reshuffled and dealt into four bridge hands, magician can divine the selections
Related to 1927 36
The Guesser with seven cards each
1928 13
Graham Adams The Twenty Five Card Trick
1931 20
A Strange Hallucination thought of card to wallet, matrix principle
Variations 1933 87
Al Baker Cards of Thought
Also published here 1933 22
Theodore Annemann The Mind in Retrospect
Related to 1934 16
The Telepathic Bridge Game
1935 30
Improved Guesser No. 11, with twenty-five duplicates
Related to 1935 15
Victor Farelli Controlled Coincidence (impromptu method)
magician divines mental selection by using two cards - one denoting suit and one denoting value
Inspired by 1936 40
Victor Farelli The Latest Method improvement in handling of A Strange Hallucination
Inspired byRelated to 1936 43
Victor Farelli A Rapid Routine similar to "A Strange Hallucination" but with three cards instead of five, less dealing
Inspired byRelated to 1936 44
Projected Thought matrix dealing with thought of card and prediction of card and its position with prediction index
1937 178
Louis Nikola Wizard's Whist with and without stack
Also published here 1937 399
Louis Lam "Mentalla"
1937 2
Sam Leo Horowitz The Twenty-Five Card Trick twenty-five duplicates
Related toVariations 1938 142
Al Baker Effect 3 using index card, matrix principle
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Effects 1, 2, and 3)
Henry Christ Mental Stud poker presentation
Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 71)
Val Evans The Prognostication Pack half Koran-type deck, one of five cards thought of, then performer shows five-card groups, card predicted on piece of paper
1941 34
Jean Hugard Thought for Five with faro-alternative for distribution
1943 24
Jean Hugard Presentation presentation for "To Guess Four Cards thought of by Different Persons"
Inspired by Oct. 1943 18
George G. Kaplan Mahatma Thought Control five spectators each pick four cards and select one, clever
Variations 1948 167
Arthur H. Buckley An Amazing Card Illusion (Original) - Just Think of a Card five spectators, cards apparently thought-of from full deck, credit information
1948 164
Frederick Braue Think-a-card six crimped cards shuffled in the deck
Related to May 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Mel Stover T-E-L-E-M-A-T-H-Y "Telemathy", one or multiple cards thought of, then found after showing fans of cards with "is your card in here?" procedure twice, with cue sheet matrix
  • Special Effects (revelations when the card ends up at a position for down-under deal or similar)
VariationsAlso published here June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
Stewart James Atlantic Avenue card thought of, then found after showing fans of cards with "is your card in here?" procedure twice, without the cue sheet
Inspired by Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 2)
The Five Poker Hands Five spectators dealt five cards each, think of one, put back and re-dealt, divine all the selections
1956 3
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge Five Think five times four card, impromptu version with slop shuffle
Also published here 1967 10
Al Koran Princess Card Trick...Plus deck shuffled after selections, deck switch
Related toVariations 1968 71
Edward Marlo Prognostication Pack Improved one of five, matrix principle for one spectator, prediction on billet (index)
1968 92
Martin Gardner Version of the 5x5 Problem
Feb. 1968 160
Paul Maurer, Theodore Annemann Der Poker-Spiel-Trick cards dealt in matrix, spectators have to place a coin in row where their selection is, all cards are divined, stage and close-up version
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 6)
Peter Alexis Mini-Mental two cards thought of from eight card-packet
Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Harry Lorayne Four by Four four spectators with four cards each
1971 168
Dai Vernon Vernon's Mental Impossibility No. 27, three spectators each think of one of three cards, they are found with an OOSOOM-type procedure
1972 12
1973 113
Orville Wayne Meyer Multi-Mentality Plus with four selections, each thought from a quarter of the deck
Inspired by
  • "Multi-Mentality" (Orville Wayne Meyer, Genii Vol. 4 No. 11, July 1940, p. 342)
Magick (Issue 104)
Tony Griffith, Al Koran The Princess Trick twenty-five duplicates
Inspired by 1975
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
Barrie Richardson Impromptu Mental Divination five spectators remember one object each out of twenty-five, matrix redistribution principle applied to objects instead of cards
July 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Edward Marlo, Al Baker Vocalepathy
Inspired by 1976
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Eddie Joseph Hocus-Pocus No. 45, three five-cards packets, spectator thinks of a card, deals out five packets, pockets the one with selection and performer extracts it
1976 68
Mel Stover Telemathy "Telemathy", one or multiple cards thought of, then found after showing fans of cards with "is your card in here?" procedure twice, with cue sheet matrix
  • Special Effects (revelations when the card ends up at a position for down-under deal or similar)
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott PSI-Symbols princess card trick with 36 picture cards
Inspired by 1977
Magick (Issue 186)
Ken Krenzel Mental Matrix stay stack
Related to 1978 74
John F. Mendoza Routined Poker Mental princess card trick with lie detection presentation
Variations 1978 19
Simon Aronson Histed Heisted matrix card divination, last card predicted
Inspired by
  • "The Miracle Divination" (Louis Histed, The Magic of Louis S. Histed)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
1978 104
Katlyn Breene The Mystic Tarot using the Major Arcana, divination of three cards
Also published here 1979
Magick (Issue 245)
Sleight of Mind No. 55, five poker hands, five spectators think of a card each, re-dealt and divined
1979 90
Roy Johnson Mirakel Divination marks on face
Also published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 18
Roy Johnson Knabe princess card trick with real shuffling, marks on back of cards
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 21
Irv Weiner, Terry Nosek Irv Weiner's Princess Card Trick five people, markings on the face
1980 4
Jon Racherbaumer, Edward Marlo Totally Telepathic two cards and their positions remembered, "is it in this group?", faro, ten memorized cards
Oct. 1981
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Eyes of Isis cards with words, several are selected and divined by performer
Magick (Issue 289)
Bruce Bernstein Borrowed Princess card groups marked on the fly with nail writer
Also published here 1981 12
Al Mann Tr-Id board with different designs in different colors, three person select one and draw the design on a board, performer divines designs and colors
Inspired byRelated to 1982 1
Paul Fox The Miracle Gimmick originally released by Paul Fox in 1947, intro with general comments
  • Preparing the Deck
  • Setting Up the Deck
  • Preparing the Card Case
Variations 1983 1
Paul Fox The Five Card Mental Selection
  • Adding the Gimmick to the Deck
  • Shuffles and Cuts During the Routine
  • A Convincing Subtlety
  • Apparently Calling Off the Cards
  • Locating the Selections in the Proper Squares
  • Zeroing in on the Selection: The Basic "Pumping" System
  • Advanced Subtleties
Variations 1983 6
Paul Fox A Pretty Paul Fox Subtlety
Inspired by 1983 15
Danny Dew Danny Dew's Presentational Tip
Inspired by 1983 16
Jeff Busby, Danny Dew Sleight of Hand Techniques to Shorten the Elimination Process various two-way outs
  • The Top Change
  • The Double Lift
  • Danny Dew's Double in Glass
  • Another Double Lift Handling
Inspired by 1983 16
Faucett Ross The Faucett W. Ross Handling
Inspired byVariations 1983 19
Jeff Busby Another Handling Using the Nail Writer
Inspired by 1983 20
Jeff Busby The Jeff Busby Climax for the Routine one card put in pocket at the beginning turns out to be later selection (prediction kicker, pocket index)
Inspired byRelated to 1983 21
Al Baker Al Baker's Two Person Presentation alone or with medium
Also published here 1983 22
Paul Fox, Jeff Busby Five Card Mental Selection Using Jumbo Cards
  • Setting Up the Jumbo Deck
  • Preparing the Jumbo Card Box
  • Presentation and Working
1983 23
Paul Fox The One Card Mental Selection with only one spectator
Variations 1983 26
Paul Fox "Do It Again" "Repeating the Five Card Mental Selection or One Card Mental Selection", deck switch
Inspired by 1983 26
Paul Fox Telephone - Tel-A-Card done over the telephone
1983 28
Jeff Busby Credit Information on the plot
1983 29
Randy Tanner Thinking Man's Poker using stay stack
Aug. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Ray Grismer Foxy impromptu, faros
Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott The Reluctant Psychic climax for Princess Card Trick, person is called to reveal last card
Feb. 1984
Magick (Issue 328)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini CONTESSA Card Trick!
Apr. 1984
Magick (Issue 330)
Robert Cassidy A Trivial Miracle performer divines the correct answer to several randomly chosen Trivial Pursuit question
1984 86
Philip T. Goldstein Horse Sense race presentation
Also published here 1987 10
Ned Rutledge, James G. Thompson Jr. 5 Karten werden gedacht five times four card, impromptu version with slop shuffle
Also published here Dec. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Bob Farmer Impromptu Impromptu Version "One One No Is Once Enough Is Not Enough Is Not Enough"
one of five cards
Also published here 1987/1988 15
Gene "Phantini" Grant Miracle Discernment for one person
Feb. 1988
Magick (Issue 401)
Roy Walton Mental Four four cards thought of from four packets of four cards each, found after some dealing
VariationsAlso published here
  • Genii, 1954, Vol .19 No. 3
1988 26
Roy Walton Past Help four cards thought of from four-card packets are found by spelling the names of four famous magician
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 27
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Italian Princess
May 1989
Magick (Issue 422)
Karl Fulves Mind Over Matter
1989 24
Bob King Poker Mental three spectators, last card also reversed in another deck, mis-calling mates
Related toVariations 1989 20
Edward Marlo Predictable Princess ten-card set-up, five envelopes as predictions
Inspired by
  • "Princess A-Hoy" (Peter Tappan & Ross Johnson, The Impostress Princess)
1990 32
Jon Racherbaumer Of the Psychic Princess Presentation comment and distinction of both effects titled "Princess Card Trick"
1990 35
Jon Racherbaumer Crossing a Princess with ESP cards, circle and four alphabet cards end up spelling CROSS
1990 74
Nick Trost Tale of the Tell credit information for stay stack (last paragraph)
1990 172
Simon Aronson Adding the Aronson Kicker prediction kicker
1990 175
Alex Elmsley Cross-25 two selections made out of performer's hands, re-matrixing
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 363
Jon Racherbaumer About the Psychic Princess Presentation credit information
July 1991 13
Edward Marlo Predictable Princess applying Smith Myth, based on "Princess A-Hoy" (Impostress Princess)
July 1991 13
Rudy T. Hunter Big 'T' Princess Card Trick using Major Arcana
Jan. 1991
Magick (Issue 450)
Allan Ackerman Impromptu Paul Fox
Also published here 1991 13
Peter Duffie Mind Field
Also published here 1991 [15]
Peter Duffie Reference Point two selections made out of performer's hands from twelve-card packets, re-matrixing
Inspired byRelated to 1992 6
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Fire and Ice Tarot card princess card trick, using faro shuffles
Oct. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Peter Duffie Thought Up spectator cuts, remembers card and replaces, card rises, faro, "is it one of these?"
Variations 1992 12
Gene "Phantini" Grant Mental Discernment
July 1993
Magick (Issue 492)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Body Language divination of selected card, showing spectator several groups of cards, see Vol. 16, Nr. 7, p. 14 for additional ideas by Richard Busch
Dec. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Allan Ackerman Impromptu Paul Fox
VariationsAlso published here 1994 92
Leo Boudreau The Faro & The Princess impromptu
Nov. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 11)
, Stewart Judah The Mystery of the Seven Discs with credit information
1994 1129
A Time-Worn Trick Hilliard Note Book Entry
1994 1140
Allan Ackerman An Added Dimension card thought of from range, cards dealt out and then divined, single-card Princess Card Trick
Also published here 1994 23
Peter Duffie Thought Up Plus spectator cuts, remembers card and replaces, card rises, faro, "is it one of these?"
Inspired byVariations 1994 14
Ellison Poland The "Out" Of Last Resort out for lost card or finding thought-of card, lots of questions "is it one of these?", faro
Inspired by 1994 19
Danny Archer Out Foxed five spectators think of cards, magician reveals them correctly
Inspired by 1994 18
Simon Aronson Histed Heisted matrix card divination, last card predicted
Also published here 1994 95
Ray Grismer Foxiest with five to twenty spectators thinking of cards in ten-card groups
1995 1
Claude Rix, Edouard-Joseph Raynaly Les 6 cartes ou le tour de Raynaly pack is divided in six groups and six people think of a card in each packet, deck placed inside pocket and when first card is named performer removes it from pocket, other cards are divined à la Princess Card Trick
Inspired by
  • trick by Raynaly in "L'Illusioniste" March & April 1910.
1995 50
Claude Rix Les 6 cartes sans change de jeu using deck with duplicates
1995 53
Claude Rix Les 6 cartes troisième version ou le "Claude Rix Invisible Gimmick" pack is divided in six groups and six people think of a card in each packet, cards are divined
1995 55
Jon Racherbaumer Who Kissed The Frog? credit information
Nov. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Karl Fulves M & M "manipulative & mathematical", one spectator thinks of card in eight-card group, faros
1996 86
Max Holden, Glenn G. Gravatt, U. F. Grant Quotes from the Sphinx
  • Ring Spin (1927)
  • Linking Finger Rings (1921)
  • Tell The Truth Telephone (presentation for the princess card trick, 1927)
1996 92
Allan Ackerman, Kosy Phibulphanuvat A Logical Princess
Also published here 1997 46
Frederick Braue Vocalepathy
Inspired by 1997 6
Alex Elmsley Cross-25 two selections made out of performer's hands, re-matrixing, updated handling
Also published here 1997 17
Alain Nu Zodiesque divination of zodiac, prediction in envelope, asking questions to the entire audience first and then zooming in on one person
Related to 1997
Syzygy (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Karl Fulves A Muted Nomen "The First Layout", spectators each remember one card in poker hand
1998 11
Bob King Poker Mental II three spectators, last card also reversed in another deck, mis-calling mates
Inspired byVariations 1998 33
Baltazar Fuentes Histed Heisted Again up to five spectators, ten cards each
Inspired by 1999 16
Ellis Stanyon Guessing Thought Cards No. 8, with 4x4 cards
1999 34
Ellis Stanyon The Greek Cross No. 19, thirteen four-card packets made, one selected, found after redistribution and another deal
1999 92
Barrie Richardson It Isn't Mind Control with crib on card or thumb tip
1999 226
Christopher Fouquet Impromptu Paul Fox II
Inspired by Feb. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 6)
Andrew Wimhurst Paul Fox Variation impromptu, no fishing
2001 12
Frank Garcia, Eddie Joseph Thought-Card Poker No. 70, one card of three poker hands thought of
2001 108
Darwin Ortiz, John F. Mendoza Liar's Poker princess card trick with lie detection presentation and sucker finale à la Fingerprint Card Trick
Inspired by 2002 26
Al Baker Cards of Thought
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Book)
Al Baker Bakerscope different handling
Also published here
  • marketed 1936
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Al Baker Vocalepathy alone or with medium
VariationsAlso published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Jim Steinmeyer the princess Caraboo deck
Also published here 2003 7
Katlyn Breene Katarot using the Major Arcana, divination of three cards
Also published here 2003 197
Jim Steinmeyer The Princess Caraboo Deck
  • Conjuring
Also published here May 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 9)
Karl Fulves Just Think spectator and performer show each other five cards, one thought of, shuffled back in half a deck each, groups of five cards shown, coincidence and cards found
Inspired by
  • "Just Think Do As I Do" (Kenneth Lang, The Magic Wand)
2004 351
Barrie Richardson Impromptu Princess
Also published here
  • Club 71, 1988
2005 341
Bob King Poker Mental II three spectators, last card also reversed in another deck, mis-calling mates
Inspired by 2005 25
Peter Duffie Mind Field
Also published here 2005 36
Jim Steinmeyer The Princess in a Crowd fifteen card matrix trick, no-touch
Variations 2006 5
Jack Avis 5x5 Mental Routine, A Handling
2006 97
Michael Powers Heisting Histed Heisted twenty-five duplicates
  • Non Gaffed Ideas
  • Heavily Gaffed Methods (jumbo cards)
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2006 112
Howard Schwarzman Foxless seven spectators, faro shuffles
2007 366
Jack Parker Royal 21 selection vanishes
2007 118
Justin Higham The 25 Card Trick "Mental Poker"
2007 169
Max Maven Horse Sense race presentation
Also published here Apr. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 4)
Bruce Bernstein Borrowed Princess card groups marked on the fly with nail writer
Also published here 2012 131
Nick Trost Pseudo Princess
Inspired by
  • "Four-Way Mind Reading" (Nick Trost, The New Tops, July 1964)
2013 691
Lou Hornung Obscured Matrix Five people each think of a card within a group of five, magician divines cards
2015 11
Jim Steinmeyer My Word
  • Conjuring
princess card trick with word cards, word chosen from one of several quotes by spectators, divined with matrix principle by reading several quotes and seeing who hears his word
Also published here Aug. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 8)
Bob Farmer Devils & Angels picture cards with angels and devils, sins and virtues, three spectators think of one, they are divined
Inspired by
  • "Mixed Emotions" (Phil Goldstein)
2017 131
Jim Steinmeyer My Word! No. 11, word chosen from one of several quotes by spectators, divined with matrix principle by reading several quotes and seeing who hears his word
Also published here 2017 26
Jim Steinmeyer The Princess with a Pump
  • Conjuring
version with three people and seven cards each
Oct. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 10)
Jim Steinmeyer My Word! princess card trick with word cards, word chosen from one of several quotes by spectators, divined with matrix principle by reading several quotes and seeing who hears his word
Also published here 2017 1
Matt Baker, Peter W. Tappan Histed Hoisted
Inspired by 2019 62
Helder Guimarães Inside "The Tell Room" "Clues for the Advantage Player"
  • First Phase: five cards chosen by five spectators, they shuffle their card each in a four-card packet, all twenty-five cards mixed and dealt out in five poker hands, selections found
  • Second Phase: poker deal of five good hands that include the selections
2019 300
Michael Powers Heisting Histed Heisted 3.0 twenty-five duplicates, with additional ideas
Inspired by 2019 288
Jim Steinmeyer (Not a Princess.) Virtually a Princess
  • Conjuring
can be done over zoom if envelopes with card packets are sent out to spectators, performer then shows a packet of five cards and asks questions about matching characteristics to thought-of card
Also published here Feb. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 2)
Michał Kociołek Mr. Liar card chosen from a five-card packet is lost and found, pre-determined estimation
2021 15
Jim Steinmeyer Not a Princess No. 8, can be done over zoom if envelopes with card packets are sent out to spectators, performer then shows a packet of five cards and asks questions about matching characteristics to thought-of card
Also published here 2021 24
Juan Tamariz Multiple Divination four cards given to five spectators each, with honest riffle shuffle after the selection procedure
  • My Version
  • Enhanced Version (showing bigger groups to the spectators during divination phase)
Inspired byVariations 2022 32
Juan Tamariz Impromptu Version setting up during a location trick
Inspired by 2022 37
Juan Tamariz Version With a Memorized Stack ten cards given to five spectators each, they shuffle, take out any four cards and think of one of them
Inspired by 2022 38
Juan Tamariz A Variation Vernon Style four cards given to five spectators each, showing larger groups à la OOSOOM, card to pocket climax
Inspired by 2022 39
Larry Jennings Somewhat of a Princess card thought of from in-the-hands spread, deck dealt into four piles, spectator indicates the pile with this card, performer finds and pockets the selection
Dec. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 12)
John Hostler Sightlines card thought of from half of the deck, then found after showing fans of cards with "is your card in here?" procedure
Inspired by 2023 12
Allan Ackerman, Kosy Phibulphanuvat A Logical Princess
Also published here 2024 208
Allan Ackerman An Added Dimension card thought of from range, cards dealt out and then divined, single-card Princess Card Trick
Also published here 2024 93
Bob Farmer Impromptu Version: One No Is Once Enough one of five cards
Also published here 2024 22