279 entries in Cards / Principles / Fishing
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To tell what Card you think on in the whole Pack. probability and rudimental form of fishing
1784 63
S. W. Erdnase A Mind-Reading Trick one out of four, "did you see your card already" and fishing
Related toVariations 1902 194
Charles T. Jordan A New Card Discovery key above and below selection and fair riffle shuffle, added in 1947 reprint (in the original advertisement there was "Just a Square of Paper" instead of this effect)
Related toAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Laurie Ireland Thought Reading Extraordinary spectator cuts to any card, performer reads mind from distance, estimation & memorized deck
1931 18
William Larsen A Count Down Detection spectator count down to a card near the top, remembers it and shuffles deck, performer locates card
1931 1
William Larsen The Cut In Detection spectator choses any card, puts it in center and cuts, performer locates card
1931 2
William Larsen Think of a Card spectator thinks of a card in the middle of an in-the-hands spread
1931 3
William Larsen Shuffle It Yourself twelve cards repeated four times, fishing & multiple out for divination, same as Walsh
Related to 1931 4
Theodore Annemann Another Sympathetic Mystery two decks, spectator selects card from one, performer finds duplicate in other deck, stacked, estimation, fishing
Related to 1937 214
William Larsen Count Down Detection partial stack and fishing
1937 242
Sidney Margulies One in Fifty-Two working range down to 6-7 possible cards, then fishing
Feb. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 29)
Ralph W. Hull By Elimination OOSOOM forerunner, using a psychological fishing without asking questions
1938 344
Audley Walsh The Magician's Dream four banks of twelve cards, fishing
Related to 1938 346
Audley Walsh The Magician's Dream twelve cards repeated four times, fishing & multiple out for divination
Related toVariations Apr. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 43)
Roger Barkann, Audley Walsh Magician's Nightmare first impossible card location and then another card is spelled out from the spectator's pocket, four times thirteen Koran deck (Audley Walsh idea), clever fishing method
Related to
  • missing lines on p. 44
May 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 10)
Eddie Joseph Extra-Sensory Detection spectator thinks of a card with deck in his hands, risky
1942 77
Edward Marlo Overhearing the Spectator use of this psychological ruse
1945 4
Audley Walsh The Magician's Dream
1945 119
James Auer, Edward Marlo Card Telepathy de Luxe card divination, impromptu version by Ed Marlo
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Edward Marlo Two Questions Fishing fishing for color and suit, two questions
Also published here 1950
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Edward Marlo Fishing
Related to 1953 133
Edward Marlo 21 Card Trick Streamlined
Also published here 1953 134
Edward Marlo Direct Statement Fishing
1953 137
Edward Marlo Telephone Test
  • #2 of "3 Mental Effects"
over telephone or from another room, spectator deals cards one at a time and calls them out and thinks of one of them, performer divines it, repeat with two cards (one thought of, another selection placed besides it, then the order called out), optional ideas for further phase
VariationsAlso published here Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Majority Fishing
Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Paul Marcus Across the Void two cards are divined by medium over the phone, two deck switches
Related to 1959 327
Max Malini Think a Card Secret spreading cards with faces towards spectator and following spectator's gaze
Also published here 1961 39
Paul Marcus Think of a Card Koran deck with set of eleven, fishing over phone
Related to Aug. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 371)
James Steranko Force of Evil spectator cuts the deck and remembers bottom card, performer divines it, risky, with location as out
1962 [24]
Edward Marlo Mexican Joe's Dream only vale is dealt, fishing the suit before knowing the value
Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Edward Marlo The Laymen's Dream forcing a Nine on the spectator with ten-twenty force, fishing suit
Related toVariations Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Jon Racherbaumer, David Bendix The Fussy Faro's Dream
  • Dave Bendix Addition 6/8/1968
Inspired by July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Edward Marlo Direct Statement Fishing
1973 15
Gerald Kosky Yore Finder two key cards and optional fishing, credit correction on page 65
Related to May 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Gerald Kosky Fishing Notes
May 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Jon Racherbaumer Challenge Location see "Publisher's Note", extremely risky
May 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Orville Wayne Meyer Multi-Mentality Plus with four selections, each thought from a quarter of the deck
Inspired by
  • "Multi-Mentality" (Orville Wayne Meyer, Genii Vol. 4 No. 11, July 1940, p. 342)
Magick (Issue 104)
Charles T. Jordan A New Card Discovery key above and below selection and fair riffle shuffle
Also published here 1975 64
Edward Marlo Direct Statement Fishing
1976 13
Carlhorst Meier Experiment 4: Dreikarten-Vision performer blindfolded, three cards selected and pocketed by spectator, one by one he removes them and the performer divines them, card calling
Nov. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Tan Hock Chuan Mind Reading
1977 11
Edward Marlo Suit Fishing from "Card Chicanery"
1978 35
Simon Aronson Off-Center Fishing credit information
Related to
  • Gene Grant's "Phantini's Mental Key" p. 12
Also published here
1978 57
Edward Marlo Direct Statements vs. Interrogation
Related to 1979 304
Karl Fulves Center Deception any chosen card selected when performer does not look is found, using code and confederate
1979 14
Suit Interrogation fishing method for suit
Related to 1979 17
Karl Fulves The Rundown spectator removes card and performer divines it, basic clocking application
1979 25
Karl Fulves Suppressed Fives another simplification for clocking
1979 28
Steve Beam, Don Morris Lost Cherries black cherries gag to find out if card is red or black
1979 9
Edward Marlo Marlo's Two Questions fishing suit
Also published here 1979 10
Suit Interrogation fishing method for suit
1980 12
Edward Marlo Ma Bell Ringers over telephone or from another room, spectator deals cards one at a time and calls them out and thinks of one of them, performer divines it, repeat with two cards (one thought of, another selection placed besides it, then the order called out), optional ideas for further phase
Also published here 1981 20
Edward Marlo Majority Fishing
1981 20
Thomas Alan Waters Trionic three phases
  • card is seen and reversed in the deck, card is revealed
  • card is unseen and reversed in the deck, card is revealed
  • prediction of a selected card
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Trionic)
Roger Crosthwaite Think-a-Card shuffled deck, wording and eye movement
1981 3
Gene "Phantini" Grant Super Mental Deck Al Koran Deck meets Svengali
1981 26
Gene "Phantini" Grant Card Challenge card divination with Al Mann's Isomeric Cards
Inspired by 1981 30
Michael Weber "... Just an Old Premonition" photocopy of fifty-two cards with one reversed, freely thought-of card is missing
VariationsAlso published here 1982 12
Suit Fishing
1982 13
Dr. A. Ch. Wilsmann Der tönende Fächer spectator makes some packets according to card values and remembers a card
Oct. 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Sam Schwartz Incredi Card lucky card from Astrology book is divined
Related to 1983 43
Karl Fulves Notes by Karl Fulves
Related to 1983 45
Karl Fulves Jo-Anagrams using anagram principle in divination of mental effect in which one of four girls on postcards is divined or a playing card
1983 52
Karl Fulves Suit Fishing
1984 80
Gene "Phantini" Grant, Sam Schwartz Psychorama No. 80, one of five cards thought of, single-no fishing
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Gene Grant's "Phantini's Mental Key", 1956
1984 121
Thomas Alan Waters Carousell three card divination, with clocking version, see Max Maven reference for credit information
Related to
  • "Roundabout" (Max Maven, Kayfabe DVD Set, 2017)
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mystyx)
Thomas Alan Waters Cutout two cards
Inspired byRelated to 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Fynys)
Jack Yates Monty three spectators exchange three cards, performer reveals which spectator has which card, mental monte
1986 1
Ron Wilson Just Look at a Card thought card from face-up ribbon spread is divined
Variations 1987 69
Bob Farmer Stacked Deck Version spectator thinks of a card from half the deck, performer makes some statements and bets money, then five cards are put on table, spectator's card is among them and the other cards complete a good poker hand
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1987/1988 2
Bob Farmer Special Deck Version same effect, duplicates in deck
Also published here 1987/1988 6
Bob Farmer Impromptu Version spectator shuffles deck and think of the highest of five random cards, performer places poker hand on table, it is a Royal Flush that contains thought-of card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1987/1988 7
Bob Farmer, P. Howard Lyons Five Card Versions "One No Is Once Enough Is Not Enough"
spectator thinks of one of five cards, majority fishing (one no)
VariationsAlso published here 1987/1988 12
Bob Farmer Finesse further ideas
  • 1. Koran 101 Strategy
  • 2. Character of Questions
  • 3. Five Piles
  • 4. Overcon (ten-card stack for majority fishing with two nos)
  • 5. Credits (for one-no fishing)
Related toAlso published here 1987/1988 17
Dai Vernon Fishing Subtlety
1988 16
Juan Tamariz Miraculous Adivination (Al Koran Style) as divination or location, Al Koran Deck
  • First Version
  • Second Version
1988 61
Bob King Direct Thought spectator thinks of any number card in cut-off pile and removes as many cards, without faro
Related toVariations 1990 16
Simon Aronson Simon-Eyes two cards thought of with counting procedure, both cards divined with "No No's Fishing"
  • Reality
  • The Problem
  • No No's Fishing
  • The Simon-Eyes Arrangement
  • The Selection Procedure
  • Fishing in the Simon-Eyes Pack
  • Fishing for the Values
  • Fishing for the Suits
  • The Faro Restacking Simon-Eyes Pack
Related toVariations 1990 123
Simon Aronson No No's Fishing fishing concept when fishing for two cards simultaneously
1990 126
Edward Marlo Impromptu Ayes of the Gods either the two selections are in same position in two halves, or they are located via fishing
Inspired by 1990 2
John Bannon Outer Limits spectator cuts off half the deck and thinks of any number card, fishing
Related toVariations 1991 51
John Bannon "Double No" Fishing Binary-Majority Sort in Bob Farmer's terminology
1991 54
John Bannon Alternate Fishing Systems commentary
1991 58
Marco Fida Against Odds locating chosen card, cards inside bag
Jan. 1991
Magick (Issue 450)
T. Page Wright A Cut Card Detection spectator cuts anywhere and replaces, then cuts deck some more
1991 287
William Larsen, T. Page Wright An L. W. Mindreading Routine three-part routine, third part set up during first part
  • peeked card divined
  • Erdnase's "A Mind-Reading Trick"
  • repeat with different method
Related to 1991 289
Justin Higham Super Clairvoyant spectator thinks of any card, deals twice the value and drops rest on top, after a reverse faro, the performer knows the value and can fish
VariationsAlso published here June 1991
Technomagic (Issue Extra 4)
Bob Farmer Overcon two cards thought of from fanned deck and then divined
Aug. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Andrew Galloway Suit Fishing
Apr. 1992
Profile (Issue 7)
Peter Duffie Deliberation card thought of, another one selected by counting down value of thought-of card, both found
Inspired by Apr. 1992
Profile (Issue 7)
Charles T. Jordan A New Card Discovery No. 2, key above and below selection and fair riffle shuffle
Also published here 1992 2
Sam Schwartz Thought Process one of thirteen cards thought of, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card, see also p. 47
Inspired by
  • "Contemplation" (Interim Report)
Related toVariations
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Sam Schwartz Innermost Thought same trick, using thirteen specific cards to optimize multiple outs, also as phone effect
Inspired by 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Roger Crosthwaite Think-a-Card in fan, gaze method, with fishing
Related to 1994 8
Roger Crosthwaite Think-a-Card - Opening Remarks thoughts and references
  • The Selection of the Card
  • The Location of the Card
  • The Revelation of the Card
1994 37
Roger Crosthwaite Direct Mindreading
1994 62
Justin Higham Super Clairvoyant spectator thinks of any card, deals twice the value and drops rest on top, after a reverse faro, the performer knows the value and can fish
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1994 64
Roger Crosthwaite Primal Memory 2 card thought-of from spread and card selected, found, no no fishing
1994 84
Fishing technique
1994 19
Miscall fishing ploy for two cards, to always appear to be correct
1994 20
Simon Aronson Off-Center Fishing credit information
Also published here 1994 60
Michael Weber Easy Premonition photocopy of fifty-two cards with one reversed, freely thought-of card is missing
Also published here 1994 13
Karl Fulves Poker Vision "A mindreading trick with casino cards"
card thought of from a packet of fifteen cards with five different casino backs (rainbow) is divined, single-no fishing
Inspired byRelated to 1995 12
Edward Marlo Buffaloed into Vanishing
  • Effect #1
one of five thought of, two packets made, card vanishes from one packet and is named, faro
1995 341
Bob King Direct Mental spectator removes cards to represent hour and then thinks of a card of the same value which is divined
1995 39
Ray Grismer Foxiest with five to twenty spectators thinking of cards in ten-card groups
1995 1
Karl Fulves Cheat Deck card thought (one person suit, another value), stacked and five cards corner shorted
1996 47
James Swain Real Mindreading freely thought-of card found with fishing procedure (Tsunami)
Inspired by 1996 68
James Swain Annemann's Miracle three cards removed, performer divines them fairly, peek case with hole
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 164
Justin Higham Super Clairvoyant spectator thinks of any card, deals twice the value and drops rest on top, after a reverse faro, the performer knows the value and can fish
VariationsAlso published here Jan. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Fishing
1997 37
Chris Carter Mental Prediction shuffled deck, from thirteen cards a spectator choses best possible poker hand, performer divines it and had predicted it too
1997 51
Frederick Braue Braue Nikola Fish estimation and fishing
1997 16
Karl Fulves Dream Sequence only eighteen duplicates in deck, more unusual selection process to arrive at a card in the fishing sequence
Inspired by 1997 103
Edward Bagshawe, Al Koran, Ron Wilson, Gene "Phantini" Grant, Ted Lesley The "Dream-Deck"-Combination single card divination
1997 2
Ken Krenzel Gaze Detection thought card from face-up ribbon spread is divined
Inspired by May 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Eddie Fields Estimation Station spectator thinks of any card and checks whether it is in the deck
Related to 1997 35
Jeff Busby Red/Black Fishing red card and black picture card
1998 85
Jeff Busby Strictly Mental fingertip-peeked at card is divined
1998 86
Jeff Busby More Aspects more on fishing and Al Koran type deck, credit information, Richard Osterlind's Radar Deck
1998 86
Jas Jakutsch Varius Multiplex Multiformis multiple cards divination, belly strippers
1999 12
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note finessed forcing from this forcing deck, with divination via fishing
Inspired by 1999 192
Al Baker Out On Location Card chosen and lost freely. Magician asks for value of card, then card is successfully located. Multiple key card type of trick.
1999 11
Jerry Mentzer Two Keys Two key cards peeked, deck can be riffle shuffled and one of the key cards can still be used. A bit of fishing possibly needed. Can be used as a force of one of two cards using a bit of equivoque.
1999 17
Max Malini Think a Card Secret "From Letters Written by Charlie Miller to Faucett Ross"
spreading cards with faces towards spectator and following spectator's gaze
Also published here Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Location Using Outs with a technical solution to replace fishing
2000 880
Chuck Smith Let's Fish free from a third of the deck
2000 59
Steve Bedwell Stacked Thoughts three selections divined, one found with "think stop" procedure when cards are spread in front of spectator's eyes
2000 22
Steve Beam The Of-Age Card Trick 21 card trick without dealing the cards multiple times
Also published here 2000 56
Steve Beam Bi-Cycle "fishing expedition", fishing among eight cards
2000 56
Steve Beam Double Down spectator spells suit and deals value of thought of card, card is divined
2000 70
Steve Beam The Memory ADE for fishing suit
Related toVariations 2000 70
Steve Beam Doubling Up on the Double Down spectator spells suit and deals value of thought of card, card is divined
2000 72
Steve Beam Bulletproof card is cut to and divined
Related toVariations 2000 80
Steve Beam Parallelogram different presentation for Bulletproof, with two cards
Inspired by 2000 82
Doug Canning Name It spectator cuts off some card and goes through procedure of spelling
Inspired by 2000 99
Jerry Mentzer Think A Card Improved
  • Vernon Revelation
Inspired by
  • Bob Farmer
2000 47
Cody S. Fisher Fifty-Two Thoughts four consecutive gag predictions (no, animal, bar code, fifty-two-on-one print) as paper is unfolded, print of all cards is torn up, one chosen and divined
2000 1
Justin Higham Note on "Fishing" on making statements
2001 17
Karl Fulves Contemplation No. 33, one of thirteen card packet thought-of, spelling procedure for spectator
2001 70
Harry Lorayne Mental Vibrations spectator thinks of one of five cards, majority fishing (one no), with lead-in effect
Inspired byVariations 2001 129
Harry Lorayne Location Divide one suit every fourth card, one card moved and located
2001 587
Lewis Jones Fish on "range forces" like in OOSOOM
2002 131
Lewis Jones Dual control two thought-of cards divined (each one out of five)
Inspired by
  • "Radar Deck" (Richard Osterlind)
2002 146
Steve Beam Doing Your Nails with half the deck, nine force
Related to
  • Tony Koynini's "Any Number" in "Card Miracles"
  • Stewart James' "The Card is Up" in "The James File"
2002 26
Steve Beam Bullet-Ridden with Black Jack and Poker theme
Related to 2002 168
Newell Unfried No-Looking Location divination of a card
Related to
  • Tony Koynini's "Any Number" in "Tony Koynini's Card Miracles", 1951,
2002 224
Steve Beam Memory ADE for fishing suit
2002 249
Luke Jermay A Darker Dai Routine for Five Card Mental Force
Inspired by
  • "Terasabos" (Rick Maue, Book of Haunted Magick, 2000)
2002 29
Karl Fulves Ask Him card chosen from 5-card packet divined
2003 35
Karl Fulves Stratovision a few cards upjogged and one thought-of, divined
Related to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Quest spectator indicates four cards that are out-jogged, one of them thought-of, divined, in the meantime a suit-separation is maintained and the four Aces brought to top for later tricks
Off The Books (Issue 10)
Jack Birnman Fishing Idea brief
2004 53
Edward Marlo Fishing Sequence
Related to 2004 442
Doug Canning Excalibur thought of card, spectator has to do some spelling and performer can divine card over phone
Related to 2004 34
Steve Beam Bait and Switch fishing concept for Si Stebbins
VariationsAlso published here 2004 160
Steve Beam Six Appeal thought of card is divined, using the Bait and Switch
2004 162
Steve Beam Six Pack thought of card is divined, using the Bait and Switch, smaller set-up
2004 164
César Fernández Lightning Divination thought card, number corresponding to value is removed from deck and card divined
Related to 2004 189
Rajneesh Madhok SAD Memory ADE for fishing suit
Inspired by 2004 242
Steve Beam Memory ADE for fishing suit
2004 243
Bob Farmer Sue? Not Me! highest one of five random cards thought of, divined, Pentacle Force
Inspired byAlso published here Feb. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 2)
Al Bertini Das Spiegelbild card from cut packet is remembered and divined, number of cards appear on mirror
2004 9
Juan Tamariz Answering Computer colors of cards as direction for spectator to lie or tell the truth, cards etc are divined
  • Other Presentations
    • A. The Trip
    • B. The Labyrinth
    • C. Hangman
Related to 2004 220
Wonder Man Fred Buffalo Bill spectator cuts the deck, removes five cards and thinks of one, card is divined
2004 127
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Radarama one spectator thinks of a red card and one of a black card while spreading through cards, performer divines both
Inspired byRelated to 2004 5
Karl Fulves Either-Or how binary principles are used in fishing and coding
Related to 2005 8
Barrie Richardson Out of My Sight, But in My Mind with two spectators, one thought of and one peeked
2005 234
Barrie Richardson Final Ecstasy two cards at thought-of positions remembered
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Mental Ecstasy" (Barrie Richardson, Club 71, Spring 1992)
  • "Penultimate Mental Ecstasy" (Barrie Richardson, Club 71, Christmas 1994)
Also published here
  • The Magician, Winter 2003
2005 325
The Spectator Seems to Really Think of Any Card Approach #1
see Thomas Baxter reference for credit information
Related to Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Bob Farmer A Card that Lies, a Deck that Tells the Truth Approach #2
spectator thinks of one of the top twenty cards
Also published here Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Thomas Baxter Fish-Fry for Two Approach #4
Tom Baxter, exploiting when a second spectator also thinks of a card
Related to Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Peter Duffie Miracle Thot! card thought of, the prediction is removed, it matches thought-of card and they transpose
Also published here
  • marketed in 1990s
2005 62
Steve Beam Fish Stew thought-of cards are divined, three phases
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 216
Ramón Riobóo Mystery of the Kabbala thought of card, spectator has to do some spelling and eventually card is divined
Related toAlso published here
  • Ramón Riobóo's "The Mystery of the Kabbala" in Rafael Benatar's "Sleight of Phone"
2006 46
Steve Beam Ice Fishing
2006 150
Doug Canning Fisherman's Dream increasing bank of card to fish from by using two selections
2006 231
Steve Beam The Ark Maneuver card is reversed in center and cards dealt in pairs from top to bottom, cards after reversed card can be divined
Inspired byRelated to 2006 233
Paul Gordon The Mystic Nine spectator thinks of a card using mathematical procedure of 10-20 force, it'll be a Nine which the performer produces
Variations 2006 124
Paul Gordon Half a Higham spectator thinks of any card, deals twice the value and drops rest on top, after a reverse faro, the performer knows the value and can fish, with half the deck
  • More Thoughts (without reverse faro)
Inspired by 2006 125
Edward Marlo Direct Statement Fishing
2007 460
Denis Behr No-Question Fishing getting red-black information
2007 87
Christoph Borer Challenge Peek three cards are divined, half Al Koran deck
2007 37
Bob Farmer The Bammo Dekronomicon thought-of card appears at thought-of number
2007 1
Bob Farmer Equivoquad card cut to by spectator, number named, card is at that number
2007 8
Bob Farmer Credits
  • Inspirations
  • Background
  • Banked Decks
  • Fishing
  • Pals
2007 11
Steve Beam The Of-Age Card Trick
Also published here 2007 95
Steve Beam Bait and Switch fishing concept for Si Stebbins
Also published here 2008 2
Steve Beam Fish Stew thought-of cards are divined
Also published here 2008 11
Justin Higham Double Minded Marlo's routine as out for failed think-a-card fishing routine
Inspired by 2008 126
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) II. Tricks, Principles And Applications (continued): 11. "One No" Moe one of four, deep sea fishing sequence, spectator shuffles and cuts off some cards and thinks of a red card therein
Nov. 2009
The Penumbra (Issue 11)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 12. The Seven Steps to Morris Plains one of six, fishing sequence, spectator shuffles and cuts off some cards and thinks of a red card therein
Nov. 2009
The Penumbra (Issue 11)
James Swain Shush three cards removed, performer divines them fairly, peek case with hole
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 41
Al Smith Beat Tapper chosen Beatles hit is divined, branching anagrams
  • Guesstimations (comment on guessing/fishing)
2009 199
Steve Beam Hooked with fishing sequence for six to eight cards
Related to 2010 89
Steve Beam Filleted and Fried spectator finds performers selection and the other way around
2010 91
Ben Harris, Steve Shufton X-Ray spectator cuts anywhere, turns card over, replaces top half and cases deck, performer divines card and names its position, five crimps
  • Impromptu X-Ray Opportunities (setting up on the fly)
Related toVariations 2010 11
Ben Harris A Six Card Arrangement single-no fishing with six cards
2010 25
Patrick Page The Probe bunch of card is selected, one card is thought of and divined
2011 90
Justin Higham On Color/Suit Fishing
2011 22
Shane Cobalt A Trick for Chuck a Jack at top and bottom of two halves, riffle shuffle retains a Jack at top and bottom
Inspired by
  • Charles Jordan
2012 2
Alberto de Figueiredo 1 + 4 four cards
2013 125
Doug Edwards Make Your Mind a Blank blank deck, spectator thinks of any card and goes through some dealing procedure, thought of card is divined
Inspired by 2013 55
Dani DaOrtiz Fishing
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!

  • The Way It's Usually Done
  • Eliminating the Sensation of Fishing
  • Let the Fishing Begin
  • Elimination Based on Location
  • Elimination Based on Characteristics
Also published here June 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 6)
Tom Crosbie Raphael Plus cards dealt according to thought-of card, divination
Inspired by
  • Rafael Benatar's handling of Frank Garcia's "Miracle Speller"
2013 18
Tom Stone, Tom Crosbie Pump Deck divination of card
2013 189
Dani DaOrtiz, Tom Crosbie Think of A Card! DaOrtiz routine included in Shadow Stack, divination of card
2013 195
Robert Cassidy Handling card removed from pocket
2013 52
Joseph Barry Reverie (almost) any card thought of, divined immediately
2014 14
Colin McLeod Here Comes Someone divination of three cards, one just thought of from a bunch of cards
Inspired by
  • Paul Vigil's "Here Comes Everyone"
2014 40
Michael Murray, Stephen Shaw Once Removed deck is divided into three piles, spectator removes a card and its mate, two cards are divined, two different stacks explained
2014 242
Patrick G. Redford Fishing Ploys gain lots of information out of what seems like one fishing question/statement
2014 132
Helder Guimarães The Art of Premonition number up to ten named and card chosen using it, card is only one missing from deck and found in prediction envelope with number on back
Inspired by
  • "Silent Running" (Ben Harris)
Also published here
2015 5
Helder Guimarães Sort of a Miracle one of twenty-six, siamesa
Also published here 2015 53
Karl Fulves Note 2 one of nine cards removed, performer names it
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Justin Higham HaLo Think-a-Card selection process for a multiple out ending
Inspired by 2015 28
John Hostler The Klutzy Mentalist deck sprung on floor, perhaps accidentally, spectator thinks of a face-up card and this can be divined
2016 76
John Hostler Cryptical Envelopment card thought-of from fan is divined, then is shown to be missing from deck and inside tabled envelope
Related to 2016 134
Dani DaOrtiz A Thought-Of Selection
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
one spectator is thinking a value by cutting of a small pile and counting it under the table, another one of a suit
June 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 6)
Alexander de Cova Lefty Deck spectator thinks of a card from half the deck, concept of using a mix of left-handed index cards with normal cards to limit the choice
Inspired by 2016 103
Ross Tayler, Charlie Ordania One for the Boys #1 out-of-hand selection procedure with shuffling, spectator cuts and looks at card in packet, risky
Related to Sep. 2017
Operandi (Issue 3)
Paul Vigil, "Senator" Clarke Crandall Vigil's Pump Sequence
2017 206
Paul Vigil Unwilling Participants how to handle them during fishing sequences
2017 220
Paul Vigil A History of Influences: From the Bank to the Pump credit information
2017 222
Suit Fishing
2017 9
Bob Farmer Stacked Deck Version spectator thinks of a card from half the deck, performer makes some statements and bets money, then five cards are put on table, spectator's card is among them and the other cards complete a good poker hand
Also published here 2017 67
Bob Farmer Special Deck Version same effect, duplicates in deck
Also published here 2017 71
Bob Farmer Impromptu Version spectator shuffles deck and think of the highest of five random cards, performer places poker hand on table, it is a Royal Flush that contains thought-of card
Also published here 2017 72
Bob Farmer, P. Howard Lyons Five Card Versions "One No Is Once Enough Is Not Enough"
spectator thinks of one of five cards, majority fishing (one no)
Also published here 2017 79
Bob Farmer Finesse further ideas
  • 1. Banked Deck Strategy
  • 2. Character of Questions
  • 3. Five Piles
  • 4. Overcon (ten-card stack for majority fishing with two nos)
  • 5. Credits (for one-no fishing)
Also published here 2017 85
Bob Farmer Sue? Not Me! highest one of five random cards thought of, divined, Pentacle Force
Inspired byAlso published here 2017 89
Bob Farmer Majority Fishing credit information
Related to 2017 91
Bob Farmer A Card that Lies, a Deck that Tells the Truth OOSOOM type
VariationsAlso published here 2017 92
Michael Weber The Cards Don't Lie "Mike Weber Variation"
Inspired byAlso published here 2017 98
Bob Farmer The Ten-Card Inquisition thoughts on fishing from ten cards
  • Part One: Binary vs Majority
  • Part Two: Fishing for the Card
    • The System
    • The Cue Card
    • The Wording
    • When You're Wrong
    • Mnemonic
  • Part Three: Three Thought Cards
Related to 2017 9
Bob Farmer Inquisition Enigmatico card thought of, ten different cards repeated
2017 16
Bob Farmer Pentacle Force applied to three people that are asked to think of a high, low and middle valued card
2017 17
Harry Lorayne Fishing Expedition shuffled deck cut into three piles, spectator remembers top card while the performer does not look, found
2017 234
David Britland A Good Guess
  • Cardolopis ("Simply Stebbins")
deck is freely cut and four cards are selected from that spot, magician correctly divines them all
Inspired by Apr. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 4)
Helder Guimarães The Art of Premonition number up to ten named and card chosen using it, card is only one missing from deck and found in prediction envelope with number on back
Also published here Apr. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 4)
Helder Guimarães Sort Of a Miracle one of twenty-six, siamesa
Also published here June 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 6)
Áriston Solamente Una Vez
2017 109
Áriston Casi Siempre Me Equivoco
2017 120
Bob Farmer The Bammo Brain Bamboozler two spectators think of a red and a black card, both cards vanish and are removed from the pocket before they are named, using version of John Kennedy's "Mind Power Deck"
Inspired by
  • "The Divine and Conquer Deck" (Leo Reed)
2018 1
Johnny Thompson, Millard Lichter The Pump Deck three spectators think of card in fan, all divined
Inspired by 2018 171
Johnny Thompson With an Ordinary Deck three cards thought of from incomplete faro condition, divined
2018 175
David Solomon Holiday Thought one of five cards
Inspired by 2018 82
Harry Lorayne I'll Read Your Mind shuffled deck cut in three piles, spectator remembers top card of one pile, divined, one of three
2018 72
Harry Lorayne Mental Vibrations spectator thinks of one of five cards, majority fishing (one no), with lead-in effect
Inspired by 2018 166
Matt Baker Tilapia two spectators each think of a card, magician slowly divines each selection without wrong statements, includes versions built into Tamariz and Aronson stack
Inspired by 2019 51