54 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Two Cards / Between two Decks
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Transposition Extraordinary between two odd-backed decks, red-blue double backer
1937 119
Martin Gardner Power! selection turns over, then transposes with duplicate from odd-backed deck
Feb. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 41)
Eddie Joseph Peculiar Passage two roughed red/blue menetekel decks, thought of or chosen card(s) transposes between red and blue decks, four methods
1942 73
Jean Hugard Tickets for Two two decks, two selections change places
Apr. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 82)
Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer Rot-Blau selection transposes with same card in second deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Hen Fetsch The Two O' Fetsch two cards in different decks are chosen, they transpose between the two decks, explanation titled "The Fetsch Farce" on an unnumbered page
1956 2
Red and Blue Transposition
1959 15
Edward Marlo Technicolor Thought named card is only odd-backed card, it is shown to have transposed with the duplicate in a deck with another back color, roughed red/blue menetekel
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Edward Marlo Technicolor Thought Transposition Aces taken from a deck, any Ace named, it is reversed, and then it is shown to have a different back color as well, in the other deck the missing Ace is found
May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Edward Marlo Double Brainwave named or in some methods chosen card is reversed and odd-backed, missing card found reversed in second deck
  • The Commercial Version (two brainwave decks)
  • Second Method - Mnemonic Version
  • Third Method - Pre/set Version
  • Fourth Method - Impromptu Version
  • Fifth Method - Flip Action (4th Switch) Method (for Flip Action Switch see Linking Ring, Sept. 1959, p. 74)
Related toVariations May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Edward Marlo Additional Double B. W. named card is reversed and odd-backed, missing card found reversed in second deck
  • Sixth Method
  • Seventh Method (ungaffed)
Inspired by May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
J. W. Sarles, Karl Fulves Remember Me to Hecuba red-backed card signed on back by spectator in red deck, blue-backed duplicate by magician, they transpose from underneath table to deck wrapped in handkerchief
Mar. 1966 26
Verne Chesbro, Larry West Trance-Position two selections transpose between two decks
1968 34
Ian Baxter Impromptu Transmigrationalism duplicate of a card reverses in second deck, then the two duplicates are turned over and shown to have transposed (with odd backs)
Inspired by 1970 18
Edward Marlo Marlo's Double Brainwave two decks with different colors, two cards in other deck
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 30)
Pavel Die Damen auf der Reise
1971 20
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Coincidence No. 591, card chosen in one deck is reversed in other, then cards transpose between two decks and backs change again
1972 165
Martin A. Nash Turncoat two cards from two different decks, see p. 444 for additional crediting
1975 105
Peter Kane Divination, Discovery, Departure cards from one deck are found in another and change into original selections
Related toVariations 1975 22
Tan Hock Chuan Sympathetic Transposition S.B.S. Deck, any four cards transpose between spectator and magician's decks
1977 11
Hiram Strait Color Concept two decks, signed cards transpose one from each deck
May 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Jochen Zmeck Rot-Grün-Überraschung card chosen from red-backed deck, same card reversed in green-backed deck, then cards are shown to have transposed
1979 4
Roy Walton Border Crossing two cards in two decks transpose
Inspired byAlso published here 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 28)
Philip T. Goldstein Double-Bluff two cards transpose from deck to deck (different back colors) two times
1982 187
Roxy Transposition '71 two cards in two decks with different backs transpose
Aug. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Gene Maze Sympathetic Fans two cards chosen in two decks match and transpose
1983 73
Roger Curzon The Christ Coincidence two decks, same card is chosen using the Christ Cut Force, cards found reversed in other decks
Also published here
  • Roger Curzon's "Lecture Notes 1" 1979.
1985 1
Roy Walton Colour Flight two named cards transpose in two decks, involved the open exchange of two Jokers from the two decks
1988 10
Roy Walton Border Crossing two cards in two decks transpose
Also published here 1988 89
Bob King Over-Kill? spectator cuts off pile and remembers card at this position, selection transposes with card in another deck
Related to 1993 13
Tony Econ Econ's Triple Coincidence card reversed in a deck, card selected in other deck, same card found at same position, cards found to be of the other decks
Also published here 1994 85
Darwin Ortiz The Unholy Three cards from one deck are found in another and change into original selections
Inspired by 1995 39
Tom Gagnon Off Color Prediction two decks, spectator and performer select the same card, then they change places in decks
1995 1033
Bob Driebeek Aenigmas Vollkommenes Wunder signed card from blue deck transposes with same card from red deck
Also published here
  • Bob Driebeek's "The Perfect Miracle" in "The Gen" July, 1958. P. 77.
1996 71
Bob Driebeek Aenigmas Vollkommen(er)es Wunder signed card from blue deck transposes with same card from red deck, variation
1996 84
Tom Gagnon Red & Blue Double-Leaper with the Versatile Spread Control, deck with half red and half blue cards, red selection travels to blue part and vice versa
Also published here 1998 1375
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Between 2 Worlds two cards chosen from two decks transpose
2003 8
Dave Campbell Coincidental Transposition card chosen and reversed in red-backed deck, blue-backed deck spread, it has the same card reversed, they transpose
Also published here
  • The Gen, Vol. 3 No. 9, Jan. 1968
2004 95
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chroma Zone Transpo two signed cards from two decks transpose
2004 34
Peter Duffie Miracle Thot! card thought of, the prediction is removed, it matches thought-of card and they transpose
Also published here
  • marketed in 1990s
2005 62
Kostya Kimlat Two Step, Two Step two cards chosen from two decks match, one by performer and one by spectator, the cards are replaced and then transpose
2006 3
Christoph Borer Double Transposition red and blue deck, two selection interchange in decks
2007 24
Karl Fulves Nonconformist deck separated by colors, two cards openly exchanged, medium removes two cards, one from each half, the red card suddenly comes from original color again
Prolix (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves 2Crds2Dcks two cards chosen from red deck, blue deck spread and same two cards are reversed, both transpose and have the back color from the other deck
Related to 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Boris Wild Man in the Mirror card reversed in red-backed deck, it matches card in blue deck, then the cards are shown to have transposed
Mar. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 3)
Román García Viaje 2x1 two deck decks, named card is card with different colored back, in each deck
2010 161
Karl Fulves Bandido blue-backed card signed on back and pushed in rubber banded deck, card jumps out of banded red deck, blue deck spread, it is in new deck order with red-backed selection at position
Prolix (Issue 10)
Tony Econ Triple Coincidence card reversed in a deck, card selected in other deck, same card found at same position, cards found to be of the other decks
Also published here 2012 89
Tyler Wilson Grimace three decks used for color changing deck / transposition combination, riffling through red/blue alternating deck to simulate a purple deck
2012 43
Karl Fulves Duplicitous Duplicates two different cards chosen from two identical decks and replaced, performer takes two cards from one deck, they are both duplicates from one spectator's selection, same from other deck
2015 6
Asi Wind Echo two decks, card chosen and reversed, same card turns over in other deck, they transpose
Related to 2018 149
Tom Gagnon Devilish Transposition thought-of cards from performer and spectator from two decks transpose, using Devilish Switch
2019 411
Francesco Fontanelli Magi-CAAN two-deck ACAAN with the two cards transposing as a kicker
2024 8
Alexander Hansford Aspect of Eternity / Gathering Dust under-the-spread force variation, reverse-spread under an in-the-hands spread, card traveling into another deck application, or transposition
2024 200