144 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Prediction / B'Wave & Variations
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Martin Gardner All The Non-Conformists named Ace is shown to have an odd back, demonstrated with multiple Aces
Related toVariationsAlso published here Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Edward Marlo Technicolor Thought "Technicolour Thought", any Ace named, it is reversed, and then it is shown to have a different back color as well
  • Commercial Version (with envelope)
    • Buckle Handling
  • Second Version
  • Third Version (double backer added behind back)
  • First Procedure
  • Second Procedure
  • Third Procedure
  • Fourth Procedure
  • Fifth Procedure
  • Sixth Procedure
  • First Four Card Method (no extra card)
  • Second Four Card Method
  • Third Four Card Method
  • Method from Deck
Related toVariations May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Edward Marlo Technicolor Thought Transposition Aces taken from a deck, any Ace named, it is reversed, and then it is shown to have a different back color as well, in the other deck the missing Ace is found
May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Bob Still And Then There Were None small-packet Brainwave posed as a problem, face-up three card monte
Inspired byRelated to Dec. 1966 69
Roy Walton Four Card Brainwave
VariationsAlso published here Winter 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 1st Folio)
Jochen Zmeck Vorherbestimmt oder vorausgesagt? four Queens in envelope, one is named, it is odd-backed and reversed, repeated with Kings, partial rough-smooth
1967 7
Edward Marlo Thought Reversal from small packet thought of card turns over, Acrobatic Cards
1968 62
Verne Chesbro, Larry West Face the Ace four red-backed Aces and four blue-backed Aces, Ace chosen in one packet, its duplicate reverses in the other packet, the transpose
1968 4
Martin Gardner All the Non-Conformists named Ace is shown to have an odd back, demonstrated with multiple Aces
Also published here 1968 31
Alan Alan, Corvello You Read My Mind
1972 44
Brother John Hamman A Four-tunate Choice four Fours, two are freely chosen, they are odd-backed and the other Fours change to Queens
Related toVariationsAlso published here Summer 1972
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 7 No. 7th Folio)
Karl Fulves Carbon Copy two packets with ace to four are sympathetic
Related to 1973 11
Gene Nielsen Mindwave Two with four cards with letters on it, see also p. 460 for suggestion by Robert Schwartz
Inspired byVariations 1973
Magick (Issue 75)
E. Leslie May Mindwave Two... and a Half! with four cards with letters on it, variation of handling
Inspired by 1973
Magick (Issue 86)
Trevor Lewis Simplicity five cards, Elmsley Count
Dec. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Roger Smith Mental Reverse Five five cards, spectator thinks of one, it is predicted on cardboard and has odd back
Related to 1974 5
Ray Cox Odd Cards Out four cards in a envelope, suit is chosen and card turns blank, gag
Magick (Issue 109)
Edward Marlo Tabled Think Ace ungaffed
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Jon Racherbaumer Spread Think Ace named deck is face up in deck
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Cased-In Technicolor Thought gaffed
Inspired by 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Edward Marlo More Technicolor Thought named Ace in Ace Packet is reversed and odd-backed
  • R-B Double-Backed Think Ace
  • Swindle Technicolor Thought
  • Four-Card Technicolor Thought No. 1
  • Four-Card Technicolor Thought No. 2
Inspired by 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Choice ten cards, card with odd colored sticker is selected
Variations 1976
Magick (Issue 159)
Dai Vernon Four-Card Brainwave - The First Method four Aces, named Ace turns out to be reversed and odd-backed, extra card, for credit information see reference
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1978 3
Dai Vernon, Sam Leo Horowitz The Second Method named Ace is reversed and odd-backed, extra card
Also published here 1978 4
Sam Leo Horowitz The Third Method named Ace is reversed and odd-backed, extra card
1978 6
Sam Schwartz The Fourth Method named Ace is reversed and odd-backed, extra card
1978 7
Sam Leo Horowitz The Fifth Method named Ace is reversed and odd-backed, no extra cards, double index Aces
1978 8
Karl Fulves Quartet Gaff comment on Ace with four indices on one side, B'Wave suggestion with other cards being blank
Related to 1978 10
Sam Leo Horowitz The Sixth Method named Ace reversed in packet, multiple out strategy
1978 11
Karl Fulves Historic Note ...on the Four-Card Brainwave effect
1978 13
Dai Vernon Odd Backed Ace named ace has different colored back
1978 13
Four-Card Brainwave
1978 13
Sam Leo Horowitz Five-Card Brainwave two poker hands dealt, one card chosen, when re-dealt, this card reverses itself, two phases, double backers and rough-smooth
Related to 1978 14
Karl Fulves, Father Cyprian, Sam Schwartz Brainstorm essentially B'Wave effect, ungaffed method
Related toVariations 1978 17
Karl Fulves Cross Fire Ace to Four of Hearts and Spades, performer reverses a card in each pile, odd and even values named and they match
1978 47
Karl Fulves Blanker Blue other cards shown blank
1978 49
Karl Fulves Kaleidoscope Ace through Four of Hearts removed from two different decks, performer reverses a card in each pile, they're named values and have transposed backs, optional transformation kicker
1978 50
Karl Fulves Snark Hunt Aces and Jacks removed, named ones turn over and transpose, posed as problem, see reference for method clue
Related toVariations 1978 80
Karl Fulves 4-Card Brainwave credit information
Related to 1978
Interlocutor (Issue 23)
Philip T. Goldstein Brevis odd back and three other cards have different values
1979 11
Karl Fulves Red Blues ungaffed B'Wave method, "Brainstorm II"
Inspired by 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 13)
Jerry K. Hartman Brainwave Dectet ten-card brainwave, "embellished Hamman Count"
Related toAlso published here 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 22)
Karl Fulves Snark Hunt clue to the method
Related to 1979
Interlocutor (Issue 35)
David Britland, Trevor Lewis Ace Wave four Aces in envelope, named is reversed and has different back, with message on back for extra kicker
Sep. 1979
The Talon (Issue 5)
Gene Maze The Guaranteed Greatest Envelope Prediction with four envelopes and different front and back color kicker
1980 44
Jerry K. Hartman Sixtet with packet and false count, card is not reversed, only odd-backed
Related toAlso published here 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 27)
Philip T. Goldstein New Wave spectator reverses one of five ESP cards, same is reversed in packet in envelope
Variations 1982 3
Philip T. Goldstein New Wave spectator reverses one of five ESP cards, same is reversed in packet in envelope
1982 1
Karl Fulves On Four-Card Brainwave credit information
1983 92
Dai Vernon Four Card Brainwave 1955
Also published here 1983 92
Dai Vernon, Sam Leo Horowitz The Vernon-Horowitz Method red/blue double backer
Also published here 1983 93
Dai Vernon 4-as-4 Brainwave using 4-as-4 count, method guess
1983 94
Karl Fulves The Multiple Shift credit information and application to four-card brainwave
1983 110
Karl Fulves Janewave spectator mixes four-card packet behind back and choses a card, mate is also reversed, "Brainrave"
1983 115
Brian Flannigan Battlefield only odd card, rest are duplicates
Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Edward Marlo Impact-Collision-Crash four Queens in four envelopes with holes, chosen Queen turns over twice, chosen Queen vanishes, then reappears in an envelope with odd back
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • MUM, Jan. 1978
1984 114
Max Maven Psychic Twins based on Steranko's "Voodoo Card" and Fulves' "Computer Cards"
Autumn 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 31, 32 & 33)
David Britland Consumer Control chosen ESP card is reversed in packet in envelope, partial rough-smooth
Inspired by 1986 25
David Britland Royal Decree spectator finds out of which King the performer is thinking
1986 40
Reinhard Müller ICC-Karten-Kuvert-Kapriolen four Queens in four envelopes with holes, chosen Queen turns over twice, chosen Queen vanishes, then reappears in an envelope with odd back, using jumbo cards
Inspired by 1986 9
Karl Fulves 4-Card Brainwave Aces in handkerchief folded to bag, named one is turned over, posed as problem
1987 54
Karl Fulves Non-Working Trix #1 B'Wave version in which cards are set-up in a box in a configuration so they can be made to fall into correct face-up/face-down state
Interlocutor (Issue 47)
Edward Marlo The Mental Four one of four cards thought of, performer reverses one, it's the right one, repeated
Related to
  • The Linking Ring, Sep. 1963, p. 65
1988 227
Edward Marlo Observations B'Wave type effect with three double backers and quartet gaff
1988 230
Roy Walton Four Card Brainwave
Also published here 1988 53
Brother John Hamman Four-Tunate Choice four Fours, two are freely chosen, they are odd-backed and the other Fours change to Queens
VariationsAlso published here 1989 216
Karl Fulves Tenvelopes ten cards in ten envelopes, performer and spectator each chose a card from those, envelopes shuffled and dealt, performer wins and the two previous selections are odd-backed
  • Tenotes (Envelopoker)
Related toVariations 1989 49
Brian Flannigan Schlachtfeld only odd card, rest are duplicates
Oct. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 1)
Joel Kahn I was so sure!
Feb. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Ken Krenzel Tubemogrification four queens pushed through deck ala tunnel effect, named one turned over, changed back color, rest changes to aces
1990 148
Philip T. Goldstein Blunk six cards and a die, other cards are blank
Dec. 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Philip T. Goldstein B'Wave four cards, only named queen is reversed others are blank
1991 3
Stephen Tucker The Amazing Four Aces Trick.. Abridged.. Vol: 1 (on separate sheet), b'wave with four cards and a book
Inspired by
  • Mark Leveridge's "Cards on Parade"
1991 11
Jerry K. Hartman Brainwave Dactet ten-card brainwave
Also published here 1991 508
Edward Marlo Roughed Think Ace named ace is reversed and odd-backed, double-enders, rough-smooth
Sep. 1993
The Olram File (Issue 13)
Aldo Colombini Aldo's "Clean" Parade of the Kings one of four court cards thought of, it's odd-backed and other cards blank
Inspired by
  • Mark Leveridge handling
1993 91
John Bannon Twisted Sisters two duplicate four-of-a-kinds from different decks, thought-of suit transposes
  • First Scenario: Apparent Transposition
  • Second Scenario: Implied Transposition
Variations 1993 1
Roy Walton Voice Waves King of chosen suit has different back
Also published here July 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Aldo Colombini Trifle ungaffed Twisted Sisters version, two duplicate four-of-a-kinds from different decks, named suit transposes
Inspired by 1995 57
Dominique Duvivier Nervous Breakdown B'wave type of routine, spectator can freely choose any King without Equivoque
1996 40
James Swain Boxed B'Wave Twisting phases with Queens, named Queen then travels to case, finally turns over and changes back color
1996 32
Karl Fulves Loves Diamonds, Seeks Romance version of the four-card brainwave, Queen selected, other cards are Jacks and other Queens in case
Related to 1996 78
Karl Fulves Silent Knight proposed effect for four-card brainwave
Related to 1996 87
Nick Trost Eight-Card Brainwave
VariationsAlso published here 1997 199
Karl Fulves House No. 5 four deuces, one named, it's the only one face-down, it's placed in case, then four cards removed from case - they're the jacks
Related to 1997 71
Karl Fulves Blue Blood no-force version of "House No. 5", using two-compartment wallet or envelope
Related to 1997 85
Karl Fulves Silent Knight four queens, one placed in case, suit named, other three queens shown and named one is missing, in case are only the four Jacks, version of "House No. 5"
Related to 1997 88
Karl Fulves 4-Card Brainwave Handling
1997 90
Karl Fulves Think of a Vampire spectator think of either a jack or king (his choice), in four-card-packet his card is the only reversed one, the other three are Sixes, quartet type gimmick
1997 102
Karl Fulves Skeleton Crew four kings in one case, four jacks in another, king thought of, performer transfers one in jacks case, it's thought-of one and gets a big hole in the middle
1997 105
Ron Aldrich Invitation to Imagination presentation for B'Wave with envelope
1997 118
Aaron Fisher, Dan Harlan, Gordon Bean The Men's Club performer out-jogs five cards, spectator chooses one, it is the "odd card" as other four are shown to be a Four-of-a-Kind
Labyrinth (Issue 6)
Frank Zak Wallet-Wave B'Wave with a small plastic wallet
  • Alternate Handling
Related to May 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Andrew Mayne A-Wave B'Wave, ungaffed, with named values, risky
1998 66
Wesley James Four-Card Heisenberg
Related to Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Wesley James, Ken Krenzel Ungaffed B'Wave other three cards are shown to be a different value as climax
Related to Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Over Exposed four queens in envelope, two card selected, those turn over and become blank
2000 212
Karl Fulves Double Brainwave "Problems"
five-card brainwave version with transformation element, posed as a problem
Related to 2000 78
Helge Thun Königsparade named King is reversed in packet with four Kings and has X on back
Also published here 2000 6
Karl Fulves, Norman Houghton Do You Have ESP? No. 17, spectator selects only odd-backed card from packet
2001 27
Sam Schwartz Twister four Aces, backs change, then named Ace is only odd-backed one, presentation by Karl Fulves
Related to 2001 151
R. Paul Wilson 8cardBW+2
Inspired byAlso published here 2001 7
Just Alan B'Wave Be Wonderful "Or, How to Routine a Packet Trick"
Jan. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 1)
Jerry K. Hartman Brain Drop performer predicts which suit will be named by reversing one card of a four-of-a-kind packet behind his back
June 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Aldo Colombini 4'Wave
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2001
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Brainstorm II two quartets, one card chosen in one of them with petal force is shown reversed in other four-of-a-kind
Inspired by 2001
Discoverie (Issue 5)
David Regal Lonely are the B'Wave
2002 94
Michel Huot I Really Knew It four Aces, one chosen, "I knew it" written on other three and "I really knew it" on chosen one
2003 5
Alain Nu Nu Wave ungaffed
Related to 2003 16
Ian Rowland Persuasion one of eight cards with symbols is chosen and predicted
Inspired by Jan. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 1)
Wonder Man Fred B'Wave handling and script for B'Wave
2004 115
Aldo Colombini 4'Wave
Also published here 2004 27
Paolo Cavalli E-Wave dated 2001, ungaffed B'Wave
Related to 2005 10
Sveroni Verdrehte Voraussage B'Wave variation with jumbo cards
2006 13
Jacques Terrien Twice two sets of Aces, a suit is chosen and it is shown that it was predicted with each Ace packet, repeated with another suit, "Eight-card brainwave"
Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Stephen Tucker A Freer Chance six cards tabled, spectator chooses anyone and decides on another one for the performer, those are the only two odd-backed ones
Inspired by
  • "Free Chance" (Bill Goldman, Two For The Money, DVD)
Related to
  • "Pick me - Pick me Not" (Peter Duffie, marketed)
Also published here
2006 21
Jamie Badman Call as Ace named Ace is the only one reversed and odd-backed in Ace packet, repeated with another Ace, then with another where the back colors reverse
  • Phase One - Named Ace Reversed
  • Phase Two - Named Ace with an Odd Coloured Back
  • Phase Three - Named Ace with an Odd Coloured Back II
2006 107
Rene Clement B'wave It Goodbuy
2007 194
Jack Parker The Non-Conformists Teach Quantum Mechanics B'Wave type start, four phases with various back color changes
Inspired by
  • "Conforming the Nonconformists" (Lance Pierce, The Second Deal website)
Also published here
  • The Second Deal website, Nov. 2002
2007 15
Jerry K. Hartman Fourthed force of one card in four, applied in a B’wave-type effect, two versions
Also published here
  • Aziz & Beyond (bound in combination with Ibidem, Volume 3, 2002, p. 8)
2007 303
Christopher Williams Ungaffed Entourage four face-down Queens between two Jokers, spectator names a Queen and removes three of the cards, remaining card is the named Queen, others are Aces, named Queen also changes into an Ace
Inspired by
  • "Entourage" (Gordon Bean, marketed)
Related to
2008 27
Karl Fulves Dr. Jackyl four Aces shown, vampire card dropped on top, named Ace vanishes
Related to 2009
Prolix (Issue 6)
Stephen Tucker Freer Chance six cards tabled, spectator chooses anyone and decides on another one for the performer, those are the only two odd-backed ones
Also published here 2009 149
Alan Rorrison Predictable ungaffed B'Wave, "driven primarily by psychology"
Sep. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 9)
Liam Montier, John Bannon B'rainiac named Ace is reversed in dollar-wrapped four-card packet, other three blank and named Ace odd-backed, then blank cards change to other Aces with rainbow backs
Also published here 2011 6
Nick Trost Rouge et Noir Routine selection is only red card in eight-card packet, then changes to four reds and four blacks, follow the leader and A Switch in Time
Inspired by 2011 755
Nick Trost The Deuce You Say! named Two is reversed and odd-backed in packet of Twos
Inspired by
  • "King's Choice" (Marconick, marketed ca. 1974)
Also published here
  • marketed 1974
2011 794
Nick Trost, Stewart Judah Think of an Ace named Ace is shown reversed, divided face/back cards
Inspired by
  • "Think Ace" (Ed Marlo, The Linking Ring, Sep. 1963)
Also published here
  • marketed 1965
2011 798
David Redondo Intuición Ganadora ten cards, card with odd card is selected, three phases, nine card monte transformation as climax
Inspired by 2012 53
John Bannon Duplicity ungaffed Twisted Sister type transposition, rest shown blank
Inspired by 2013 14
John Bannon Mega 'Wave four face-up Queens and four face-down wrapped cards, any Queen named, it reverses in the first packet, then is shown reversed, odd-backed with three Jokers à la B'Wave in the banded packet, then Queen itself becomes blank
Inspired by
  • Omega series, Stephen Tucker
Related to
2013 81
Liam Montier, John Bannon B'rainiac named Ace is reversed in dollar-wrapped four-card packet, other three blank and named Ace odd-backed, then blank cards change to other Aces with rainbow backs
Also published here 2013 197
Takanobu Ishida Card Tapestry Aces are fanned, one is named and Aces are found glued together in a row with chosen Ace reversed
2013 82
Michiaki Kishimoto Blood Type Divination cards with letters of different blood types used, four-card brainwave, reversed and different back
2013 126
R. Paul Wilson Eight BW Plus Two Variation on Nick Trost's Eight Card Brainwave effect, move to hide backs
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 126
Caleb Wiles Elimin-ACE-ion
  • RIngside
four face-down cards, spectator names a Queen and removes three of the cards, remaining card is the named Queen, others are Aces, named Queen also changes into an Ace
  • Variations
Inspired by
  • "Entourage" (Gordon Bean, marketed)
Related toVariations
May 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 5)
Roy Walton Voice Waves King of chosen suit has different back
Also published here 2016 50
Jon Racherbaumer B'Wave Notes
Facsimile (Issue 6)
Harapan Ong Twisted Choices Kings and Aces, twisting effect with one packet, chosen suit transposes between packets
2018 238
Nathan Kranzo Princess of Colour Princess Card trick, ends with chosen card being odd-backed
2021 18
Eugene Burger B'Wave script and handling for Max Maven's routine
2021 278
Eugene Burger Eugene's Non-Gaffed Card Version
Inspired by
  • B'Wave (Max Maven)
2021 280
John Bannon Con-Tourage
  • Dealing With It
four face-down cards between two Jacks, spectator eventually names a Queen and removes three of the cards, remaining card is the named Queen, others are Aces, named Queen also changes into an Ace, named Queen then appears between Jacks, ungaffed
  • Gang of Four (with selection instead of named Queen, no equivoque)
  • First Among Equals (version with one double facer)
Inspired by
  • "Entourage" (Gordon Bean, marketed)
Related to
Dec. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 12)
Helge Thun Königsparade named King is reversed in packet with four Kings and has X on back
Also published here 2023 12