300 entries in Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stuff / Other Stacks / Partial
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The "Alternate Card" Trick packet comes out in order via down-under deal, thirteen-card and 32-card version
1889 72
The Queens digging for Diamonds hotel trick with eight cards each and story presentation
Also published here 1889 82
The "Alternate Card" Trick thirteen-card packet comes out in order via down-under deal
1890 31
Das Umzählen on the reverse counting of decks and packets
Variations 1896 124
L'Homme Masqué Kinetoscopic Force cards riffled in front of spectator and King of Spades among Club cards is mistaken for King of Clubs, spectator holds deck as it is riffled, non-index cards used here
Also published here Sep. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 3)
A. J. Ueber künstliches Mischen slow shuffling method that re-organizes the cards, working backwards, with tables for different numbers of cards that show how the cards change positions with each shuffle, see p. 166
Related to Nov. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 11)
L'Homme Masqué Kinetoscopic Force cards riffled in front of spectator and King of Spades among Club cards is mistaken for King of Clubs
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1909 77
T. Nelson Downs Fourth Method spectator peeks at a card in his own hands and it is found, estimation and stack (for practice only), "the bungling and unobserving performer will meet his Waterloo in this experiment"
Variations 1909 152
Mental Telepathy deck dealt into six piles, any card chosen and lost by assembling the deck
1928 10
The Six Piles six cards on top and bottom of a suit
1935 12
Mephisto's Message number selected via card values from one half gives position of selection in other half
Related to 1935 16
Curious Coincidence
Related to 1936 149
Charles T. Jordan Cagliostro's Vision complicated key card placement with dealing of a chosen number of piles
Also published here 1937 201
Dai Vernon Card Divination card thought of from twenty-six-card stack, multiple out location of card once it is named
Also published here 1937 224
Charles T. Jordan Sympathetic Numbers coincidences with number ten, Tens show up, cut off packet are ten cards, ..., stripper deck
Also published here 1937 278
Charles T. Jordan Poker Player's Deal royal flush in named suit is located underneath handkerchief instantly after taking all royal flush cards out of a riffle shuffled deck
Also published here 1937 368
Forcing the Mental Selection by Prearrangement only court card among number cards, two methods
1938 333
Sam Leo Horowitz A Psychological Discovery two-pile-stop trick with Eight/Nine alternating set-up
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938 549
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Divination "can you see your suit/value... here?", set-up
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Charles T. Jordan A. The Flush Trick deck riffle shuffled twice, performer removes ten red and ten black cards which he mixes again, spectator then deals the packet into three piles twice and puts the packet under a newspaper, performer then reaches under newspaper and produces a flush in a named suit, interlocking chains, in the end the Ultimo deck is ringed in
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Jack McMillen Mind Mirror one suit on top, two honest riffle shuffles
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 223
Martin Gardner Never-Miss Stop Effect two-pile-stop trick with Tens/Jacks alternating set-up
Related to 1940 12
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue A Year in Your Life four digits of named year cut to
Related toVariations 1942 19
Stewart James Memo-Graphia two cards and their positions remembered, they transpose and a calculated number is predicted
1944 4
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Triple Divination card from a poker hand or group of cards remembered, divined with "can you see one of same value here?..."
  • Effect No. 1
  • Effect No. 2
  • Effect No. 3
1946 22
Riffle Shuffle one suit on top, two honest riffle shuffles
Also published here 1946 49
Jack McMillen Mirror of the Mind suit together
1948 34
The Great "Stop!" Trick
1949 33
Martin Gardner Five Nine King card chosen, three piles arranged as in Poker Player's Picnic, on top of the piles are then the mates that match the selection
Related to 1949 11
Bert Allerton, Robert Parrish The Magic Card Square packet cut off, magic square with some cards with the number of cut-off cards
Related toVariations 1952 46
Shuffle Location one suit on top, two honest riffle shuffles
Also published here 1952 52
Ken Beale Take Nine spectator remembers card and its position from the top, performer takes the cards behind the back and brings them back out, the card's value at the original position is used to count down to selection
Inspired byVariations Sep. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 7)
Tom Bowyer A One-Man Impossibility? spectator with cloth over him divines chosen cards, cue sheet and force, originally published under Bowyer's stage name "T. Van Russell"
Also published here
  • marketed 1923
Mar. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 9)
Billy Wiggins Billy Wiggins' Card Trick three piles made and cut, sum of outer two values adds up to value of center pile all through the piles
1957 9
Jack Avis Cards of Sympathy four quartets show up, transform, transpose
1957 11
Laurie Ireland, Carlton King Kidnapped top eleven cards are stacked to tell a story involving a card in an envelope that later shows up elsewhere and transposition and sandwich of various cards, and cards traveling to the performer's pocket
Also published here
  • Exclusive Magic from our Notebook, Ireland & King, ca. 1933
1957 18
Ronald B. Edwards Digital Deck’s Terity deck cut into two halves, spectator deals two piles of card from one half corresponding to a thought-of number, values in one pile added, card at that position predicted in other half
Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Ken Beale Trireme sixteen-card packet cut and dealt into two piles, top card of one pile pocketed, down-under-deal with both packets result in a card of the same value and the same suit of the pocketed card
Inspired by Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Ken Beale Triplets spectator counts down to a number between twelve and twenty and pockets card, down-under deal with dealt packet results in mate, another card of that value is taken from pocket
Inspired by Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
Ken Beale Square Deal nine cards are arranged in a 3x3 square as dictated by spectator, they are a magic square
Variations Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Anthony J. Gugliotta This is Your Life four digits of named year cut to, simplified
Inspired by Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Edward Marlo Color Eliminator Effect card fingertip riffle peeked, no question asked, estimation, small stack and Color Eliminator
1962 36
Edward Marlo A Three Locator set-up and multiple out, estimation peek
1962 46
Dai Vernon The Vernon Card Divination card thought of from half the deck, multiple out divination
Also published here 1962 37
Roy Walton Liberty
Also published here 1969 40
Jack McMillen Ein netter Kartentrick one suit on top
Also published here 1969
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 3)
Ken Beale, Russell "Rusduck" Duck, Marvin Johnson 32 Deal Duplicated selection process with square layout
Inspired by Spring 1970 126
Simon Aronson "Lie Detector" Speller
Summer 1970 173
Dai Vernon Vernon's Divination Effect With 26 Cards No. 17, card thought of from twenty-six-card stack, multiple out location of card once it is named, no details
Also published here 1972 10
Dr. Jacob Daley, Ted Arnold Daley's Version And Set-Up For Ted Arnold's Dice Trick No. 310, selection lost, two dice rolled and that far counted in deck, either selection revealed or the value of card at that position is used to count to selection, 1-0-1 set-up
Related to 1972 80
Ted Arnold, Dai Vernon Arnold's Card and Dice Trick Improvement No. 413, selection lost, three dice rolled and that far counted in deck, either selection revealed or the value of card at that position is used to count to selection, 1-0-1 set-up
  • Vernon's Improvement
Related to 1972 111
Club Sequence Run up With Climax No. 575, Ace through Ten of Clubs are set, seems to be a riffle stacking demo in which all the values are counted to one by one
1972 160
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Mental Stop No. 602, two-pile-stop trick with Eight/Nine alternating set-up
Also published here 1972 167
Roy Walton Witchcraft value found by down-under-deal
  • Method One (fairly easy)
  • Method Two (very easy))
Also published here 1975 5
Nick Trost The Horse Race
  • The Repeat
  • Horce Race - Riffle Shuffle Method
Also published here 1975 10
Charles T. Jordan Cagliostro's Vision complicated key card placement with dealing of a chosen number of piles
Also published here 1975 104
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Divination "can you see your suit/value... here?", set-up
Also published here 1975 107
Charles T. Jordan Sympathetic Numbers coincidences with number ten, Tens show up, cut off packet are ten cards, ..., stripper deck
Also published here 1975 159
Charles T. Jordan Poker Player's Dream royal flush in named suit is located underneath handkerchief instantly after taking all royal flush cards out of a riffle shuffled deck
Also published here 1975 164
Charles T. Jordan A. The Flush Trick deck riffle shuffled twice, performer removes ten red and ten black cards which he mixes again, spectator then deals the packet into three piles twice and puts the packet under a newspaper, performer then reaches under newspaper and produces a flush in a named suit, interlocking chains, in the end the Ultimo deck is ringed in
Also published here 1975 194
Roy Walton Truth & Consequences five cards, lie detector presentation
Also published here Sep. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Tan Hock Chuan Prediction Duo Predict two cards selected
1977 12
Ron Ferris, Allan Ackerman Blackjack Player's Delight four ten-values are on table, four selections turn out to be the four Aces to make four blackjacks
Variations 1978 94
Simon Aronson Symmethree three cards peeked at, first selection turns face up, both remaining selections are counted to from the first one using its value
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1978 38
Philip T. Goldstein Abacus cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted/divined, partial stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Stephen Minch The Minch Ken two cards from ESP deck, spectators think of a number and count to card
Also published here 1980
Magick (Issue 255)
Howard A. Adams Mindevelopmental divination of color, suit, value and complete name of card, using a slate and playing cards
Also published here
  • "Mentalist" 1962
OICUFESP (Issue 5 - the SON of esp card & mental miracles)
Karl Fulves, Charles T. Jordan, Joseph Ovette, U. F. Grant The Buddha Bet "can you see your suit/value... here?", set-up
Inspired byRelated to 1981 12
Roy Walton Liberty
Also published here 1981 32
Roy Walton Witchcraft value found by down-under-deal
  • Method One (fairly easy)
  • Method Two (very easy))
Also published here 1981 149
Roy Walton Son of Tetradism Minus 48 mates of selected card are at the same position in three packets, faro
Inspired by 1981 213
Philip T. Goldstein Abacus cut-off number of cards and single card are predicted/divined, partial stack
Also published here 1982 3
Philip T. Goldstein Cumulative three cards chosen from ten-card packet with dealing procedure
Inspired byRelated to 1982 5
Peter Kane Cards as Calculators
1982 48
Ken De Courcy Down Under Down Under deal four times to produce four Aces
Related to 1983 22
Ken De Courcy Australian Poker Down under deal five times to give spectator a poker hand, but you win with Straight Flush
Related to 1983 23
Philip T. Goldstein Out of Sorts thought-of card (from eight) found and named with back turned
Variations 1984 5
Philip T. Goldstein Counter Feat spectator finds his card at some position
1984 6
Stewart Judah Die allgegenwärtige Paare several mates show up in deck
July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Karl Fulves Even Further credit information, with shuffling strategy
1987 2
Karl Fulves Point of Conversion Ace of Diamonds put in center, it comes to top with the Two of Diamonds underneath which is tabled, repeated and Ace brings Three to Five to top as well, then Ace of Spades is on top and the tabled Diamonds change to Royal Flush cards
1987 31
Bob Farmer Stacked Deck Version spectator thinks of a card from half the deck, performer makes some statements and bets money, then five cards are put on table, spectator's card is among them and the other cards complete a good poker hand
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1987/1988 2
Roy Walton Truth & Consequences five cards, lie detector presentation
Also published here 1988 5
Hiroshi Sawa Collector spectator stops dealing, from that spot the four Aces are produced, they change into Ace through Four of Clubs, then the whole Clubs straight is reversed in the center
1988 60
Brother John Hamman Opposite Pockets chosen and thought-of card are named, no-touch, weird thought-of procedure, partial stack
Variations 1989 75
Edward Marlo Invisible Thought Transfer card thought of from ten-card packet vanishes and is named, reappears in odd-backed deck, partial roughing
  • Second Method (ungaffed)
  • Third Method (ungaffed)
Variations 1989 36
Philip T. Goldstein Encounter duplicate found in second deck when number is counted down, "Interrupted Gilbreath Principle"
1989 2
Karl Fulves Hidden Diamonds Diamonds, Jacks and Queens found with story presentation
1989 46
Michael Powers Whether Forecast spectator deals into two piles and stops anywhere, sum of top cards predicted, each pile dealt into two piles, top cards are Aces, Aces change into Royal Flush, re-deal principle
1990 21
Jon Racherbaumer A Case for Hofzinser Ace travels into card case at the end
1990 50
David Regal Inexplicaple Miracle card made out of suit and value from two chosen cards, it is predicted via card in pocket or card case (multiple out)
Related toVariationsAlso published here Dec. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 12)
Roy Walton School Daze two cards chosen, sum and difference of those values, number of cards as prediction
Inspired byVariations Dec. 1991
Profile (Issue 5)
Peter Duffie The Ultimate Truth
Also published here 1991 [6]
David Regal Apocalypse Variations Or Additions card made out of suit and value from two chosen cards, it is predicted via card in pocket with many duplicates in pocket (Marlo gag)
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Oct. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 10)
Arturo de Ascanio ¿Juega Usted al Mus? gambling routine for the spanish game "Mus", with a deck of forty cards
Also published here
  • "Circular Mensual del S.E.I." N° 4, 1954.
1992 7
Philip T. Goldstein Some Indifference two cards chosen, sum and difference of those values, number of cards as prediction
Inspired byRelated toVariations June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Ken Simmons The Darkest Hour Revisited selected card is only black card in clock dial layout
Inspired by 1992 1
Peter Duffie The Ultimate Truth
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Larry Jennings Face-Up Plunger Lie Detector card shows up reversed at the end of plunger sequence
Inspired by June 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Roy Walton The Waldo Fun Feit Detector
Inspired by July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie A Sense Of Freedom four packets formed and turned over, in the end the sum of values is predicted
Inspired byAlso published here Dec. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Peter Duffie Lucky For Some spectator riffle shuffles deck once and takes top thirteen cards, those cards are predicted or divined
1992 22
Charles T. Jordan Poker Player's Dream No. 135, royal flush in named suit is located underneath handkerchief instantly after taking all royal flush cards out of a riffle shuffled deck
Also published here 1992 167
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Divination No. 142, "can you see your suit/value... here?", set-up
Also published here 1992 174
Karl Fulves "Demon's Divination" Notes No. 143, simplified method
Inspired by 1992 175
Peter Duffie A Sense of Freedom four packets formed and turned over, in the end the sum of values is predicted
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 2
Stephen Tucker The Penultimate Truth
Inspired by Feb. 1993
Profile (Issue 12)
Peter Duffie Card Count-Down card thought-of from twelve-card packet, suit spelled, pairs dealt, value counted down in rest of the deck to find mate
Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Peter Duffie Triplicants card chosen from three-card packet twice, repeated three times, three value pairs, values predicted as well
Inspired by
  • "Triple Coincidence" (Robert Harbin, Abracadabra & Harbincadabra)
1993 5
Chuck Smith Imaginary 21 Card Trick in effect a card is chosen under table and named by magician
VariationsAlso published here 1994 12
Alex Elmsley The Mexican Prediction free selection is predicted with two cards (value and suit)
Related toVariations 1994 37
Roger Crosthwaite Variation Three: Retention-of-Vision
Inspired by 1994 52
Peter Duffie The Impromptu Imposition suit and value of selection found by cuts, selection is then spelled to
1994 21
Aldo Colombini Italian Heart card selected, deck riffle shuffled twice, all Hearts removed, selection remains after down-under deal with all Hearts in order
1994 55
Simon Aronson Symmethree three cards peeked at, first selection turns face up, both remaining selections are counted to from the first one using its value
Also published here 1994 45
Peter Duffie The Ultimate Truth
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1995 84
Scott Robinson Chance by Choice four cards are cut to, sum is predicted in envelope
Related to 1995 89
Doug Canning Card Counters
Inspired byRelated to 1995 153
R. Paul Wilson Blackjack Players Blight four ten-values are on table, four selections turn out to be the four Aces to make four blackjacks
Inspired by 1995 8
R. Paul Wilson Sticky Residue spectator deals out any number of poker hands, cut one hand and remembers top card, all assembled, performer divines number of hands and card
Inspired byRelated to 1995 46
Bob King Direct Mental spectator removes cards to represent hour and then thinks of a card of the same value which is divined
1995 39
Aldo Colombini Majesties combo with Royal Flushes kicker
Inspired by 1995 100
Chuck Smith Imaginary Twenty-One Card Trick in effect a card is chosen under table and named by magician
Also published here Feb. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Peter Duffie Amalga-Mate card pocketed, then a card chosen for value and suit each, it matches prediction in pocket, Mexican Prediction
Inspired by
  • "Ten Mate" (Joe Rindfleisch, Precursor, Jan. 1996)
1996 4
Peter Duffie Imogenetic three cards chosen and face up on table, another card made with suit and value of two of those cards, that card found via spelling and other cards from that value as well
Inspired by
  • "Genimo" (Alan Francis, Abacus, Vol. 4 No. 7)
1996 11
Doug Conn Another Invisible 21-Card Trick spectator pockets card, it is named
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 9
Nick Trost Second Method alternative method for "Horse Race" using Gilbreath Principle
Also published here 1997 102
David "Fu Manchu" Bamberg Das Orakel card reading routine with layout which coincides with what the performer says, current time shows up as well
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 3)
Aaron Fisher The "Eight Four" Trick value of designated card in one half of deck dictates position of selection in other half of deck
Labyrinth (Issue 6)
Michael Skinner, Jon Racherbaumer No Further Than This
Inspired by
  • Michael Skinner's "Further Than" That handling
1997 91
Doug Conn Four-tunate Dice four dice used to count down to cards, they are the four Aces
Also published here 1997 8
Doug Conn Invisible 21-Card Trick spectator pockets card, it is named
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 13
Jack Avis Magical Sucuba 4x4 matrix, some number coincidences occur
Related to 1998 110
Philip T. Goldstein Chainsaw spectator cuts cards and counts down according to cut-to value, that card predicted, four-way out in Himber Wallet
1998 32
Lew R. Brooks Order Out of Chaos packet of one suit arranges itself from Ace to King after cuts and shuffles
Related toAlso published here 1998 8
Doug Canning Whisper Will spectator thinks of card in twelve-card packet at a known position/hour, card is divined
Dec. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 4)
David Regal All's Fair Spectator fairly deals and stops on two cards - one gives the value, one gives the suit. Card in magician's pocket/card case predicts it correctly
VariationsAlso published here 1999 3
David Regal No Mercy All's Fair Same as All's Fair, but with kicker of producing fifty two of the prediction card in the pocket
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1999 5
Doug Conn Fourtunate four dice used to count down to cards, they are the four Aces
Also published here 1999 29
Doug Conn Impossible 21 Card Trick spectator pockets card, it is named
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 105
Ellis Stanyon Queens Digging for Diamonds No. 40, hotel trick with eight cards each and story presentation
Also published here 1999 52
Ellis Stanyon Rapit Memorization (?) of Half the Pack No. 17, half the deck switched, order known or cue sheet
1999 91
Howard A. Adams Nu Triple Basic packet is down-under-dealt three times so that three people end up with two cards each, they all add up to nine
Also published here
  • Mindespa
Discoverie (Issue 1)
Roy Walton Lucky Seven
Inspired byAlso published here July 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Bob Karlbach Auto Dial four packets made according to card values, eventually the spectator's phone number shows up
Also published here Nov. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Ali Bongo Unfolding Future folded multi-level prediction as in Simon Aronson's "Shuffle-Bored"
Inspired by
  • Ludow, from Paris
Related toVariations
Off The Books (Issue 2)
John Moran Discard Poker cards are shuffled face up into face down, face down cards are dealt for four players, four Royal Flushes
2000 38
Steve Beam The Macho Magician Versus Wussy Gambler matching value and suit are spelled of selection, then four Aces are found as a kicker by spelling
2000 46
Steve Beam The Of-Age Card Trick 21 card trick without dealing the cards multiple times
Also published here 2000 56
Steve Beam Turning 21 imitating the 21 card trick
  • 2-Selection Version
  • Infusion
Also published here 2000 60
Marty Kane V.D. valentines day patter, card is found by dealing and spelling, she loves me / loves me not for down-under deal
Inspired by 2000 73
Steve Beam Prime Location cards reveal selection and amount of cut cards
Inspired by 2000 77
Steve Beam Bulletproof card is cut to and divined
Related toVariations 2000 80
Steve Beam Parallelogram different presentation for Bulletproof, with two cards
Inspired by 2000 82
Stewart James, Steve Beam Applause Card two numbers from one to ten, chosen values lie at reversed chosen numbers, at total is a card with a message
Inspired by
  • Stewart James' "Were You Fooled?" in "Stewart James in Print - The First Fifty Years"
Related to
2000 152
Marty Kane Hallmark Inventory
Related to 2000 185
Peter Duffie Found by Coincidence spectator uses some cards of sixteen-card packet to find his selection with down-under deal, then reverse faros until down to one brings mate of the top card of another packet
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2000 6
L'Homme Masqué The King of Clubs: A trick of L'Homme Masqué cards riffled in front of spectator and King of Hearts among Club cards is mistaken for King of Clubs, spectator holds deck as it is riffled, card then removed from pocket
Also published here July 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 7)
Roy Walton Cardputer card thought of from five-card packet, cards spelled out according to color and other characteristics
Inspired by
  • "1st Experiment" (Peter Duffie, from his website)
2000 [45]
Gary Ward Countdown Mates five cards chosen, any four added up and that number counted down to, arrived-at card matches fifth card of original set
2000 [46]
Gary Ward Another Countdown five cards chosen, best blackjack hand made from them which is a twenty, card at twentieth position is Ace of Spades to make it twenty-one
2000 [47]
Simon Aronson Choices Card at named number
Inspired by 2001 155
Karl Fulves, Nick Trost Psychic Aura No. 22, three cards chosen from tabled layout, mates reverse in deck
Inspired by
  • "Psychic Coincidence" (Nick Trost, Three Pet Secrets, 1964)
Related to
2001 35
Peter Duffie K.I.A. "Kane is Able"
twenty-card packet, after some dealing a value and a suit are used to form a card, it is the card that a spectator earlier stopped dealing
Inspired by
  • Marty Kane trick
2001 5
Peter Duffie The Universal Base Ace of Spades put on bottom of deck, it changes into the mates of three selections, other Aces show up as climax, bottom deals
2001 7
Jason England The Third Shuffle three honest shuffles by spectator
Inspired byAlso published here May/June 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Peter Duffie Suit Yourself Too two small packets, one arranges in the same suit order as the other, Klondike shuffle, self-duplicating set-up
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Sep./Oct. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Peter Duffie Suit Yourself Too two small packets, one arranges in the same suit order as the other, Klondike shuffle, self-duplicating set-up
VariationsAlso published here June 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Lewis Jones Dual control two thought-of cards divined (each one out of five)
Inspired by
  • "Radar Deck" (Richard Osterlind)
2002 146
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Twins collide five cards put on table and one chosen, its mate found from rest of deck
2002 160
Trevor McCombie On a Wing and a Prayer (or The Trick With No End!) some four-of-a-kinds are stacked in the center, one chosen, other three revealed however one pleases
Also published here
  • Abacus Vol. 9 No. 9, May 2001
Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jamie Badman, Colin Miller Mere Coincidence? any card named, a card is touched and it is the named card, switch
2002 19
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Domino Effect domino chain made with cards, end and beginning predicted
Variations 2003 64
Tom Ransom Card Sense (By Computer) the twenty Royal Flush cards are used for a divination of poker hand and hole cards, using a paper computer with strips to find out about the cards
Jan. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 1)
Simon Aronson Square Deal faux fortune telling routine, magician divines number of cards cut off, magic square formed with cards also divine that number
Also published here 2003 20
Roberto Giobbi, Barbara Giobbi-Ebnöther Barbara's Trick spectator cuts off cards, remembers bottom card and riffle shuffles packet into rest
Inspired by May 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 5)
Cushing Strout The Left-Handed Clock Cards dealt into clock formation, card is located using a spinning physics toy as the clock hand
Inspired by 2005 24
Barrie Richardson Out of My Sight, But in My Mind with two spectators, one thought of and one peeked
2005 234
Frank Garcia Throw Cut Aces throw-cut production of four-of-a-kind, then two more quartets show up
Inspired by
  • Al Koran routine from The Wizard
Discoverie (Issue 10)
Peter Duffie A Lessen in Dishonesty card pocketed from eighteen-card packet, all but two cards eliminated which have the same suit/value combination as pocketed card
Inspired by
  • "Down Under Deal with Multiple Cards" (Hideo Kato, Precursor #79)
2005 8
Peter Duffie Mexican Expansion free selection is predicted with three cards (type, value and suit)
Inspired byVariations 2005 14
Stephen Tucker Stephen Tucker Goes Down Mexican Way free selection is predicted with three cards (type, value and suit)
Inspired by 2005 16
Peter Duffie U. D. Associates two matching mates are found by spectator with down-under-deal
Inspired by 2005 18
Jack Avis The Mystery of X (Ten) a Ten spot and cards that add up to ten show up, number ten is predicted
2006 101
Steve Beam Sleepwalker
Inspired byRelated to 2006 101
Steve Beam His Card different method for Sleepwalker
2006 102
Steve Beam The Spoiler selection in the deck, several hands dealt, selection will complete good hand
Inspired byRelated to 2006 127
Steve Beam Take this Card and Shove It selection in the deck, several hands dealt, selection will complete good hand, with smaller set-up
2006 130
Roberto Giobbi, Jack McMillen Muscle Reading one suit on top, two honest riffle shuffles
Inspired by 2006 49
Bruce Cervon, Roberto Giobbi Think Stop!
Inspired by
  • Bruce Cervon's routine in “Genii" Vol. 50, No. 8, February 1987, page 577
2006 104
Paul Gordon The Eradicator! not with whole deck
2006 119
David Solomon Very Dicey selection in deck, two pairs of dice thrown, both numbers counted to, the cards there match the total, both numbers added, packet of that size produced with selection as last card
Inspired by
  • version on "Solomon's Mind" DVD
Related to
2007 16
Steve Beam Turning 21
  • Two Selection Version
  • Infusion
Also published here 2007 86
Steve Beam The Of-Age Card Trick
Also published here 2007 95
Jack Parker Discarded 21
2007 123
Chuck Smith Imaginary 21 Card Trick in effect a card is chosen under table and named by magician
Also published here 2007 130
Doug Conn Impossible 21 Card Trick spectator pockets card, it is named
Also published here 2007 133
George McBride Mirakill
Also published here
  • Cardville, Jan. 2002
2007 6
Nick Trost Psychic Coincidence three selections out of nine cards are predicted in value
Related toVariations 2008 43
Aldo Colombini Direct Aces spectator cuts off pile, next to values added, counted down, Aces found finally
Prolix (Issue 4)
József Kovács Double Prediction spectator cuts off some card, another card chosen by counting down to a number, mate is predicted and two more prediction cards add up to amount of cut-off cards
Oct. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Allan Slaight Group of Seven stack that allows a stop trick (1-0-1 credit information), spelling to thought-of card and Ten Card Poker Deal
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, Sep. 1988
2008 104
Ken Krenzel Suit Yourself packet of chosen suit arranges itself from Ace to King in spectator's hands
Related to 2009 217
Jason England The Third Shuffle three honest shuffles by spectator
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 4
Nick Trost Coincidental Cut spectator cuts off packet, then selects card in rest, card on either side add up to number of cut-off pile
Inspired by
  • "How Many Card Did You Cut?" (Henry Bosworth, Linking Ring, Dec. 1970)
2009 314
Nick Trost Mental Fingertips spectator cuts off pile and pockets it, then pockets a card as well, performer finds two cards in his pocket that match the number of cut-off pile, then mate
Also published here
  • marketed in 1964
2009 345
Nick Trost The Eleven Routine nine tabled pairs, spectator drops prediction on one of them, only that pair adds up to predicted number eleven, two more phases
Inspired byRelated to 2009 445
Doug Canning Free Willy spectator cuts deck in three piles and distributes three top cards, outcome predicted
Variations 2010 95
Steve Belchou, Martin Gardner, Roberto Giobbi Two, Six, Ten card chosen, three piles arranged as in Poker Player's Picnic, on top of the piles are then the mates that match the selection
Inspired by
  • Steve Belchou’s “The Million to One Trick” in "Dragon", Vol. 8, No. 5, 1939.
Related to
2010 83
Denis Behr Chad Long's "Shuffling Lesson" into a Partial Stack to end in half stack
Inspired by 2011 36
Patrick Page The Continuous Do As I Do spectator and performer each shuffle half the deck and exchange top card, they match, repeated multiple times
Inspired by
  • Douglas Francis' "Duo Coincido" in Peter Warlock's "Pentagram" Vol. 1 No. 2, 1946
Related toVariationsAlso published here
2011 40
Pit Hartling Bolsillos Opuestos card stopped at and card thought-of in relation to the stopped-at card, both removed, performer divines both
Inspired byAlso published here 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Justin Higham Sophisticated Daydream one suit on top
Inspired by 2011 37
Nick Trost Three Matched Pairs spectator selects only three pairs of mates
  • ESP Card Version
Inspired by 2011 586
Nick Trost Repeat Do As I Do spectator and performer each shuffle half the deck and exchange top card, they match repeatedly, four-of-a-kind finale
Inspired by 2011 612
Nick Trost Off to the Races
Inspired by
  • Walt Rollins's race routine from 1966 lecture in Buffalo
2011 654
Peter Duffie Revelations eight-card packet reveals two selections, one by spelling, the other by the suit of all cards in the packet
2011 3
Peter Duffie Psychologistic card chosen, packet used to determine suit, and values that add up to the position of selection, "based on a principle published by Phil Goldstein"
2011 16
Allan Ackerman, David Solomon, Peter Duffie The Never Ending Elevator using Ace to Four of Hearts and the four Kings, transformation kicker, Heart straight production
Inspired byAlso published here 2012 85
Steve Beam Predicting the Past magician predicts a card to be freely chosen by a member of the audience
Related toAlso published here 2012 11
Dani DaOrtiz 10th Open Prediction
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
three predictions from second deck are on table, any number named, the card is counted to and the card at that position completes a four-of-a-kind with the predictions, "every tenth" principle
Mar. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 3)
Bill Woodfield The Kaleidoscopic Card spectator thinks of a picture card while deck is riffled in front of him, card vanishes, Queen of Spades between Club cards is mistaken for Queen of Clubs
Related toAlso published here
  • Genii, Nov. 1964
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
L'Homme Masqué Kinetoscopic Force cards riffled in front of spectator and King of Spades among Club cards is mistaken for King of Clubs
Also published here 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Shuffle Bored Magic spectator shuffles deck face-up/face-down according to instructions on advertising card, final configuration also predicted on that card
Variations Mar. 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Too Perfect Shufflebored different shuffling procedure
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Inspired by Aug. 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Takanobu Ishida Magic Square Card Mystery packet cut off, magic square with some cards with the number of cut-off cards
Inspired by 2013 96
Nick Trost Gemini Meets Gilbreath three cards are mated with Gemini Twins procedure, spectator does a riffle shuffle before the deal
2013 587
Nick Trost Die-abolical Aces four piles made with dice throws, Aces are found on the bottom of them
Inspired by 2013 732
Nick Trost Cards and Dice-ceptions I three pairs of dice, numbers rolled and counted to backwards with LaGerould's Backwards Count Force, four Kings found
Inspired byVariations 2013 735
Nick Trost Cards and Dice-ceptions II spectator chooses three cards that match predictions, four Aces kicker, LaGerould's Backwards Count Force
Inspired by 2013 736
Simon Aronson Total Recall Spectator cuts off some cards, number of cards matches the sum of values of three random chosen cards, MCS Stack (Multiple Card Sum Stack)
Related toVariations 2014 149
Simon Aronson Square Deal faux fortune telling routine, magician divines number of cards cut off, magic square formed with cards also divine that number
Also published here 2014 262
Justin Higham Performer Fiddles While Spectator Burns three phase routine, faro
2014 33
Pit Hartling Hot Pockets card stopped at and card thought-of in relation to the stopped-at card, both removed, performer divines both
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 127
Steve Beam Ranger School Several versions of a range force where spectator makes all the choices to arrive at force card.
  • The Deepest Cut
  • Short Cut
  • Split Forces
  • It's Manure Time
  • Retreating Force
  • Opposing Force
  • Centrifugal Force
2015 213
Steve Beam Predicting the Past Routine where the magician predicts a card to be freely chosen by a member of the audience.
Also published here 2015 217
Nick Trost More Heaps of Coincidence deck cut into eight piles, poker player's picnic with spectator simultaneously leads to four mates
Inspired by
  • "Heaps of Coincidence" (Paul Clive's Card Tricks Without Skill, 1959)
2015 1158
Nick Trost Double Trouble two spectators select a card from sixteen-card packet, rest dealt into three piles, both matching three-of-a-kinds are found in rest of packet (one with dealing and one with CATO)
  • ESP Card Version
Inspired by
  • "Lasting" (Aldo Colombini, Card Trips, 2004)
2015 1160
Nick Trost All-Fair Gemini Twins two selected cards (by thinking of a number from one to ten) are mated with Gemini Twins placement
2015 1164
Nick Trost A Good Match two cards selected (by thinking of numbers), deck cut into three piles and center one reversed when reassembling, two cards at separation points match selections
Inspired by 2015 1165
Nick Trost Laying on the Hand
Inspired by
  • "Pre-Deck-Ability" version (Aldo Colombini, marketed 1996)
2015 1225
Nick Trost Have a Heart card made out of suit and value from two chosen cards is predicted
Inspired by
  • "Point of No Return" (Aldo Colombini, Linking Ring, Aug. 1999)
Related to
2015 1312
So Sato Mass Destruction Stacking deck cut into piles, spectator shuffles all, yet some set-up is retained
Inspired byRelated to 2016 118
John Hostler Five Card Mental Leap one of five cards thought-of, performer wants to remove mate from deck, but it is the actual selection now missing from the packet, mate comes from pocket
Also published here 2016 36
G Calling Prediction (神谕者) Magician can divine cards held by spectator, last card appears as a bruise on magician's body
2016 77
Dani DaOrtiz In Series
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
several cards chosen, they correspond to the serial number of a borrowed bill, Hofzinser inspired
Inspired by
  • "One Second for the Magic" (Dani DaOrtiz, Jugeteando lecture notes)
Oct. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 10)
Roy Walton Nine Time card from small packet is chosen and put in another small packet, another card is chosen and its value used to count through the packet to find selection
2016 17
Roy Walton From The Heart selection predicted via suit and value, selection then changes to match reverse composite card
2016 174
Roy Walton Lucky Seven
Inspired byAlso published here 2016 181
Alexander de Cova Lefty Deck spectator thinks of a card from half the deck, concept of using a mix of left-handed index cards with normal cards to limit the choice
Inspired by 2016 103