138 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Gambling / Poker / "Magic"
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Victor Farelli Poker and Brag four Aces produced in "magic gambling" routine via dealing procedure
Inspired by
  • "After the Four Ace Trick" (Billy O'Connor, The Magic Wand, June-Sept 1935)
1936 33
Purvis W. Miller Poker Hand Repeat Trick six card repeat with poker presentation
Related toVariations 1939 33
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Busted Bobtail four royal flush cards produced, then fifth has wrong suit, rest is transformed
1941 15
Jack Lamonte A Winning Hand six card repeat with poker presentation
Related toVariations May 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Peter Sutton A Winning Hand variation of Lamonte's routine
six card repeat with poker presentation
Inspired by Oct. 1949 591
Edward Marlo Effect Two straight flush shown with six cards, extra-card vanishes and reappears in sleeve
1953 13
James Steranko Dead Man's Hand Finale Chapter Twelve, "A Lesson in Card Artistry"
spectator choses card, they turn out to be Dead Man's Hand (pair of Eights and Aces), third Ace appears between them
1960 83
Harry Lorayne Short Pseudo Exposé one card changes to complete royal flush
1962 243
Milton Kort The You Got Nothin Poker Deal Magician tries to deal the winning hand to himself, but gets a pair. But everyone else gets blank cards, so magician does win after all
1962 13
Karl Fulves Prelude explaining "dealing heavy" to audience, then surplus card vanishes
Aug. 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Peter Alexis Scarlock's Card phoned person knows dealt poker hands
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Guy Thompson The Mississippi Switch pile on table, cards to be exchanged dropped next to the pile and deck placed on first pile, in context of a poker story
Magick (Issue 7)
Gene Nielsen Card Sense poker presentation, prediction in envelope
Variations 1971
Magick (Issue 37)
Gerald Kosky Jokers Wild! five hands are dealt and performer removes five Jokers from wallet, everybody can swap a card with a joker, performer ends up with winning hand, Himber wallet
Inspired byRelated to May 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 11)
James G. Thompson Jr. Call Your Hand Variation performer's poker hand contains four Aces and selection
Inspired by 1972 144
Al Koran Automatic Poker Aces, Kigs, Queens, Jacks and Tens are removed and dealt, all Royal Flushes
1972 141
Peter Alexis Scarlock's Card phoned person knows dealt poker hands
Also published here 1973 13
Edward G. Brown The Poker Hand ten cards are chosen and two poker hands formed, without looking at the cards, the spectator selects a hand, performer's hand is a royal flush
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1973 36
Jerry K. Hartman Hope For The Best spectator thinks of highest card in the hand, then magician deals four of a kind, high-card mental force
Related toAlso published here 1973 80
Jerry K. Hartman Wild Kingdom I Four Twos and the Ten of Spades, the Twos change to complete Royal Flush in Spades
Related to 1975 25
Jerry K. Hartman Wild Kingdom II Four twos and Ace of Spades, Twos change to Aces, then change to Royal Flush in Spades
Related to 1975 25
Gerald Kosky Joker's Wild! five hands are dealt and performer removes five Jokers from wallet, everybody can swap a card with a joker, performer ends up with winning hand, Himber wallet
Related to 1975 86
Jerry Andrus "Gambler's Aces" face up aces in face down deck, four hands deal, then all aces are in one hand but face down
1976 25
Darwin Ortiz Mucker's Miracle performer deals himself four Aces from a spectator-shuffled deck, they are then (optionally) shown to have different-colored backs
Related to 1976 7
David Carré The Card Expert multiphase routine, fullstack
Feb. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Premium Poker five selections are promised to be hole cards in stud poker deal, however they appear from pocket instead, sleeving
1977 14
Paul Harris Easy Royal Spectator names any Ace, performer takes out four cards and shows each card to be an Ace of Spades, packet then multiples into five cards and shown to be Royal Flush in Spades
Inspired by 1977 97
Fred Lowe Matched Poker Deal done with royal flushs instead of quartets
1977 16
Jay Malbrough Poker Face getting a Royal Flus, then Aces and showing a Full House reversed in the deck as kicker
1977 26
Christian Scherer Trickspiel-Poker five ace of spades or removed from deck and change into royal flush, second royal flush is produced
1978 84
Lin Searles The Color-Blind Crossroader five cards, one has different back, all backs change, gambling story
1978 7
Edward Marlo Vanish and Poker Combination four signed selections vanish and reappear in a poker hand
1979 170
Karl Fulves Near Royalty two cards change to complete a Royal Flush between three cards
1980 64
Ray Grismer Psychic Poker five hands, cards switch with performer's hand, who still ends up with Royal Flush
Magick (Issue 250)
Karl Fulves The Cut/Deal Problem three Aces and Kings are put on top, spectator deals for two players, "self-stacking"
1981 48
Karl Fulves Fifty Dollar Deal
  • Poker Problem #6
spectator constructs any hand from five face-up piles, one card from each pile, magician names this hand
1981 56
Karl Fulves The Hired Hand aces exchanged with other poker hand one by one, but still remain in original hand, with weird poker variation presentation
1981 72
Marc Russell Flash production of a royal flush, with Hofzinser Two Card Catch
Dec. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Steve Beam Hole Card Change transposition presented as secret switch
1982 14
Mack Picknick The Gambler and His Accomplice gambling demo, spectators see cards put down in front of accomplice, eventually they are found in hand of performer
1982 36
Meir Yedid The Invisible Poker Hand invisible poker hand is dealt, which suddenly appears, with Slingshot Snap Out
Related toAlso published here 1982 60
Ken De Courcy Australian Poker Down under deal five times to give spectator a poker hand, but you win with Straight Flush
Related to 1983 23
Roger Crosthwaite Gambler Versus Cardician dealing four hands, performer deals Aces face-up in his hand, different back color of the Aces as climax
Inspired by
  • Milton Kort's "Off-Colour Aces" in "Off-Colour Card Tricks"
1985 32
Steve Beam Rollover Aces
Inspired by 1987 310
Edward Marlo The Oh Henry Stack three methods, other sources mentioned
Related to 1988 138
Doug Edwards Joker Poker using "Step Gaff"
May 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 5)
Roy Walton Oversight Aces are placed aside, stacking sequence shuffled with rest of deck, Aces apparently forgotten, they are placed on top and immediately dealt to the performer in five-handed game
Related toVariations 1988 82
Karl Fulves Outjogged Poker apparent stacking with outjogged aces as demo, when dealt aces fall to spectator, yet performer gets aces
Related to 1989 15
Ken Krenzel, Edward Marlo The Doppelgänger Deck applying the JB Kard Kop
Inspired by 1990 102
Harvey Rosenthal Switch Poker hands build by touching cards, royal flush, using the overload move
1990 601
Philip T. Goldstein Five-Card Polka poker story, red/blue double backer, marketed in 1976
Related to 1990 55
Karl Fulves Gambler vs. The Kid open bottom deal, yet the cards end up in other hand, Aces kicker
Related toVariations 1990
Swindle Sheet (Issue 3)
Meir Yedid Unsichtbarer Pokerspieler invisible poker hand is dealt, which suddenly appears, with Slingshot Snap Out
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 8
Jack Carpenter Eight Kings bottom deal demonstration in which one deals 8 kings, then kings are in other pile than they were dealt
Related to 1992 130
James Swain The Big Stack dealt poker hand of four Aces transforms into royal flush, all other hands are shown as royal flushes as kicker
VariationsAlso published here 1992 23
James Swain The Big Stack dealt poker hand of four Aces transforms into royal flush, all other hands are shown as royal flushes as kicker
Related toAlso published here July 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Meir Yedid Invisible Poker Hand invisible poker hand is dealt, which suddenly appears, with Slingshot Snap Out
Related toAlso published here 1993 7
Paul Gertner Black Jack Surprise bust blackjack hand changes into four aces
1994 113
Darwin Ortiz Darwin's Poker Deal travelling signatures
Inspired by 1995 159
Darwin Ortiz Pick-A-Card Poker with to-Royal-Flush-Transformation
Related to 1995 172
Darwin Ortiz The Cross faro stacking, transformation
Inspired byRelated to 1995 180
Paul Cummins Intuitive Poker spectator chooses Royal Flush from spread deck
Inspired byVariations 1996 18
Gary Plants "Killer" Poker-Deal Demo color changing deck climax
June 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 6)
Dan Block One-Card Poker two cards become five - a royal flush
July 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 7)
Ken Krenzel The Lost Aces of Louie the Loser aces visibly vanish when dealt in poker deal, reappear in one of the other hands
1997 137
Nick Trost Generic Deck Version Variation on "The Five-Ace Poker Hand" with blank cards
Inspired by 1997 27
Nick Trost Bottoms, Seconds and Centers Demo Pseudo demo (with duplicate card)
1997 88
Nick Trost Psychic Poker similar to previous "Calling the Hands"
1997 117
Nick Trost Trost on "Matching the Cards" Four jacks change to Aces, with blank deck ending
Inspired by
  • "Herbert Milton's Rendition of Matching the Cards" (Lewis Ganson, Matching the Cards, 1977)
Related to
  • "Correcting a Mistake" (Hatton & Plate, Magician's Tricks: How They Are Done, 1910)
1997 184
Nick Trost Nick's Expanding Cards Mini poker hand grows in size to poker-size, gimmick could have inspired Micro Macro
Inspired by
  • "Lohrey's Enlarging Cards" (Carl Lohrey, marketed in The Linking Ring, 1950s)
VariationsAlso published here
1997 220
Peter Duffie The Fourmost Card reversed in packet of twenty-five cards, packet is "mixed" and dealt into five poker hands - hand with reversed card contains four of a kind, other hands are mixed
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1997 67
Alex Elmsley The Colour-Changing Faro Shuffle first published in Jerry Sadowitz' "The Crimp", five times performer cuts to a card, royal flush but with different colored back
1997 9
Doug Edwards Six Card Royal Four card repeat, end with royal flush production and finding selection
Also published here 1997 39
Jas Jakutsch, Bob Farmer "16-Foot Tsunami" multiple cards are divined, impossible conditions, psychic poker, belly strippers
Related to 1999 9
David Regal The Luck Test Bad poker hand placed face up in the middle of the deck, transforms into a royal flush
1999 24
David Regal Mystic Poker Spectator draws any royal flush card on a blank card, four other blank cards print to complete the royal flush
1999 105
Joshua Jay Locating a Deal multiple selection, cards end up in a poker hand when dealing, then all spectators have their cards in their hands and performer has a Royal Flush
Inspired by 2000 49
Karl Fulves The Secret Out
  • There Was A Crooked Man
apparent riffle stacking explanation with Aces out-jogged while doing lengthwise shuffle, Aces end up in other hand when dealing the out-jogged cards alternately with top cards
Charlatan (Issue 3)
Joshua Jay Shuffle-Proof Poker Shuffling Lesson type procedure to stack cards, then spectator gets Kings, which appear in performer's hand between bad cards, spectator then has Aces
Related to 2000 11
Marty Kane Best Poker Hands two phases, good poker hands are formed
Inspired by
  • "Heavyweight" (Peter Duffie, 21 Card Tricks)
Also published here
2000 [26]
Bryce Kuhlman rekoP straight, odd procedure
Inspired by
  • Phil Goldstein's "Four Gone Conclusion" in "Genii" January, 1996.
Jan. 2001
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 5)
Simon Aronson Last Five Standing Produce poker hands with down under deal
2001 252
Marty Kane Progressive Card Magic two phases, good poker hands are formed
Inspired by
  • "Heavyweight" (Peter Duffie, 21 Card Tricks)
Also published here
2002 74
William Goodwin A Royal Parcel
Inspired by 2002 118
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Spineless spectator selects a dealt hand and remember a card, after dealing new hands, performer finds card and adds a good hand
2002 166
John Moran Challenge Deal high card is named and spectator places the card in the deck, when cards next to it are removed they form a royal flush
Variations 2002 182
Steve Beam Starter Cards low card is named and spectator places the card in the deck, when cards next to it are removed they form a straight flush
Inspired by 2002 183
Steve Beam Starter Cards #2 low card is named and spectator places the card in the deck, when cards next to it are removed they form a straight flush
Inspired by 2002 185
Ernest Earick A Hand For Mr. Scarne Aces lost in deck, one shuffle, performer deals himself four times the Ace of Spades, transformation into different Aces
Inspired byRelated to Mar./Apr. 2003
The Penumbra (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Who's The Cheat? two four-of-a-kinds, two of each given to both spectator and performer, yet they separate again
Related to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 7)
Luis H. Trueba El Tahúr Precavido gambling routine, cutting to the Kings, dealing Kings in one hand and Aces in other, all the red cards appear togehter as well as the black cards in order
2003 107
Wesley James, Patrick Cook Holdout Holdup "sewt", signed kings placed in sleeve openly, kings then travel to deck, stacked for poker game, change to Aces, Kings in wallet, five methods
2004 133
Reinhard Müller Flip-Flop Poker using the Müller-Flop, packets are turned over and card selected, card next to selection are all high cards of same suit, selection transform to form a Royal Flush
2004 76
Reinhard Müller Three-Deal Royal Flush different method for Flip-Flop Poker
Inspired byVariations 2004 77
Juan Tamariz Super Poker poker routine, four hands dealt, all get good hands but performer gets winning hand, las card transforms
2004 31
Juan Tamariz Aces, Kings - And Other Poker Hands named poker hand is produced on top of deck
2004 34
Juan Tamariz Incredible Card Control cards dealt several times, different good hands, color, pairs and four of a kind
2004 179
Karl Fulves Real Secret Stuff Aces removed from deck with an indifferent card, this packet riffle shuffled into deck and left outjogged, two poker hands dealt from outjogged cards alternating with top of deck, Aces end up in other packet
Prolix (Issue 1)
Woody Aragón All Winners alternative ending for Australian Poker, all end with Royal Flushes
2006 209
Steve Beam Full Boats and Empty Nets two hands of five cards are used and even though spectator shuffled, performer has the mates of spectator's cards
2006 121
Tomas Blomberg Swedish Parity Poker instructions for a game with five players, performer wins, prediction of total of values in performer's hand
2006 123
Steve Beam The Spoiler selection in the deck, several hands dealt, selection will complete good hand
Inspired byRelated to 2006 127
Steve Beam Take this Card and Shove It selection in the deck, several hands dealt, selection will complete good hand, with smaller set-up
2006 130
Marc Serin Poor Man's Poker cut-off pile is dealt into several hands, top card of each pile form a Royal Flush
2006 135
Larry Jennings Royal Flush ten cards are shuffled face up and face down and then divided in two packets, one consists of a Royal Flush, paritiy
2006 27
Roger Crosthwaite An Off-Colour Deal Aces are lost and dealt to performer in four-handed game, they change their back color as a kicker
Inspired by 2006 53
Jerry K. Hartman Poker Face-to-Face Multiple card Triumph under guise of gambling demonstration
2007 74
Jack Parker Ouroboros Poker hands chosen from a ten-card pile of Jacks, Queens and Kings. Audience gets full house, performer gets four Aces
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 14
Jack Parker Magician vs. Magician Magician recounts story of playing poker with another magician, magician ultimately wins with Royal Flush in Spades (lots of pokerhand transformations)
Inspired by 2007 27
Stewart James Pocket of Persistence Deck is placed in pocket unseen, magician can be blindfolded, but is able to extract winning poker hands, and even the mate to a previously selected card
Also published here
  • Typewritten instructions, Apr 1949 and Aug 1958
2007 105
Stewart James Package Deal Card is inserted into a packet of nineteen cards at random spot by spectator, will form four hands of poker for four straights
Variations 2007 189
Jack Parker Ouroboros Poker hands chosen from a ten-card pile of Jacks, Queens and Kings. Audience gets full house, performer gets four Aces
Also published here June 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 6)
Justin Higham Jungian Poker five poker hands dealt, spectator peeks at one card from a poker hand, all cards are collected and re-dealt, performer gets winning hand of straight flush consisting of peeked at card
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2008 31
Michael Weber Self Centered self-working center deal demonstration, apparently spectator deals centers
Also published here 2008 2
Michael Weber A Spectator Named Kennedy shuffled deck, spectator apparently deals cards from center while magicians gets a full house
Related to Nov. 2009
The Penumbra (Issue 11)
Michael Weber Self Centered self-working center deal demonstration, apparently spectator deals centers
Also published here 2009 10
Michael Weber Self-Centered self-working center deal demonstration, apparently spectator deals centers
Also published here 2010 115
Antonio Zuccaro (Pseudo) Marked Deck Routine Performer demonstrates how marked decks can be used in a game (deck is turned face up) - cuts to four Aces, center deals four Aces, before color changing deck ending as a kicker
Inspired by 2011 59
Tony Cabral Five Aces same Ace dealt to oneself five times, changes into royal flush, different handlings
Related toVariations 2011 38
Pit Hartling Una apuesta imposible spectator selects a card and performer cuts four piles, cut cards form a straight flush with selected card, repeated
Also published here 2011
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 17)
Steve Freeman Royal Hummer Cards are mixed face up and face down haphazardly, later all cards are face down except a royal flush
Variations 2012 8
Jason Ladanye The Big Stack performer stacks himself queen, someone else gets kings, queens change to aces
Inspired by 2013 181
Tom Crosbie From Spain With Love gambling routine, Aces appear, case vanishes, false dealing part and four Royal Flushes and rest of the deck in order as climax
2013 23
Steve Beam Two For the Price of One Using a factory second deck of cards, spectator shuffles and cuts and a poker hand is dealt. The spectator is allow to draw cards. Ultimately, he settles on a pat hand. The other side is the magician's hand. It's a royal flush.
Related to 2015 217
Steve Beam Two For the Price of One #2 Using a factory second deck of cards, spectator shuffles and cuts and a poker hand is dealt. The spectator is allow to draw cards. Ultimately, he settles on a pat hand. The other side is the magician's hand. It's a royal flush.
Related to 2015 220
Steve Beam Pokerdiction Using a factory second deck of cards, spectator shuffles and cuts and a poker hand is dealt. Five other cards, predictions, turn out not to match the poker and. Then suddenly, all cards match on both sides of both hands.
2015 222
Nick Trost Aces and Eights performer has five cards in his hands, changes some and then has five Jacks
2015 1199
Nick Trost Triplets Royal Flush royal flush production with dealing procedure, Fulves Parity Principle
Inspired by 2015 1200
Nick Trost Wild Bill's Dead Man's Hand dead man's hand shows up twice, with spelling, CATO, shuffling and dealing
2015 1236
Nick Trost Nu-Way Intuitive Poker spectator chooses Straight Flush from spread deck after riffle shuffle
Inspired by 2015 1240
Nick Trost Ultimate Psychic Poker with Pinochle deck, performer divines types of dealt poker hands after a riffle shuffle
Inspired by 2015 1340
Roy Walton Imaginary Bottom Deal gag false dealing demonstration with transformation surprise
2016 126
Frank Shields Gardner-Marlo Poker Deal Variation
Facsimile (Issue 6)
Jason Ladanye Aces Anonymous Aces removed and put in envelope in Himber wallet, performer still receives those Aces in poker game, duplicates, faros
Inspired by 2018 251
Ramón Riobóo Unbeatable
2018 145
Edward G. Brown The Poker Hand ten cards are chosen and two poker hands formed, without looking at the cards, the spectator selects a hand, performer's hand is a royal flush
  • Notes by Andi Gladwin
Also published here Sep. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 9)
Patrick G. Redford Stack Safe Poker Triumph Triumph, produces Royal Flush at the end, multiple phases, maintains order of deck (works best with Redford and Aronson)
Inspired by 2019 166
Reinhard Müller Forks and Power Outlets ten cards are used, every ninth is removed and performer ends with a Royal Flush
2020 205