190 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Four-of-a-Kind & Aces Effects / Matching the Cards
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To Change Four Cards, drawn haphazard, and placed on the table, into Cards of the same Value as a Single Card subsequently chosen by one of the Spectators optional forcing pack
1876 102
Louis F. Christianer Correcting a Mistake card is selected and placed aside without looking, three more cards chosen, they are three Kings, first chosen card is an Ace and Kings have changed to Aces
1923 7
Magician vs. Gambler
Variations 1937 43
Joe Berg The Magician Makes Good unknown card tabled, one card and two mates reversed (e.g. three Aces), first card does not match and reversed cards are seen to have transformed into matching values
1937 8
Jean Hugard, Art Lyle Magician vs Gambler patter story and simplified handling
Inspired by 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Silas and the Slickers rhyming patter, ballad by Elmer Applegit
Variations 1939 26
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Busted Bobtail four royal flush cards produced, then fifth has wrong suit, rest is transformed
1941 15
George Starke My Uncle and the Gambler
Inspired by Aug. 1945 142
Arthur H. Buckley A Difficult Routine Experiment No. 17 - four cards change one at a time, presented with four forced selections (Aces)
Related to 1946 168
Arthur H. Buckley The Ladies and the Deuces Experiment No. 21 - with cards to pockets climax
1946 174
Edward Marlo The Good Magician
Related to 1947 44
Fours of a Kind dunbury delusion presentation
1948 213
Joe Berg Magician Makes Good unusual presentation
Also published here 1948 126
Bruce Elliott Aces??? magician vs. gambler, doing all the moves but getting all four aces, magician's joke
Apr. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 148)
Frederick Braue Gambler vs. Magician (A New Handling) four-of-a-kind ends up in pocket
June 1948 434
Dr. Jacob Daley, Paul LePaul The Bashful Queens three Queens on the table change to indifferent cards. All four Queens are found in four different pockets
Related toVariations 1949 179
Edward Marlo Cardician Makes Good double duke
Related to 1951 5
Edward Marlo Cardician Makes Good
Variations 1953 119
Cy Endfield Gambler Out-Gambled
Related toVariations 1955 38
Roy Walton Eight Ladies? four Queens are found then placed on table where they change into Eights, Queens found in four different pockets
Inspired by 1955
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Joe Berg Magician Makes Good "Magician Maces Good", unusual presentation
Also published here 1958
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 6)
Dai Vernon Matching the Cards
Related to 1959 22
Edward Marlo The Rough Magician vs the Gambler
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Nate Leipzig The Matching Up Trick or Comedy of Errors
1963 167
Harry Lorayne Magician vs. Gambler cards to pocket finale
Related toVariations 1964 27
Edward Marlo Alternation using an eight card faro control to set-up for a Matching the Cards type routine
1964 29
Al Leech The Better Magician
1965 55
Larry Jennings The Changing of the Guard "Chapter Twelve", three cards are changed to match Ace of Spades
Related to 1967 75
Larry Jennings Monarch's Quartette "Chapter Thirteen"
Variations 1967 83
Larry Jennings Monarch's Quartette - plus
1967 85
Peter Kane Royal Flush Flash Kings change into royal flush
Related toVariations 1967 2
Peter Kane Tetradism
  • (1) Matching the Cards with freely chosen card
  • (2) all four-of-a-kinds produced
Variations 1967 19
Edward Marlo Perplexing "Cardician Makes Good"
Related toAlso published here 1972 20
Jeff Altman Three Happenings similar in effect, top and bottom cards of piles fit
1972 377
Derek Dingle Gambler's Triumph matching the cards / triumph combo
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Jerry K. Hartman Set-up for Marlo’s “Cardician Makes Good” see reference
Related to
  • "Cardician Makes Good" (Edward Marlo, The New Tops, July 1963, p. 26)
1972 9
Dai Vernon Vernon's Matching Up Trick No. 12
1972 8
Dai Vernon Vernon's Matching Up Trick Variation No. 19, three different switch-outs, "Dai showed this to Leipzig and it became his favorite trick."
1972 10
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Knaves And Aces No. 212, Jacks lost and found and put in "prison", they transpose with Aces
Related to 1972 52
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's "I Thought So" (Matching Up Variation) No. 262
1972 65
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Psychological Matching Up Trick No. 340, with pocket finale, two cards can be pre-loaded
Related to 1972 95
H. Adrian Smith, Dr. Jacob Daley Adrain Smith's Poker Player's Dilemma (Sphinx April 1938) No. 402, "Adrian" misspelled, matching the cards with Royal Flush: four Royal Flush cards in Hearts cut to and tabled, then the last in Spades, all change to Spades
  • Variation (Daley, missing Hearts Royal Flush produced from pocket)
Also published here
  • "A Panicky Poker Player's Problem" (H. Adrian Smith, The Sphinx, Vol. 37 No. 2, Apr. 1938, p. 39)
1972 109
Dr. Jacob Daley Snap Crimp Use For Leipzig's Matching Up Trick No. 552, card chosen, other three found, unclear if transformation is part of it
1972 154
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Combination Transposo And Comedy Of Errors For Finish No. 609, doing matching the cards as follow up to a transposition
Related to 1972 169
Nate Leipzig Leipzig's Four Aces And 3 Ten Match Up Trick No. 676, note without content
1972 184
Nate Leipzig Leipzig's Matching Index No. 683, cryptic
1972 185
Father Cyprian Two Gamblers v.s. One Magician transforms in Royel Flush as kicker, mistake presentation lost
1973 81
Harry Lorayne Quick Matching the Cards
1973 100
Edward Marlo Perplexing "Cardician Makes Good"
Also published here 1973 4
Faucett Ross Card Act Description of routine of card tricks

  • Cards Up the Sleeve
  • Matching the Cards
  • Leipzig Four Ace Trick
  • Changing card under foot
  • Twenty Card Transposition
1975 200
Herbert Milton Rendition of Matching the Cards
1975 201
Francis Carlyle Matching the Selected Card brief
1975 77
Peter Kane The Poker Hand same as "Royal Flush Flash"
Related to 1975 155
Nick Trost Gambler vs. Magician
1975 7
Edward Marlo "No Palm Climax" - 1964 cards to pocket climax
1976 209
Edward Marlo The Sting Gambler vs. Magician, no palm cards to pockets climax
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Philip T. Goldstein Fingertip Poker
1976 5
Alan Shaxon My Favourite Card Trick magician vs. gambler theme, then wrong cards appear in wallet
1976 16
Edward Marlo In Place of Double Lifts - Third Effect
1977 266
Edward Marlo In Place of Double Lifts - Fourth Effect
1977 268
Larry Jennings Nowhere and Everywhere again
Also published here 1977 38
Martin A. Nash Title Bout Gambler vs. Magician theme, see p. 449 for additional crediting
VariationsAlso published here 1977 257
Martin A. Nash In His Cuts Triumph/Magician vs. Gambler - combo
1977 262
Karl Fulves Sidelines credit information on the following plots
  • Magician Makes Good
  • The Travelers
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #9)
Lewis Ganson Introduction
1977 4
Dai Vernon Matching the Cards
1977 6
Dai Vernon Note Travelers as follow-up for Matching the Cards
1977 9
Nate Leipzig Comedy of Errors "wrong" cards dropped on floor, where they then change to match selection
1977 10
Herbert Milton Rendition of Matching the Cards
1977 12
Faucett Ross The Faucett Ross Version
1977 13
Faucett Ross Impromptu Matching two four-of-a-kinds, pair exchanged, they transpose back, then ready for Matching the Cards
1977 15
Fred Lowe Matched Poker Deal done with royal flushs instead of quartets
1977 16
Lewis Ganson Tribute to the Card Stars three or even four four-of-a-kinds show up
Inspired by 1977 22
Roger Smith, Steve Saunders, Ron Hicks The Spell of a Good Magician three thought-of cards spelled to, they then change to Aces to match a fourth card, faro
1977 9
Christian Scherer Dreifache Überraschung three matching cards turnover in deck
1978 69
How to deliver out four aces, and convert them into four knaves. four times glide, Richard Kaufman's transcription of Reginald Scot's card section
Related to 1979 62
John F. Mendoza Cardician Makes Good & Triumph Combination
1979 60
Dr. Jacob Daley, Frank Garcia "Doc" Daley's Masterpiece: The Gambler and the Magician
Variations 1980 50
Al Smith, Peter Kane Seconds Out mates of selected card are at the same position in three packets
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Martin A. Nash Title Bout Gambler vs. Magician theme
Also published here 1980 2
Harry Lorayne Lorayne's Magician Vs Gambler cards to pocket finale, more thorough description
Inspired by 1980 16
Fred Lowe Ein kleiner Irrtum Matching The Cards with Royal Flush, last card is of wrong suit and rest changes
Aug. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Stephen Tucker QuadraQueen 3 matching the cards with Travelers finale, using a coin
Variations July 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Walt Lees Matchochism Aces lost, then cut to again, last one is King, rest changes to King and Aces are on bottom of four tabled piles
Related to 1981 2
Geoffrey Latta Topsy Turvy Surprise combined with with matching the cards
Also published here 1981 7
Derek Dingle, Yasuo Kiga a la Kiga three cards change to make four of a kind, two handlings
1982 5
Derek Dingle CutOff
Variations 1982 27
Fantomas Three After One free choice, full deck set up in four of a kinds
Dec. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Frank Garcia Matching the Cards Sequence
1982 25
Steve Beam Don't Blow It
1982 20
Christian Scherer Vier Damen cards are produced to divine selection, transform into mates
1982 31
Curtis Kam Overdunn indicator cards change into mates of selection, missing sucker element
1982 36
Geoffrey Latta Topsy Turvy Surprise Plus combined with with matching the cards
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 79
Michael Powers Counter-Intuitive Transpo Matching the Cards meets Reset in a weird effect combination
1983 11
James G. Thompson Jr. Traue keinem As! longer routine with Aces and Kings, with following items and 4&4 oil water
Aug. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Al Smith Fifty-Percent Solution performer tries to cut four queens, finds three then an ace, then queens are transformed into aces and queens found reversed in deck, in case and in wallet
Inspired by 1984 166
Joe Riding Irish Calculator
1984 88
Louis Falanga Third Routine magician vs. gambler theme
1985 41
Earl Wheeler Sucker Four Ace assembly with Kings, last one is an ace, kings change to aces to match (1937)
1985 4
Dai Vernon A Match Made in Cincinnati performing Matching the Cards with a new deck, includes cutting to any named value
1987 139
Randy Wakeman Cardician Makes Better back and forth transformation
Inspired by 1987 6
Randy Wakeman I Like Nice Things quartet changes into royal flush as kicker, three methods
Related toVariations 1987 12
Roberto Giobbi Ein abgekartetes ... Risiko matching the cards with Travelers finale, stand-up presentation with glasses
Inspired by 1987 4
Karl Fulves Eventual Ace Cutting progressive matching, spectator cuts to Ten, then to a Jack and first Ten becomes Jack, then to a Queen and first two cards become Queens, and so on, posed as problem
Variations 1988
Interlocutor (Issue 47)
Edward Marlo Cardician Makes Good unknown card put aside, three Deuces found, card is Ace, it's changed to Two, now three other cards are Aces, Two changed back to Ace
Inspired by
  • "Ace-Deuce Mix-Up" (Ed Marlo, Sept. 1949)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, July 1963
1988 9
Dai Vernon Matching the Cards Forerunner
Variations 1989 xii
Dai Vernon Matching the Cards Forerunner II
1989 xvi
Jim Molinari Why Take Chances?
Variations Dec. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 12)
Brother John Hamman Three Guesses unseen card placed aside, spectator chooses three wrong cards, performer names card and three cards change to mates
1989 72
Father Cyprian "If I Were a Psychic" spectator chooses a four with longer elimination process, performer cuts one half into three piles, face cards don't match but bottom cards are mates of selection
1989 32
Michael Powers Misplace Your Bets performer cuts to four-of-a-kind one by one, spectator cuts small packet onto each card, top cards shown to be same four-of-a-kind, bottom cards changed to Twos or something else, two effect variations
Inspired by 1990 40
Larry Jennings Magician Makes Good three mates of selected card appear face up in deck
Also published here 1990 3
Stephen Tucker Masters of Disguise
Apr. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 4)
John Bannon The Ace-Man Cometh progressive matching the cards with transformation after every phase
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 92
Edward Marlo Gambler Versus Olram
June 1991 11
Jerry K. Hartman Sugar and Spice quartet changes into royal flush as kicker
Inspired by 1991 398
Terry LaGerould Las Vegas Final Exam Matching the Cards with Aces and Kings, then Aces cut to by magician
Variations 1992 49
Edward Marlo Easy Packet Switch covered Tent Vanish switch, here as matching trick
The Olram File (Issue 14)
David Avadon Avadon vs. the Gambler
Feb. 1993
Profile (Issue 12)
Vicente Canuto, Harry Lorayne, Frank Garcia El Mago Contra el Tahúr with cards to pocket finale
Inspired by 1993 178
Aldo Colombini Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Apr. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Paul Gertner The Four Kings spectator does not find card but four indifferent ones, change into four-of-a-kind
1994 96
Darwin Ortiz The Showdown with card to wallet and folded to key case
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1995 128
Lou Gallo Lou Gallo vs. the Gambler magician's only version
1996 114
Michael "Miki" Scheid Eine königliche Komödie Matching the Card with Travelers finale
  • 1. Akt: Exposition - Drei Könige treten auf
  • 2. Akt: Irrung und Verwandlung
  • 3. Akt: Katharsis
Inspired by 1996 130
Larry Jennings Monarchs' Quartette
  • Version One
  • Version Two
1997 22
Nick Trost Trost on "Matching the Cards" Four jacks change to Aces, with blank deck ending
Inspired by
  • "Herbert Milton's Rendition of Matching the Cards" (Lewis Ganson, Matching the Cards, 1977)
Related to
  • "Correcting a Mistake" (Hatton & Plate, Magician's Tricks: How They Are Done, 1910)
1997 184
Jason Alford Poker Triumph Magician vs. Gambler story
Inspired by 1998 27
Harry Lorayne Foursome Fourall impromptu all-of-a-kind
Inspired byRelated to 2001 227
Harry Lorayne My Cup of Tea
Inspired by 2001 519
Allan Ackerman The Ace Man Returns matching the cards with transformation after every phase
Also published here Aug. 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 12)
David Regal The Mystery Card chosen card completes four of a kind
2002 103
Aaron Fisher Four by Four spectator selects one of four cards, the other three change into the quartet
2002 63
Karl Fulves Further Notes on "Magician Makes Good" and Mac McDonald's $100 Ace Routine
2002 66
Bob King Magician v. Gambler four Queens produced and signed, then matching the cards with travelers finale
Related to 2002 15
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Double take unknown card removed, another card chosen and placed aside, second card divined by turning over some cards in the deck of same suit, value, ... then the three mates of removed card turn over
Related to 2002 71
Aldo Colombini Narrow Margin spectator cuts to three Aces, then a Ten, Aces are changed to Tens, then to Kings, Aces found reversed in center and Kings in different pockets
Mar. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue)
Simon Aronson Aronson Stack Makes Good Matching the Cards done with Aronson stack
Also published here Apr. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 8)
Jamie Badman Mr. Memory Man missing card named by looking through the rest, then three mates found face down, they're the wrong cards but change into the right ones
Inspired byRelated to 2003 113
Juan Tamariz All of a Kind matching the cards, three random cards are turned over in the deck and then mates of unseen selection are found reversed
Related toVariations 2004 94
Kevin Beaty Four the Easy Way impromptu version of Tamariz' "All of a Kind"
matching the cards, three random cards are turned over in the deck and then mates of unseen selection are found reversed
Inspired byRelated to 2004 [10]
Larry Jennings Magician Makes Good
Also published here 2005 7
Roberto Giobbi The Best Card Trick for Laymen
  • The Genii Session
with Dai Vernon finesses that come from Johnny Thompson
Sep. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 9)
Christoph Borer Matching the Himber Card matching the cards, first three cards found in wallet, Himber Wallet
Also published here
  • Matching the Himber Card in "ANAM CARA"
2006 75
Jack Avis Magician vs. Gambler routine outline, using snap-over change
2006 150
Brian Glover The Hot Card & Magician Makes Good Once Again
  • Working for "The Hot Card"
  • Working for "Magician Makes Good Once Again" (the four-of-a-kind is shown stuck on the four corners of the case in the end)
2006 86
Bruce Cervon My King Trick
2007 53
Gerald Deutsch Force Some
2007 289
Miguel Gómez El mago lo arregla todo
2007 116
Scotty Johnston The Shoe She Connection card put aside, spectator deals three piles, top cards match selection, repeat in which cards to not match but first three cards that were placed aside changed to match new selection
2007 37
Jack Parker Lead Astray card selected but not shown, three mates produced, selection does not match, mates are changed to match selection
Oct. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Magician Does Good one of five cards chosen, cards shuffled back, three Aces cut to, selection is Three of Hearts, they change into Threes
Prolix (Issue 6)
Jim Patton Spectators Find the Aces three spectators each stop during riffling and are shown a card, they then change to Aces to match a fourth selection
2010 180
Darwin Ortiz Twelve the Hard Way twelve cards from one suit produced to match selection, mistake, transformation in different suit
Inspired by
  • Benjamin Earl's "Full Suit Production"
2012 99
Peter Duffie Not Wrong performer cuts four packets with Ace through Four of Hearts on the face, fourth card is Spades though and other packets are turned over to show matching Spade cards
2012 6
Tony Chang Queens Gambit removed card is "divined" by analyzing four indifferent cards twice, then four of a kind transformation climax
2013 17
Jason Ladanye The Quick Change Artist
Variations 2013 17
Gabi Pareras Sobre la Ordenaciones on simplifying and harmonizing stacks, example of Vernon's Matching the Cards
El Manuscrito (Vol. 6 No. 24)
Eric Richardson N.E.1 - Notes of Eric & Juan (Richardson & Tamariz) finding mates of one chosen card, then mates of second chosen card turn-over in the deck
Inspired by 2013 186
Joaquín Matas Los Sietes-Dieces cards dealt until spectator calls stop, then four cards chosen, numbers match the amount of dealt cards, other card is chosen and other three cards change to same value, number in dealt pile matches too
Inspired by 2014 193
Simon Aronson The Aronson Stack "Makes Good" Matching the Cards done with Aronson stack
Also published here 2014 250
Alex Ng Impromptu All of a Kind Three freely selected random cards change into three of a kind to match the fourth card previously selected by spectator
2015 13
Roberto Giobbi A Comedy of Errors Queens change into other matching set, Queens from different pockets, standup staging with glasses
2016 144
Peter Duffie Lie To Me card chosen and lost, spectator can lie or tell the truth three times and performer cuts to a card that reveals the truth, selection travels to pocket and three cut-to cards transform into mates of selection
Nov. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 11)
Benjamin Earl Stem Cell framing routine differently to get different experiences with same handling, four cards shown one by one and tabled, they change into four aces, possible presentations:
  • Stem Cell Monte
  • Stem Cell Magician vs. Gambler
  • Stem Cell Sleight of Hand
2017 103
Johnny Thompson The Gambler's Ballad gambling demonstration with Matching the Card finale, magician vs. gambler theme, rhyming patter
2018 27
Johnny Thompson Dai Vernon's Magic Castle Act from late Sixties
  • The Cups and Balls
  • Han Ping Chien
  • Winged Silver
  • Copper/Silver
  • Matching the Cards
  • Ambitious Card
  • Color-Changing Deck
2018 81
Jason Ladanye Standing Out handling without table
Inspired by 2018 23
Harry Lorayne Fourced Match
2018 188
Harapan Ong Matching the Cards classic effect
2019 53
Harapan Ong Same Data, Different Conclusions Two cards selected. Three cards used to divine color, suit and value of first selection. Those three cards then change into the mates of second selection.
2019 57
Yves Carbonnier À la Jennings
Inspired by 2019 64
Roberto Mansilla Mago vs. Jugador Puertorriqueño four of a kind is produced, then cards change to another four of a king
2019 31
Roberto Mansilla Matching the Cards transformation to other four of a kind
2019 43
Patrick G. Redford 4agon Conclusion Magician finds wrong four of a kind, then changes them into the correct four of a kind containing the selection
2019 26
Mike Pisciotta Into the Dead Zone unknown card placed aside, performer sets out to find mates but stops at three different cards which are left face up in the deck, the change to value of selection, non-stack version of Tamariz's effect
Related to 2020 25
Larry Jennings Jennings Makes Good Queen chosen, performer cuts to three Aces, first Queen is shown to be an Ace now, Queen reversed in center
2020 364
Larry Jennings Monarch’s Quartette the Third
Also published here 2020 562
Roberto Giobbi Matching the Cards
2021 61
John Graham MVG Magician vs. Gambler, signed cards to pockets and wallet as climax
Inspired by 2021 29
Curtis Kam It Can't Be Done Any Faster Matching the Cards, quick Ace Cutting and red-black separation in fifteen seconds
Nov. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Steve Reynolds The T-Town Lesson Matching the Cards with Sevens and Kings, then Sevens cut to by magician, then Aces found as well
Inspired by 2022
Output (Issue 21)
Simon Aronson Aronson Stack Makes Good Matching the Cards done with Aronson stack
Also published here 2022 70
Dave Forrest Flush Aces performer cuts to four Aces, Aces change into Royal Flush with five cards
VariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, June 2008
2022 740
Jason Alford Flush Aces Variation performer cuts to four Aces, Aces change into Royal Flush with five cards
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2009
2022 826
Justin Higham All's Well That Ends Well version without stack
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2023 17
Justin Higham Easy-Going Gambler Gambler vs Magician version
2023 21
Justin Higham Note On "All's Well That Ends Well" note on the Speed Larreverse Handling, two cards are turned over book-wise quickly
Related to 2023 4
Justin Higham All Ends Well version without stack
Inspired by 2023 8
Joshua Jay Matching the Cards set-up is available in Particle Stack
2024 135