199 entries in Cards / Principles / Binary / CATO & Parity
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Bob Hummer Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related, personality type presentation
VariationsAlso published here 1945 1
Bob Hummer Hummer's 18 Card Mystery spectator takes eighteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and divines the amount of reversed cards, see Collected Secrets for links to variations
VariationsAlso published here 1946 1
Bob Hummer Hummer's Swindle spectator takes sixteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile behind his back, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and without looking reverses all cards back in order
Also published here 1946 2
Bob Hummer The Lonely Card CATO routine, cards turned face up, performer takes packet behind back and reverses all cards except selection
VariationsAlso published here 1946 2
Bob Hummer The Little Moonies CATO routine, cards with moon faces printed on them, one way they are smiling held the other way the are sad, spectator marks two cards on the pack and cuts them in the deck, performer takes cards behind back, all moons are in smiling orientation except marked two
Also published here 1946 3
Martin Gardner, Bob Hummer Under the Table spectator takes eighteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and divines the amount of reversed cards, cards are separated into red and blacks as climax
  • Turn Every Other Card
Inspired byVariations Nov. 1948 484
Bob Hummer The Stubborn Card No. 46
1950 81
Oscar Weigle Color Scheme No. 47, Cards mixed face up/down, spectator separates face up/down, as well as red/black
VariationsAlso published here 1950 83
Peter A. McDonald Which Way? almost the same as Lonley Card
Inspired by 1950
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 11 No. 5)
Bob Hummer, Oscar Weigle Hummer's Reversal Mystery CATO trick, magician can name correctly number of face up cards after cut and turn over procedure. Oscar Weigle variation: colors are also separated
Variations 1956 17
Bob Hummer The Little Moonies CATO trick, uses cards with drawing of either smiling/frowning face. Two cards are marked on the back and after mixing, shown to be the only ones frowning while other cards are smiling
Inspired byAlso published here 1956 19
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Der "Sex"-Test eight cards, Cato under table, only Queen among Jacks and Kings ends up reversed
Inspired by 1956
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Hummer-Marlo packet mixed with cato procedure by spectator under table, one card remembered, performer sorts all except selection, faro
Related to Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Harry Lorayne Hummer Addition spectator reverses some cards, below table magician reverses more so named total is achieved, as kicker all are one color
Inspired byAlso published here 1965 30
Robert Page All But One CATO red black separation routine, p. 241 for further reference
Related to Aug. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Martin Gardner Paradox Papers paper with numbers in a 4x4 grid is folded into small square, edges cut off, then all even numbers are one way and the odds another, application with cards, Steve Shimm suggestion, tapestry handling, see also p. 521 for Gene Nielson handling, H. E. Dudeney
Inspired by
  • Henry Dudeny puzzle from "Modern Puzzles" (1926)
Related toVariationsAlso published here
July 1971 429
Charles Hudson Hummer - 4 four cards mixed face up face down by spectator, values of face up cards predicted, CATO
Related to Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Robert E. Neale Number Hummer four cards mixed face up face down by spectator, values of face up cards divined or predicted
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1973 600
Oscar Weigle Color Scheme with face-up/face-down mix of twenty cards behind spectator's back
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1974 724
Karl Fulves Addenda handling variation
Inspired by Apr. 1974 725
Martin Gardner, Clayton Rawson Further Ideas
Inspired by Apr. 1974 726
Karl Fulves Type Casting face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related
Related toAlso published here 1979 23
Howard A. Adams Symbolike two sets of ESP cards are placed face-up and face down into a pile and are further mixed, when divided into two piles both have same amount of face up cards, when assembled again five ESP cards are face-up and five face-down
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Howard A. Adams ESP Oil Water with cards face up and face down
OICUFESP (Issue 2 - ten MORE brand new esp card miracles)
Nick Trost ESP Baby Hummer card that ends up as only reversed card in packet after mixing procedure is prediction
Related to 1979 2
Karl Fulves Lone Impromptu cards mixed face-up and face-down, performer rightens them behind back except for selection
Inspired by 1980 29
Bob Hummer Hummer's 18 Card Mystery spectator takes eighteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and divines the amount of reversed cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 7
Bob Hummer Hummer's Swindle spectator takes sixteen cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile behind his back, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and without looking reverses all cards back in order
Also published here 1980 7
Bob Hummer The Lonely Card CATO routine, cards turned face up, performer takes packet behind back and reverses all cards except selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 7
Bob Hummer The Little Moonies CATO routine, cards with moon faces printed on them, one way they are smiling held the other way the are sad, spectator marks two cards on the pack and cuts them in the deck, performer takes cards behind back, all moons are in smiling orientation except marked two
Also published here 1980 8
Bob Hummer Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, weird, CATO related, personality type presentation
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 14
Karl Fulves Power Play instruction game ten card poker deal
1980 63
Charles Hudson Sum Hummer Ace to Ten packet, mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted, CATO principle
Variations 1982 105
Charles Hudson The Royal Computer Kings and Queens are given to spectator for CATO procedure, two card turned over, two previous selections
Variations 1982 109
Karl Fulves The Dating Game No. 3, spectator turns cards over, at the end only a King-Queen pair is face-up
Inspired by 1984 4
Karl Fulves Odd Color Out No. 19, cards shuffled face-up/face-down via CATO by spectator, two selections made, performer handles cards and all face-up cards are red with a black selection and vice versa
Variations 1984 27
Bob Hummer, Rudolf Braunmüller Immer bereit, Anruf genügt! pin-up girl cards, sixteen cards, list with numbers, chosen card/girl eventually divined with layout on table
Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Aldo Colombini Clubbed in one half selection turns over, in other half all cards from the same suit are found reversed
Variations 1985 187
Martin Gardner Paradox Papers No. 9, paper with numbers in a 4x4 grid is folded into small square, edges cut off, then all even numbers are one way and the odds another, application with card values on paper or card layout (chosen card turned over is only odd-colored at the end)
Also published here 1985 18
Harry Lorayne Hummer Addition spectator reverses some cards, below table magician reverses more so named total is achieved, as kicker all are one color
Also published here Oct. 1987
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein, Robert E. Neale Toddler packet mixed face-up/face-down, values added up is force number
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
1989 3
Peter Duffie Hummerism twenty-four-card packet is shuffled face-up/face-down, then it is dealt into two piles and face-down and face-up cards are separated, prediction about same number of cards and odd/even separation are confirmed
1992 13
Karl Fulves Parity Prophet cards dealt in pairs, one turned over, again dealt in pairs, cards on both side of reversed card are mates or predicted, Gemini Twins relation
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Trip Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 4"
  • Two Unique Principles of Bob Hummer
  • Principle One
  • Principle Two (CATO)
Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Peter Duffie Card Prediction face-up cards after CATO mixing added, card at that position in rest of deck predicted
Dec. 1993
Profile (Issue 17)
Basic Hummer four cards, selection is only one reversed after some procedure
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
Also published here
1993 72
Persi Diaconis Beyond Hummer four cards, selection is only one reversed after some procedure
Also published here 1993 74
Vicente Canuto, Bob Hummer Vuelvo Dos y Corto spectator takes cards and turns over the top two cards and cuts the pile, that step is repeated as often as he likes, then the performer takes the cards behind his back and divines the amount of reversed cards, red/black separation as climax, with two predictions
Inspired by 1993 46
Karl Fulves Day One date chosen by choosing some face-up and face-down cards from grid layout, looked up in diary, card noted there predicted, tapestry
Variations 1994 35
Karl Fulves Triumph With Math tapestry layout and foldover
1994 39
Karl Fulves Foldover Notes
Related to 1994 40
Simon Aronson Moves and Removes marker moved on 3x3 layout, final card predicted, with 4x4 "Sixteen Card Version" on p. 30
Related to
  • Martin Gardner Presents (1993), p. 149
1995 19
Bob Farmer Spin To Win Again face-up/face-down distribution bet when removing a bunch of cards from under a tray, parity
Related to Aug. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Peter Duffie Pasteboard Detection mathematical, CATO
May 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 5)
Peter Duffie Still Scheming Play it Straight Triumph type of effect with CATO procedure, use half a deck
Inspired by 1997 144
Eddie Fields Eddie's Hummer two cards chosen with CATO type procedure, in the end all cards are face down except selections
Inspired by 1997 128
Philip T. Goldstein Paradox Redux
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
tapestry parity principle, credit information, 4x4 number matrix, 19 or 61
Inspired by 1998 247
Karl Fulves Cut-Rate Hummer
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
twenty cards spread, about five are reversed, spectator remembers one and turns it over, something done behind back by performer, selection located and other reversed cards are now Aces
Variations 1998 285
Peter Duffie Intuitive cards with colored spots and numbers, some selected, a prediction is matched
Related to 1998 54
David Solomon Solo-Hummer packet mixed with cato procedure by spectator under table, one card remembered, performer sorts all except selection
Inspired by
  • "Hummer Outdone" (Ken Simmons, Choice Effects No. 5)
Related to
Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
Peter Duffie The Party's Over even number of cards is mixed face-up/face-down, one remembered, dealt in two piles, cards are sorted except selection
Inspired by 1998 10
David Regal Letter Perfect Spectator mixes stack of alphabet cards face up/down, the face down cards spell his/her name
1999 88
Karl Fulves 37 Threes
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
small packet, spectator cuts and turns over pairs, then two red Threes are only reversed cards, comedy prediction is shown to fit
Related to 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Basic Hummer Baby Hummer, four cards flipped face up and down, end with selection being the only one reversed.
Related toAlso published here 1999 37
Persi Diaconis Beyond Hummer Variation on Basic Hummer
Also published here 1999 39
Tom Craven Hummer - Odd Back Basic Hummer, but selected card is reversed and also odd-backed
Also published here 1999 41
Tom Craven Hummer Clean-up Clean-up for Baby Hummer (1 2 3 4 turnover)
Also published here 1999 44
Doug Canning Canning's Baby Hummer Baby Hummer using six cards
Also published here 1999 45
Tomas Blomberg Bhummer CATO location with red/black sucker moment
1999 3
Karl Fulves Hofzinser + Math Aces shuffled reversed into packet, another card chosen, face-up/face-down mix, all cards right except a chosen Ace but selection instead
Inspired byRelated to 2000 55
Karl Fulves Symmetry comment on the Fujiwara effect, two card location
Related to 2000 56
Karl Fulves Place The Aces twenty-card packet mixed face-up/face-down, all cards right except Aces
2000 56
Tom Craven Hummer Clean-Up four cards, selection is only one reversed after some procedure
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
Also published here
2000 69
Tom Craven Hummer - Odd Back selection also has odd back
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
Also published here
2000 70
Doug Canning Canning's Baby Hummer with six cards
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
Also published here
2000 72
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Automatic Ace Triumph hands-off, dealing procedure, sixteen cards, parity
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Tomorrow's Card No. 47, eight cards shuffled face-up/face-down, number of reversed cards and their identity predicted
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
2001 67
Karl Fulves, Bob Hummer Psychic Map No. 69, fifteen cards in matrix layout on table, some are turned over, covered with newspaper, performer reaches underneath and adjusts, when newspaper is removed all face-up cards are red and vice versa
2001 104
Harry Lorayne Darn! I Couldn't... four Tens on table, three cards on each, CATO ("leave or reverse"), Aces are only cards reversed cards in the end
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2001 485
Harry Lorayne A Couple of Pages sixteen cards mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted
Inspired by 2001 489
Harry Lorayne Symbiotic sixteen cards shuffled face-up/face-down, Aces are only cards reversed at the end, faro
2001 493
Harry Lorayne Spur of the Moment two selections are only reversed cards in packet after CATO procedure
Inspired by 2001 495
Harry Lorayne Another Moment CATO procedure with twelve-card packet, reversed cards at end are known, or total predicted, or...
Variations 2001 499
Reinhard Müller Surprise Ace Triumph Aces shuffled reversed into packet, face-up/face-down mix, all cards right except the Queens
Inspired byRelated to 2001 139
Peter Duffie Triple Humdinger face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards in packet, three predictions
Inspired byRelated to 2001 16
Jim Steinmeyer Automatic Poker ten cards are "mixed" by spectator, then red-black separated or poker deal, Pseudo-CATO
Related toVariations 2002 23
Karl Fulves The Rule For Red different handling than CATO, switching two cards
Inspired by 2002 262
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson TAPGAC "Turn any Pairs, Gather and Cut", alternative way of doing Hummer's CATO
  • The TAPGAC Fix
  • End Notes
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chao Theory red-black separation with letter cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Royal Clans red-black separation with procedure and picture cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Return of the Lonely Card all reversed except selection after mixing process, using TAPGAC
Inspired byAlso published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Princes and Peasants red-black separation with procedure, using TAPGAC
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Deduction Production selection and rest of four-of-a-kind eventually found, using TAPGAC
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Two for the Road after packet mixing process only five cards are face-up - a previously selected poker hand, then Fulves's Riffle Shuffle Control after which position of first selection is announced, second stabbed to
  • Phase I: TAPGAC Poker
  • Phase II: Riffle Shuffle Bored
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Hummer Principle (CATO) explanation and credit information
2003 108
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Thought Process selection ends up reversed in packet
Variations 2003 109
Roy Walton CATO By Numbers simplified
Inspired byVariations 2003 110
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson CATO Gets Married Kings and Queens, in the end a matching pair ends up reversed
Inspired byVariations 2003 111
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Cato Gets Married - Again
Inspired by 2003 112
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Hummer Plays Poker packet mixed via CATO, Royal Flush shows up at the end
Related toVariations 2003 113
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Remote Control Poker Royal Flush shows up at the end
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2003 114
Harry Lorayne Really! four-of-a-kind ends up reversed after CATO/TOAC procedure
Inspired byAlso published here June 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 6)
John Bannon Degrees Of Freedom CATO, Koenig's Tapestry, combo to produce royal flush
Variations 2004 128
John Bannon Origami Poker CATO, Koenig's Tapestry, combo to produce royal flush
2004 144
John Bannon Perfect Strangers CATO, Koenig's Tapestry, prediction combo with rainbow packet
Variations 2004 155
Gordon Bean Postcards Prediction CATO, Koenig's Tapestry, prediction combo with postcards instead of playing cards
2004 158
John Bannon The Works explanation of CATO principle and the Koenig's Tapestry fold (Dudeney Folding)
  • First Principles
  • Isolating Target Cards
  • Rlues Of Engagement
  • The Folding Phase
Related to 2004 159
Reinhard Müller Three-Deal Royal Flush different method for Flip-Flop Poker
Inspired byVariations 2004 77
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chapter 11 - Pseudo-CATO intro, CATO with turning three instead of two cards over, "CATO preserves the face-up/face-down orientation while mixingthe positions. In contrast, Pseudo-CATO preserves the relative odd/even alternating positions while mixing their face-up/face-down orientation."
Related to 2004 92
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Guessing Colors selection ends up in odd-colored pile, pseudo-CATO
2004 92
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Moving Colors packet, two selections (one red, one black) end up in odd-colored pile, pseudo-CATO
2004 93
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Uncertain Separation after some mixing the cards are eventually sorted either red/black or picture/spots, pseudo-CATO
Variations 2004 95
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Indeterminate Conclusion same with two selections ending up in opposite group, pseudo-CATO
Inspired by 2004 97
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson TAPGAC "Turn any Pairs, Gather and Cut", alternative way of doing Hummer's CATO
  • The TAPGAC Fix
  • End Notes
Also published here 2004 120
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chao Theory red-black separation with letter cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here 2004 122
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Royal Clans red-black separation with procedure and picture cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here 2004 123
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Return of the Lonely Card all reversed except selection after mixing process, using TAPGAC
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 124
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Princes and Peasants red-black separation with procedure, using TAPGAC
Also published here 2004 126
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Deduction Production selection and rest of four-of-a-kind eventually found, using TAPGAC
Also published here 2004 127
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Two for the Road after packet mixing process only five cards are face-up - a previously selected poker hand, then Fulves's Riffle Shuffle Control after which position of first selection is announced, second stabbed to
  • Phase I: TAPGAC Poker
  • Phase II: Riffle Shuffle Bored
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2004 129
Reinhard Müller Parity Prediction cards dealt in pairs, one chosen, sandwich with another card put into pile, dealing in pairs again, then sandwiched card is selection
Inspired by 2004
Discoverie (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Pseudo Hummer fooling magicians who know the Hummer CATO trick
2005 46
Tom Craven Raising Baby Hummer selection is reversed, variation with odd-colored back
  • Off-Color Baby Hummer
Inspired by
  • Charles Hudson's "Baby Hummer" in "The Linking Ring" December, 1967.
2006 72
Michael Powers Total Freedom five selections found after CATO and mixing procedure
2006 128
Bob Farmer Bummer (Bob's Hummer)
  • Flim FlamMagic
packet cut off and mixed face-up/face-down, face-down cards are a royal flush, slop shuffle
July 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 7)
Max Maven Wringer eight letter cards are used to generate a word via down-under deal which is predicted in form of a picture, Imploded CATO
Aug. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 8)
Larry Jennings Royal Flush ten cards are shuffled face up and face down and then divided in two packets, one consists of a Royal Flush, paritiy
2006 27
Roberto Giobbi, Bob Hummer Fingertip Sensitivity twelve cards are mixed face up and face down, performer holds packet under table and knows how many cards are reversed and they turn out to be from same color, repeated with selection, all cards end up reversed but selection
Inspired by 2006 43
Paul Gordon Stand Up For CATO stand-up CATO routine with sixteen cards, packet mixed via CATO, Royal Flush shows up at the end
  • Additional Thought from Peter Duffie
Inspired by 2006 128
Richard Vollmer Sum Hummer Explored packet mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted, CATO principle
Inspired byVariations 2007 264
David Solomon Outdoing "Hummer Outdone" twenty cards shuffled face-up/face-down with CATO under table by spectator, one remembered, performer rights all except selection under the table, ten double facers
2007 167
Juan Tamariz The Impossible in Your Hands each spectator has five red and five black cards, cards are mixed and reversed, in the end five cards are reversed and they are all of the same color
Inspired by 2008 9
Juan Tamariz Magic as Harmonic Chaos three red cards and three black cards held under table, card are turned over various times, cards end up all face down and colors separated, with variations, Max Maven's "rolling turnovers"
2008 30
Harry Lorayne Darn! I Couldn't four Tens on table, three cards on each, CATO ("leave or reverse"), Aces are only cards reversed cards in the end
Also published here Mar. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 3)
Nick Trost Red and Black Routine routine with ten red and black cards
  • CATO type routine
  • "Double Separation" (Wiersbe)
  • "Unmatch" (Fulves)
  • "Color Scheme" (Oscar Weigle)
Inspired byVariations 2009 347
Nick Trost Another Roll-Over Aces with grid folding
Inspired by 2009 372
John Bannon Four-Fold Foresight "A/k/a Cardzilla's Amazing Self-Working Origami Card Trick"
tapestry folding with multi-stage prediction (as in shuffle-bored)
Variations 2009 37
Justin Higham Face-Up/Face-Down Clairvoyant spectator mixes cards face-up/face-down under table and reverse counts a number, that number of cards end up reversed
2011 22
Nick Trost Hummer's Paradox spectator's cards is only reversed one after tapestry folding
  • Finding the Aces (variation with only Aces reversed at the end)
Inspired by 2011 717
Nick Trost Double CATO Revelation two cards chosen from twenty-card packet, cato, performer arranges cards under the table so all face-up cards are red except selection and vice versa
  • Another Version (tapestry)
2011 720
Nick Trost "Baby Hummer," Simplified four Kings are mixed face-up/face-down under table by spectator, performer divines only reversed card
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec., 1967)
Related to
2011 732
Nick Trost ESP Color Scheme ESP cards mixed face up/down, spectator separates waves from stars
Inspired by 2011 813
Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham Mathematics in the Air Chapter intro that describes the CATO Principle and the mathematics behind it, along with tricks
Related to 2012 1
Charles Hudson Baby Hummer Used to demonstrate the CATO principle, uses four cards
Related toVariations 2012 1
Bob Hummer Hummer's Ten Card Mystery Original use of the CATO Principle, based on the 18 Card Mystery in the original manuscript, magician can name how many face up cards there are after mixing it up
Related toAlso published here
  • "18 Card Mystery" (Bob Hummer, Face-up / Face-down Mysteries, 1942)
2012 4
Steve Freeman Royal Hummer Cards are mixed face up and face down haphazardly, later all cards are face down except a royal flush
Variations 2012 8
Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham Back to Magic End of chapter, describes Steve's own variation on Steve Freeman's handling of Royal Hummer
Inspired by 2012 15
John Bannon Origami Prediction tapestry folding with multi-stage prediction (as in shuffle-bored)
Inspired by 2013 298
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Long-Distance Dating divining the date on a chosen coin (amongst four) via phone, CATO with stack of coins
  • Bonus (alternative presentation)
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Oct. 2013
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Automatic Ace Triumph hands-off, dealing procedure, sixteen cards, parity
Also published here 2013 101
Nick Trost Another Royal Marriages Routine Kings and Queens removed, spectator pairs them twice, then performer does so under table
  • Phase One - Opposites Attract (Fulves)
  • Phase Two - Color Scheme (Weigle)
  • Phase Three - Matching Kings and Queens
  • Phase Four - Separating Kings and Queens
Inspired byRelated to 2013 611
Nick Trost Roll-Over Straight Flush spectator riffle shuffles deck and deals piles, CATO procedure, performer deals four piles and rolls them over onto each other, five face-up cards are a straight flush
Inspired byVariations 2013 651
Nick Trost ESP Paradox Papers Tapestry trick with ESP layout, four Circles end up reversed after folding procedure which matches a previously selected card
  • Two Selected Symbols Version
Inspired by 2013 825
Nick Trost Pair-A-Dox after some CATO procedure, four cards that match chosen ESP symbol are the only face-up cards
Inspired by 2013 829
Ramón Riobóo Disparity Updated handling of the Dudeney Parity Principle. Cards are dealt into a grid on the table as directed by the audience. The cards are reassembled by folding rows and columns onto each other - again controlled by the audience - yet the selections are found reversed in the packet.
Related to 2015 88
Lewis Jones MatsuNOma Principle Procedure which allows you to perform the petal force by Mitsunobu Matsuyama without a down-under deal.
Related to 2015 81
Harry Lorayne The Top-Level Test twenty cards mixed face-up and face-down including a Royal Flush, Royal Flush is only face-up cards
Inspired by
  • "Really!" (Harry Lorayne, Lecture Notes)
Related to
2015 191
Harry Lorayne Incredible Flush Control diamond Royal Flush mixed in twenty-card packet, CATO procedure, at the end the Royal Flush in Spades is reversed
Inspired by 2015 195
Harry Lorayne Try This! mixing procedure for CATO
2015 198
Nick Trost Double Trouble two spectators select a card from sixteen-card packet, rest dealt into three piles, both matching three-of-a-kinds are found in rest of packet (one with dealing and one with CATO)
  • ESP Card Version
Inspired by
  • "Lasting" (Aldo Colombini, Card Trips, 2004)
2015 1160
Nick Trost A Paradoxical Coincidence tapestry folding, at the end all of one color are face-up except selection, same on face-down side
Inspired by 2015 1162
Nick Trost A Royal Routine using the twelve picture cards
  • Phase One (six mixed pairs match)
  • Phase Two (mixed face-up/face-down, then only one color is face-up)
  • Phase Three (6&6 oil & water)
  • Phase Four (follow the leader)
Inspired by 2015 1189
Nick Trost Triplets Royal Flush royal flush production with dealing procedure, Fulves Parity Principle
Inspired by 2015 1200
Nick Trost, Bob Hummer A Hummer Routine
  • Phase One (Hummer's 18 Card Mystery)
  • Phase Two (The Magic Separation)
  • Phase Three (Face Up Prediction variation)
Inspired by 2015 1227
Nick Trost Wild Bill's Dead Man's Hand dead man's hand shows up twice, with spelling, CATO, shuffling and dealing
2015 1236
Nick Trost Just Not Your Day! spectator shuffles twice, only high cards used for deal and CATO things to find two good hands
Inspired by 2015 1244
Nick Trost Roll-Over Poker spectator riffle shuffles deck and deals piles with a strong hand on top, CATO procedure, performer deals four piles and rolls them over onto each other, five face-up cards are a straight flush
Inspired by 2015 1249
Nick Trost Four-Tunate Choice spectators receive some cards, shuffle and think of top one, combined packet is given back
Inspired by 2015 1315
Harry Lorayne, Richard Vollmer Sum Hummer Explored packet mixed face up and down by spectator, number of reversed cards and their total predicted, CATO principle
Inspired by 2017 170
Harry Lorayne Three New TOACS TOAC = Turn Over And Cut, all with twelve-card packet
  • Prediction
  • One To Twelve (named value of a suit only reversed at end)
  • Incredible 2-Card Location
2017 173
Harry Lorayne "That's Impossible!" only four Aces reversed after CATO procedure with sixteen cards
Inspired by
  • "Really!" (Harry Lorayne, Lecture Notes)
2017 176
Harry Lorayne Eight/Great - Nine/Fine
  • one of eight-card packet remembered (force), found with CATO
  • one of nine-card packet remembered, found with reverse faros
2017 228
Nick Trost The Jacks Come Back
  • Phase One (all court cards and Aces are arranged in 4x4 layout, Jacks end up reversed after tapestry folding)
  • Phase Two (Jacks end up reversed after CATO procedure)
2017 1354
Nick Trost Two Perfect Blackjacks spectator finds two perfect blackjack hands, dealing pairs
Inspired by 2017 1387
Nick Trost Pseudo-CATO Poker Deal twenty cards are "mixed" by spectator by turning over three-card groups, four poker hands are dealt and performer wins, Pseudo-CATO
Inspired by 2017 1406
Nick Trost The Magnetic Aces - Another Version performer deals through deck in pairs and stops, the card eventually locates the Aces
Inspired by 2017 1417
Nick Trost Under the Table - Trost Version packet mixed face-up/face-down, at the end all of one color are in one orientation except a selection
  • Second Version (with two selections)
Inspired by 2017 1422
Nick Trost Another Red-Black Routine routine with some red and black cards
  • Phase One (CATO type routine)
  • Phase Two (deck separates)
Inspired by 2017 1425
Nick Trost Remote Control Euchre perfect Euchre shows up at the end
Inspired by 2017 1434
Nick Trost Clubbed Again CATO and dealing procedure, then all cards of same suit as selection are found face-up
Inspired by 2017 1464
Nick Trost CATO Flush CATO procedure with twelve-card packet, reversed cards at end are a straight flush, starts with riffle shuffle of deck by spectator
Inspired by 2017 1478
Nick Trost Hummer's Royal Delight four packets made, eventually four cards are added and the total has been predicted, then CATO to find a Royal Flush
Inspired by 2017 1520
Nick Trost Baffling ESP Discovery selected ESP card found
Inspired by
  • "CATO Deals" (Aldo Colombini, Simply Impromp2, 2006)
2017 1558
Nick Trost Five-Star Finale I five ESP star symbols shows up at the end
  • Second Version
Inspired by 2017 1559
Nick Trost ESP Parity Prophet ESP cards dealt in pairs, one turned over, again dealt in pairs, cards on both side of reversed card are match previously removed symbol to make five Stars
Inspired by 2017 1568
David Solomon Folded Discovery 4x4 matrix layout, folding tapestry, all of one color end up reversed except selection
Inspired by 2018 31
Harry Lorayne Really! four-of-a-kind ends up reversed after CATO/TOAC procedure
VariationsAlso published here 2018 75
Ramón Riobóo Shy or Showoff Many spectators, each spectator takes four cards, CATO Principle (Baby Hummer)
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Baby Hummer" (Nick Trost)
2019 63
Ramón Riobóo Cards That Manifest Themselves Self working Triumph, based on parity principle, cards mixed face up and down restore, leaving only the selected cards reversed
Related to 2019 105
Reinhard Müller Baby Boom with four cards
Inspired by 2020 179
Lorenz Schär Personality Quest face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, minor variation of Hummer's Personality Test
Inspired by 2020 180
Steve Beam Strike Out face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards
Inspired byRelated to 2020 181
Steve Beam Personalized Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards
Inspired by 2020 183
Steve Beam The Randomized Lie Detector face-up/face-down cards to form a number and to find selection
Inspired by 2020 184
Jon Racherbaumer On Baby Hummer chosen Ace ends up reversed after performer does some arranging behind his back
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring, Dec. 1967)
Feb. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 2)
Harry Lorayne Really Impossible TOAC "Turn Over And Cut", four-of-a-kind ends up reversed after CATO/TOAC procedure
Inspired by 2020 51
Sylvain Juzan Every Card You Take, I'll Be Watching You five cards chosen, spectators mix cards face-up/face-down, only selections end up reversed
2021 14
Jon Racherbaumer Baby Hummer Redux
  • Exhumations
Inspired by
  • "Baby Hummer" (Charles Hudson, The Linking Ring, Dec. 1967)
Mar. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 3)
Steve Freeman Leave or Reverse
Jan. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 1)