111 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Red Black / Separation / by Spectator / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die geheimnisvollen Würfel
  • two dice thrown and sum counted to repeatedly until deck is divided in two halves, they're separated in red and black
  • red and black separation by performer without dice but crimp or punch instead
1896 110
Edward Marlo Marlo's Janus some red and ten cards are mixed, spectator deals them on face-up cards on table, all color match, double facers, see also p. 837
Variations June 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 206)
Edward Marlo Janus some red and ten cards are mixed, spectator deals them on face-up cards on table, all color match, double facers
1953 17
Dr. Jacob Daley Rouge et Noir five red cards and five black cards are shuffled, spectator separates the cards by color
Related toVariations Aug. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 287)
William Zavis Footnotes on Rouge et Noir different card switches
Inspired byRelated to Nov. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 293)
William Zavis More Footnotes on: Rouge et Noir with two royal flushes
Inspired byRelated to Feb. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 299)
Bob Hummer, Oscar Weigle Hummer's Reversal Mystery CATO trick, magician can name correctly number of face up cards after cut and turn over procedure. Oscar Weigle variation: colors are also separated
Variations 1956 17
Tom Ransom You Did It!!! deck riffle shuffled once, dealt into two pile (one face up, one face down), one spectator follows the dealing of reds and blacks with the face-down pile and thus separates his cards
Inspired by
  • "Magnetic Colors" (Normal Gilbreath, Linking Ring)
Related to
Mar. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 16)
Harry Lorayne Out of this Universe some red and black sorting comes out despite real shuffles, not really OOTW effect
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1962 80
Jochen Zmeck Medium partial rough-smooth, red and black alternate, then force blocks, three phases:
  • 1. spectator says if top card is red or black, he is always right
  • 2. spectator names position of a given card, the card is at that position
  • 3. performer put unknown card in pocket, spectator divines it
Related to 1962 18
Roy Walton Color - Sense eight indicator cards distributed on table, deck shuffled in four packets, then distributed on top of those eight cards, the piles match the indicator card in color
Related to
  • correction on p. 86
Feb. 1967 84
J. W. Sarles Posi-Negative Cards Magnetic Colors variation
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1967 99
Roy Walton, Karl Fulves Influential Pairs two decks dealt in several piles, red black separated
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1968 171
Jerry K. Hartman Small World spectator mixes four reds and four blacks, chooses a color and hands you four cards, he separates all four of one color
Inspired by 1970 16
Karl Fulves Someone Like You eight-card packet, spectator tries red-black separation, the score of hits and misses is looked up in an index of possible scores, on the correct score the spectator is described in detail
Related to Mar. 1971 407
Roy Walton Coincidence in Colour with packet
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 3
J. W. Sarles Posi-Negative Cards Magnetic Colors variation
Also published here 1973 2
Roy Walton, Karl Fulves Influential Pairs two decks dealt in several piles, red black separated
Related to 1973 10
Gene Finnell Magnetic Colors Variation starting on bottom of page
1973 65
Gene Finnell Influential Pairs Variation
Related to 1973 66
Marvin Johnson Logical Odd Event two selections found and red-black separation
Inspired by 1973 77
Paul Curry The Problem Of Card 13 spectator selects twelve cards from the the deck, which are all the same suit as a card previously removed, see also Hofzinser's first problem "Choice of Color" (Magic Christian: "Non Plus Ultra - Hofzinsers Kartenkünste Band 2" p. 317)
1974 1
George Sands Criss Cross Nines through Aces removed and sorted in reds and blacks, dealing procedure on table mixes and then sorts the colors again, spectator cannot duplicate it
credit information, see also p. 812 for Marlo claim
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • "Unbeatable" (George Sands, Sep. 1951, p. 14)
Oct. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Color Blind no-palm handling of Criss Cross, Nines through Aces removed and sorted in reds and blacks, dealing procedure on table mixes and then sorts the colors again, spectator cannot duplicate it, see p. 1053 for comment
Inspired by Nov. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Paul Curry Never in a Lifetime two shuffled halves, magician does the same as spectator, both separate cards into red and black
Also published here 1975 1
Roy Walton Farbbegegnung
Also published here Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Stephen Tucker Sealed Future five red and five black cards are dealt by spectator into pairs, ESP presentation, color separation
1978 12
Roy Walton Magic 10 twenty-card packet separated by color with a Ten spot card
The Chronicles (Issue 21)
Philip T. Goldstein Day for Night Daley's Rouge et Noir with ESP cards
Inspired by 1979
Magick (Issue 236)
Edward Marlo Psi Color deck is shuffled and spectator can guess if top card is red or black, he is always right
Related to 1979
Magick (Issue 243)
Karl Fulves Red Less Black spectator separates colors from back, number of errors are called, performer then names all cards
1980 51
Edward Marlo Marlo's "Card Thirteen in Spades" spectator selects all spades, deck with all spades
Inspired by
  • Racherbaumer (New Pentagram, Nov. 1979)
Related to
Nov. 1981
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Roy Walton Coincidence in Colour with packet
Also published here 1981 109
Roy Walton, Karl Fulves Influential Pairs No. 17, two decks dealt in several piles, red black separated, see Pallbearer's Review for references
Also published here 1984 24
J. W. Sarles Posi-Negative Cards No. 41, Magnetic Colors variation
Also published here 1984 53
George Sands, Karl Fulves Criss Cross No. 48, simplified, Nines through Aces removed and sorted in reds and blacks, dealing procedure on table mixes and then sorts the colors again, spectator cannot duplicate it
Inspired by 1984 62
Dai Vernon Commanding the Colors shuffled deck is cut into piles, named color on top of each, snap crimp
Related to 1988 192
Roy Walton Separation spectator shuffles a packet with red and black cards and the Joker, packet is shown to have the colors separated and the Joker is between them
Inspired by
  • Karl Fulves problem
Related to
1988 123
Jerry Sadowitz A Million to One spectator shuffles deck and cuts it into two equal piles - one is red one black
1989 11
Ron Ferris Into Orbit
Variations Dec. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Crazy Colors partial color separation shown after one riffle shuffle
1989 32
Juan Tamariz Escorial-76 sorting in four suits, several methods
1989/91 172
Juan Tamariz, Luis Garcia, Gabriel Moreno Half-Escorial half the cards dealt face up, half face down, face up cards change back color
Related to 1989/91 180
Juan Tamariz Short Version cards face down separated in four groups, suit of chosen card all in one pile
1989/91 185
Juan Tamariz, A. Moliné Stage Version
Related to 1989/91 188
Mark Sicher Good Thinking! spectator "knows" colors, suit, values by Intuition
July 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Aldo Colombini Paradox
Nov. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 11)
Edward Marlo Are You Psychic color of top card guessed by spectator
Related to 1990 18
Arturo de Ascanio Cinco Rojas y Cinco Negras five red cards and five black cards are shuffled, spectator separates the cards by color
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 71
Roy Walton Pass at Red spectator selects three red cards from black half, classic pass application
Related toAlso published here May 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Aldo Colombini Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Nov. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 11)
Harry Lorayne Fuera del Universo some red and black sorting comes out despite real shuffles, not really OOTW effect
Also published here 1993 67
Dr. Dan J. Alessini The Curse of Christopher Cross cards removed and sorted in reds and blacks, dealing procedure on table mixes and then sorts the colors again, spectator cannot duplicate it, story presentation
Inspired by Dec. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 6)
Roy Walton Pass At Red spectator selects three red cards from black half
Also published here 1995 6
John Scarne New World Order two face-up Jokers in deck, six cards that "don't belong" chosen from between the Jokers, they are the only odd-colored ones, dated ca. 1930s, see also p. 42
Related toVariations 1995
Underworld (Issue 1)
Steve Beam Choosing Sides spectator removes half the cards from the spread and separates reds and blacks
1995 55
Aldo Colombini Friends similar to "Neither Blind Nor Silly", with twenty cards, spectator has more decisions to randomize order
Related to 1995 72
Jerry K. Hartman All For One spectator chooses twelve cards he thinks are the Court cards, from those he chooses four he thinks are the Kings, from those he chooses the two he thinks are black, finally he decides which one is the King of Spades and is shown to be correct
1995 190
Jerry K. Hartman One For All "gaffed version of "All for One"" (see p. 190)
spectator chooses twelve cards he thinks are the Court cards, from those he chooses four he thinks are the Kings, from those he chooses the two he thinks are black, finally he decides which one is the King of Spades and is shown to be correct
1995 258
Pablo Domenèch Escorial 67 sorting in four suits
1996 47
Peter Duffie Odditorial two cards chosen from packet, dealt in two piles, selection only odd card in red-black separated pile, bad blind/stupid
Related toAlso published here
  • in "The Griffin"
1996 8
Marty Kane Mish Mosh Tell-A-Vision suits of cards are divined, with fingers, then separation by spectator
Inspired by 1997 1262
Karl Fulves Follow Me No. 3, spectator follows dealing pattern of performer, backs marked for color
Related to 1997 7
Karl Fulves Color By Number No. 12, spectator deals deck into four piles according to a dealing pattern that he made up of numbers written in red or black, all color separated
1997 20
Karl Fulves The Lady Thinks shuffled deck, psychic from other side of room tells how cards should be dealt to separate reds from blacks
Related to 1998 27
Karl Fulves The Noir Test five reds and five blacks, after separation blacks change into royal flush
Inspired by 1998 2
Karl Fulves Casino Royale royal flush kicker
Inspired by 1998 7
Karl Fulves Noir et Rouge
Inspired by 1998 10
John Werner Other Worlds
Inspired byRelated to 1998
Underworld (Issue 8)
Peter Duffie Whysolation packet of about twenty cards, spectator and performer each remove a card, they turn out to be the only black cards
Inspired by 1998 16
Peter Duffie Odditied two cards chosen from packet, dealt in two piles, selection only odd card in red-black separated pile, with second deal
Related toVariations 1998 7
Peter Duffie Seconds Away! wo cards chosen from packet, dealt in two piles, selection only odd card in red-black separated pile, without second deal
Inspired by 1998 8
Tomas Blomberg Bhummer CATO location with red/black sucker moment
1999 3
Peter Duffie Colour Magnet six-card packet, spectator finds five black cards, a red Queen remains
2000 10
Paul Curry Im Ganzen Leben Nicht two shuffled halves, magician does the same as spectator, both separate cards into red and black
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Harry Lorayne Außerhalb dieses Universums some red and black sorting comes out despite real shuffles, not really OOTW effect
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 1)
Paul Curry The Problem of Card 13 spectator selects twelve cards from the the deck, which are all the same suit as a card previously removed, see also Hofzinser's first problem "Choice of Color" (Magic Christian: "Non Plus Ultra - Hofzinsers Kartenkünste Band 2" p. 317)
Variations 2001 237
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chao Theory red-black separation with letter cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Royal Clans red-black separation with procedure and picture cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Princes and Peasants red-black separation with procedure, using TAPGAC
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Steve Beam, Scott Robinson Around the World spectator separates deck into red and black by cutting face up and face down packets, with the Rolly Polly Controlly
2004 23
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chao Theory red-black separation with letter cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here 2004 122
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Royal Clans red-black separation with procedure and picture cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here 2004 123
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Princes and Peasants red-black separation with procedure, using TAPGAC
Also published here 2004 126
Karl Fulves A Few Good Cards "Unexplained"
five red cards in black half, spectator finds them from the back, posed as a problem, with effect variations
Variations 2006
Prolix (Issue 1)
Jerry K. Hartman Hunt For Red five red cards in black half, spectator finds them from the back, solution
Inspired by 2006
Prolix (Issue 2)
Jerry K. Hartman On Tinterhooks five red cards put in black halves, spectator choses five cards from face-down spread, they are black but the halves changed places
Inspired by 2007
Prolix (Issue 3)
Nick Trost, Karl Fulves Two Compatibility Tests first part is Karl Fulves' "Profiling", Gilbreath
Inspired by 2008 18
Arturo de Ascanio Five Red and Five Black five red cards and five black cards are shuffled, spectator separates the cards by color
Inspired byAlso published here 2008 316
Juan Tamariz The Impossible in Your Hands each spectator has five red and five black cards, cards are mixed and reversed, in the end five cards are reversed and they are all of the same color
Inspired by 2008 9
Juan Tamariz Wisdom four red and four black card are mixed, dealt and cut, cards separate
2008 24
Juan Tamariz Magic as Harmonic Chaos three red cards and three black cards held under table, card are turned over various times, cards end up all face down and colors separated, with variations, Max Maven's "rolling turnovers"
2008 30
Ken Krenzel Strange Hummer red-black separation by spectator beneath table with ten-card packet, suggests CATO as false trail
2009 211
Karl Fulves Teknicolor - Codes For Color r-r-b-b-... stack riffle shuffled, then an effect like Magnetic Colors done
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 8)
J. W. Sarles, Roberto Giobbi Posi-Negative Coordination Magnetic Colors variation
Inspired by 2010 65
Peter Duffie Auto Hue two spectators each choose a card from a packet with procedure involving dealing into two hands, reds and blacks separate and the selections end up in the odd-colored pile, no-touch
Inspired by
  • "More Discerption" (Peter Duffie, ebook Area 52)
2012 3
Dani DaOrtiz The Suit Freely Thought Of
  • DaOrtiz a la Carte!
solution to Hofzinser problem
Feb. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 2)
Jerry K. Hartman Suit Pursuit spectator chooses all cards of one suit, Hofzinser problem
May 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 5)
Patrick G. Redford Opposites (Still) Attract Royal Marriages, Kings and Queens pair up, not always by suit
Related to 2013 39
Steve Mayhew Wet or Black? spectator cuts deck into eight packets and choses red or black, all cards on top of the packets turn out to be of that color
Inspired by 2014 257
Nick Trost A Paradoxical Coincidence tapestry folding, at the end all of one color are face-up except selection, same on face-down side
Inspired by 2015 1162
Nick Trost A Royal Routine using the twelve picture cards
  • Phase One (six mixed pairs match)
  • Phase Two (mixed face-up/face-down, then only one color is face-up)
  • Phase Three (6&6 oil & water)
  • Phase Four (follow the leader)
Inspired by 2015 1189
Roy Walton Bare Light
2016 200
Frank Fogg Out Of This Spread Cards that spectator select will always be of opposite color from magician's selections
2017 55
Michał Kociołek Out of This Solar System spectator shuffles the deck, deals it into two piles, shuffles again, the deck is separated into red and black cards
Inspired by 2017 6
Nick Trost Under the Table - Trost Version packet mixed face-up/face-down, at the end all of one color are in one orientation except a selection
  • Second Version (with two selections)
Inspired by 2017 1422
Nick Trost A Red-Black Routine
  • Phase One - Miraskill
  • Phase Two - Posi-Negative Cards
  • Phase Three - Out of This World
Inspired by 2017 1528
Kiyoshi Sato, Kiyoshi Satoh Friends five red and black cards are mixed and selected with spectator both end up with one color
2018 157
Iñaki Zabaletta, Manuel Llaser El Problema de las 13 Cartas spectator selects twelve cards from the the deck, which are all the same suit as a chosen Ace, cards then change to other suit, with Cambio al Voltear
Inspired by 2019 103
David Britland Jimmy Findlay's Red Black Speller
  • Cardopolis
eight cards are mixed (four red and four black), spectator spells "red" or "black" repeatedly and thus separates the colors
Inspired by
  • "Eight Aces" (Jimmy Findlay, The Budget, Dec. 1947)
Related to
Aug. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 8)
Jim Steinmeyer Red-Scarlet spectator has four red and four black cards, with some spelling and counting he eventually arrives at alternating cards, can be done over phone
2020 21