89 entries in Cards / Principles / De Bruijn Sequence (Gray Code)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan Coluria No. 25, thirty-two-deck of cards is cut and dealt into six piles, two remaining cards pocketed, colors of top cards code bottom cards and cards in pocket, done out-of-room
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 68
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 70
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Suitability out-of-hand selection of three cards, they all name the suits, performer then divines all cards
Related to 1928 28
Charles T. Jordan Odd or Even spectator pockets any card of a chosen suit, gray code applied to odd-even in one suit
1937 199
Bob Hummer Hummer's Bible Trick bible book test, prediction of word, with playing cards
Also published here 1944 3
Bob Hummer Hummer's Magazine Test with playing cards
Also published here 1944 5
Ben Christopher Other Voices II three spectator choose cards, medium behind screen divines them, red-black gray code, see p. 200 for further references
Related to Aug. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Gray Codes definition, see also Addenda on page 60
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Coding The Deck
  • Coding The Faces
  • Coding The Backs
  • Coding The Spectators
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Example 11 selection from packet, shuffled, value of top card used to count down to selection, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Example 12 selection from packet, shuffled, value of selection used to count down to selection, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Example 13 two spectators note cards in a packet, after some questions and shuffling they are on the top, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Example 14 two spectators note cards in a packet, after some questions and shuffling they are on the top, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Example 15 blank card is inserted in card packet, it becomes a card according to spectator's wishes (more or less), gray code and faro
Related to 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Example 16 32 cards, any card specified in stages (color, suit, value...) comes to top after some faro shuffling, gray code and faro
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves Gray Stak combining gray code and stay stack in a deck with eight cards, in the application a selection is divined, see also Addenda on page 60, for sixteen- and 32-Card Arrangements see reference
Related to 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Karl Fulves In The Beginning blank card is inserted in deck, it becomes a card according to spectator's wishes, gray code and faro, see also reference for further references, for set-up correction see page 56
Related to July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves The Gray Liar questions about selection are asked, at the end top card has text written on it that says when spectator lied and where the selection is, faro, see also Addenda on page 60
Related to 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue First Supplement)
Karl Fulves An Odd Gray Coincidence two packets from different decks, question and faro shuffling procedure before coincidence
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue First Supplement)
William Zavis Beginning Again odd-backed blank card is inserted in deck, it becomes a card according to spectator's wishes, gray code and faro, full-deck version
Related to 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Roy Walton Flip Flop simplified version with reverse faros
Inspired by 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Karl Fulves The Interrogation Technique packet of blank cards is faro shuffled, one printed card is then seen which matches what the spectator wanted (color, odd/even,...)
Related to 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Roy Walton The Abacus Card Trick four cards chosen, gray code on one way backs
Related toVariations 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Earl Keyser Faro Ideas - Reflected Gray Stack sixteen-Card Arrangement & 32-Card Arrangement, solution
Inspired by Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Dai Vernon Vernon's Suit Set-Up No. 64, gray code set-up with suits in which three consecutive suits are unique, order not given
1972 20
Earl Keyser Faro Again with rough-smooth
Inspired by Mar. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 17)
Karl Fulves ESP In Gray five cards selected from face up face down deck are divined, gray code
Related to 1973 55
Martin Gardner Yin-Yang only high cards used, five cards dealt out in row, spectator marks them with either red/black, odd/even or high/low property, all cards divined, three-way gray code
Feb. 1974 710
Karl Fulves White Line Problem no-touch condition definition, spectator upjogs four-of-a-kind and then removes one, performer divines it, two handlings, using different red backs in one deck
Related to Feb. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Reader thirty-two card deck is cut and performer can name any drawn card, cards not marked but groups of one-way-reversed cards clue the position in the stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975 137
Charles T. Jordan An Odd Even Experiment deck shuffled twice, any suit removed, performer selects a card from it and deals the rest in four piles and says whether the top cards of each pile is odd or even, performer then knows selection
Also published here 1975 157
Charles T. Jordan Coluria thirty-two-deck of cards is cut and dealt into six piles, two remaining cards pocketed, colors of top cards code bottom cards and cards in pocket, done out-of-room
Also published here 1975 222
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 26, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1975 223
Karl Fulves Reflections saliva on thumbnail for impromptu shiner
Inspired byRelated to 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 16)
Tom Ransom +Oraclu+ six cards chosen, divined by performer
Mar. 1979
Ibidem (Issue 36)
Alex Elmsley Blind Stud cards are cut and dealt out, things about hands are revealed with back turned, gray code to base 4
Also published here 1980 36
Karl Fulves Gray Codes
1980 39
Karl Fulves No Tables, No Charts binary numbers & gray code
1980 42
Karl Fulves A Four-Bit Trick card in square layout of face-up/face-down cards turned over and divined
Related to 1980 43
Karl Fulves Auto Abacus gray code on one way backs
Inspired by 1980 46
Karl Fulves The Auto Abacus Trick gray code on one way backs, "The 52-Card Deck"
Inspired by 1980 49
Karl Fulves Reflection stay stack & gray code
1980 50
Karl Fulves Red Less Black spectator separates colors from back, number of errors are called, performer then names all cards
1980 51
Karl Fulves A Gray Code Problem turning blocks over followed by faro shuffles, four-card-groups examined regarding uniqueness of face-up/down distribution
1980 52
Bob Hummer Hummer's Bible Trick bible book test, prediction of word, with playing cards
VariationsAlso published here 1980 22
Bob Hummer Hummer's Magazine Test with playing cards
Also published here 1980 23
Bob Hummer Voodoo Fortune Telling cards with questions on one side and different pictures of zombies on the other side, one question is selected and cards separated several times while checking different features of the zombies, eventually a four digit number is evaluated and leads to the answer of the question in a book, system is explained with playing cards
1980 73
Martin Gardner Hummer's Fortune Telling Book cards with questions on one side and different pictures of zombies on the other side, one question is selected and cards separated several times while checking different features of the zombies, eventually a four digit number is evaluated and leads to the answer of the question in a book
Related toVariations 1980 77
Alex Elmsley Mental Boxer six cards are divined after cards are mixed face-up face-down, gray code
Related to 1981 22
James E. Sansotera James E. Sansotera version of Hummer's Fortune Telling Book, without book method
Inspired by 1981 115
Thomas Alan Waters Grayven 32 design cards, divination, sound reading and gray code
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 3: The Symbol Test)
Thomas Alan Waters Graydation cards with pictures and words are selected and divined
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 3: The Symbol Test)
Thomas Alan Waters Grayce spectator selects one picture card, which is divined later
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 3: The Symbol Test)
Thomas Alan Waters, Bob Hummer Grayze divination of a card, five cards on the table, covered with a handkerchief
Related to 1983
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 3: The Symbol Test)
Thomas Alan Waters Trisonic design cards, three are divined
Inspired byRelated to 1983
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mindscript 3: The Symbol Test)
Sam Schwartz A Book Test in Code stack used to select words, top or bottom of page gives gray code for divination
1983 41
Philip T. Goldstein, Alex Elmsley Q&AVM
Inspired byRelated to 1984 9
Philip T. Goldstein Looming Thoughts combination with self-correcting set-up
Inspired by 1984 15
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Trance No. 125, four cards removed from thirty-two-card deck and put in envelope, lights out, when lights are back on the names of cards are written on envelope
Also published here 1992 156
Charles T. Jordan An Odd-Even Experiment No. 131, deck shuffled twice, any suit removed, performer selects a card from it and deals the rest in four piles and says whether the top cards of each pile is odd or even, performer then knows selection
Also published here 1992 163
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Reader No. 154, thirty-two card deck is cut and performer can name any drawn card, cards not marked but groups of one-way-reversed cards clue the position in the stack
Also published here 1992 187
Karl Fulves "Wizard Reader" Notes No. 155, different stack
Inspired by 1992 188
Thomas Alan Waters Hellaphone spectator choses a number on a telephone, name is divined, not real phone numbers, first published in "New Invocation" No. 31, 1986
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Magazine Miscellanea)
Leo Boudreau The Mind's Eye: Necessary Roughness alternative tactile marking system, Gray Code
Related to Oct. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Alex Elmsley Animal, Vegetable and Mineral pack of children's picture cards, three selections made and divined
Variations 1994 89
Alex Elmsley Blind Stud cards are cut and dealt out, things about hands are revealed with back turned, gray code to base 4
Also published here 1994 406
Stephen Minch Gray Code some credit information
1994 406
Alex Elmsley Mental Boxer six cards are divined after cards are mixed face-up face-down, gray code
1994 410
Alex Elmsley Kingfisher four cards are divined, gray code
1994 414
Alex Elmsley Pursuit of Thought four cards are divined, gray code
1994 419
Philip T. Goldstein Sensus cards with words that address senses
Inspired by
  • "Sensibility" (Bill Miesel, Psycho-Gizmo #14)
1994 101
Philip T. Goldstein Consensus cards with words that address senses
1994 107
Jeff Busby The Gray Code credit information, comments on the possibility to combine gray code stack work with one-way edge-marked cards
1998 122
Karl Fulves Gray Is A Color using color reflection on card underneath to get color code, short comment only
Off The Books (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Gray's Anatomy connection between gray code and binary numbers, application with 24-cards stack, three consecutive cards tell position in stack
2005 105
Karl Fulves, Robert E. Neale Distant Marker spectator cuts deck, performer names number and a card of that value is at its numerical position from top
2005 110
Denis Behr Gray Matters three selections, fair conditions, gray code
Related to 2007 84
Les Johnson Remote Viewing Magic one of eight cards chosen and divined
Inspired by
  • "By the Numbers" (Leo Boudreau, Psimatrika)
2008 39
Pit Hartling Identidades Remotas packet is cut, three cards are taken from that spot and divined
Related to
  • "Thought Transference" (George W. Lord, Linking Ring Vol. 43 No. 6, June 1963)
Also published here
  • "Remote Identities" (Pit Hartling, Circular, Nov. 2001)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 13)
Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham The Magic of De Bruijn Sequences Deck tossed out, deck is freely cut and five cards are selected, magician correctly divines them all, also describes the mathematics behind De Bruijn sequences
Inspired byVariations 2012 18
Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham Going Further Describes extra variations on the basic De Bruijn sequence trick, with some history behind the use of this principle in magic
Inspired by 2012 25
Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham Is This Stuff Actually Good For Anything? Chapter on uses of De Bruijn sequences outside of magic
2012 30
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Order Matters Deck tossed out, deck is freely cut and five cards are selected, magician correctly divines them all, also describes the mathematics behind a different type of De Bruijn sequence
2012 47
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) A Mind-Reading Effect Deck tossed out, deck is freely cut and three cards are selected, magician correctly divines them all
2012 52
Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham Universal Cycles Again Deck tossed out, deck is freely cut and five cards are selected, magician correctly divines them all
2012 55
Simon Aronson, Ramón Riobóo, Harapan Ong, Persi Diaconis, Ron Graham The Three Hours Three spectators each think of a card, magician divines each card without making any wrong statements
Inspired byRelated to 2019 48
Ramón Riobóo Same Number for Three The Three Hours, three spectators think of card at chosen number, magician divines
Also published here 2019 157
Michał Kociołek 3H three spectators think of cards at a agreed-upon number in the deck, they are found, no-no's fishing
  • Twelve-card problem
Inspired by 2021 25
Michał Kociołek The Dreamer spectator cuts anywhere, takes five cards and thinks of the highest one, all five are divined
  • This is the (one) way (one-way version)
2021 34