44 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Gambling / Cards are apparently marked
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
U. F. Grant The Marked Deck finding Aces in one-way deck, apparently marked
1937 152
Dishonesty at its Apogee naming cards during the deal from time to time
1940 151
Reading the Cards of Any Deck actually touch presentation
1940 228
Edward Marlo Super Reading apparently magician can read marks extremely fast, punch deal
1947 24
Otis Manning Impromptu Card Reading cards are apparently marked, routine
Mar. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 10)
P. Howard Lyons They're Really Marked performer sorts deck into reds and blacks from the back, procedure to get a mixed-up one-way deck into the right configuration by dealing once from the back and once from the face, borrowed deck is apparently marked
Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Bruce Cervon Readers performer locates card while wearing suspicious glasses, when spectator wears glasses he sees the marks, but all card are marked with same value
Related to
  • p. 108 for forcing deck idea by Lu Brent
Also published here
June 1967 106
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge Las Vegas Eyes cards apparently marked, several times a card is selected and divined, eventually a card is put face up in the deck and cards named above and below, marking is seen with sunglasses
Also published here 1967 12
Brian Jordan In One Second Flat gag sequence in which spectator is apparently taught how to read marks and he thinks he follows that aces have been removed and put in case
Related to July 1970 350
Val Andrews If at first You Don't succeed---Cheat! No. 34, gag lecture on marking cards and card sharping
1970 (ca.) 13
Howard Flint Marked Cards packet trick
Related to 1972 64
U. F. Grant The Marked Deck
1972 107
Nick Trost Reading the Backs Routine cards are named in shuffled deck, first singly then top cards of three cut piles
1975 4
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Reader thirty-two card deck is cut and performer can name any drawn card, cards not marked but groups of one-way-reversed cards clue the position in the stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975 137
Eric C. Lewis, Martin Lewis An Idea by Eric and Martin Lewis cards are wrongly and openly marked
1978 41
Geoffrey Scalbert Die Falschspielerbrille by "Scalbert", apparently marking on back of cards which can only be seen with glasses, then marks can be seen for everybody
Related toAlso published here
  • "Abracadabra" Vol. 62, Nr. 1609. 1976.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 1)
Martin A. Nash Slippery Strippers pseudo Stripper Deck demo with normal cards
1979 401
James G. Thompson Jr., Ned Rutledge Las Vegas Augen cards apparently marked, several times a card is selected and divined, eventually a card is put face up in the deck and cards named above and below, marking is seen with sunglasses
Also published here Apr. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Jack McMillen Shade Work apparently deck is marked, three cards are named without turning over, then mark is shown to be different colored back
1981 2
Stephen Tucker Hypno spectator stops dealing at his card because he sees a line drawn it, hypnosis presentation
Variations Sep. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Steve Beam You're Joking deck spread face down, performer removes the two Jokers from face-down spread, message appears on back of Jokers
Inspired by
  • "You're Joking" (Steve Beam, Diary of a Deranged Deck)
1981 3
Philip T. Goldstein Quadrangle four cards from a shuffled and borrowed deck are divined, when put on performer's palm
1984 3
Bruce Cervon Readers cards are apparently marked, but all the same
Also published here 1988 223
Ray Grismer The Killer card chosen and lost (impromptu) or pocketed (with stack), performer divines card with deck behind his back, punch-marked deck
1988 [18]
Philip T. Goldstein Spectacle two holes appear in card a climax (image of glasses), red/blue double backer, optional twisting phase
1989 35
Steve Dusheck Mis-Marked performer names cards from back, they are obviously marked, but backs don't match faces
Variations 1992 110
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard Reader No. 154, thirty-two card deck is cut and performer can name any drawn card, cards not marked but groups of one-way-reversed cards clue the position in the stack
Also published here 1992 187
Karl Fulves "Wizard Reader" Notes No. 155, different stack
Inspired by 1992 188
Ellison Poland Ubiquitous Readers performer names cards from their back one by one, consecutive switches
1994 125
R. Paul Wilson Mark of the Gambler "marked cards" as a presentation, Aces turn over, are lost and come to top again, four Royal Flush cards turn over as well
Also published here 1995 13
Karrell Fox See The Marks? comedy presentation for revealing a reversed card
1995 34
R. Paul Wilson Mark of the Gambler "marked cards" as a presentation, Aces turn over, are lost and come to top again, four Royal Flush cards turn over as well
Also published here 1995 10
Bob King Color-Changing Deck optional with "Color-Changing Acro Card" (Bob King)
1996 16
Simon Lovell The Nightmare Deck apparently only spectator with special glasses can see large marks on the back
1997 228
Karl Fulves Stop At Red "Unsolved Mysteries"
stop trick presentation, posed as a problem
Inspired by 1998 177
Alex Elmsley Oyster Shells performer removes Aces from face-down deck apparently by help of special glasses, spectator wears glasses and apparently can now see marked cards which are red-backed cards in blue-backed deck, then they change into blue backed cards, sucker moment
Related toVariations 1998 58
Philip T. Goldstein Quadrangle four cards from a shuffled and borrowed deck are divined, when put on performer's palm
1999 5
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note on reading cards in a shuffled deck, J. H. Green's shiner method, fiberoptics tube from breast pocket to behind back
1999 115
David Regal Distant Transfer
2002 29
Harry Lorayne Double Angle deck spread face down, two cards named and drawn out, two steps in spread
2011 154
Geno Munari Reading a card from the back
Facsimile (Issue 5)
Jason Ladanye Cheaters Aces are apparently marked, special glasses presentation, Aces stacked and during deal change back color, then change back, red/blue double backers, faros
2018 223
Steve Forte These Cards Are Marked! high-low separation, using one-way
2020 1027
Friedrich Roitzsch Luminous Readers performer removes Aces from face-down deck apparently by help of special glasses, spectator wears glasses and apparently can now see marked cards which are red-backed cards in blue-backed deck, then they change into blue backed cards, sucker moment
Inspired by 2023 16