155 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Turnover & Reverse / Four Aces turn over in the Deck at once
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Homing Belles four of a kind matching selection turns over, removed, transpose with four other reversed cards in deck, four duplicate Queens
1933 26
U. F. Grant The Midnight Marvel four of a kind reversed itself in dark room, duplicates
1937 295
Buried Alive jacks put reversed in deck turn over beneath handkerchief
1937 360
Dai Vernon Multiple Card Pass to top
  • To Bring the Aces to the Bottom of the Deck
  • To Reverse the Aces in the Center of the Deck
VariationsAlso published here 1943 192
Edward Marlo Four Ace Reverse
Related to 1945 21
Paul Rosini Ace Transposition Aces on table change to indifferent cards, Aces face-up in pack, apparently by Charlie Miller see HMM Vol. 6 Nr. 10 p. 521 for credit
Related toVariations 1948 121
Al Leech, Edward Marlo Aces Up Aces vanish from deck, then are found face-up in deck
Variations 1949 10
Bill Simon Sympathetic Control spectator cut deck in three piles, one queen is put in each pile, last queen is on the table, when that queen is turned over, the other queens turn over too
Variations 1952 39
Bill Simon The Gambler Controls the Aces cutting the Aces (jogged Aces), then all Aces turnover in the deck at once
Variations 1952 54
Al Leech Quad Reverse three Mates of selected Card turn over
1953 3
Edward Marlo Hit the Aces ace packets are placed on deck, then all aces are together in center of deck
1953 80
Edward Marlo Separating Aces (4th Method) four Aces are placed in the center face-down, deck spread and Aces have distributed in the deck and turned face-up
Inspired by Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Charlie Miller The Four Aces and Four Jacks Aces removed and placed on hand of spectator, change into Jacks, Aces reversed in deck
Related to 1961 47
Neal Elias Four Ace Reverse multiple shift & reversal combination, dated 1949
Inspired by Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Edward Marlo Treatise of an Original four Aces turn over in spread at once at different positions, faro, tabled and in-the-hands-method
Related to 1964 59
Edward Marlo The Follow Up four piles with Ace on top of each, deck assembled, riffle sequence, Aces on bottom
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 3 Shuffle and Cut Discoveries)
P. Howard Lyons Aces Over four Aces distribute in the deck and they turn over
Inspired by Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Jerry K. Hartman Aces to Aces Ace packet, two openly turned face down, then all are shown to be face down, then turned over to show they are not Aces, the indifferent cards are inserted into deck reversed, deck is spread revealing four faceup Aces
1970 13
Ian Baxter Cheeky Aces Jacks lost and they appear on top again, lost again and Aces are found face-up in deck together, Aces lost and they are found reversed again, put aside and Jacks are found reversed finally
Also published here
  • The Linking Ring
1970 11
Ian Baxter Joker Monte monte routine with Queen and Joker, cards dealt off the deck onto table before spectator guesses, then both are shown to be Jokers, all Queens seen face up in center
1970 21
Milton Kort Rosini's Aces Off Color Aces lost, they turn over at once, then change back color
Inspired by 1970 7
Joe DeStefano The Wheeling Three twisting routine with three cards, then they turn over in pack
  • Marlo Note (Edward Marlo)
  • Notes & Finesse
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Jerry K. Hartman Dominace two phases
  • three Aces face up in one half of deck travel to other half of deck to join faceup Ace of Spades
  • facedown Aces and faceup Ace of Spades are cut back into deck, deck is spread to show they are all face up again
1971 13
Frank Garcia Eye-Mazing Aces put on table change to Kings, Aces reversed in deck
Related to 1972 18
Edward Marlo Conditional Find selection found behind back, three cards of same value turn over, inspired by John Cornelius problem
Apr. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Dai Vernon Vernon's Four Ace Trick Introduction No. 26, reversed Aces not seen in reverse fan, then they appear face up with regular fan
Related to 1972 12
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's A Shuffle Reverse Effect No. 299, three cards reverse at once, overhand shuffle reverse with three cards
Related to 1972 77
Jerry K. Hartman PersuACEive Three Aces lost in deck face down, Ace of Spades left face up in the middle. The other three Aces appear face up near to Ace of Spades
Also published here 1973 18
Jerry K. Hartman Over and Over Twisting the Aces with ending where four Aces turn face up together in the deck
Related to 1973 25
Jerry K. Hartman Overskill II Spectator cuts to Aces, then magician cuts to Aces in different flashy ways
Inspired byAlso published here 1973 28
Roy Walton Pushover cards turn face up in deck and change to Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1973 17
Roy Walton Green Turtle Ace changes into selection then vanishes and appears reversed in the center with other Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1973 38
Steve Spillman Card to Pocket Plus mates of selection turn over in the deck, selection is found in performer's pocket
1973 13
Edward Marlo Side-Jog Tabled Spread & Effect ribbon spread hide-out
Related to 1974 149
Edward Marlo Surprise - Surprise - Surprise Aces produced, triumph effect with no reversed cards, Aces reverse at once
1974 156
Edward Marlo Stranger in a Harem spectator finds selection among five cards, Queens turn over at once, selection vanishes from top and reappears between reversed Queens in center
1974 194
Roger Smith The Faro Plunger or The Offset Incomplete Faro Technique incomplete Faro to make a selection, after shuffle four Aces are reversed in the deck, Aces are out jogged and pushed through the deck, three random cards are injogged now, repeated until selection remains
Variations 1974
Necromancer (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Eddie Fechter Aces Up Or Down Aces are found reversed in the deck, featuring a multiple shift that reverses the cards
Also published here 1974 24
Jerry K. Hartman Pushover cards turn face up in deck and change to aces
Inspired by 1975
Epilogue (Issue Special No 1)
Larry Jennings Instant Aces
Epilogue (Issue Special No 3 (Part 2))
Roy Walton Schiebereien cards turn face up in deck and change to Aces
Also published here Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Roy Walton Die grüne Schildkröte Ace changes into selection then vanishes and appears reversed in the center with other Aces
Also published here Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Arturo de Ascanio Aces & Queens Aces turn over, change to Queens, Aces turn over in deck with named Ace separated
Epilogue (Issue Special No 4)
Trevor Lewis A Mixed Bag various card and coin idaes
  • partial stack and zarrow shuffle
  • double Riffle Control
  • Middle Deal (false)
  • Palm Conscious (gag)
  • Transpo Plus (coin transposition)
  • Ladies In Waiting (four queens reverse in the deck)
Jan. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Jerry Andrus "Gambler's Aces" face up aces in face down deck, four hands deal, then all aces are in one hand but face down
1976 25
Edward Marlo Face Up Aces Extended longer routine combination
1977 304
Karl Fulves Topping The Aces spectator shuffles deck, performer gives one cut and aces are reversed in center, sleeving
1977 38
Roger Smith Tarsat "Tabled Aces Reverse Sympathetic Ace Trick"
Aces revers in deck, when re-spread only three Aces are reversed and one face-down in between, four cards removed, another Ace reverses and reversed Ace turns out to be previous selection of same suit
Variations 1977 32
Roger Smith Son of Tarsat same effect with case involved
Inspired by 1977 33
Ken Krenzel Magnetic Aces
1978 55
Simon Aronson Aces Up, Countdown selection lost, Aces put in different places, they turn over together in the center except the one with matching suit, value of selection used to count to Ace, reversed card in Ace packet is selection
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1978 19
Edward Marlo Four Ace Reverse cards are spread, respread and aces appear face up
1980 100
Larry Jennings A Reverse Elevator Aces turn over in pack, then elevator phase
Arcane (Issue 1)
Frank Garcia Surprise Reversal bottom cards with spread cover
1980 14
Larry Jennings Bonus Aces cut in the deck turn over together
Also published here 1980 16
Jim Ryan The Sevens - A Card Trick spectators select four cards by taking and dealing, they are all Sevens, then the cards reverse in the deck
Related toVariations 1981 1
Karl Fulves Instant Aces
1981 83
Roy Walton Pushover cards turn face up in deck and change to Aces
Also published here 1981 121
Roy Walton Green Turtle Ace changes into selection then vanishes and appears reversed in the center with other Aces
Also published here 1981 130
Louis Falanga Ace Trap aces turn over, sandwiching selection
Mar. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 3)
David Britland Jackrobats with extra card, first packet then in the deck
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1983 14
Justin Higham Or......
Inspired by 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
David Britland Jackrobats with extra card, first packet then in the deck
Also published here 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Joe Berg The Ultra Mental Deck see also p. 86
  • named card that is seen is reversed
  • freely chosen card put reversed in deck, matching three-of-a-kind turns over
Inspired by 1983 66
Justin Higham Som-Ace-Sault two Aces are turned face up, all turn face up, as finale Aces turn all over in deck
Inspired byVariations Dec. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Larry Jennings They Vanish! aces transform into indifferent cards, a moment later appear reversed separated in deck, two methods
Variations Jan./Feb. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 17 & 18)
Jerry Sadowitz Thatcher Out! various cards turn over multiple times
1984 26
Daryl Martinez Volte-Face
Variations 1985 32
Jeff Altman High Speed spectator and magician each find two Aces, are lost and found reversed in center
1985 358
Larry Jennings Twist' In II extra card, in deck climax
1986 198
Larry Jennings Instant Aces
1986 229
Edward Marlo Togetherness three outjogged cards in different places come together and turn over
1986 53
Steven Schneiderman Spread/Wave Change/Production double table spread, second spread as change/production
Related to May 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Larry Jennings Royal Reverse Kings placed in deck, turn over at once
Related toVariations 1988 23
Larry Jennings Undercut Aces first Aces are cut into different places, then reversed together at center
Related to 1988 91
Larry Jennings Larrollover Aces
1988 96
Edward Marlo Add to Shuffle - For those who know riffle shuffle table reverse, but deck is dropped face up on table after shuffle
Inspired by 1988 165
Edward Marlo Other Ideas with Above
  • One: Kings face-up in deck, they change into Aces
  • Two: selection turns over
  • Three: deck starts in reverse orientation
1988 166
Roy Walton Three's Company three mates to top card turn over together in center
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1980
1988 122
Peter Marshall "A Four-Ace Trick" direct
Jan. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Doug Edwards The Same Four-Ace Trick direct
Jan. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Edward Marlo At least add Something four Aces turn over three times in a row
Also published here Aug. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 8)
Edward Marlo Reversed Aces different parts of deck
1989 20
Harvey Rosenthal Ace Funeral aces end up reversed in the deck, using the overload move
1990 602
Harvey Rosenthal Culinary Cards
1990 612
Edward Marlo Reversing the Field four Aces turn over three times in a row, credit information
Also published here 1990 134
Jon Racherbaumer Prelude to Touch Turn
Inspired by 1990 153
Alex Elmsley Aces turn over at once
1991 100
Alex Elmsley A Triple Reverse with three selections
1991 267
Jerry K. Hartman PersuACEive three Aces lost in deck face down, Ace of Spades left face up in the middle. The other three Aces appear face up near to Ace of Spades
Also published here 1991 212
Jerry K. Hartman Overskill Spectator cuts to Aces, then magician cuts to Aces in different flashy ways, with new handling refinements
Also published here 1991 392
Al Smith Quadrace Aces lost, top and bottom cards shown, Aces are reversed in center
1991 17
Justin Higham Som-Ace-Sault Plus two Aces are turned face up, all turn face up, as finale Aces turn all over in deck with collectors finale to locate Queens, Twisted Collectors
Inspired by May 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 3)
William Goodwin Aces For Idiots aces face up in center, vanish one by one until selected ace remains, reappear in different positions, sucker element
1993 18
Peter Duffie A Turn-Up For The Book using PAUS
1993 33
Philip T. Goldstein Jacket a Jack is located, it travels from bottom to top, cut reversed in center, now all Jacks are face up with selection between
Inspired by Apr. 1993
Profile (Issue 13)
Eddie Fechter Aces Up or Down? Aces are found reversed in the deck, featuring a multiple shift that reverses the cards
Also published here 1993 143
Simon Aronson Aces Up, Countdown selection lost, Aces put in different places, they turn over together in the center except the one with matching suit, value of selection used to count to Ace, reversed card in Ace packet is selection
Also published here 1994 31
R. Paul Wilson Mark of the Gambler "marked cards" as a presentation, Aces turn over, are lost and come to top again, four Royal Flush cards turn over as well
Also published here 1995 13
Aaron Fisher Recoil aces put in deck, all cards but the aces turn face up, then aces turn into kings and aces found reversed throughout the pack
Inspired by 1995 1136
Edward Marlo Somersaulting A-2-3 Ace, Two and Three of Spades, they're one by one pushed into the deck and reverse, then all together, two methods
VariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Jan. 1969
1995 43
Edward Marlo The Inexplicable Reverse spectator shuffles before four Aces are shown reversed together in center, thick double backer
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Feb. 1977
1995 317
Edward Marlo The Inexplicable Result Aces lost in different parts of the deck, spectator shuffles, Aces found reversed together in deck
1995 318
R. Paul Wilson Mark of the Gambler "marked cards" as a presentation, Aces turn over, are lost and come to top again, four Royal Flush cards turn over as well
Also published here 1995 10
Harvey Rosenthal H. R. Aces Aces lost in deck, first Ace is cut to, then buried face up in middle and other three Aces turn face up next to it
Labyrinth (Issue 3)
Michael Close, Dai Vernon, Larry Jennings Reverse Logic four phase routine: named four-of a kind turns over
Inspired byVariations 1996 30
Peter Duffie Jaxaphonic four Jacks turn over in the deck at once and sandwich selection
Inspired by 1996 13
Larry Jennings The '65 Aces aces vanish, spectator finds aces, come to top, turn over in deck, different handling options
1997 148
Doug Edwards Face Up Times Four four aces turn over in deck one by one
Oct. 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 10)
Ken Krenzel The Eclipse Production aces appear reversed in face down spread without cover
Related to 1997 128
Nick Trost Flapjack Aces three Aces turn over at once
Also published here 1997 80
Edward Marlo, David Solomon The Trick That Fooled Solomon four Aces put in different parts of the deck, deck spread and Aces are reversed together in center, two methods (Marlo and Solomon)
1997 170
Aaron Fisher, Lee Asher, Mike Strange Basic Math spectator removes four cards from deck, values are added up to make "lucky number", deck is spread and Four-of-a-Kind that matches "lucky number" is face up in deck, force of number is essentially the Gilbreath principle although not credited as such
Labyrinth (Issue 6)
Ariel Frailich Royal Burial Kings put in deck together, they turn over
1997 9
Ken Simmons Ultimate Collectors
Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
Larry Jennings, James Swain Instant Aces
1999 111
Jim Morton McDonald's Aces Segue No. 1 Aces reverse in deck in different places
Sep. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 9)
Iain Moran Triumph With A Twist after the Triumph phase, the mates turn over as well
Inspired by Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jamie Badman The Voodoo Deck card in one half is touched and turned over, mate turns over in other half, repeated, then a Six is chosen and other three Sixes turn over
Inspired by Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Highly Visible Kings chosen card pops out of deck, other three mates are suddenly reversed
2003 102
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Card Between Aces four Aces turn over, they're turned back, selection turns over and is between Aces
2003 105
Gábor G. Szabó Quantum Queens four Queens reverse in the deck at once, then placed face up in center and selection appears between Queens
Inspired by 2003 13
Jerry K. Hartman Triover Ace, Two and Three are put in deck in different positions and turn over at once
Inspired by June 2003
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Davide Costi Celebration Routine setup for the routine existing of the following three tricks
2004 77
Davide Costi Four Aces Reverse
2004 78
Dave Campbell About Turn Aces put in deck turn over, selection vanishes from between Aces and reappears, Aces change to Kings and Aces are found in wallet
2004 127
Dave Campbell Performing Aces Aces turn over in deck, Twisting sequence, two Aces transpose from pockets of spectator and performer, Assembly (diamond shape layout for Ace assembly, before Daryl)
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
  • The Gen, Vol. 22 No. 8, Dec. 1966
2004 141
William Duncan Reputation Maker Aces
Inspired by 2004 11
Allan Ackerman, Harvey Rosenthal HP Center Load Variation Hidden Packet maneuver, small block reversed and loaded into center
Also published here 2005 13
Bob Farmer Aces At Any Number
  • Flim-FlaMagic
Aces turn face up in different parts, they're lost, a named Ace is found at named position, lost again, then all four Aces are found at another named position
Apr. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Aces face up! three aces turn face up in the middle of the deck when the last ace is cut into the deck
2007 52
Bruce Cervon Aces face uo as Marlo Effect, with Larreverse
2007 52
Jack Parker Revolutionary Card card reverses three times in deck, matching four of a kind as well as climax
June 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 6)
Dani DaOrtiz Twin Souls deck spread on the table and one chosen and turned face up, when squared and spread again the other three cards with the same value are face up at various places as well
VariationsAlso published here 2007 26
Nick Trost, Shigeo Futagawa The Trost Four-Ace Routine
  • Phase One - The Transposed Aces
  • Phase Two - Japanese Aces (2&2, Futagawa)
  • Phase Three - Flapjack Aces
Also published here 2009 378
John Bannon Counterpunch selection lost, Aces are found and used to find selection, but selection was an Ace so the wrong three Aces vanish instead, sucker
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 5
John Bannon Aces Over Easy performer stops four times during over overhand shuffle, Aces shown at bottom of packets, Aces lost, they are shown reversed in center
Inspired by
  • "LJ Double-Undercut Aces" (Larry Jennings)
Also published here
2010 12
Harvey Rosenthal The Queens Go Belly Up Queens out-jogged from different parts, all squared up, suddenly the Queens are together in the center and reversed
2010 223
David Britland Jackrobats
  • Cardopolis
with extra card, first packet then in the deck
Also published here May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
John Bannon Counterpunch selection lost, Aces are found and used to find selection, but selection was an Ace so the wrong three Aces vanish instead, sucker
Also published here 2013 25
John Bannon Aces Over Easy performer stops four times during over overhand shuffle, Aces shown at bottom of packets, Aces lost, they are shown reversed in center
Inspired by
  • "LJ Double-Undercut Aces" (Larry Jennings)
Also published here
2013 217
Harapan Ong The Cull Tap Reversal Aces face-up distributed, suddenly face-down on top of deck
Also published here 2014 64
Gabi Pareras Ia Aleteo card is selected, three mates are found reversed together in the middle of the deck
2014 38
Nick Trost Revolving Queens and Aces four times Christ Force to locate Queens, then the Aces turn over
Inspired by 2015 1231
Harapan Ong Sudden Surprise Sandwich two pairs of Aces appear reversed in deck, sandwiching two selections
Inspired by 2018 67
Tom Gagnon Veiled Reversal Aces lost and deck spread on table, covered with handkerchief and gathered, Aces then reversed on top of deck
2019 445
Steve Forte lucky-cut Aces appear reversed in deck widely separated in different positions after one cut
2020 981
Jamie Masterson Optional Ending 1 - Spectator Turnover Aces
2020 22
Larry Jennings Cheshire Aces Aces are lost, then shown to have vanishes from deck, they reappear face-up in center
Also published here 2020 100
Larry Jennings Ace-ing the Relatively Unknown Location spectator selects a card with ten-twenty force, performer spreads deck and selection and its mates are reversed
  • Option One
  • Option Two (For the Sleight Adept)
2020 457
Dani DaOrtiz Soul Mates randomly selected card is placed face up in deck, its three mates magically turn face up in deck
Inspired by
  • “an effect by my great friend Juan Manuel Marcos… published in several magazines…”
Also published here
2021 131
John Bannon Counterpunch selection lost, Aces are found and used to find selection, but selection was an Ace so the wrong three Aces vanish instead, sucker
Also published here 2022 896
Harvey Rosenthal Almost Self-Working named four-of-a-kind out-jogged and pushed in again, then all four cards are shown reversed in different positions
2022 25
Juan Tamariz Polyphony deck cut into three piles, three Queens put in front of the piles, fourth Queen placed aside
  • First Phase (a Queen is inserted the first packet and it comes to the top twice, other Queens lost in their packets, one of the Queens turns face up, the third Queen travels into back pocket)
  • Second Phase (repeat)
  • Third Phase (all three Queens together are put in center and come to top, then turn over at once in different positions, and all travel to pocket)
2022 21
Allan Ackerman, Harvey Rosenthal The HP Center Load Hidden Packet maneuver, small block reversed and loaded into center
Also published here 2024 20