301 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Skill Demonstration / Magician cuts to the Aces / Tabled
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Cutting at a Chosen Card stripper deck
1937 266
A Cutting Discovery found by cutting to it, thumbnail estimation
Related toVariations 1940 114
Poker Heaps performer cuts deck in five piles, good poker hand on top
1940 21
To Control Two or More Cards as four-Ace Control
1941 8
Edward Marlo Handling Improved
Related to 1942 10
Dai Vernon Cutting The Aces
Related toVariations 1946
Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Edward Marlo What? No Crimps?
Related to 1947 29
J. B. Bobo Four Ace Routine (a) four piles build by shuffling and being stopped by spectator, Ace on top of each
(b) Aces lost, number cards selected and their value used to count down to Aces
(c) "Cutting the Aces"
1947 65
Russell T. Barnhart Four-Ace Opener slip cut
1948 134
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Nailcutting the Aces
1948 9
Audley Walsh Cut Up one handed cutting the Aces, Aces reversed
Oct. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 187)
Joe Stuthard Cutting to Aces
1949 19
Clayton Rawson The Missing Card card is removed, mates are found
Apr. 1950
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Eddie Joseph What's Your Card - Take It Away four cards chosen, lost, honest slop shuffle to mix cards face-up/face-down, performer cuts to cards
1951 25
Edward Marlo Challenge Cutting of Aces
1953 67
Edward Marlo Clip Palm Ace Cutting
1957 54
Edward Marlo The Card Transfer for Ace Cutting only idea mentioned
1957 37
Edward Marlo The Crimp Cull riffle shuffle cull, four Aces are corner crimped
Variations 1959 66
Edward Marlo Cutting Aces to Top of Four Packets
1959 114
Dai Vernon Snap Crimp cutting to the Aces application
Related to 1960 60
Edward Marlo Ace Cutting Follow Up cutting to three Aces, then to a six-spot which is used to count to the last Ace, then a switch and all Aces come to top
June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Edward Marlo The Cut Estimate cutting off the same number of card, tabled or in-the-hands, Ace cutting application
Variations 1962 19
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 1 Aces lost in deck, performer cuts deck in four piles with Aces on top, Kings on bottom, faro
1964 14
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 2 Aces and Kings lost in deck, performer cuts deck into four piles with Aces and Kings on top and bottom of each, faro
1964 14
Edward Marlo Cutting the Aces
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 2 Slip Cut)
Edward Marlo Aces and Four Packets
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 2 Slip Cut)
Edward Marlo Kings and Aces deck cut into four packets, Kings on top and Aces on bottom, two methods
Variations 1964
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 2 Slip Cut)
Edward Marlo Alternated Ace Cutting
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 2 Slip Cut)
Edward Marlo Shuffle and Cut Discovery of Four Aces six methods, cutting into four packets
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 3 Shuffle and Cut Discoveries)
Edward Marlo Four Shuffles Ace Location
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 3 Shuffle and Cut Discoveries)
Edward Marlo Four Ace Shuffle and Packet Cut Discoveries
Variations 1964
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 3 Shuffle and Cut Discoveries)
Edward Marlo Four Ace Location (Stacked Deck Retained) four Aces shuffled into deck and cut on top of four piles, order retained
Related toVariations 1964
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 4 Transfers)
Edward Marlo Combination - Top and Bottom Block Transfers deck cut into four packets, Kings on top and Aces on bottom, order retained
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 4 Transfers)
Edward Marlo Flash Aces deck cut into four packets, Aces on bottom of each
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 6 Effects)
John Benzais Four of a Kind named four-of-a-kind
1967 62
Victor "Astor" Jamnitzky Die Lange Karte making use of reversed cards in deck with whole deck corner-shorted, like cutting to the Aces
1967 (ca.) 8
Alton Sharpe Jumping Jacks performer cuts pack into four piles, Jacks on top, then matrix routine with table mat with post card covers
1969 145
David Bendix Ace-Cutting without Double-Cutting alternate way to get into "Cutting The Aces", using faro shuffle
Inspired by Winter 1969 74
Karl Fulves Octogonal Aces Aces shuffled reversed in deck, cut to again, stripper deck
Related to 1970
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Third Supplement)
Edward Marlo Ace Cutting (Marlo Key) using Marlo Key Card, faro
1970 69
Edward Marlo Professional Ace Cutting with crimp, faro
Related to 1970 146
North Bigbee Magick Aces using a brand new deck
Magick (Issue 6)
Milton Kort Cutting the Aces, Off Color color-changing back kicker
1970 37
Allan Ackerman Axing the Aces backs of Aces change color
1971 24
Dai Vernon, Harry Lorayne, Don Costello The Card Sharp and the Four Gamblers with four Kings kicker and story
Inspired byVariations 1971 11
Edward Marlo Marlo's Super Ace Cutting eight extra Aces
1971 29
Karl Fulves Ace Cutting performer cuts to the four Aces after losing them
Inspired by 1971 1
Jerry K. Hartman A Cut Above mirroring each other, magician and spectator each cut four piles, magician has cut to Kings, spectator has cut to Aces with corresponding order of suits
Also published here 1972 38
Dai Vernon Vernon's Snap Crimp Ideas No. 65
  • 1) red-black
  • 2) all of one suit or one four-of-a-kind
  • 3) spread location
Related to 1972 20
Dr. Jacob Daley Snap Crimp In 4 Ace Shuffle Routine No. 560, snap-crimped key card
1972 156
Dr. Jacob Daley Ace Location No. 579, locator cards by wetting center of cards and letting it dry
1972 161
Karl Fulves Instant Ace Cutting Aces dropped on top of deck, instantly four piles formed
1973 28
Karl Fulves Instant Ace Cutting Aces dropped on top of deck, instantly four piles formed (problem posed on p. 28)
1973 64
Karl Fulves Challenge Ace Cutting spectator shuffles cards
Related to 1973 46
Karl Fulves No-Crimp Ace Cutting setting four side jogs
Related to 1973 84
Edward Marlo Surprise - Surprise - Surprise Aces produced, triumph effect with no reversed cards, Aces reverse at once
1974 156
Martin A. Nash Aces For Experts Only any Ace called for
Related toVariations 1975 58
Martin A. Nash Spinning the Aces see p. 444 for additional crediting
Also published here 1975 93
Larry Jennings Gambler's Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1975 102
Bob Hamilton Extra royal flush kicker
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Peter Kane The Unkind Cut performer cuts deck in four piles, top and bottom cards are mates
1975 18
Francis Carlyle Date Card Trick cutting the Aces forming year dates
1975 110
Frank Garcia Bluff Ace Opener magicians cuts four piles, all Aces, taking more card in last packet
Also published here 1975 ca. 1
Frank Garcia Impossible 4 Ace Revelation magicians cuts four piles, all Aces
Also published here 1975 ca. 2
Martin A. Nash One-Armed Bandit one-handed, see p. 449 for additional crediting
Inspired by 1977 246
Punx Der Mann mit dem goldenen Arm presentation for Vernon's Cutting the Aces, only production
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1977 63
Roger Smith Ultimate Cutting the Aces from ungaffed shuffled deck
1977 12
Harry Lorayne Cutting the Aces "a practice device for the Jog Shuffle", deck placed on table after jog shuffle and an Ace cut to, repeated
1977 88
Allan Ackerman Ace Cutting Display
1978 103
Frank Garcia Bluff Ace Opener magicians cuts four piles, all Aces, taking more card in last packet
Also published here 1978 1
Frank Garcia Impossible 4 Ace Revelation magicians cuts four piles, all Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1978 2
Al Smith Cross Over Aces using pick-up from wrong packets, see p. 37 for variation by David Britland
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1978
The Talon (Issue 2)
Martin A. Nash Honest Aces
Related toVariations 1979 428
Martin A. Nash It Can't Happen Here cutting to any value named, stack
1979 430
Martin A. Nash All Challenges Met real thing, estimation, riffle cull
1979 436
Edward Marlo One Hand Ace Cutting one handed cutting at four angle jogs, three methods
Related to 1979 350
Karl Fulves Textbook Aces spectator cuts to Aces, then performer, at bottom of piles is Royal Flush
  • Immediate Aces
  • Knockout Poker
The Chronicles (Issue 24)
Steve Beam Split Cutting The Aces
1979 10
Ariel Frailich Roll-Over-Kill Aces cut to in named order, then Rollover Aces with new deck order finish
  • Introduction
  • Requirements
  • Effect
  • Method
Variations 1979 1
Edward Marlo The Punch Cut cut to a full house, punched cards as crimped cards
1980 9
Edward Marlo One Hand Bottom Slip Cut on the table, four techniques
Also published here 1980 237
Edward Marlo Another Ace Cutting Effect bottom slip cut application, step 34
1980 243
Father Cyprian Swindle Cut Aces Aces lost and cut to by magician
Related toVariations 1980 10
Father Cyprian Four Ace Quickie
1980 38
Martin A. Nash Aces for Experts Only any Ace called for
Inspired by 1980 2
Harry Lorayne, Dai Vernon, Don Costello, Martin A. Nash The Card Sharp and the Four Gamblers
Related to 1980 4
Martin A. Nash Honest Aces shorter description
Inspired by 1980 2
H. E. Burnside Cutting the Aces
Mar. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 3)
John F. Mendoza, Barry Nelson Marlo-Nelson-Mendoza Hunters Kings and Queens shuffled into deck, one of the Kings put in case, deck cut into packets, Queen and King on top of each, one Queen with King in case
Inspired by 1980 15
John F. Mendoza Easy Ace Cutting tabled
1980 66
Martin A. Nash Spinning the Aces
Also published here 1980 5
Val Evans, Juan Tamariz El Tahur y los 4 Ases Efecto N°17, cutting the Aces
1980 60
Al Smith Cross Over Aces using pick-up from wrong packets
Also published here 1980 2
Harry Riser Almost Legitimate Cutting the Aces center blocks cut out one-handed
Inspired byAlso published here 1981
Arcane (Issue 6)
David Britland Pseudo one handed
Inspired by May 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Story Book Poker Deal Ace cutting, repeat six hand stacking, all have quartets as climax, "inverse" belly stripper
1984 88
Edward Marlo First Routine spectator shuffles between each Aces, then magician a bit too, slick cards
1984 93
Edward Marlo Second Routine spectator shuffles, slick Aces
1984 94
Edward Marlo Third Routine slick Aces, any Ace called for
1984 94
Edward Marlo Fourth Routine slick Aces, one-handed, not recommended by Marlo...
1984 95
Edward Marlo Techniques for Ace Cutting two methods
1984 202
Edward Marlo Crimp Conjuring spectator shuffles, magician locates Aces two times, then stacks them, similar to snap crimp
1984 210
Edward Marlo Refined Ace Cutting from "Lost Shuffle Manuscript", using crimps or raised surfaces
Inspired by 1984 216
Dr. Jacob Daley, Jack Avis Notes on Dr. Daley's Strip Out Shuffle culling of cards at known position, short Ace cutting sequence with riffle shuffle placement, all very brief
1984 112
Mike Gallo Suited Up Ace cutting with New Deck Order finish
June 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Michael Skinner New King Cut Kings change to Aces, Kings are also cut to
Also published here 1984 53
Edward Marlo Mexican Joe Cuts To The Aces
1984 83
Frederick Braue Tens at 10, 20, 37, 47 cutting to Tens in Nikola stack with Thumbnail Gauge (1941)
Inspired by 1985 29
Larry Jennings Gambler's Aces
Also published here 1986 102
Bob King Anytime Ace Cut using tabled slip cut, quick
Also published here Nov. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Bill Nagler Ultimate Aces spectators cut to Aces, performer as well, three phases, using block of cards (like old Devano gimmick), last card Rises
Aug. 1986 3
Dai Vernon The Unadulterated Cutting the Aces
Related to 1987 155
Gary Ouellet Three-Second Wonder crossing hands when turning over top cards, inspiration according to "JawDroppers!"
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Any Named Ace any Ace is cut to in a shuffled deck, riffle cull
Inspired by 1987 6
Randy Wakeman The Odds Against Me inspired by Scarne performance on Tom Snyder's "Tomorrow Show"
1987 20
Thomas Hierling Haben Sie ein Lieblingsas...?! performer cuts to the Aces, then named Ace vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Inspired by 1987 39
Karl Fulves Within An Ace No. 1, Aces cut to, they show up face up
Related to 1987 52
Jamy Ian Swiss The Card Sharp theatrical presentation for Lorayne's routine
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 31
Bruce Cervon Flip Over Aces fast cutting
1988 196
Edward Marlo Shuffling and Cutting to the Aces using riffle cull approach
1988 77
Larry Jennings Double Revelation performer cuts to four Kings in four piles, they change to Aces via Jennings Revelation
Related to 1988 8
Karrell Fox The "Informers" performer cuts deck into three piles, on top are the mates of the selection
1988 53
Edward Marlo Ace Cutting using Mexican Joe Crimp
1988 256
Edward Marlo Cardician's Touch spectator shuffles before each cut to an Ace, using Mexican Joe Crimp
1988 259
Randy Wakeman A Dime a Dozen
Variations 1989 87
Paul Cummins On Call magician cuts pack in four piles with Aces on its faces
1990 63
Jack Birnman The Birnman Revelation performer cuts deck swiftly into four piles, Ace on top of each, including a handling by John Bannon
1990 118
Gary Ouellet Three Second Wonder crossing hands when turning over top cards
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1990 28
Edward Marlo Magician Cuts the Aces with wave work in cards
Aug. 1991 13
René Lavand The Cumanes story for cutting the Aces, one-handed routine
Inspired by 1991 38
Al Smith Slip Sliding Awaces Ace production with slip cuts, optional retaining of red/black separation with Zarrows
1991 4
Gary Ouellet Three-Second Wonder no credit, crossing hands when turning over top cards
Inspired by Sep. 1992
Magic Man Examiner (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Peter Duffie Quick-Serve Aces quick Ace cutting
1992 [7]
Ernest Earick Bottomland Aces spectator shuffles, performer cuts to four Aces
1993 125
Doug Edwards Close the Cirlce using multiple tabled slip cuts
Apr. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Doug Edwards Close the Cirlce, Expanded using multiple tabled slip cuts, face up
Apr. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Losing Aces, Cutting Aces with commentary on Dai Vernon's "Cutting the Aces"
Inspired by Sep. 1993
The Olram File (Issue 13)
Al Thatcher Breather Crimp Application for last Ace in Cutting the Aces
Related to 1993 174
Jerry Mentzer Challenge Aces Aces cut to from shuffled, sealed deck, breather crimps
1993 176
Gary Ouellet Three Second Wonder crossing hands when turning over top cards
Also published here 1993 12
Jerry K. Hartman, Vicente Canuto Aparición de Ases y Reyes mirroring each other, magician and spectator each cut four piles, magician has cut to Kings, spectator has cut to Aces
Also published here 1993 117
Alex Elmsley The Tale of the Old Timer cutting to fourJacks, then Queens, then Kings, then dealing out all Jacks to Aces
1994 449
Frank Thompson Frank Thompson's Method top stock riffle control
  • Thompson Ace Cutting
1994 94
Bob Irons Gambler's Aces breather crimp, tabled
Variations 1994 104
Gene Maze Soft Deck softening a deck except the Aces
1994 140
Aldo Colombini Poker Coins performer cuts deck into four piles and four cards are left on the table, they are the Aces, coin is found under each
1994 44
Paul Cummins Smoother Stevens cutting to four Aces in one run
1996 8
Michael Skinner New King Cut Kings change to Aces, Kings are also cut to
Also published here 1996 20
Michael Skinner Knocking Out the Aces tabled production routine
1996 76
Karl Fulves Two By Four shuffled deck, performer shuffles and cuts three piles, then names bottom cards, then new bottom cards are Aces
1996 62
Karl Fulves Multitudinous cutting to three Nines and shows them to different spectators, they all see the Nine of Spades which is then removed from wallet
1996 90
John Scarne Slick Aces named four-of-a-kind lost and cut to one by one (with distribution shuffle/honest aces), last ace appears with other 3 on spectator's hand
Related to 1996 172
John Scarne Triple Threat performer cuts to three signed and lost cards during tabled riffle shuffles (or: full house named, performer cuts to those five cards)
1996 193
James Swain Up-the-Ladder Aces
Related to 1996 56
James Swain The Unweave Revelation Faro Divider type
1996 109
James Swain My Opener Aces produced, triumph with Aces reversed at end, Aces lost again, cut to and new deck order finale
1996 112
Harry Riser Erdnase Aces tabled one-at-a-time Ace production, using riffle shuffle work from Erdnase
Inspired byVariations 1996 52
Harry Riser Quick Erdnase Aces quicker version
Inspired by 1996 59
Lou Gallo Actually Cutting the Aces Aces lost in deck similar to Always Cut the Cards, then performer cuts to Aces in four packets
Inspired by 1996 47
Lou Gallo Poker Dilemma three phases, four Nines cut to, three-handed game dealt with good hands, then five-handed game
1996 104
Jack Carpenter The Sweep Control deck cut into four piles, Ace on bottom of each, tabled
Related to 1997 71
Dai Vernon, Al Mann Cutting the Aces story, with knife
Inspired by 1997 12
Thomas Baxter Breathless Aces cut to by performer, then he cuts the deck into four packets on those Aces and each packet contains a suit in numerical order, breather crimp
Inspired by 1997 62
Andrew Wimhurst Kicked in the Face cut in four piles, first Aces, then Jacks, Nash's Honest Aces Shuffle
1998 18
Harry Levine Climbing the Aces with up the ladder cut and breather crimp
1998 1428
Jack Avis Flash Ace Production deck split into four packets, Ace on top of each
1998 78
Jack Avis Siva's Ace Cut
1998 80
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Opener deck is continuously shuffled, spectator makes decisions about what pile to use and when performer should stop and finds the four Aces one by one, possible "encore phase" is to show the whole deck is only Aces of Hearts and three of them change back to indifferent cards and Ace of Hearts is in shirt
Also published here 1998
Labyrinth (Issue 8 - Part 1)
Guy Hollingworth A More Light-Hearted Routine Ace cutting with increasing conditions
1999 192
Andrew Wimhurst, Dr. Jacob Daley Cheater's Aces
1999 7
Baltazar Fuentes Cutting the Aces Aces put in different positions in fan with some fake spacing, found
1999 28
Justin Higham Shuffled Ace Cutting
1999 54
William Zavis Aces Up blocking off principle, credit information
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 49 No. 8, Oct. 1950
Charlatan (Issue 2)
J. W. Sarles Crimp Cut Aces setting bridge during tabled riffle shuffle
Inspired byVariations 2000
Charlatan (Issue 4)
Mark Aspiazu Four Card Production Ace flies out of deck, then quickly three packets are made to locate other Aces, tabled
2000 16
Jamy Ian Swiss The Card Sharp theatrical presentation for Lorayne's routine
Also published here 2002 27
Joshua Jay Spectator Cuts to the Jacks first spectator cuts to the Jacks, then performer tries but really they all come to the top and he cuts off three single cards as gag
Also published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Luis H. Trueba, Martin A. Nash Honest Aces Production
Inspired by 2003 116
Juan Tamariz Cutting the Aces or any Four of a Kind last card is located by counting value of apparently wrong card, Vernon structure
Inspired by 2004 123
Aaron Shields Dr. Dolittle's Aces Scarne-inspired Ace cutting from spectator-shuffled deck with blindfold, duplicate Aces
Inspired by
  • "Four For Scarne" (Aaron Shields, Tings To Come, 2001)
2004 7
Piet Forton Cutting the Aces Vernon's Cutting the Aces, without losing Aces, Royal Flush kicker (same idea published by Bob Hamilton)
Inspired byRelated to 2005 8
Joshua Jay Overlap Jack Cutting first spectator cuts to the Jacks, then performer tries but really they all come to the top and he cuts off three single cards as gag
  • Phase One: The Spectator Cuts to Four Jacks
  • Phase Two: The Magician Cuts to Four Jacks (Sort of)
Also published here 2005 81
Dave Forrest Eight of Two Kinds performer cuts deck into four piles, Kings are on top, underneath are the Aces
2005 61
Harry Riser Almost Legitimate Cutting the Aces center blocks cut out one-handed
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 45
Justin Higham IDF Aces performer stops dribble at four Aces one by one
Related to 2007 6
Justin Higham Illogical Ace-Cutting packets assembled one by one and top cards tabled, bluff
Related toVariations 2007 13
Joel Givens Laser Aces cutting the Aces, pack then revealed to be four solid blocks with Aces at the face of each
Inspired byVariations 2007 22
Fred Robinson Fred Robinson's High Card Cut method with table-edge holdout
2009 187
Jason England Aces to Order Aces cut to in requested order
2009 1
Benjamin Earl Dr. Strangehand Aces are cut to one-handed from spectator-shuffled deck, Aces start palmed
  • Method 1
  • Method 2 (Preferred Method) (fourth Ace appears in the hand that was held behind the back during the one-handed production of the first three Aces)
  • Psychological Handling
2010 6
Steve Ehlers Stevens' Aces using Stevens Control with Depth Charge principle for Ace cutting
2010 64
Michael Skinner Four Ace Cutting four packets cut with an Ace on top of each
2010 276
Karl Fulves Swiping The Aces "Unexplained"
deck cut in four piles, bottom cards shown as Aces, then they are on top, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 9)
Tom Gagnon LBD Aces "Lateral Bottom Deal", Aces lost, performer quickly cuts the tabled deck four times at the Aces
2011 146
Tom Gagnon Bet Your Lateral Bottom Dollar performer cuts to the Aces one by one from tabled deck, dollar bill lies on deck, using Greek Lateral Bottom Deal
2011 148
Tom Gagnon Sticky Aces cutting to Aces after spectator's shuffle à la Scarne, using cards that have half a sticky surface
2011 155
David Britland Cyclic Aces
  • Cardopolis
Aces are cut to fairly, using crimp
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Sorcerer, Issue 2, 1988
Apr. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 4)
Benjamin Earl Selective Isolation any Ace called for
2013 4
Tom Gagnon Ribbon Spread Cut deck openly cut during flipping over a tabled spread, right at an Ace
2013 51
Justin Higham Pseudo Memorisation Plus spectator shuffles once, card forced, its identity divined and then matching three-of-a-kind found, two cards preset on each half (mini-Gilbreath)
Related to 2013 15
Benjamin Earl Real Ace Cutting thoughts on cutting four Aces from a shuffled deck
  • Method/approach/philosophy
  • Technical Notes
  • Performance Notes
  • Final Thoughts
Also published here 2014 25
Steve Mayhew Mayhew's Opener deck is continuously shuffled, spectator makes decisions about what pile to use and when performer should stop and finds the four Aces one by one, possible "encore phase" is to show the whole deck is only Aces of Hearts and three of them change back to indifferent cards and Ace of Hearts is in shirt
Also published here 2014 3
Benjamin Earl The Back Room Demo false stacking demo of the four Aces from a spectator shuffled deck
Also published here 2015 8
Steve Beam Poker Jack the magician cuts to the four Aces for a poker hand, then flips over the packets showing the four Jacks for blackjack.
Related toVariations 2015 27
Harry Lorayne Four-Second Wonder, Revised quick cutting into five packets to reveal Royal Flush, bluff crossing
Inspired by 2015 86
Joseph Barry Thanks to Vernon Aces lost and found
Inspired by 2016 12
Giancarlo Scalia Ace Cutting Sequence
Related to 2016 1
Benjamin Earl Henry Topped not much relation to Christ Aces plot anymore
Also published here 2017 22
Benjamin Earl The Back Room Demo false stacking demo of the four Aces from a spectator shuffled deck
Also published here 2017 76
Benjamin Earl Flow Productions four Ace cutting production, "impressionistically" coming from different parts of the deck, with credit information
  • Four-Packet Flow
  • Pure Flow
Also published here 2017 93
Benjamin Earl Real Ace Cutting: exploring realism, rhythm and nuance thoughts on cutting four Aces from a shuffled deck
  • Technical Notes
  • Performance Notes
VariationsAlso published here 2017 129
Juan Villarejo, Gary Ouellet Primera Producción de Ases riffle shuffle set-up for Three Second Wonder, crossing the hands
Inspired by 2017 17
Juan Villarejo, Jean-Pierre Vallarino Segunda Producción de Ases riffle shuffle set-up for Mephisto
Inspired by
  • "Mephisto" in Jean-Pierre Vallarino's "Cartes Fantasies" VHS, 1990.
2017 20
Áriston Cortando Los Ases Vernon's Cutting the Aces, without disturbing the stack
Inspired by 2017 149
Eugene Burger Not Cutting the Aces spectator cuts to a Six, performer finds other three Sixes, last one found by spelling spectator's name
Inspired by
  • "Cutting the Aces" (Eugene Burger, video Real Secrets of Close-Up Magic, 1991)
2017 112
Johnny Thompson Cutting the Aces
Inspired by 2018 69
Denis Behr Extended Gambling Demonstration multi-phase routine, named four-of-a-kind is riffle-culled, then riffle-stacked, then a bridge deal into new deck order
Inspired by 2018 19
Patrik Stenberg Breakless Aces performer cuts deck into four piles to find Aces
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2006
2018 131
Harapan Ong Messy Ace Production deck cut into many tabled packets by performer, Aces produced
Related to 2018 232
Alexander de Cova Rene Lavand's Trick
  • Notizen
one-handed cutting to the Aces
Inspired by July 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 7)
Alexander de Cova Der Mann mit dem goldenen Arm presentation for Vernon's Cutting the Aces
  • Royal Flush Variante
Inspired by 2018 217
Tom Gagnon Electro Static Aces Aces lost, then found one by one by spreading the deck on the table one-handed and stopping the spread at each Ace
Inspired by 2019 38
Tom Gagnon ZigZag Aces
Inspired by 2019 147
Tom Gagnon Gambler's Delight Aces lost and found, then deck changes back color
Inspired by 2019 390
Allen Stratyner Al's Aces Trade Places Aces lost and Kings on the table, deck cut into four packets, Kings changed to Aces, Kings shown on top of tabled packets
Inspired by
  • "JC Aces" (Jack Carpenter, Linking Ring, Aug. 2011)
  • "JK Aitches" (Jerry K. Hartman, Linking Ring, Oct. 2011)
2019 170
David Britland Shuffle Cut Aces
  • Cardopolis
using pick-up from wrong packets
Inspired by Aug. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 8)
Steve Forte Dead-cuts strip-out used as cutting to an Ace
2020 139
Steve Forte Early Ideas stringing together false cut sequences
2020 756
Steve Forte slip-cuts tabled strip cut sequence as slip cut substitute, also face-up
2020 757
Steve Forte progressive aces each cut seems more difficult
2020 757
Steve Forte cover-cards showing that no Ace is on top first
2020 758
Steve Forte dead-cuts intro, about methods for cutting off a packet from tabled deck with an Ace at its face, see following items
2020 758
Steve Forte estimation dead-cut, cutting off a packet from tabled deck with an Ace at its face
2020 758
Steve Forte double/triple-cuts dead-cut method
2020 760
Steve Forte box/riffle brief dead-cut method after a riffle shuffle
2020 760
Steve Forte bevel/riffle brief dead-cut method after a riffle shuffle
2020 760
Steve Forte JN dead-cut sequence dead-cut method after a riffle shuffle
Inspired by 2020 761
Steve Forte crimps - in and out with corner crimp removal and crimping method for upper right corner of top card
2020 762
Steve Forte off-the-table riffle and cascade with break wedge break
2020 763
Steve Forte TCCB Aces "top, center, center, bottom", cutting deck into four piles on table, Aces revealed on top and bottom of the piles
  • getting into TCCB order
    • simultaneous top and bottom slip-cuts
    • two traditional slip-cuts
    • eliminating one slip-cut
    • eliminating both slip-cuts
    • Zarrow
    • TCCB riffle
Variations 2020 765
Steve Forte gaffed cards some brief comments
2020 769
Steve Forte Triple Cutting & Stripping to the Aces dead-cutting to the four Aces one by one
2020 771
Steve Forte One-Card Cut clean tabled slip-cut handling
2020 773
Steve Forte Deeper and Deeper Aces each Ace cut from deeper position than before
Variations 2020 774
Steve Forte Roll-over Deeper and Deeper Aces cutting to Aces one by one alternating from face-up and face-down deck
Inspired by 2020 775
Steve Forte Lift and Drop Aces one by one from different parts of the deck
2020 776
Steve Forte Up-The-Ladder Aces two black Aces cut to, then two indifferent cards which change to the red Aces
2020 777
Steve Forte Ultimate Dead-Cutting Sequence
  • up-the-ladder
  • double strip
  • scrape-cuts and dead-cuts
  • JN cut
  • double riffle
2020 778
Steve Forte Two-At-A-Time Aces cutting to two Aces at once
  • two aces: v-strip
  • split, cut, carry
  • triple center-cuts
  • high-card wins
  • double dead-cuts
2020 782
Steve Forte Four Aces - Direct one by one with three false cut, in the hands or tabled
2020 787