two packs but with a single thought \n named card travels from one deck to another, two prepared decks \n peter duffie \n der forcierte gedanke (zweite ausführung) \n johann nepomuk hofzinser \n oddity! \n edward marlo \n "odd man out" (dave campbell) \n two decks but with a single thought \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Two Packs But With A Single Thought
Inspired byAlso published here
alternative update \n \n peter duffie \n change of departure \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Alternative Update
Inspired by
divisory capacity \n two cards chosen, deck ends separated in reds and blacks with cards in other halves \n peter duffie \n divisory capacity \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Divisory Capacity
Also published here
it is written \n book page chosen, performer then names a date and when looked up in diary the chosen page is predicted \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
It Is Written
rooms for maneuver \n à la hotel mystery \n peter duffie \n rooms for maneuver \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Rooms for Maneuver
Also published here
return journey \n spectator counts one packet himself \n peter duffie \n the journey \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Return Journey
Inspired by
quick-serve aces \n quick ace cutting \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Quick-Serve Aces
the graveyard shift \n bold, top cards cut into different positions one by one \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
The Graveyard Shift
the beast with five fingers \n in the hands triumph \n peter duffie \n tilted triumph \n hiroshi sawa \n the overworked card \n roy walton
Peter Duffie
The Beast With Five Fingers
Inspired by
tilted faro \n false faro \n hiroshi sawa \n tilted triumph \n hiroshi sawa
Hiroshi Sawa
Tilted Faro
Related to
no chance \n just chance effect using a stay stack of twelve small wallets \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
No Chance
straight from the bottom \n after one riffle shuffle, two straights are dealt (bottom deals) \n peter duffie \n a straight shuffle \n roy walton
Peter Duffie
Straight From the Bottom
Inspired by
straight from the top \n after one riffle shuffle, the spectator fails to deal himself a straight but does on the second try \n peter duffie \n spectator finds a straight flush \n nick trost \n a straight shuffle \n roy walton
Peter Duffie
Straight From the Top
Inspired byVariations
kruger's revenge \n card named, it is only one with fred on the back, rest shown blank \n peter duffie \n the original "fred" trick \n dave campbell \n blank astonishment \n dave campbell
Peter Duffie
Kruger's Revenge
Inspired byVariations
some random thoughts \n article with pet peeves & gags \n peter duffie
Peter Duffie
Some Random Thoughts