321 entries in Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stuff / Numerical or Straight Stack / Partial
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Carl Willmann Zu erraten, wie viele Karten eine Person der Gesellschaft im Geheimen einem Spiel entnahm und wieder zu demselben legte spectator takes a number of cards from bottom of deck and places them on top, one card chosen and its value matches the amount of moved cards
Variations Sep. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Eduard W. Lufa Zum Erraten der Karten
Inspired by Oct. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 10)
Ziska The Transposed Cards done with full deck, performer divines the number of cards put form one half to another
Related toVariations 1909 49
Mind Reading with Cards spectator transfers number of cards in ten-card-packet, then card with this number is found in face-down spread, repeat with shuffled cards
1909 171
Discovered Number spectator removes some cards from behind back, performer then produces card with same value as number of removed cards
1928 12
The Circle of Cards number of counted cards and a selection are divined
1928 24
Theodore Annemann Count Your Card! spectator stops dealing, uses this value to count down twice, third time selection shows up
Related toVariations 1931 17
T. Page Wright Move for Self-Working Mystery
Inspired by 1933 12
The Marvelous Prediction No. 19, a card and its position from the top are predicted, 1-0-1 with Hearts run
1935 22
How Many Cards Did I Take? No. 31, spectator removes small number of cards and performer produces a card whose number corresponds to that number
1935 30
John Scarne The Scarney Thought Card spelled "John Scarney"
Related to Apr. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 19)
Frank Lane An Indetectable Stop Trick Ace, Three, Five, Seven, Nine alternating set-up, 1-0-1
Related to 1936 146
Ziska The Transposed Cards number of cut off cards is divined by value of a card, set-up
Related to 1937 192
Stewart Judah The Circle of Cards selection and number of counted cards are divined, set-up
Related to 1937 192
Rolland Hamblen A Trick Without a Clue selection and number of counted cards are divined, set-up
Related toVariations 1937 193
Orville Wayne Meyer Twin Prediction partial set-up and ten-card billet index
Also published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Gerald Kosky Ziska Improved number of moved cards & selection are divined by value of a card, set-up, marked locator
Inspired byRelated to 1940 40
Joseph Ovette Simple Location with Ace through King of one suit in order to locate card
1940 16
Frederick Braue Card Instinct Ace to King of one suit on top
1941 31
Jack McMillen, Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Mind Mirror with stripper deck
Related to 1941 16
Eddie Joseph Your Age Will Find You Out spectator takes card at position of his age, card and age divined
1942 29
Orville Wayne Meyer Orville Meyer's Twin Prediction partial set-up and ten-card billet index
Also published here 1944 96
Edward Marlo The Perfect Stop Trick spectator stops at any card, its values is used to count down again and again until selection appears
Related toVariations 1945
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Doc Miller That Number Down
Variations 1946 34
Bert Allerton Allerton's Indicator spectator stops performer's deal, that card's value used to count to selection
Variations 1946 37
G. W. Hunter No. 2 "The Sense of Weight" amount of card is dealt from packet while performer's back is turned, amount is revealed
1946 79
Edward Marlo Marlo's Miracle Routine: Cards By Weight multiple phases, Ace-King set-up, faro
Related toVariations 1947 13
Edward Marlo Miracle Location part of "Marlo's Miracle Routine"
Related toVariations 1947 14
Edward Marlo The Prediction performer knows card at named number, partial stack, part of "Marlo's Miracle Routine"
1947 15
Edward Marlo A Straight Flush part of "Marlo's Miracle Routine"
Variations 1947 16
Edward Marlo Perfect Bridge Hand part of "Marlo's Miracle Routine"
1947 16
Edward Marlo The Rummy Game part of "Marlo's Miracle Routine"
1947 16
Frederick Braue Card Trick interlocking chains principle, suit stack
Jan. 1947 288
An Instinct for Cards interlocking chains
Variations 1948 32
An Incomprehensible Divination small packet challenge location
1948 136
George G. Kaplan Revello Card Circle thirteen-card circle layout
1948 67
Max Giebe Vom Zufall bestimmt cut to card used to find selection
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 1)
Arthur H. Buckley The Mystic Paper Slips two predictions made, number chosen and that card counted to, number and card predicted
1948 157
Ned Rutledge In the Spectrum predictions of two chosen cards written in chosen colors on billets
Aug. 1949 467
U. F. Grant Zella Card Stabbing stabbing into run of Spades in paper-wrapped deck, value then is used to count to selection
Related toAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1953
Mar. 1949 14
Carmen D'Amico Rapid Revelation selection lost, spectator stops the performer's riffle and value at that position is used to count to selection, name spelled "Carmen Da Mico"
1949 23
Audley Walsh, Bert Allerton Prepared Improvisation card signed on back, with stack to force card from face via counting, 1-0-1
Inspired by 1949 51
Count-Force spectator names small number, counts to that card and uses its value to count to force card
1950 65
John Scarne Double Duty No. 39, Spectator secretly transfers a number of cards (one to ten) to magician's packet, magician produces card with same value
1950 71
Jack Spalding The Card That Tells No. 43, Mathematical trick, divine how many cards spectator pocketed
1950 76
Bill Simon Double Surprise No. 61, card remembered at chosen position, card not found by counting to the value of another card, then card shows up reversed in deck
Related to 1950 108
Stewart James James's Miracle No. 72, two numbers from one to ten, chosen values lie at reversed chosen numbers
Related toVariations 1950 132
Jack Miller The Traveling Card No. 74, Ace to King stack
1950 135
John Scarne Scarne's Twenty-Two Card Trick No. 86, deck is placed in pocket, cards remove, and the selection appears when the spectator gets to the number 22 and calls stop.
1950 157
John Scarne Scarne's Tappit No. 97, uses just odd-valued cards of a numerical stack
Related to 1950 185
Johnny Paul, Howard Thurston, Richard Du Bois The Card on the Wall No. 100, card is forced using partial numerical stack (even values only)
1950 191
Paul Rosini Skidoo counting procedure used to force a card, using sum of digits of year on a coin and value of cards, forced 23rd card
1950 40
Edward Marlo The Stabber stabbing into run of Spades, value then is used to count to selection
1952 109
Stewart James Card and Number Prediction card and total of two cards are predicted
1954 5
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein Experiment mit einer Zeitung cross sum of date of a coin and value of card are added to select page
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Sidney Lawrence Miracle Book Prediction digits of date on coin are added up, value of card at that position is added and that total is remembered, sentence on that page number divined
1954 ca. [10]
Cy Endfield Forcing 23 using a coin's date-sum to count to a card and adding it to the date to arrive at 23
1955 46
Stewart James Parlay
  • A Card Avenue
two cards chosen, two times twelve cards are dealt out, the difference of the values of the chosen cards is used to count into the twelve-card rows, the resulting cards are the same two values as the chosen ones
June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
Bill Simon Simon-Chanted Evening small packet cut off by spectator, performer deals rest until spectator says stop, value of stopped-at card corresponds with number of cut-off cards
Sep. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 7)
Bill Simon Simon-Chanted Evening small packet cut off by spectator, performer deals rest until spectator says stop, value of stopped-at card corresponds with number of cut-off cards
Sep. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 7)
Elmer Biddle Biddle Diddle challenge location of peeked card
June 1957
Ibidem (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Progressive Miracle repeated multiple times
Inspired byVariations 1958 22
Tom Ransom Sum More Kruskal count procedure, at the end all face-up cards add up to 52
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Sum Fun more on the mathematics of the Kruskal count procedure, forcing number 52, at the end all face-up cards add to force number
  • Numeric Cycle
  • Spelling Cycle
  • Ending a Cycle
  • Inducing a Cycle
  • Backward Cycle
Inspired byRelated to Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Ken Beale Exploring a Principle number chosen with dice throw, card at that position removed, added to number, several of the numbers are counted to until total of five cards are removed, they're predicted
Variations Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Jack Miller, Al Koran Lazy Man's Card Trick
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1962 199
Edward Marlo Miracle Location with one suit from ace to king set-up, faro and non-faro handling
1964 30
Dai Vernon Pure Mathematics "Chapter Sixteen", two numbers from one to ten, chosen values lie at reversed chosen numbers
Related to 1967 99
Theodore Annemann Another Stop Trick from "Annemann's $50 Manuscript" (ca. 1932), with annotation
K to A set-up and countdown
Oct. 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Francis Carlyle Infallible Count Down spectator tells stop while performer is dealing, value of stopped at card helps to find selection
Related to July 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 21)
Jon Racherbaumer, David Bendix The Fussy Faro's Dream
  • Dave Bendix Addition 6/8/1968
Inspired by July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Roy Walton Card Number spectator counts off some cards to make a selection, it ends up sandwiched by cards of the same value as the number of cards originally counted off, faro, inspired by a plot by Gene Nielsen
  • Alternative Procedure
Also published here Mar. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Dai Vernon Vernon's Automatic Mento Stop Trick No. 8, spectator stops dealing at a card, its values is used to count down again, 1-0-1-set-up
Related toVariations 1972 7
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Follow-Up Horowitz Ace 20 King Set Up No. 185, should be "Ace to King Set Up", spectator cuts into secret straight and card is used to count to selection
1972 45
Francis Carlyle Finnerman'e Stop Trick Improvement No. 409, 1-0-1 straight set-up
1972 111
Dr. Jacob Daley On The Spot No. 566, "Automatic Set-up Variation", 1-x-1 set-up, spectator stops and value used to count down to selection which is reversed
1972 158
Thot Trick Set Up Using 6 Cards No. 583, 1-0-1 set-up to locate a thought-of card, not clear
1972 163
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Location Thought No. 594, card thought of from thirteen cards during riffle peek, found by counting down its value
Related to 1972 166
Sam Leo Horowitz, T. Page Wright Horowitz & Wright Combination Stack Routine Using Ace To King No. 616
  • card thought of from thirteen cards during riffle peek, found by counting down its value
  • then another card selected, spectator cuts, value cut to used to count to selection
  • spectator chooses a number of cards and puts them on deck, then a card of matching value is chosen or located
Related to 1972 171
Robert Walker Toss-Timated card tossed in in deck, value there used to count to selection
Inspired byVariations July 1973
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Gene Finnell Birds of a Kind card chosen, cards of same value found with faro sandwiches
1973 44
Bill Spooner Spooner's Mission Impossible card lies on table and is flicked into tabled deck next to selection, or value of that card used to count to card
Inspired by 1973 26
Sam Schwartz Thot Echo two card location, straight set-up, see also p. 758 for comment by Marvin Johnson
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1974 715
Philip T. Goldstein, Stewart James Ice Dice chosen values lie at chosen numbers, imaginary dice
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1974 7
Nick Trost Coincidence of Two Numbers and a Prediction
1976 14
Theodore Annemann The Stop Trick No. 35, Ace through King set-up
1976 55
The Controlled Cut No. 65, spectator cuts and this value is used to count down to selection, Ace through King of Hearts set-up, Al Baker credit given
Related to 1976 98
Burling Hull The Two Fold Miracle spectator shuffles deck and cuts to any card, its value used to count down in second deck, same card found there
1976 49
Sam Schwartz Thought Echo two card location, straight set-up
Also published here 1977 131
Bernard Bilis Pair-A-Noic spectator cuts off cards, two cards turn over in rest sandwiching selection and values total number of cut-off packet, set-up
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Simon Aronson, David Solomon, Edward Marlo Stop Perfecting Triumph! first selection used to count down to second after Triumph
  • Dave Solomon Handling
Inspired byVariations 1978 27
Simon Aronson Aces Up, Countdown selection lost, Aces put in different places, they turn over together in the center except the one with matching suit, value of selection used to count to Ace, reversed card in Ace packet is selection
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1978 19
Digit Discovery No. 13, with repeat, Ace through Ten set-up
1979 18
Bernard Bilis The Calculating Sandwich total of sandwich cards equals cut of packet
Also published here 1980 23
Steve Beam Lucky 13 spectator cuts to two indicator cards, which total the position of the selection, see Semi-Automatic Card Tricks for variation
Related to 1980 28
Simon Aronson Shuffle-Bored
  • The Basic Shuffle-Bored Effect (only number of reversed card is divined)
  • The Secret
  • The Set-Up
  • The Procedure
  • Preliminaries
  • The Cancellation Combination
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 1
Simon Aronson Color Discernment performer knows number of reversed red and black cards
Also published here 1980 18
Harry Riser Almost Legitimate Cutting the Aces center blocks cut out one-handed
Inspired byAlso published here 1981
Arcane (Issue 6)
Al Smith Perdup spectator cuts off cards, he stabs a card in the deck between two cards that add up to the number of cut-off cards
Inspired by 1981 2
Philip T. Goldstein, Stewart James Ice Dice chosen values lie at chosen numbers, imaginary dice
Related toAlso published here 1982 6
Simon Aronson Countdown Triple Prediction two cards and number of cards in pile predicted
Variations 1982 80
Simon Lovell The Ten Card Special Plus number card chosen, top cards dealt, they form a straight and card at value of spectator's card is selection
  • The Basic Routine
  • The Extended Routine (straight shown first and mixed back in, then as above)
Related to 1983 40
Frank Simon Cut and Count spectator cuts and value of that card used to count to selection
1983 32
Steve Beam Middle-Guage Spread card spread on the table two cards turned over and value is used to count in the spread, both end on same card which turns out to be selection
Related toAlso published here 1985 126
Philip T. Goldstein Raw Deal selection and chosen number revealed with down-under deal
Also published here 1987 2
Roy Walton Card Number spectator counts off some cards to make a selection, it ends up sandwiched by cards of the same value as the number of cards originally counted off, faro, inspired by a plot by Gene Nielsen
  • Alternative Procedure
Also published here 1988 22
Roy Walton Palmist's Prophecy number of cards chosen from top of deck is predicted via sum of playing card values
  • The Repeat
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, June 1973
1988 80
Brother John Hamman Peek Look Think three cards chosen by different means, spectators each find each others cards
Variations 1989 66
Karl Fulves Force Card Note forcing card with coin on spread via "Overthrow", A-10 set-up
1989 5
Philip T. Goldstein Raw Deal selection and chosen number revealed with down-under deal
Also published here 1989 77
Douglas Whitman Forethought forcing suit and later add value to prediction
June 1989
Magick (Issue 424)
John Bannon Play It Straight (Triumph) ordered suit reversed & distributed as finale
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1990 1
Ron Bauer If you are going to Peek, Look, and Think, at least Pique, Hook, and Link three cards chosen by different means, spectators each find each others cards
Inspired by 1990 142
Edward Marlo Topping Mental Topper - Second Effect four slips of paper with predictions, four spectators think of a card of a certain suit and transfer cards from top to bottom according to their value
Variations 1990 193
Edward Marlo Topping Mental Topper - Third Effect like second effect but mates in shirt pocket instead of written predictions
Inspired by 1990 195
Edward Marlo Topping Mental Topper - Sixth Effect
Inspired by
  • "Faro's Dream" (Ed Marlo, Linking Ring)
1990 199
Edward Marlo Topping Mental Topper - Seventh Effect version with two thought-of card, red and black
Inspired by 1990 201
Paul Hallas Problematic pile is cut and placed in pocket, top card placed in another pocket, performer divines amount of cut cards and has identity of selection predicted
1990 23
Chris Power Fernkontrolle card peeked in incomplete faro condition, upper half removed and performer knows position of selection
1990 33
Peter Duffie The Lucky Ten two piles dealt, top card of one pile is thought-of number, top card of other pile selection
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Dec. 1991
Profile (Issue 5)
T. Page Wright The Shuffle-In Detection card chosen behind back and shuffled back by spectator, performer riffles through deck three times and names color, suit and value, interlocking chains
1991 199
Peter Duffie The Lucky Ten two piles dealt, top card of one pile is thought-of number, top card of other pile selection
Also published here 1991 [14]
Bob King Split Thought Ace through Ten of Hearts on top, numbers thought of by two spectators and after some mental calculation by spectators the numbers are divined
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 24
Chris Kenner Twin Peeks two card challenge location, Ace to King set up
Variations 1992 102
Karl Fulves Change X Change two chosen numbers via dice are counted down and a value of the other number is found in each case, selection found as well
Inspired byRelated to 1992 3
Stack Countdown spectator stops and then that value is counted down, A-K set-up, published in Pathfinder Magazine 30 years ago (ca. 1930?!)
Related to 1992 28
Emil Jarrow Jarrow's Indicator indicator card leads to selection, Ace through Ten set-up, Kruskal-type counting
Related to 1992 30
Ted Karmilovich Shuffled Thought divination of selected card, one suit stacked
Dec. 1992
Magick (Issue 482)
Jerry Sadowitz Addendum to Think of a Card verbal force for Three of Clubs or at least a Three or Club
Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Andrew Galloway Reflected Thoughts card thought of in fan, its value used to select another card, both found, interlocking chain principle
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1992
Profile (Issue 7)
David Carré Sympathetic Reverse selection turns over three times, then full suit of selection as well
Oct. 1992
Profile (Issue 10)
Peter Duffie Not As Impromptu one of four cards selected, other three cards added together and number counted in deck finds mate
  • Epilogue to Not As Impromptu
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 20
Karl Fulves "Rolling-Off-a-log Detection" Notes No. 97, card removed is found out, different method without card counting
Inspired by 1992 122
Peter Duffie Baker Street Branch an odd amount is chosen from six options, a packet is cut and a card value removed, then another value is selected with down/under deal and they add up to chosen amount
Inspired by
  • "Sherloct" (Phil Goldstein, Abracadabra #2410)
Also published here
1992 4
Peter Duffie The Two Way Syndrome
  • chosen values from packet with reverse faro procedure is ten matching the four Tens that have been chosen earlier
  • second effect in which a matching pair is produced from a packet
1992 6
Peter Duffie Hummer of a Trick Variation some cards mixed face-up/face-down by spectator, performer takes one section under the table briefly, in the end there are the same number of face-up cards in two piles
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Peter Duffie Adding Some Weight spectator cuts off cards, two cards that add up to that number are reversed by performer and the number of cards between them also matches
Inspired by 1993 15
Vicente Canuto El Espejo del Pensamiento with suit stacked, interlocking chain principle with two riffle shuffles
1993 103
Andrew Galloway Reflected Thought card thought of in fan, its value used to select another card, both found, interlocking chain principle
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Mitsunobu Matsuyama Magic Teaching card selected, down under deal with a packet, last card used to count to selection, every other card Ace through King
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Peter Duffie The Future Packet number of cards cut off by spectator is predicted via the sum in another packet
Inspired byVariations 1994 25
Simon Aronson Aces Up, Countdown selection lost, Aces put in different places, they turn over together in the center except the one with matching suit, value of selection used to count to Ace, reversed card in Ace packet is selection
Also published here 1994 31
Simon Aronson Shuffle-Bored
  • The Basic Shuffle-Bored Effect (only number of reversed card is divined)
  • The Secret
  • The Set-Up
  • The Procedure
  • Preliminaries
  • The Cancellation Combination
Also published here 1994 149
Simon Aronson Color Discernment performer knows number of reversed red and black cards
Also published here 1994 163
Jerry Camaro Missile card is flicked in the deck, value of card next to it used to find selection
Nov./Dec. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 26)
Peter Duffie The Problem in Mind deck cut in two halves, spectator thinks of a card in one half and spell-counts it into other half to arrive at mate
Inspired by 1994 [15]
Bob Ostin Number Force digit thought of, value of card at that position added to number
1994 [18]
Peter Duffie Baker Street Branch an odd amount is chosen from six options, a packet is cut and a card value removed, then another value is selected with down/under deal and they add up to chosen amount
Inspired by
  • "Sherloct" (Phil Goldstein, Abracadabra #2410)
Also published here
1995 41
Peter Duffie The Lucky Ten two piles dealt, top card of one pile is thought-of number, top card of other pile selection
  • "No Crimp But Still Lucky"
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 53
Sam Schwartz Thot Echo two card location, straight set-up
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1995 149
Simon Aronson Doubly Lazy two selections, Ace to King twice
Related to 1995 136
Simon Aronson The PIP Stack "Position Information Procedure"
Ace to King stack in deck, allows performer to know position of replaced selection
1995 290
Karl Fulves Secret Thought No. 2, position of card predicted, selection via cutting some cards off and remembering card at that number
1995 2
Steve Beam Middle Guage Spread card spread on the table two cards turned over and value is used to count in the spread, both end on same card which turns out to be selection
Also published here 1995 15
James Swain, Alex Elmsley Brainweave follow up with Play It Straight type effect
Inspired by 1996 84
Bob King Split Thought Ace through Ten of Hearts on top, numbers thought of by two spectators and after some mental calculation by spectators the numbers are divined
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 18
Peter Duffie Diploid two piles, two cards cut to in one half are used to count to selections in other half
Inspired byRelated to 1996 2
Doug Conn Coincidice
  • four dice rolled, each number counted off top of deck, last cards match all four numbers
  • Second Phase (four dice used to count down to cards, they are the four Aces)
VariationsAlso published here 1996 4
Larry Jennings Impossible Divination No. 1
Related to 1997 18
David Solomon The More You Know, The Harder You Fall spectator cuts off pile, remembers bottom card, shuffles pile and puts it in center of rest, two Jokers shuffled in deck and sandwich selection
Variations 1997 185
Peter Duffie A Digital Deceit selection and number divined, cross sum
1997 5
Peter Duffie The Beginning of the End spectator cuts to a card, its value indicates position of Ace of Spades from top
1997 18
Ariel Frailich Superman! Jack changes into Ace in card case, then Ace tossed in in deck, value there used to count to selection
Inspired by 1997 18
Eddie Fields The Oops Principle Opportunity, Opportunism, Preparedness, Sneaky
with handling of the Lazy Man card trick
Inspired by 1997 98
Doug Conn Coincidice four dice rolled, each number counted off top of deck, last cards match all four numbers
Also published here 1997 7
Peter Duffie The Chosen Few a card created with a cut off pile by chosen a card for suit and counting for value, another spectator cuts to it
1998 3
Peter Duffie The Faranormal spectator places some cards between two Kings, sandwich faro-shuffled, two cards produced that total the number of cards between the Kings now
1998 12
Gavin Ross Straight Through The Heart indicator card chosen and number up to twelve thought-of, suit of indicator and number as value used to arrive at a card, indicator card spelled to and the card is found
Inspired by 1998 89
Gavin Ross The Information Pack half deck is pushed through other half (incomplete faro) and turns over, full suit visible with selection missing, with variation by Peter Duffie
Inspired by 1998 94
Stewart Judah Two Cards And A Prediction two spectators name a number up to ten, card of that number are found, then numbers added and card counted to, it is predicted
Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
Jason Alford Locate & Rescue challenge location, Ace to King set up
Inspired by 1998 22
Peter Duffie Echo Echo Echo Echo Echo two spectators have a packet of cards and cut it, the number is used to count to a matching card in each pile, repeat with similar procedure
Inspired by
  • "Ethos" (Peter Duffie, 1993 manuscript)
1998 11
Doug Conn Coincidice four dice rolled, each number counted off top of deck, last cards match all four numbers
Also published here 1999 27
Ellis Stanyon The Spots on Card Indicate Number of Cards Secretly Added to Pack No. 3, some cards cut off and a known amount replaced, card with same value produced
  • Variation
1999 57
Ellis Stanyon A Numerical Shuffle No. 4, shuffle for small packet that after a certain amount of repeats restores the original order
1999 57
Ellis Stanyon The Transposed Cards No. 36, deck spread on table, some cards moved from end to end, card with that amount is eventually selected
1999 76
Ellis Stanyon The Spots on Top Card Indicate Position of One Chosen No. 39, combining the two referenced tricks with one set-up
Related to 1999 77
Steve Beam Done Deal deck is shuffled twice, second time face up into face down, spectator deals face up cards to himself and face down to performer, performer has a straight flush
Related to
  • "Shuffurther" (Phil Goldstein, The James File Vol. 1, 2000)
2000 16
Steve Beam The Birthday Card spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2000 86
Peter Duffie Hand Picked five poker hands dealt, a card chosen, all gathered, two cards produced and their value used to count to selection
Inspired by
  • Tom Sellers item
2000 11
Jerry Mentzer, Al Thatcher Cardician's Dream (Improved)
Inspired by 2000 41
Philip T. Goldstein Prophet Sharing
  • The Other Month
selection's position is predicted with two card values
Inspired byRelated to Jan. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 1)
Karl Fulves, Tony Bartolotta Triple Enigma No. 36, pair of invisible dice used to select card, card found and card with dice sum turns up, Ace to Nine set-up
Inspired by 2001 52
Karl Fulves, Stewart James Die Version No. 37, two numbers chosen with die, their values lie at their opposite positions, selection at sum
Related to 2001 54
Peter Duffie Combination Luck card and its position remembered, spectator deals down three times, using the stopped-at values and his position, selection appears on third attempt
Inspired by
  • Stewart James effect
2001 11
Steve Beam The Birthday Card Trick spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday
Also published here 2001 27
Marty Kane Stellar Speller spelling some number phrases, the amount of card matches, card and matching suit found
  • Variation
Dec. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Steve Beam One In 52 number from 1 to 52, square sum is counted and value counted again to arrive at a card, with variations
  • Hat Trick
  • Wordplay
Also published here June 2001
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Steve Beam One in 52 number from 1 to 52, square sum is counted and value counted again to arrive at a card, with variations
  • Hat Trick
  • Wordplay
Also published here 2002 99
R. Paul Wilson Ring three times a card is located
  • Shizuko
  • Yoichi
  • Sadako
Related to 2002 159
Steve Beam Preventive Poker deck is shuffled twice, second time face up into face down, spectator deals face up cards to himself and face down to performer, performer has a straight flush, more freedom
Inspired by 2002 223
Cliff Ruff Open Hearted all values of one suit are spelled out from the deck, whole deck is spelled through at the end
Variations Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Two for the Road after packet mixing process only five cards are face-up - a previously selected poker hand, then Fulves's Riffle Shuffle Control after which position of first selection is announced, second stabbed to
  • Phase I: TAPGAC Poker
  • Phase II: Riffle Shuffle Bored
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Peter Duffie Not as Impromptu one of four cards selected, other three cards added together and number counted in deck finds mate
Inspired byAlso published here 2002 3
Dai Vernon, Roberto Giobbi Countdown Stop 1-x-1 set-up
Inspired by 2003 1170
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Hours of Magic
Inspired by
  • "Repeat Six Card Test" (ESP Session, Nick Trost, 1971)
2003 98
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Slight Slant on Slaight two dice, chosen values lie at reversed chosen numbers
Inspired by
  • "Nice Dice" (Allan Slaight, Precursor #72, 1999)
Related toVariations
2003 66
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Another Slant on Slaight two dice, chosen values lie at reversed chosen numbers
Inspired by 2003 68
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Last Card Standing Predictor thirteen cards, packet cut off, a number shows up that matches the number of cut-off cards, co-prime number principle
2003 74
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Mathemagicians small number of cards cut off, same value is supposed to be produced but it is one off and changes into right number, prediction says "off by one"
2003 149
Stephen Minch, Max Maven Cognitive Dissonance two spectators name a card, deck spread, a business card is found in the center next to one of the cards, other card predicted on business card
Inspired by
  • "Apologia" (a plot by Max Maven shared in a 1980 letter)
Also published here
  • Genii, March 1997
2003 133
Grace Ann Morgan The Perfect Choice spectator deals down in shuffled deck and stops, performer knows the card, faro
Related to 2004 24
Steve Beam Utility Cutter cutting six piles, three face up and three face down with the Rolly Polly Controlly, knowing how many cards are face up, as a control
2004 21
Steve Beam Exhumation spectator cuts to card, which leads to selection, two methods
2004 102
Ron Frost Sequential Evidence Magician cuts deck into three piles, spectator chooses one pile, card is found face up in that pile. Then that pile contains Ace to King of the same suit
2004 53
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Leo-Ben Stop Trick value of card stopped used to count to selection, "perfect stop trick"
2004 74
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Two for the Road after packet mixing process only five cards are face-up - a previously selected poker hand, then Fulves's Riffle Shuffle Control after which position of first selection is announced, second stabbed to
  • Phase I: TAPGAC Poker
  • Phase II: Riffle Shuffle Bored
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2004 129
Trini Montes Flashed spectator selects a card, then removes an invisible card and tosses it next to the selection
  • Paul Cummins' Suggested Handling #1 (memorized deck)
  • Paul Cummins' Suggested Handling #2 (memorized deck)
Inspired by 2004 10
Cushing Strout, Stewart James Invisible Setups Idea to combine spelling with ladder stacks to find card
2005 13
Cushing Strout Further Than That and the Lie Detector Combine Further Than That with lie detector plot

Also includes variation based on The Nine Card Problem, and Alex Elmsley's Tell Me Three Times
Inspired by 2005 20
Cushing Strout Holmes Meets Endfield Using a Sherlock Holmes book and a deck of cards to create a coincidence, story telling
Inspired by 2005 35
Gary Middleton Diamond Snatch Kings rise to the top in search for diamonds, then run of Diamonds shows up
Related to 2005 23
Robin Robertson, Peter Duffie R & D's Count Spell Extra composite card, count-spelling to any card composed by suit and value separately chosen
Prolix (Issue 2)
Harry Riser Almost Legitimate Cutting the Aces center blocks cut out one-handed
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 45
Harry Riser Needle in a Haystack card chosen, identity and position announced by performer, faro
2006 159
Jack Avis The Tabled Reverse - Again spectator names number up to ten, that value reverses itself in deck and is used to count to selection
2006 127
Jack Avis Thought Card Transposition spectator remembers card and its number, performer also in different section, the cards are counted to and they transpose
2006 128
Jack Avis 2-4-6-8-Find performer and spectator chose a card, spectator names number, distance between the two selections is that number
Related to 2006 130
Lewis Jones, Don Wyatt Through the Looking Glass chosen card turns out to be only reversed card on a picture with a deck spread face up
Inspired by 2006 156
Scott Robinson Choice Cut value added to amount of cut cards, total is predicted
Inspired by 2006 185
Max Maven Hypothetical Imperative card prediction in envelope, card formed by counting amount of cut off cards and Matsuyama Petal Principle
2006 71
David Solomon Ultra-Find interlocking chain principle with three riffle shuffles
Inspired by 2006 141
Steve Beam The Ark Maneuver card is reversed in center and cards dealt in pairs from top to bottom, cards after reversed card can be divined
Inspired byRelated to 2006 233
Sam Schwartz, Roberto Giobbi Thot Echo two card location, straight set-up
Also published here 2006 21
David Solomon Smith Without The Myth two spectators cut off a packet and count them, then remember cards at that positions, performer names both selections
Variations 2007 150
David Solomon Army Card Trick two-phase routine in which a peeked-at card is counted to from an odd-backed indicator card, faro
Variations 2007 210
Stewart James Remembering the Future first spectator chooses a card, second spectator cuts the deck and adds some numbers until single digit is arrived at, which matches the value of the first selection
VariationsAlso published here
  • marketed by SJ, 1941-42 and 1947
2007 43
Dani DaOrtiz Double Intuition two selections, spectator deals stops at card and counts value to find selection, then deck is dealt face down and second spectator stops at selection
2007 27
Dani DaOrtiz Triple Intuition Double Exposure adding a third selection
Also published here 2007 29
Allan Slaight Tri-Endfield with number force using cards and the date on a coin
Inspired byAlso published here
  • New Pentagram, Oct. 1979
2008 68
Allan Slaight Group of Seven stack that allows a stop trick (1-0-1 credit information), spelling to thought-of card and Ten Card Poker Deal
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, Sep. 1988
2008 104
Allan Slaight Nice Dice chosen values lie at chosen numbers, two dice
Inspired byAlso published here
  • The James File, 2000
2008 134
Grace Ann Morgan Jaw Breaker spectator deals down in shuffled deck and stops, performer takes duplicate out of another deck, or has it reversed there already, three methods
  • Standard Method (faro)
  • Using Full Deck Stacks
  • Bonus-- Brand New Sealed Deck Method
Related to 2009 8
John Bannon Play It Straight (Triumph) "a/k/a 'The Bannon Triumph'"
ordered suit reversed & distributed as finale
Also published here 2009 56
Caleb Wiles Armchair Mind Reading spectator cuts off packet, looks at bottom card and shuffles pile, performer names selection without seeing any faces, suit set-up
Inspired by
  • "Pure Telepathy" (Boris Wild, Marked Deck Lecture Notes)
2010 85
Ramón Riobóo Spanish Roulette mate of selection is found via fair dealing procedure, set-up
Variations 2010 246
Karl Fulves Devil's Deal performer and spectator each name a card and a number, Gemini Placement by counting to those numbers, for corrections see reference
Related toVariations 2010
Prolix (Issue 8)
Mel Bennett The Inverse Function Deck presentation for "James's Miracle", two numbers from one to ten, chosen values lie at reversed chosen numbers
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Coincidence of Two Numbers and a Prediction" (Nick Trost, The New Tops, July 1975)
Prolix (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Devil's Deal performer and spectator each name a card and a number, Gemini Placement by counting to those numbers, corrected handling
Related to 2011
Xtra Credit (Issue 10)
Mel Bennett The Devil His Due same trick with more free choice
Inspired by 2011
Xtra Credit (Issue 10)
Luis Otero Descartes two-digit number is formed and written on back of a playing card, from other deck a card is selected and value counted, this is repeated until no more move is possible, total of turned-over cards matches number and last card is the same as prediction card
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Dani DaOrtiz Jugando con Palos (y con percepción) two principles, secretly removing only cards from one suit, and showing a packet which is in numerical order to look shuffled
  • 1. Separación a la vista y secretamente, de un palo de la baraja
  • 2. Enseñada de un palo mezclado (realmente ordenado)
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Justin Higham Simple Topper
Inspired by 2011 6
Justin Higham A Dream Without a Clue
Inspired by 2011 40
Nick Trost Triumph with the Equalizer Shuffle ordered suit reversed & distributed as finale
Inspired by 2011 734
Karl Fulves On Impulse spectator should cut anywhere, look at bottom card and name any card of same color but different suit, both values counted down from rest lead to selection
Prolix (Issue 10)
Jack Avis, Karl Fulves Fate Mates card named by each performer and spectator, written on paper pieces, two halves, one card outjogged, both dealt in unison, both named cards show up
Related to 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Doug Conn Overload performer puts some cards on the table, a number is named, that many cards are found in performer's pocket, the values of the tabled cards add up to that number and the number is also predicted in writing
2012 5
Steven Hamilton Double Deal two cards chosen, they multiply to a number that matches their number, then one packet becomes the four-of-a-kind to match selection, the other packet the full suit
Inspired by
  • "Big Deal" (Roy Walton, Abra #1881)
2013 142
Justin Higham Randomised IDF Count-Down
2013 22