49 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Spelling / Any Card Called For
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan Spelling Any Card Called For No. 28, full deck stack
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 74
Louis Nikola To Spell Any Card Called For
VariationsAlso published here 1927 30
Laurie Ireland The Spelling Card Trick with any card called brief, memorized deck
1931 18
Tom Sellers A Speller Idea any card spelled to from pocketed deck
1931 17
Jean Hugard System for Arranging Cards for Any Spelling Combination explained with the effect in which every value in a suit is spelled out
1937 41
Charles T. Jordan Spelling Any Card Called For full deck stack
Also published here 1937 56
Tom Sellers Seller's Speller Idea any named card is spelled out with deck in pocket, pocket index
1937 63
Ralph W. Hull Name O' Card any named card is found/spelled-to, full stack and multiple out
1937 237
Louis Nikola To Spell Any Card Called For memorized deck
Also published here 1937 395
Val Evans The Million And First Deck stack with thirteen long cards, chart on card case or memorized
  • spelling to any named card
  • cutting any number of cards
  • calculation rules after cutting the memorized deck
  • naming chosen cards directly
  • story deck (see next item)
1941 24
Frederick Mosteller Bravo! five decks, multiple phase mental speller, suits spelled and values counted (count-spell), see Back Room reference for corrections
Related toVariations Dec. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 49)
Frederick Mosteller Encore! spelling to the thought of card, gaffed deck, count-spell
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 58)
Frederick Braue Bravo Encore Reprise count-spell
Inspired by Sep. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 69)
Frederick Mosteller, Frederick Braue, Orville Wayne Meyer Encore Spelling to the thought of card, gaffed deck, three versions, count-spell
Related to 1945 103
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Nudeck Speller any named card is spelled to, see credits in No. 8
Related to May 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 2)
Roy Walton Helensburg Speller spelling to any thought of card, Phoenix #98 reference given on p. 236, see also p. 254 for references
Inspired byVariations Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Variation Of Nikola Spelling No. 231, spelling to any named card
Inspired by 1972 58
Gerald Kosky Any Card Spell
1975 78
Charles T. Jordan Spelling Any Card Called For full deck stack
Also published here 1975 225
Alex Elmsley, Frederick Mosteller another encore red & black card thought of, they are spelled to after some shuffling (see Legendary Kabbala for Elmsley credit)
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Ken De Courcy, Hen Fetsch Super Spell gaffed deck, spelling to any named card, count-spell
Inspired by
  • "Magic Spell" (Hen Fetsch, ca. 1950)
Related to
1980 2
Hen Fetsch The Joker Version if joker is named, giant joker from behind back
1980 5
Ken De Courcy Card in Wallet card to wallet climax for "spelling to any card" routine
1980 6
Ken De Courcy Be Insured insurance policy gag for "spelling to any card" routine
1980 7
Ken De Courcy Multi-Choice using "spelling to any card" as climax for selection routine
1980 7
Ken De Courcy Shuffled Spell switching in Super Spell/Magic Spell deck
1980 8
Derek Dingle Miracle Mental Spell to two freely thought of cards, count-spell principle
Related to 1982 169
Father Cyprian Shock Spell spelling to any picture card in packet, then matching cards are produced
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1983 12
Edward Marlo Any Card Spell spelled to any named card
1984 243
All-Spell Pack spell count
1985 25
Wolfgang Rohde, Peter Wilker, Paul Maurer Romeo und Julia Four Kings and four Queens, spelling to find King or Queen, last two cards are from same suit
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Doug Edwards Swell Spell spelling to any named card, full deck set up
Jan. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Jack Avis Court Spell named court card spelled from packet of picture cards
Also published here 1988
The Chronicles (Issue 36)
Edward Marlo I Knew That any card is spelled to (Count-Spell Principle), two methods, with credit information (Mosteller)
Also published here 1990 52
Edward Marlo I Knew That any card is spelled to (Count-Spell Principle), two methods, with credit information (Mosteller)
Also published here 1990 61
Father Cyprian "Simplicity Speller" Notes No. 74, spelling to any picture card in packet, then matching cards are produced
Also published here 1992 88
Charles T. Jordan Spelling Any Card Called For No. 192, full deck stack
Also published here 1992 229
Edward Marlo I Knew That any card is spelled to (Count-Spell Principle), two methods, with credit information (Mosteller)
Also published here 1993 6
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Outsmart named card spelled to, twenty-six phrases for every card
1997 82
Michael Skinner, Alex Elmsley Masterful Mosteller red & black card thought of, they are spelled to after some shuffling
Inspired by Nov. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 11)
Harry Lorayne A Simple Thing spelling to any named card, impromptu
2001 161
Walter B. Gibson New Spelling Trick count-spell principle
Also published here
  • The Magician Monthly, July 1918
Prolix (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Speller Notes
  • A. on locating previous trick
  • B. Instanto Deck and any card spelling
  • C. short routine to spell any named card impromptu, face-up counting and turnover pass
  • D. cutting as deck is dumped from case
Related to 2006
Prolix (Issue 2)
Robin Robertson, Peter Duffie R & D's Count Spell Extra composite card, count-spelling to any card composed by suit and value separately chosen
Prolix (Issue 2)
Jack Avis Court Card Spell named court card spelled from packet of picture cards
Also published here 2006 42
Stewart James The Dream Goes On Two spectators each name a card freely, cards are found by counting and spelling in two different decks, includes version for a larger setting
Also published here
  • Letter to Howard Lyons, March 15 1984
2007 180
Patrick G. Redford "Sushy Rookie" - The Any Card Spelled to Stack
Inspired by
  • "Magic Spell" (Hen Fetsch, ca. 1950)
Related to
2017 176
Larry Jennings The Mysterious Spelling Three performer stabs a card in the deck and spells to a named card from there, two methods (with and without corner shorted cards)
2020 479
Christian Gambin Named-Card Spell named card spelled to from reversed Ace of Spades indicator
Inspired by 2021 7