110 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Vanish / Invisible Card Theme
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Kittyhawk Card from packet to reversed into deck, double facer
1942 4
Bert Allerton Transcendent Trick biddle trick, stolen card is forced to a second spectator
Also published here 1949 40
Bill Simon A Strange Card card vanishes from five card packet and reappears reversed in the deck, similar structure as the Biddle trick
1952 125
Everett Lyda Five Card Super Vanish card vanishes from five-card packet and returns, buckle count
1957 15
Bert Allerton Transcendence biddle trick, stolen card is forced to a second spectator
VariationsAlso published here 1958 27
Edward Marlo Atomic Deck Card Vanish peeked card vanishes, using the Atomic Deck (mis-indexed double facer deck)
Related to
  • Joe Berg's Atomic Deck
Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Al Leech Pseudo Boomerang invisible flight into pack
1965 50
Edward Marlo The Acrobatic Vanish from small packet reversed into pack
1968 59
Edward Marlo "Over Here, Of Course!" face-up/face-down packet, selection vanishes, reappears face up
Inspired by
  • "Where Has It Gone" (Hideo Kato, Genii, Sept. 1969)
Related toVariations
Winter 1969 63
Roy Walton Gone To Earth card vanishes in packet an reappears
Inspired by
  • Hideo Kato's "Where Has It Gone?" (Genii Sept 1970)
Summer 1970 187
Paul Swinford Added Thoughts on "Over Here, of Course!"
Inspired by Summer 1970 189
Edward Marlo Fly Me To The Moon card vanishes in packet an reappears at chosen position
  • First Method
  • Second Method
Inspired by
  • "Where Has It Gone?" (Hideo Kato, Genii, Sep. 1969)
Summer 1970 189
Edward Marlo The Invisible Toss reappears in the deck at specific position, featuring the Deep Face-Up Switch
Related toVariations 1974 79
Roger Smith The Out of Sight Card Miracle "invisible deck" trick with verbal force of selection and ungaffed deck
1975 3
An Easy Reverse card in ten-card packet chosen, cards shown one by one, it vanished, reappears reversed in packet
Related to 1975 47
Roger Smith The Card That Went Poof - Again card peeked in IF condition, later selection is shown to have vanished and then it reappears
Variations 1975 11
Edward Marlo Improved Procedure for the Invisible Toss card is tossed "invisibly" at the right position
Inspired by 1976 197
Nick Trost, Stewart Judah Card Elimination Card vanishes from deck, then appears face up in the deck later
Also published here 1976 22
Roger Smith The Invisible Visible card apparently palmed invisibly off deck, then put back on deck and dealt off where it becomes visible again, second deal
Inspired by
  • recent item in The Linking Ring
1977 21
Roger Smith The Card That Went in the Deck on Top card put reversed in center is claimed to travel invisibly to top, becomes visible when dealt off the deck, second deal
1977 21
Edward Marlo The Fake Putdown card disappears among five cards and reappears reversed in deck
1979 111
Karrell Fox The Gift of the Magi invisible deck and table, spectator names a card, it is the only jumbo card in the pocket
Variations 1979 279
Ken De Courcy Success is Simple patter for "The Gift of the Magi"
Inspired by 1979 283
Charlie Miller, Frank Garcia Surprise Revelation biddle trick
1980 27
Steve Beam Rapid Transit card appears face-up on top of deck (one-hand top palm as change), is taken and vanished, reappears reversed in center
Also published here 1981 15
Bernard Bilis Four-Ace Foregone two aces are made invisible, they reappear
Nov. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Charles Hudson Invisible Inserts two selections reverse one by one, invisible card presentation
1982 395
Tim Gan 1 in 52 card is sandwiched, then card is named, it is the sandwiched card
Inspired by Sep. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Pantomime Puzzler card in tpacket chosen, cards shown one by one, it vanished, reappears reversed in packet
Related to 1982 57
Edward Marlo Tabled Flat Palm Production invisible card is apparently turned over
1983 44
Ben Harris Transit Thought Card that has been palmed "invisibly" transposes with physical card under spectator's hand, turns out to be mentally selected card
1983 36
Gary Goldberg Disoriented using FIRP
Inspired by May 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Ben Harris Flying Sandwich two red Queens vanish on deck, spectator tosses the invisible cards into deck one by one and they are shown one by one, they sandwich selection
1985 42
Roberto Giobbi Der Sherlock Holmes Trick cross between Fingerprint Card Trick, Biddle Trick and Devilish Miracle, one selection, five cards removed, selection vanishes and reappears, then vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Inspired by 1987 16
Davide Costi Reverse Biddle trick
Also published here Sep. 1987
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Brother John Hamman The Invisible Card card vanishes from packet and reappears in empty hand
Variations 1989 150
Brother John Hamman The Transparent Cards two cards become invisible
1989 160
Edward Marlo Invisible Thought Transfer card thought of from ten-card packet vanishes and is named, reappears in odd-backed deck, partial roughing
  • Second Method (ungaffed)
  • Third Method (ungaffed)
Variations 1989 36
Edward Marlo Impromptu Invisible Card Routine
1989 47
Rafael Benatar La Carta Invisible longer Routine
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 87
John Bannon, Bob Farmer Clock O'Doom clock trick with small packet triumph sequence, selection travels from packet to deck, see Racherbaumer reference for credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1991 20
John Bannon Timely Departure three cards are thought-of via "packet is cut off and counted..." procedure, they disappear and reappear face up
Related toVariations 1991 160
Karl Fulves Hideout selection vanishes from packet, the reappears again
1991 38
Paul Cummins Flasher spectator selects a card (cut deeper), then removes an invisible card and tosses it next to the selection
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here July 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 7)
Edward Marlo Invisible Toss reappears in the deck at specific position
Related to 1992 217
Edward Marlo, Hideo Kato Nameless "It's Over Here, Of Course" card vanishes in packet and reappears, with second handling "Keyless Version"
Inspired by
  • "Where Has It Gone?" (Hideo Kato, Genii Sept. 1969)
Related to
Apr. 1992
The Olram File (Issue 11)
Terry LaGerould Coney Island Caper biddle trick, performer apparently eats card
Inspired byVariations 1992 69
Rafael Benatar The Invisible Card longer Routine
Also published here 1993 9
Gerald Deutsch The Invisible Card named card vanishes, to pocket, bits of business
Variations Jan. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Michael Vincent Ultra Clean Sandwich named card appears between tabled sandwich cards à la Marlo
1994 98
Edward Marlo Buffaloed into Vanishing
  • Effect #1
one of five thought of, two packets made, card vanishes from one packet and is named, faro
1995 341
Jon Racherbaumer Calculated Invisible Toss card among five chosen, it becomes invisible and reappears reversed in deck at position that equals sum of remaining four cards
Inspired byVariations 1995 10
Philip T. Goldstein Transferloss Toss reappears in the deck at specific position after Invisible Card themed effect
Inspired by 1995 14
Peter Duffie Re-Calculated Invisible Toss card among five chosen, it becomes invisible and reappears reversed in deck at position that equals sum of remaining four cards
Inspired by 1995 16
Paul Cummins The Invisible Card
1996 9
Paul Cummins Flasher spectator selects a card (cut deeper), then removes an invisible card and tosses it next to the selection
Also published here 1996 28
Dominique Duvivier Pocketful of Miracles Card to pocket routine with Invisible Palm theme
1996 172
Nick Trost, Stewart Judah Elimination Selection appears reversed in deck after it has vanished
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1997 194
Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Marlo's Favorite Devilish Miracle
1997 24
David Solomon A Simple Toss biddle trick, card found in deck at position of other four cards added
Inspired by 1997 156
Paul Cummins Flasher spectator selects a card (cut deeper), then removes an invisible card and tosses it next to the selection
Also published here 1997 131
Dick Ferguson, George G. Kaplan, Roberto Giobbi The Invisible Card selected card vanishes from five card packet and reappeares reversed in the deck
Inspired by 1998 523
Bob King Impossible Mental Catch red Queens given to spectator, then any named card appears between them
1998 9
Jon Racherbaumer Clocker Shocker clock trick with small packet triumph sequence, selection travels from packet to deck
Inspired by Oct. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 10)
Nick Trost One Card Reverse card vanishes from packet and re-appears reversed
2000 164
Simon Aronson Head Over Heels Invisible Card Card turns invisible, placed in deck face up, card then reappears
Inspired by 2001 100
Simon Aronson The Invisible Card freely named card vanishes, then reappears reversed in deck
VariationsAlso published here 2001 175
Harry Lorayne Counted Out selection appears in middle of four-card packet, with five-as-four count
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2001 315
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Contrary Toss-In invisible card tossed into deck by spectator, a card appears sticking out between two selections
2003 106
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Well, Look at That! invisible card becomes visible and is first spectator's selection, it is completed to a Royal Flush
2003 134
Simon Aronson The Invisible Card freely named card vanishes, then reappears reversed in deck
Also published here 2003 14
Davide Costi Reverse
Also published here 2004 57
Wesley James The Moon is Made of Blue Cheese "alpha", face-up/face-down packet, selection vanishes, reappears face up and odd-backed
Inspired by
  • "Where has it gone?" (Hideo Kato, Genii Vol. 34 No. 1, Sept. 1970)
2004 237
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Invisible Card Redux card vanishes from packet, appears reversed in deck
Inspired by 2004 69
Trini Montes Flashed spectator selects a card, then removes an invisible card and tosses it next to the selection
  • Paul Cummins' Suggested Handling #1 (memorized deck)
  • Paul Cummins' Suggested Handling #2 (memorized deck)
Inspired by 2004 10
Jack Parker, David Solomon Invisible 21 card vanishes from packet of twenty-one cards, and reappears in packet
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2007 188
Asi Wind Transportation in Three Phases biddle trick, thought-of card vanishes from packet and reappears reversed in deck
Inspired by
  • "Transcendent" (Elmer Biddler, Genii, April 1947, p. 241)
Also published here
2007 32
Jack Parker Invisible 21 card vanishes from packet of twenty-one cards, and reappears in packet
Also published here 2007 31
Jack Parker Invisible 21 card vanishes and reappears
Also published here 2007 110
Michael Powers Invisible Again selection vanishes and reappears again, featuring a fair selection procedure in which selection is cut into the other two packets, three distant key cards
Inspired byVariations 2007 17
Ken Krenzel Spread Reverse Glimpse Application invisible card presentation for reverse
2009 46
Jack Parker Must Be 21 to Smoke "For Claude Raines"
card vanishes from packet of 21 cards, and reappears in packet
Also published here 2009 23
John Guastaferro Biddleless - The Biddleless Trick biddle trick without biddle steal
Variations 2010 80
Claude Impériale Sans Skill three cards vanish and appear again reversed
Inspired by 2010 16
Harry Lorayne No-Force Lorayne Force card hidden behind fan, spectator thinks of card and its position in twelve-card packet, card vanishes and reappears reversed in packet
2011 100
Harry Lorayne Counted Out selection appears in middle of four-card packet, with five-as-four count
Also published here 2011 144
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Direct Message card vanishes from packet, reappears reversed in deck
2014 19
Harapan Ong The Princess Card Trick Revisited thought-of-card vanishes from packet, reappears in sandwich in deck
2014 77
Asi Wind Transposición en Tres Fases biddle trick, thought-of card vanishes from packet and reappears reversed in deck
Also published here 2016
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 32)
John Hostler Fully Half Invisible card vanishes from five-card packet, then back is seen but not face when spread is shown from both sides
2018 5
Asi Wind Crossing Over biddle trick, thought-of card vanishes from packet and reappears reversed in deck
Also published here 2018 103
David Solomon Impromptu Invisible Toss biddle trick, card found in deck at position of other four cards added
Inspired by 2018 91
David Solomon Vanish, Name & Recover card vanishes and is shown missing from deck, thrown back reversed
Inspired by 2018 189
Scott Robinson The Willy Wonka Card Trick card is seen to dematerialize as it is inserted perpendicularly between two Kings, then reappears
Variations 2018 17
Helder Guimarães Invisible "Belief/Existence"
spectator remembers a card and its position, selection vanishes and reappears face up in deck
2019 356
Michael Powers Small Packet I.C. selection put amongst Aces, it becomes invisible, reappears reversed in deck
Related to 2019 26
Michael Powers 21 Again/Invisible 21 selection vanishes and reappears again, featuring a fair selection procedure in which selection is cut into the other two packets, three distant key cards
Inspired by 2019 208
Michael Powers Two Way Split
  • Effect 1 - The Tantalizer
  • Effect 2 - Another Invisible Card
Inspired by
  • "The Sunken Key Again" (Scalbert's Selected Secrets)
2019 223
Ryan Schlutz Clearly See-Through shuffled deck, spectator takes a pile from it, remembers one card and pile is replaced, card becomes invisible and reappears reversed in deck, GAP principle
  • An Alternative Way to Handle GAP Selection
2020 118
Simon Black Über selection vanishes from packet, reappears in the deck at specific position
Inspired byRelated to 2020 36
Jon Racherbaumer Apparitional Card on Ceiling
  • Exhumations
face-up/face-down packet, selection vanishes, reappears face up
Inspired by Apr. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 4)
Boris Wild InvisiQuiz Biddle Trick type effect
  • Variations of Shuffles
  • Variations of Questions
  • Variations of Revelations
  • Variations with the Boris Wild Marked Deck
Inspired by
  • "Invisicard" (John Carey, The Carey Files)
2021 37
Justin Higham Invisible Thought Manifested card thought of from ten-card packet is removed invisible and is named, then reappears
Inspired by 2021 18
Gary Plants It's Not Here card chosen from fourteen-card packet, selection vanishes, reappears face up
Inspired by
  • "Where Has It Gone" (Hideo Kato, Genii, Sept. 1969)
2022 18
Ben Daggers Technicolour selection is palmed and turns invisible and visible again, then the cards turn over while talking about how the magician glimpses cards, rainbow deck kicker, with variation
  • Phase One: Palming
  • Phase Two: Glimpsing
2022 145
John Guastaferro Stranger Sandwich signed card vanishes, then visibly appears between two sandwich cards twice, it is odd-backed as kicker
2023 47
John Guastaferro Biddleless Redux biddle trick without biddle steal, card apparently thought of via Hartman's High-Card Mental Force, variations:
  • Underhanded
  • Card Box
  • Prediction
  • ACAAN (Simon Black)
Inspired by 2023 105
Rune Carlsen Invisible Triumph freely named card vanishes, then reappears reversed in deck
Inspired byRelated to 2024 42
Joshua Jay The Imaginary Card Trick spectator takes invisible card from spread and names any card that it should be, it becomes visible between the performer's hands
Inspired by 2024 105
Joshua Jay Another Bottom Feeder cased sandwich cards, card named and inivisibly thrown into case, it is found sandwiched in case
Inspired by 2024 223