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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Norman Ashworth Before your Eyes message on slate becomes name of selection when wiping over it, idea by Charles Nyquist on page 270
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Oscar Weigle Alias Divination several spectators write names on slips which are later correctly assigned, one of the names divined as well
1937 11
Oscar Weigle Reading Method in Hat
1937 12
Oscar Weigle, John Goodrum The Perfect Card Routine card is forced and vanishes from deck via double facer, duplicate can appear anywhere, employed in three phase routine in which a card turns over, another changes into a selection and the third selection travels into pocket
1937 37
Oscar Weigle, John Goodrum Face Force cut force with double facer
1937 38
Oscar Weigle Phantom Hand message on slate becomes number prediction when wiping over it
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 40)
Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle Foreword
1939 5
Oscar Weigle Wrong Number page force by pushing several cards in book at random positions
1939 7
Oscar Weigle, Robert Parrish Transposed Minds two people remember things from two slates they are shown, yet when they recall the items they are on the other slate
1939 21
Oscar Weigle, Robert Parrish Comedy "Color-Changing" Slate "black cats at midnight", "white swans in snowstorm" appear on slate
1939 23
Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle Two Routines suggestion for a routine with preceding effects
1939 25
Oscar Weigle Thought on the Line card thought amongst a group found over telephone
1939 27
Oscar Weigle "Picture This - " performer knows order of picture cards in shuffled deck
Also published here 1939 29
Oscar Weigle Remote Reverso two decks, performer and spectator count down and stop and remember card, spectator's card reverses in performer's deck and vice versa
1939 31
Oscar Weigle Dual Impulsion spectator finds performer's card and vice versa
Related to 1939 35
Oscar Weigle Duo Prediction
Variations 1939 37
Oscar Weigle The Triple Enigma spectator puts cards in pocket and remembers a card in rest of deck, performer divines card and number of pocketed cards, then locates card, short card
1939 38
Oscar Weigle Nu-Locato key card placement after peek
1939 39
Oscar Weigle The Impromptu Fifteen Card Trick three marked cards, envelopes
1939 41
Oscar Weigle The Challenge Blindfold Card Routine genuinely blindfolded
Effect No. 1: think stop
Effect No. 2: performer stops while dealing
Effect No. 3: spectator reads cards and performer detects card by voice
Effect No. 4: performer stops spectator's deal and even names card
Also published here 1939 43
Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle An All-Card Routine suggestion for a routine with preceding effects
1939 47
Oscar Weigle Two Silk Folds preparing for production
  • Silk Fold No. 1
  • Silk Fold No. 2
1939 48
Oscar Weigle Silks Do As You Do three different colored silks for performer & spectator, spectator ties his silks in any order, performer predicted order with his silks
1939 56
Oscar Weigle Twin Sympathy second set of silks unties and ties in sympathy with another set
1939 59
Oscar Weigle Fake Compartment Paper Cone
1939 60
Oscar Weigle, Robert Parrish A Routine with Silks
1939 62
Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle A Routine with Silks suggestion for a routine with preceding effects
1939 62
Oscar Weigle Weigle's Three to One cut in three pieces
1939 66
Oscar Weigle Quadruple Cut cut in four pieces
1939 68
Oscar Weigle, Robert Parrish A Club Routine of General Magic routine of tricks in the book
1939 75
Oscar Weigle Not at These Prices! ace assembly started but instead of aces gag message appears on cards
The Jinx (Issue 99)
Oscar Weigle One Up cards shuffled face-up/face-down by spectator, two methods (stripper and deck switch)
June 1941
The Jinx (Issue 141)
Oscar Weigle Introduction
1941 [1]
Oscar Weigle Phantom Hand message on slate becomes number prediction when wiping over it
Also published here 1944 190
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Walter Gibson's "Bunco Book", L. Vosburgh Lyons, Oscar Weigle, Jack Hughes, Dai Vernon, Bob Reinhart
Oct. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 114)
A Poker Player's Picnic no-touch, little bit of dealing involved
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 16
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Clayton Rawson, Jerry Lukins. L. Vosburgh Lyons, Lu Brent, Tony Kardyro, Oscar Weigle
July 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 182)
Oscar Weigle Under the Table Coincidence two decks below table, halves are exchanged and placed face-to-face, cards at separation point match
1949 13
Oscar Weigle Poison Trick chosen / poisoned glass is found, see also p. 849
Related toVariations Sep. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 211)
Audley Walsh, Ken Allen, Gerald R. Blount, Leslie Spiewak, Mike Millet, Ken Beale Given Goblet chosen / poisoned glass is found, several methods
Related to Nov. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 215)
Oscar Weigle The Weigle Aces No. 32, Procedure like Poker Player's Picnic until last packet reveals a Three, count down to face up Ace
Related to 1950 58
Oscar Weigle Color Scheme No. 47, Cards mixed face up/down, spectator separates face up/down, as well as red/black
VariationsAlso published here 1950 83
Oscar Weigle Personification No. 75, Spell spectator's name to find selection
1950 137
Howard Thurston, Oscar Weigle Dice Will Tell No. 109, selection found by roll of two dice
Variations 1950 210
Oscar Weigle Add Lib No. 139, Selected card moves to position named by performer
1950 268
Hen Fetsch Perfume Presto! chosen / poisoned glass is found
Related to Aug. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 236)
Oscar Weigle A Trick that Grows on You
Feb. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 249)
Vic Koehler It's My Move chosen / poisoned glass is found
Inspired by Oct. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 267)
W. F. "Rufus" Steele, Robert Parrish Tell and Spell one spectator pockets some cards and two spectators remember a card at a number, both cards are found and number of pocketed cards named
Variations 1952 34
Oscar Weigle The Weigle Version one spectator pockets some cards and two spectators remember a card at a number, both cards are found
Inspired by 1952 36
Oscar Weigle Double Duty two cards in two halves chosen by performer and spectator by removing some cards, counting them and remembering a card at that position, later both halves are dealt in unison and reversed cards show up at the position of the selections
1952 37
Oscar Weigle Challenge Blindfold Routine genuinely blindfolded
Effect No. 1: think stop
Effect No. 2: performer stops while dealing
Effect No. 3: spectator reads cards and performer detects card by voice
Effect No. 4: performer stops spectator's deal and even names card
Also published here 1956 13
Bob Hummer, Oscar Weigle Hummer's Reversal Mystery CATO trick, magician can name correctly number of face up cards after cut and turn over procedure. Oscar Weigle variation: colors are also separated
Variations 1956 17
Bob Hummer The Little Moonies CATO trick, uses cards with drawing of either smiling/frowning face. Two cards are marked on the back and after mixing, shown to be the only ones frowning while other cards are smiling
Inspired byAlso published here 1956 19
Oscar Weigle, Harry Lorayne Prediction Extraordinaire two predictions written, two numbers named, cards at that position are predicted cards
1962 229
Rolf Andra, Oscar Weigle Duo Prediction
Inspired by 1962
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Babel Jack Gwynne died, Richard Himber newspaper clipping, Tarbell #7 supposed to be written by Oscar Weigle, Jack Chanin anecdote
Jan. 1970 312
Oscar Weigle Ring on Stick
June 1972 523
Oscar Weigle Color Scheme with face-up/face-down mix of twenty cards behind spectator's back
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1974 724
Karl Fulves Addenda handling variation
Inspired by Apr. 1974 725
Martin Gardner, Clayton Rawson Further Ideas
Inspired by Apr. 1974 726
Oscar Weigle Prologue on Robert Parrish
Summer 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 9th Folio)
Stewart Judah Decoy Dice six cards used, two dice rolled and selection made via counting
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here Winter 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 10th Folio (Part Two))
Bob Hummer This Is It twenty cards in a row, spectator selects amount of matches and signs the corresponding card on the the face, on the back of the card is written "This is It" and the correct number of selected matches
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
  • marketed 1943
1980 30
Oscar Weigle Flip-Over-View
June 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Oscar Weigle, Sol Stone On-Off Again
Nov. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Karl Fulves, Oscar Weigle, Bob Hummer The Borgia Cup No. 53, three cups, poisoned glass is found
1981 64
Oscar Weigle Ennoid
Sep. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Stephen Tucker Stitches in time Triumph effect with pseudo-Bob-Hummer presentation/procedure, spectator "unmixes" deck themselves via long mathematical/Hummeresque procedure
Inspired by 1984 3
Thomas Alan Waters Tridonym three people write an alias on a piece of paper
Related to 1985
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mystyx)
Oscar Weigle Joy Buzzer Card Trick spectator finds card, with joy buzzer
Also published here
  • in "Dragon", 1939
1985 (ca.) 7
Rolf Andra, Oscar Weigle Selbsttätige Wendung
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 4)
Oscar Weigle, Dieter K. Golf Nachruf auf Paul Curry translated and enhanced by Dieter Golf
Also published here
  • "The Linking Ring" Nr. 6, 1986.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 6)
Edward Marlo Cure for a Late Night Location edge marked card, faro, Oscar Weigle's "sunken key principle"
May 1991 5
Robert Parrish, Oscar Weigle The Immortal Card Trick sequence with open prediction, card in the envelope, torn & restored card
1995 70
Oscar Weigle Gordon's Divination - Marked Version
1995 87
Nick Trost Double Revelation with Cards and Dice Pair of dice to locate card, and prediction of numbers on dice
Inspired byRelated to 1997 139
Nick Trost Gilbreath Aces Four Aces lost in deck, spectator deals through deck and locates Aces
Inspired by
  • an Ace opener described by Oscar Weigle Jr. (The Dragon, June 1939), credited to Steve Belchou
1997 225
Peter Duffie Still Scheming Play it Straight Triumph type of effect with CATO procedure, use half a deck
Inspired by 1997 144
Oscar Weigle, Robert Parrish Picture This performer knows order of picture cards in shuffled deck, interlocking chains
Also published here 1997 13
Oscar Weigle Kleinpäckchen-Out of this World I
Variations 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Rudolf Braunmüller Kleinpäckchen-Out of this World II
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Darwin Ortiz Bronx Buzz
  • Letters
on Richiardi
Related to Dec. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Oscar Weigle Eine Blind-Kartenroutine genuinely blindfolded
Also published here 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 3)
Oscar Weigle Still A Buzz
  • Letters
on Richiardi
Related to Feb. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Oscar Weigle, Robert E. Ragatz, John Davit, Joe M. Marks, Tom Ransom, Rick Schulz, Gary Diliberto, Cushing Strout, Tom Arledge, Jack Browne, Russell T. Barnhart Messages
Feb. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 2)
Oscar Weigle In the Times of Paul Curry
2001 ix
Karl Fulves, Tony Bartolotta Triple Enigma No. 36, pair of invisible dice used to select card, card found and card with dice sum turns up, Ace to Nine set-up
Inspired by 2001 52
Karl Fulves Odd Man Out "was your card an odd card?", it is odd-backed and rest is blank, force
Inspired by
  • Billy McComb effect (The Wizard, July 1947)
Related to
2001 112
Oscar Weigle In the Times of Paul Curry
Dec. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Pick Your Poison objects in a row memorized, presentation with poison via Borgia effect by Oscar Weigle (The Dragon magazine), see p. 93 for method
Off The Books (Issue 6)
Juan Tamariz The Impossible in Your Hands each spectator has five red and five black cards, cards are mixed and reversed, in the end five cards are reversed and they are all of the same color
Inspired by 2008 9
Nick Trost Red and Black Routine routine with ten red and black cards
  • CATO type routine
  • "Double Separation" (Wiersbe)
  • "Unmatch" (Fulves)
  • "Color Scheme" (Oscar Weigle)
Inspired byVariations 2009 347
Nick Trost ESP Color Scheme ESP cards mixed face up/down, spectator separates waves from stars
Inspired by 2011 813
Nick Trost Another Royal Marriages Routine Kings and Queens removed, spectator pairs them twice, then performer does so under table
  • Phase One - Opposites Attract (Fulves)
  • Phase Two - Color Scheme (Weigle)
  • Phase Three - Matching Kings and Queens
  • Phase Four - Separating Kings and Queens
Inspired byRelated to 2013 611
Nick Trost Dice Will Tell More selection found by roll of two dice, then cards with values that match the rolled numbers are produced
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • Precursor No. XXXIV, Feb. 1992
2013 734
Larry Jennings Triple Discovery three cards cut to and lost, then found, using two punch cards
Inspired by
  • "Automatic Location" (Oscar Weigle, Genii, July 1938)
Related to
2020 469