171 entries in Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stuff / Memorized / Partial
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Capital Q back-count force with counters/coins or cards, as divination with partial stack
Also published here 1889 95
The Capital Q back-count force with counters/coins or cards, as divination with partial stack
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1890 27
Graham Adams The Twenty Five Card Trick
1931 20
William Larsen A Count Down Detection spectator count down to a card near the top, remembers it and shuffles deck, performer locates card
1931 1
Paul Curry Another Stop! spectator stops while riffling, performer knows card, short card and set-up, for credit details reference
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 19)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mental Rescue two spectators have five cards each and exchange one, performer divines it
Related toVariationsAlso published here Apr. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 55)
Charles Hopkins Think-a-Card thought-of card to pocket, ten-card set-up
Related to 1940 39
Eddie Joseph Your Age Will Find You Out spectator takes card at position of his age, card and age divined
1942 29
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mental Rescue two spectators have five cards each and exchange one, performer divines it
Also published here 1944 293
T. Page Wright, William Larsen The L.W. Stop Mystery spectator thinks of any card in half the deck, all shuffled together and pocketed, spectator removes cards one by one and performer stops him at selection
VariationsAlso published here 1945 95
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mental Rescue two spectators have five cards each and exchange one, performer divines it
Also published here 1945 96
Theo Doré Cardlepathy shuffled deck held unter handkerchief, performer names cards in order while spectator cannot duplicate it, as finale a chosen card is named
1956 12
Elmer Biddle Biddle Diddle challenge location of peeked card
June 1957
Ibidem (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo New Tail of the Q
  • #1 of "3 Mental Effects"
back-count force with Q-shaped layout, two cards and a number are divined
Related to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Mental and Physical
  • #3 of "3 Mental Effects"
card thought of, another selection placed next to it, both found
  • Additional Ideas for Mental and Physical Choice
    • 1. Force
    • 2. Marked Deck
    • 3. Stacked deck
    • 4. One way deck on faces
Inspired byRelated to Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Mental Disclosure
  • First Method (one of ten memorized cards thought of, fishing and showing piles and asking whether the card is among them)
  • Second Method (shuffled, one of nine, asking whether the card is among them)
Variations Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Amazing James Randi A Little Mental: Thot #1 as "The Modest Randi"
deck is riffle shuffled twice, yet a removed suit is recited in order, interlocking chains
Oct. 1960
Ibidem (Issue 22)
James Steranko Force of Evil spectator cuts the deck and remembers bottom card, performer divines it, risky, with location as out
1962 [24]
Edward Marlo Excerpts From Two Letters "The Total Principle"
two card selected with two numbers, both are eventually located, or named
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) a) The "Whole" Set-Up Pack doing tricks with half-deck stack
Related to Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Edward Marlo Faro Divider Effects - Effect No. 5: Mental Eliminator one of thirteen memorized cards
1964 16
Eine von Sieben deck in pocket, thought of card from small packet is removed at named number
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 25 No. 4)
Lou Borin Predicto deck dealt in two piles with two cards face-up, both divined, half forcing deck, see p. 289 & 308 for references
Related toVariations
  • "Predic2" (Phil Goldstein, Club 71, Winter 1990, p. 46)
Oct. 1969
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Rolf Andra, T. Page Wright Stop Mystery performer stops at selection while spectator deals through cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 2)
Dai Vernon Vernon's Mental Trick No. 9, uses memorized thirteen card set-up, one of thirteen thought of, two halves made, values Two, Four and/or Eight used to locate selection once named, cryptic
Related to 1972 8
Charles T. Jordan The Haunted Deck card thought of while performer fans through them, card has vanished, then it visually reappears on face of deck
Also published here 1975 52
Billy McComb, Ken De Courcy Cabaret Card Divination divination of seven cards that have been taken from a shuffled deck, last card predicted in envelope
Related toVariations 1978 1
Edwin Mind Master Presentation blindfolded Cabaret Card Divination
Related to
  • "Mind Master" (Edwin, Supreme Magic Company)
1978 6
Simon Aronson Odd-Backed Thought Card Across #2
Also published here 1978 75
Simon Aronson Two Card "No Touch" Location spectator cuts off a packet and remembers bottom card, second spectator shuffles same packet and chooses a card, both named by performer
Also published here 1978 95
Edward Marlo Direct Statement Mental Disclosure one of six
1979 305
Larry Becker PSI-Stebbins shuffled deck, packet of card is divined and last card predicted, jumbo cards
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1979 7
Larry Becker Dynamation uses electric card shuffling machine, shuffled deck, packet of card is divined and last card predicted
Related to 1979 62
Philip T. Goldstein Under Orders clever combination of principles to divine two cards
Related to 1980
Magick (Issue 256)
Simon Aronson Divided Deck Shuffle-Bored
Also published here 1980 13
Simon Aronson Delayed Location Effects doing divided deck locations after Shuffle-Bored
Also published here 1980 15
Jon Racherbaumer, Edward Marlo Totally Telepathic two cards and their positions remembered, "is it in this group?", faro, ten memorized cards
Oct. 1981
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Jon Racherbaumer Third Thot card that falls on thought-of position is chosen, later named, ten memorized cards, faro
Inspired by 1981 25
Bob Haines The Bridge Hand deck is opened and shuffled by four people, spectator deals himself a bridge hand and all cards are divined by performer
Feb. 1983
Magick (Issue 315)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Mental Rescue No. 62, two spectators have five cards each and exchange one, performer divines it
Also published here 1984 91
Edward Marlo New Approach I.F. Control nine approaches, one or two selections, sometimes using twenty-six memorized cards
Related to 1988 154
Edward Marlo Predictable Princess ten-card set-up, five envelopes as predictions
Inspired by
  • "Princess A-Hoy" (Peter Tappan & Ross Johnson, The Impostress Princess)
1990 32
Edward Marlo Put A Shine On Your Mind "Ways to Ascertain the Value of a Thought-Card"
five methods with procedures in which spectator needs to remove as many cards as the thought-of value, partial set-up, memorized deck, distant key card
Feb. 1991 7
Edward Marlo, Ken Simmons Not Only the Number, but... spectator cuts off cards, number of cards and card cut to predicted, fifteen memorized cards, prediction index, for correction see Ricochet reference, three handlings
Inspired by
  • "Finally" (Ken Simmons, Lecture Notes 1990)
Related to
Apr. 1991 3
William Larsen, T. Page Wright The L. W. Stop Mystery spectator thinks of any card in half the deck, all shuffled together and pocketed, spectator removes cards one by one and performer stops him at selection
Also published here 1991 293
Frederick Braue Set-Up Thinker spectator says stop during riffle behind performer's back, secretly counting, using Braue Memorized Deck
1992 4
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Card Counter spectator notes sequence of cards, performer names sequence again later
June 1992
Magick (Issue 473)
Charles T. Jordan The Haunted Deck No. 170, card thought of while performer fans through them, card has vanished, then it visually reappears on face of deck
Also published here 1992 205
Roger Crosthwaite Primal Memory 2 card thought-of from spread and card selected, found, no no fishing
1994 84
Simon Aronson Odd-Backed Thought Card Across #2
Also published here 1994 73
Simon Aronson Two Card "No Touch" Location spectator cuts off a packet and remembers bottom card, second spectator shuffles same packet and chooses a card, both named by performer
Also published here 1994 88
Simon Aronson Divided Deck Shuffle-Bored
Also published here 1994 159
Simon Aronson Delayed Location Effects doing divided deck locations after Shuffle-Bored
Also published here 1994 160
Edward Marlo Two "Limited Selection" Effects one of five cards thought of, with thinking procedure
Also published here
  • The New Tops, Jan. 1978
1995 341
Edward Marlo Mental Reselection spectator thinks of one of five cards, then choses one of them face-down, it's his mental selection
  • First Method (marked)
  • Second Method (five marked cards)
  • Third Method (five stacked cards)
  • Fourth Method (deck with imperfections)
Also published here
  • The New Tops, May 1979
1995 402
Claude Rix Stabbing suite. ou le tour qui trompa stabbing two selections, half forcing stack and memorized deck
1995 101
Claude Rix Mutus
1995 104
Edward Marlo Shifting, Whispering Thoughts two cards and their positions thought of in ten-card packet, both divined
  • Preferred Handling (ten memorized cards)
Inspired by 1996 12
Allan Ackerman Another Anyone Anywhere thought of card's position predicted, then spectator divines position of performer's card, partial memorized deck and prediction pocket index (twelve items)
Also published here 1997 53
Martin Joyal The Lazy Mentalist Returns divination of bunch of cards, deck shuffled by three spectators
Inspired byRelated to 1997 147
Martin Joyal Your Lucky Day! single card prediction, bingo presentation, spectator stops twice, number used to count in other packet
Inspired by 1997 171
René Lavand Divining divination of multiple cards, deck is shuffled in process
1998 87
Jeff Busby Using the Texan Key to Force Other Cards forcing card above or below edge-marked card, or ranging force from small memorized stack
Related to 1998 79
Jeff Busby The Five Card Mental Force selection procedure for Mental Reverse type tricks in which one of five face-down tabled cards is chosen
Related to 1998 105
Roger Crosthwaite Multiple Procedures getting spectator to think of one cards of a few
  • 1. Spectator Shuffles and Spreads (full stack, spectator shuffled briefly)
  • 2. Spectator Shuffles and Spreads (small stack)
  • 3. Spectator Shuffles and Spreads (no stack)
Related to 1999 78
Ellis Stanyon The Capital Q No. 23, back-count force
  • Improvement (as divination with partial stack)
1999 70
Ellis Stanyon Rapit Memorization (?) of Half the Pack No. 17, half the deck switched, order known or cue sheet
1999 91
Steve Beam Demolition partial stack
Also published here 1999 91
Steve Beam Demolition partial stack
Also published here 2000 199
Paul Curry Another Stop! spectator stops while riffling, performer knows card, short card and set-up
Also published here Dec. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 4)
Pit Hartling Unforgettable three phase memory routine, faro
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2003 78
Grace Ann Morgan Flummoxed! challenge location designed for magicians
2004 30
Steve Beam The Paddlewheel one card location, using the Rolly Polly Controlly
2004 26
Wayne Dobson Missing Think? one of twelve cards chosen and pocketed, then it is put back into the packet and travels to pocket
2004 4
Juan Tamariz Prologue to Part II on half Mnemonica
Related to 2004 175
Juan Tamariz Memory Jumble stacking half of the deck to memorized deck during a trick, location of single card
2004 195
Juan Tamariz Weighing the Cards using half Mnemonica, several phases
Related to 2004 197
Juan Tamariz Total Memory memory demonstration, order of cards can be named after several shuffles or deals
  • Version with Faros
  • Version with Deals (Antifaros)
spectator can note down any sequence with date and anytime in the future the performer will be able to recite the cards
Related to 2004 201
Juan Tamariz Sense of Touch - and Other Senses multi-phase routine, card identities are divined by touch, one phase spectator guesses red or black, with variations of other senses
  • I. Sense of Touch
  • II. ... And Other Senses
    • A. Eye-Scan
    • B. Fine Eyesight
    • C. Subtle Hearing
    • D. A Spectacular Routine
2004 204
Louis Gombert, Al Baker, Juan Tamariz A Card and a Number using two decks
  • Version with the Whole Stack
  • Variations
Variations 2004 207
Charles T. Jordan, Juan Tamariz, Antón "Mago Antón" López Any Cards Called For four spreads of cards on table, magician writes names of cards on pieces of paper and spectator touches matching cards in spreads
  • Mago Antón's Variation
Inspired by 2004 211
Juan Tamariz Come and Go two thought-of cards vanish from packet and appear again
2004 214
Vincent Dalban, Charles Nyquist, Juan Tamariz The Liar - A Classic
2004 218
Juan Tamariz Answering Computer colors of cards as direction for spectator to lie or tell the truth, cards etc are divined
  • Other Presentations
    • A. The Trip
    • B. The Labyrinth
    • C. Hangman
Related to 2004 220
Arthur Finley, Charles T. Jordan, Juan Tamariz, Antón "Mago Antón" López T.N.T. card is found after several honest shuffles, interlocking chains
2004 223
Verne Chesbro, James G. Thompson Jr., Juan Tamariz The Miracle performer and spectator reverse card in each half of the deck, mates, two phases
Inspired byRelated to 2004 226
Juan Tamariz Telescopic Coincidence with back turned, performer stops two spectators at selections while dealing through cards
2004 228
Juan Tamariz Stop at the Same Time with back turned, performer stops two spectators at selections while dealing through cards
2004 230
Juan Tamariz A Gambling Demonstration
  • Apparent Demonstration of Cheating at Cards
  • 1. Marked Cards
  • 2. Glimpsing
  • 3. Estimation
  • 4. Rapid Counting
  • 5. Any Game, any Hand
2004 231
Dr. Jacob Daley, Juan Tamariz Card to Wallet card travels from deck to wallet, spectator names a number to select card
Inspired by 2004 234
Juan Tamariz The Reversed Card single card reverse, with repetition, spectator names a number to select card
2004 234
Juan Tamariz The Selection Between the Aces selection travels between Aces on table, when placed back in the deck selection reverses itself
2004 236
Juan Tamariz Fingerprints and "Cardprints" four phases, using fingerprint presentation
2004 237
Juan Tamariz Double Divination divination of two cards
2004 239
Juan Tamariz Jumbled Divination cards shuffled face up into face down, packet is cut and number divined, as well as the amount of reversed card and the cards identities
2004 240
Juan Tamariz Mnemonicosis with a Half Stack with a thought of card and a selected card
2004 242
Juan Tamariz, Carlhorst Meier Spectator Misses, Magician Hits spectator and performer each take a card and try to divine card of the other, while spectator misses, performer always hits, several phases
  • A Different Climax
2004 243
Juan Tamariz Half Sympathy (A Classic with Tamariz Variations) spectator selects number and performer name of a card, card is found at exact position
Related to 2004 245
Antón "Mago Antón" López Pocket Calculator (A Classic, Variation by Mago Antón) cards used to generate number, cards found which equal total of calculation
2004 245
Juan Tamariz Tell Me Who You're With and I'll Tell You Who You Are card is selected and replaced and deck shuffled, spectator names cards next to selections and performer names card, then spectator names a card and performer names cards next to it
2004 246
Juan Tamariz Bingo! spectator deals cards on table, when selection appears performer shouts bingo
2004 248
Juan Tamariz How Many Reds? cards cut and performer knows amount of red and black cards, five phases
2004 249
Juan Tamariz The Half Stack with the Spanish Deck
2004 253
Juan Tamariz, Dr. Jacob Daley Some Time Ago card at number is destroyed and found again restored at same number
Inspired by 2004 254
Juan Tamariz Neither Blind Nor Stupid (Version for a Half Stack)
Related to 2004 259
Juan Tamariz The Clock (A Classic)
2004 261
Juan Tamariz Stop at the Same Time (Second Version)
Inspired by 2004 262
Juan Tamariz A Curious Coincidence (Hofzinser?) Strange Harmony / Problem Number 8 with half memorized deck
2004 263
Barrie Richardson Lazy Magician's Memorized Deck only for two suits distributed through deck
Also published here
  • Club 71, Christmas 1997
2005 52
Edward Marlo Unambiguous Discernment Approach #3
reversed King is used to locate mental selection
Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Harry Riser The Impossible Dream spectator cuts off pile, remembers bottom card and puts pile in center of rest, card named later, half stack
Inspired by
  • Ed Marlo Effect
Also published here
  • MUM, June 1995
2006 39
Jack Avis, Bob Haines A Bridge Hand four packets made, top cards taken until bridge hand is formed, all cards divined
2006 29
Jack Avis A Contrived Location selection made in unusual way from incomplete faro condition, also handlings with multiple out prediction and partial stack
2006 40
Ramón Riobóo Way Ahead two selections
2006 43
Giorgio Tarchini Back From Fishing
Inspired by 2006 161
Andy Hurst Cancelled Out deck shuffled with spectator, spectator counts down to a number and removes card, performer divines it, faro
2006 66
Andy Hurst The Zero Memorization twenty-card stack
2006 68
Andy Hurst Three Willy out-of-hand selection process
2006 72
Ramón Riobóo Millennial 21-card Trick
2007 67
Brent Braun Princess 21 Card Trick card to pocket ending
2007 99
Gavin Ross Cubism card chosen by counting down the total of three dice, card is lot, Joker then changes into selection
2007 82
Karl Fulves U-Predict-It performer and spectator name a card and number each, they match, half new deck order type stack used
Prolix (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Crossfire spectator names card from half the deck and a number, performer as well from other half, when counted to, the other cards shows up at the numbers
Prolix (Issue 8)
Woody Aragón Carbuquillo Toledano cards are shuffled and dealt into poker hands, cards in chosen poker hand are known
Inspired by 2010
El Manuscrito (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Denis Behr Stop It spectator stops dealing at predicted card, repeated twice more
VariationsAlso published here 2011 48
Denis Behr Shuffled ACAAN handling of two-deck version in which the spectator can shuffle his deck
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2011 55
Denis Behr, Christian Scherer Cemented ACAAN Scherer's glued stack principle applied to "Shuffled ACAAN"
Related to 2011 63
Tony Cabral The Memory Expert at the Bridge Table overhand stacking demonstration, bridge deal in which performer names all cards in one hand and saves selection for last, thirteen memorized cards set-up
Inspired by 2011 46
Justin Higham Disguised Sixth Effect
Inspired by 2011 39
Denis Behr Eight Cards Ahead handling of two-deck version in which the spectator can shuffle his deck
Also published here 2011 4
Denis Behr Stopping Again spectator stops dealing at predicted card, repeated twice more
Also published here 2011 15
Jack Avis, Karl Fulves Fate Mates card named by each performer and spectator, written on paper pieces, two halves, one card outjogged, both dealt in unison, both named cards show up
Related to 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Alan Rorrison Coffee House gag message is shown on coffee gift card after memorization routine
2012 38
John Born An Instinct for Cards Revisited Impossible card location, card is selected, lost, deck is shuffled, magician can still find card, includes method with memorized deck, edge marks and punch
Inspired by 2012 57
John Born Mind Mix Impossible card location
2012 74
Pit Hartling Unforgettable three phase memory routine, faro
Also published here 2012 117
Steve Mayhew Utopia spectator holds fanned cards and lets other spectator select a card, eight cards stack
2014 160
Steve Beam Losers Weepers Choreographed process for selecting a card that quickly provides the magician with the key to the selected card.
2015 102
Justin Higham HaLo Think-a-Card selection process for a multiple out ending
Inspired by 2015 28
Pit Hartling Thought Exchange performer and spectator each glimpse a card in one half, they locate each other's cards, half stack
Inspired byRelated to 2016 70
Incomplete Faro Peek one half stacked to get position of selection
2016 73
Roberto Giobbi Card Call "Cabaret Card Divination" of a bunch of cards, last card predicted in letter
Inspired by 2016 105
Jared Molton Impromptu Thought of Card to Pocket one of six
Aug. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 8)
Ted Karmilovich The Ten Card Miracle ten cards are handed to ten people in the audience from deck, performer divines all the cards and spectators affirm it by sitting down, prediction of last card
2016 1
Johnny Thompson The Genii Stop Trick spectator thinks of card in half the deck, spectator deals cards one by one after naming his card, performer stops the deal at selection
Inspired by
  • "L. W. Stop Mystery" (Wright & Larson, Genii, Vol. 1 No. 1)
2018 127
Asi Wind S.A.C.A.A.N. thirteen-card set-up
Inspired byVariations 2018 51
Matt Baker Tilapia two spectators each think of a card, magician slowly divines each selection without wrong statements, includes versions built into Tamariz and Aronson stack
Inspired by 2019 51
Matt Baker Elementary, My Dear Vernon divining a selection by eliminating the impossible, followed by ending with a Triumph
Inspired by 2019 72
Michael Powers Heisting Histed Heisted 3.0 twenty-five duplicates, with additional ideas
Inspired by 2019 288
Makeo Tom Double Estimate two selections lost, first one and its position named, surprise transposition when counting to the second selection
Aug. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 8)
Ramón Riobóo Controlling Chaos Cards mixed face up and down, magician can divine how many cards are face down, and can name every card that is face down
Related to 2019 147
Patrick G. Redford Echo Chamber Magician divines two selected and thought of cards
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2019 108
Patrick G. Redford Three Echos Echo Chamber with three selections
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2019 114
Patrick G. Redford Echolocation Magician correctly divines position of two selected cards, third card vanishes, spectator is sitting on the third card
Inspired byRelated to 2019 116
Patrick G. Redford H.A.A.R.P.S. Pseudo memory demo, magician can name position of selected card, along with the order of about half the deck
Inspired by 2019 128
Patrick G. Redford Memory Phantom Card that spectator sees in the deck vanishes, found in card box
2019 134
Patrick G. Redford Half Stacked Faro Half stack with faro shuffle, has some advantages and observations
2019 190
Steve Forte Short-Term Memory memory system for instantly memorizing ten cards in order, combined with half a memorized deck to pseudo demo, Sal Piacente story
2020 1021
Larry Jennings The Joker Finds a Thought-of Card card thought of from a group, performer stabs Joker reversed next to selection
2020 127
Michał Kociołek Synch performer and spectator each have half the deck, shuffle it and cut it into four piles, both remember a card from one pile and assemble the packets, the halves are exchanged and dealt, both stop at each others cards
Inspired by 2021 8
Ryan Goh Double Thot spectator finds performer's card and vice versa
Inspired byRelated to 2021 59
Max Malini Challenge Card Calling up to twenty or so cards selected and lost, during the show any spectator can ask for his card which is then produced
Variations 2022 243
Steve Cohen Challenge Card Calling Handling up to twenty or so cards selected and lost, during the show any spectator can ask for his card which is then produced
Inspired by 2022 244
Francisco Mousinho Shereshevsky Approach ten cards taken from shuffled deck and distributed amongst spectators, rest apparently clocked and missing cards divined, positions of a three-of-a-kind matching the last card is named as climax
2022 85
Michael Breggar Order in the Cortex deck shuffled, two six-card packets made by two spectators, two cards exchanged from those packets, performer finds them
Inspired by Feb. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Andrew Frost The Allusion Principle
  • Effect #1
card chosen from a face-down spread is named
2023 18
Bradley Hodgins Nucleus
  • Effect #2
spectator cuts off pile, shuffles, remembers bottom card and his pile is lost in the middle, position of selection known, "card at any number" application
  • Notes
2023 30
John Graham, Asi Wind Sweet Sixteen cards mixed face-up/face-down together with spectators, one chosen, memory demonstration by naming all face-up cards, then Triumph with selection, Cheek-to-Cheek meets Shuffle-Bored, with introductory discussion about the effect by John Graham and Asi Wind
Inspired by
  • "Cheek to Cheek" (U. F. Grant)
2023 25
Allan Ackerman The Blue Thought spectator stops dealing anytime, card stopped-at matches a blue-backed pocketed prediction
2024 191
Allan Ackerman Another Anyone Anywhere thought of card's position predicted, then spectator divines position of performer's card, partial memorized deck and prediction pocket index (twelve items, "Poor Man's Pocket Index")
Also published here 2024 202
Joshua Jay The Curious Incident card removed from the deck, rest the deck apparently memorized and all values recited, the removed card is named
  • The Curious Incident with the Particle System
2024 114