48 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Deck / Solid
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Martignoni Die Anziehungskraft der Erde deck held upright in hand, selection drops out, using two halves that are solid blocks (glued or sewn in a way that they can be slightly spread and riffled)
Also published here Nov. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Martignoni Die Anziehungskraft der Erde No. 13, deck held upright in hand, selection drops out, using two halves that are solid blocks
Also published here 1900 88
T. Page Wright Knife Stab top half fastened together
1933 21
Joseph Michael Hartz The Mechanical Pack brief description of solid deck with rubber wheels
1938 403
Bill Spooner Spooner's Specialty Force blocks are strung together to force cut position
VariationsAlso published here 1969 51
Tom Batchelor Through Thick and Thin block of twelve glued cards, thick card introduced as transformed selection, thick card used to find the Aces
1971 45
Alex McKeown Chopping the Aces deck consists of four solid blocks with Ace on face, telephone as giant magic want anecdote
1972 129
Bill Spooner, Jochen Zmeck Durch Abheben blocks are glued together to force cut position
Inspired by 1972 7
Steve Spillman Jumbo Boomerang Card card is thrown in the air and caught next to selections, using a jumbo deck, glued halves
1974 37
Paul Harris Solid Deception
VariationsAlso published here 1976 1
Al Mann The Cut Force sewn cards
1976 27
Robert J. Nedbalski Gag Deck Switch deck switched for gaffed deck (bottom half hollowed out, top half strung together), spectator cuts deck, it either bangs or spring flowers jump out of it, then performer admits a deck switch and openly brings out stacked deck from lap
1978 5
Bill Wisch Pecuniary Paste-boards Aces are lost and found again, a coin appears under each card
1979 [14]
Michael Weber Sutured Incision threaded deck, further ideas, inspired by Bob Cassidy book test
Also published here 1983 4
Michael Weber Sutured Incision threaded deck, further ideas, inspired by Bob Cassidy book test
Also published here 1984 5
Nick Pudar "Block"Buster Ace Assembly at the end all packets are glued together ala solid deception
Related to 1985 241
Edward Marlo Maximum Penetration deck visibly penetrates into card case, using solid deception deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 60
Danny Korem, Jerry Andrus The Omni Deck short Ambitious Card routine ending with clear block of glass
Inspired by 1985 153
Michael Weber Sutured Incision threaded deck, further ideas, inspired by Bob Cassidy book test
Also published here 1985 6
Bill Nagler Ultimate Aces spectators cut to Aces, performer as well, three phases, using block of cards (like old Devano gimmick), last card Rises
Aug. 1986 3
Randy Wakeman, Edward Marlo Maximum Penetration deck visibly penetrates into card case, using solid deception deck
Also published here 1989 124
Bev Bergeron No Card Case Version card rises from center of deck, block with cut-out
1993 60
Jerry Mentzer No Deck Omni Deck handling
  • Shuffle one
  • Shuffle two
1993 185
Bob Farmer Done Deal III spectator cuts deck and deals, loses, blocks are strung together to force cut position
Also published here Feb. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Bill Spooner Spooner's Specialty Force blocks are strung together to force cut position
Also published here Feb. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Paul Harris Solid Deception short ambitious card sequence, deck is glued to single solid block climax
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Paul Harris Reveals some of his most Int...)
David Neighbors Fusion Aces cutting the Aces, as climax four glued blocks with Aces on top
Related toVariations June 1996
The Minotaur (Vol. 8 No. 2)
David Harkey, Eric Anderson Petrified deck becomes solid block that breaks when dropped
1997 68
Robert Cassidy The Enigma of #23 oddities about number 23 are told, two spectators cut packet and cut cards are divined, total of packets equals 23
Also published here 2002 1
Alexander de Cova Kartenwanderung
Also published here 2003 9
Alexander de Cova Gipsy Switch with silk and glued block
Also published here 2003 10
Jay Sankey Lightning Bolt deck of card bolted together with bolt at the end
Inspired by 2004 114
Robert Cassidy The Enigma of #23 oddities about number 23 are told, two spectators cut packet and cut cards are divined, total of packets equals 23
Also published here 2004 249
Rick Merrill Sybil Cut Flush Ouellet's Ace production followed by Sybil cut with one Royal Flush cards at face of each packet
Related to 2005 20
Benjamin Earl Hand Built by Trees gambling demonstrations with Aces, pack then revealed to be four solid blocks with Aces at the face of each
Inspired by 2007 14
Alexander de Cova Kartenwanderung
Also published here 2007 6
Alexander de Cova Gipsy Switch with silk and glued block
Also published here 2007 7
Joel Givens Laser Aces cutting the Aces, pack then revealed to be four solid blocks with Aces at the face of each
Inspired byVariations 2007 22
John Born Motivation: Glued Deck Use a solid deck to stop hecklers from trying to perform with your deck
2012 123
Bob Farmer Done Deal VI spectator cuts deck and deals, loses, blocks are strung together to force cut position
Also published here 2015 233
Bill Spooner Spooner's Specialty Force blocks are strung together to force cut position
Also published here 2015 233
Eric Stevens Lucid Glimpse Glimpse selection, uses Omni deck
2015 47
Alexander de Cova Voyager
Also published here 2015 193
Alexander de Cova Gipsy Switch with silk and glued block
Also published here 2015 194
Ryan Plunkett Patet Pondus
  • 1. Charpentier's Dream: Deck placed in box with cellophane window. Cased deck felt to gradually lose weight, before shown to be empty
  • 2. Invisible Deck Monte: Three deck monte with card cases, cases start out empty, but then one of the boxes felt to suddenly grow heavy - deck produced from it
2016 11
Yves Carbonnier Dur Dur! card comes to the top, changes into blank card and is found in the deck again, repeated, then deck ends up in two glued blocks
Inspired by 2019 112
Alberto de Figueiredo El edificio card comes to the top, deck transforms into Omni Deck
2019 235
John Guastaferro Crystal Clear red and black Aces transpose, rest of deck becomes clear block, Omni Deck
2023 143