66 entries in Cards / Sleights / Flourishes / Table Spreads
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Das Umdrehen eines ausgebreiteten Kartenspiels table spread and turnover flourish
Oct. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Martin Gardner Pad Spread Principle spreading deck lightly with reversed cards so they don't show, then with more force so they appear
Related to 1940 7
Spread and Turnover on cloth-covered table & bare table
1948 42
Gathering the Ribbon-Spread Pack
1948 45
Joe Stuthard Spread ribbon spread and turnover
1949 8
Jerry Andrus The Expanding Circle circle spread on table is enlarged to a bigger circle
1956 120
Jerry Andrus Ribbon Spreads with turnover and configurations with incompletely faro-shuffled cards
1956 121
Karrell Fox "Hum-Bug" Prediction cardboard piece (with bug drawing on one side and prediction on other side) rides along as spread is flipped over on table
Related to 1960 7
Dr. Alfredo Florensa Spreading cards on a table two methods, depending on the surface
  • A) Sobre und tapete
  • B) Sobre una superficie desnuda
1961 22
Jon Racherbaumer, Ernest Heldman The Dream posed problem, card appears when ribbon spread deck is turned over, it's the wrong card, deck is flipped again and card transforms
Variations July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Jerry Andrus Standing Weave Spread deck released onto table in standing V-spread, also with triple or quadruple faro or longitudinal upright incomplete faro
1973 22
Jerry Andrus Standing Squeeze Spread deck beveled into pointed configuration and squeezed out between flat hands into standing spread, into both directions, double-spread can be split into two
1973 27
Jerry Andrus Some Ideas with Ribbon Spreads some flourishes with table spreads, double spreads, lifting the tabled spread up
1973 32
Jerry Andrus Stand-Up Spread two side-by-side table spreads are lifted up and leaned onto each other
1973 38
David Berglas Caught Card cards spread on table, when spread is turned over selection shoots in other hand
1976 39
Card Spreads on table, turnover flourish, on arm, catching from arm
1976 86
Marconick Face the Selected Card cards ribbon spread and turned over, card appears in spread
Also published here 1976 10
Paul Harris Three Way Display Deck displayed on table in three fans
Also published here 1977 39
The Ribbon Spread with turnover flourish variations
1977 32
Marconick Retournement magique de la carte choisie cards ribbon spread and turned over, card appears in spread
Also published here 1979 2
Edward Marlo A Ribbon Spread Tip hiding reversed cards under top card in table spread
1980 123
Karl Fulves Mexican Revolution tabled spread turns over by itself, posed as a problem
Interlocutor (Issue 41)
Ben Harris Ribbon-Spread Turnover with Coin coin hidden between cards
Related to 1980 28
Dan MacMillan Spread Lap - First Method during ribbon spread & turnover flourish
1981 12
Ken Simmons Spread Lap - Second & Third Method during ribbon spread & turnover flourish
1981 13
Ken Simmons Ribbon Spread Reverse during ribbon spread & turnover flourish
1981 15
René Lavand Spanish Card Rise shown by Howard Wurst, card ribbon spread on the table, when levered over selection protrudes from the center, with one hand, shown by "south american magician" (Lavand not mentioned)
1982 30
Marconick Card Flourish Japanese Fashion table ribbon spread turnover flourish, card used tu turn over spread changes into selection
1982 28
Edward Marlo The Warm-Up ribbon spread & turnover variations
1983 220
Jon Racherbaumer Surfer Sandwich visual catch as tabled spread is turned over
Related to Oct. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 10)
John Riggs Sandwich Spread jokers placed on spread, spread is flipped over and jokers caught with right hand, selection is found sandwiched in between
Related to 1985 128
Steve Beam Dead Spread table spread turnover gag, spectator fails to turnover cards, spread breaks halfway
1985 137
Edward Marlo Table Spread Hideout leaving top two cards together during spread
1986 36
Steven Schneiderman Spread/Wave Change/Production double table spread, second spread as change/production
Related to May 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Karl Fulves Powered Flip-Out as tabled spread is flipped over, a packet with selection on face jumps in other hand
1987 11
Edward Marlo Table Spread Hideout leaving top two cards together during spread
1993 26
リボンスプレッド (Ribbon Spread) On table
1993 20
スプレッドのターンオーバー (Spread Turnover) Ribbon spread turnover
1993 20
Muneo Yokoi Stand Up Spread Table spread made to stand up vertically on its edge, self-standing, then two selections produced from it
1993 16
Vicente Canuto Extensiones spreading cards on the table, spread turnover
1993 60
Domino Split classic turnover flourish
1994 16
The Ribbon Spread
1995 35
The Ribbon Spread Turnover
1995 183
Paul Harris Three Way Display method to display full deck in three fanned piles on table
Also published here 1996 131
Ellis Stanyon Revolution on the Table No. 11
Variations 1999 301
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note table spread and turnover handling
Inspired by 1999 301
Karl Fulves Night Flight cardboard piece rides along as spread is flipped over on table, in center selection rises out sideways, for credit information see p. 139B
Related to 2000 194
Harry Lorayne The Spread/Gather Reverse top card turned over during ribbon-spread turnover on table
Related toAlso published here 2001 61
Ron Bauer Ribbon Spread and Swing Cut with ribbon-spread hide-out
2002 26
Steve Forte Standing Spread deck is standing on edge on the table, double spread
2002 12
David Ben Tabled Biddle Spread
2003 63
Edward Marlo, Jim Steinmeyer Card Vanish in Spread when spread is turned over
Also published here 2003 18
Edward Marlo, Jim Steinmeyer Card Vanish in Spread when spread is turned over
Also published here Feb. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 2)
Drop Spread spreading red-black alternating cards unevenly on table to hide pattern
2008 13
Ribbon Spread Turnover
2011 58
Eike Twisted Arm Circle Spread perfect circle spread on table
Mar. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 3)
Daniel Madison Spread Flick Produce a card by flicking it into the air during Ribbonspread Turnover
2014 29
Gabi Pareras Sandwich Vallarino jokers placed on spread, spread is flipped over and jokers caught with right hand, selection is found sandwiched in between
Inspired by
  • Jean-Pierre Vallarino's "Jumping Sandwich" in "Genii", November 1993, p. 44
2014 11
Johnny Thompson Spread Hide-Out bottom stock not spread in tabled spread
2018 203
Howard Hamburg Ribbon Spread Angle Jog
Also published here 2018 102
Harry Lorayne The Spread/Gather Reverse top card turned over during ribbon-spread turnover on table
Also published here 2018 56
Steve Forte thumb-spread (table position) immediate table spread, turnover and gathering
2020 996
Ray Goulet ray's ribbon spread double ribbon spread turned on its edge and gathered one-handed
2020 997
Steve Forte spring-spread
2020 998
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Ribbon Spread Palm tabled ribbon spread is flipped face up and then face down again, top card(s) is palmed in process
Related to 2022 34
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Ribbon-spread ditch cards are ditched from packet in hand onto table spread as it is turned over
2022 116