86 entries in Cards / Principles / Stranger Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan The Bare-Faced Detection No. 13, card chosen by cutting, found with the faced towards the spectators at all times
Related toAlso published here 1919/1920 45
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary No. 2, deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1920 5
Theodore Annemann Nightmare Effects (Second Effect) spectator chooses card and seals it in an envelope without looking at it, another card selected with riffle peek, that card vanishes and is found in envelope
Variations 1928 1
Theodore Annemann The Migrating Pasteboard card travels from red half to black half, corner-short stranger card
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Jean Hugard The Torn and Restored Card, Using a Borrowed Deck
1935 99
Everywhere and Nowhere 1. (using two duplicates)
2. Using a Short Card
3. With a Borrowed Deck
4. With an Ordinary Deck without Duplicates
1935 112
Seeing is Believing card put in envelope turns out to be later selection
1936 155
Frank Lane Count-Down see no. 9, stranger card
1937 102
The Razzle Dazzler combo
1940 266
The Stranger Card whole chapter with applications
1940 362
Theodore Annemann The Ghost Card stranger card, card is put in envelope
1940 363
Introducing the Stranger method of adding a stranger card to the pack
1940 379
Forcing a Stranger Card
1940 380
Double-Faced Cards using double facers as strangers
1940 380
Herb Runge Hidden Mystery two cards selected with dealing procedure, performer places another card next to them one by one
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 83)
Hen Fetsch In the Mind performer really blindfolded
  • think stop with one selection
  • think stop with three selections
  • a chosen card is named
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 88)
Paul Curry Odd! card chosen and spectator draws design on its face, performer locates it behind his back and also the divines the design
1941 [21]
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Three of Spades writing appears on face of selection
1942 14
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Under Foot one card under foot, sticky stranger card
1942 14
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Ringing the Changes card and its position remembered, optional stranger card
1942 31
Martin Gardner For the Man in Uniform back of selection changes to picture of uniformed man, performed for soldier
1942 27
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Chosen Card to Pocket at any Number between five and twelve cards to trouser pocket, selection last, duplicate, credit information
1943 10
Theodore Annemann The Migrating Pasteboard card travels from red half to black half, corner-short stranger card
1943 45
Hen Fetsch In the Mind performer really blindfolded, routine with three parts
  • think stop with one selection
  • think stop with three selections
  • a chosen card is named
Also published here 1944 254
Hen Fetsch In the Mind reprint
Related to 1945 84
Warner Perry To the Top with stranger card (which is not the selection)
July 1945 133
George G. Kaplan The Card in the Shoe using a stranger card
1948 93
Tony Kardyro Welcome Stranger handkerchief force, card vanishes from deck and appears anywhere else
1948 10
Al Baker, Dai Vernon Al 'n Dai Again stranger card, sandwiched, see p. 1061 for more details
Related to Sep. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 263)
Stewart James The Open Prediction #18 with stranger card
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Stewart James The Open Prediction #19 with stranger card
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Stewart James The Open Prediction #20 with stranger card
Aug. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 3)
Ric Schonblum When You Can't Face It gag when a magician gets handed a "wolf pack" (erotic images), chosen card is still normal
Sep. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 14)
P. Howard Lyons Codicil deck cut into two piles, spectator looks at top cards, top cards are tabled, both transform and are brought from the pocket, with challenge presentation in which spectator must point to originally seen cards
Inspired by
  • "Never Bet on the Other Man's Game" (The Testament of R. W. Hull)
July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Edward Marlo Holograph deck cut into two piles, spectator looks at top cards, top cards are tabled, both transform and are brought from the pocket, with challenge presentation in which spectator must point to originally seen cards
  • 1st Variation
  • 2nd Variation
  • An Original Method
  • Other Thoughts
  • A New Thought
  • Addenda re 3H idea
Inspired by June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Charlie Miller Version of Jack McMillen's Prophesied Leaper selection vanishes from one half and reappears in other at predicted position, stranger card
Inspired by 1961 26
North Bigbee Stranger Interlude new card in old deck as stranger card, see p. 156 for corrections
May 1965
The New Jinx (Vol. 4 No. 37)
Edward Marlo Air Mail Prediction featuring finesse for a Henry Christ force beneath table
Related toVariations Winter 1969 65
Edward Marlo "Collect Double" three stranger Aces or ungaffed
  • First Method
  • Second Method (The Repeat)
  • Third Method (nothing extra)
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Roger Smith Ultimate Sandwich card travels to tabled sandwich cards
Inspired by 1971 26
Alex Elmsley Between Your Palms card between spectator's palm turns out to be a later signed selection, using stranger card
Variations Mar. 1973 606
Edward Marlo Extra Collectors stranger Ace and Face Up Switch
1974 6
Larry West Ace in the Case cased Ace of Spades transposes with selection
1975 27
Edward Marlo A Sandwich Approach sandwiched card on table turns out to be later selection, seven methods
Related toVariations 1975
The Hierophant (Issue 7 Resurrection Issue)
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1975 77
Charles T. Jordan The Bare-Faced Detection card chosen by cutting, found with the faced towards the spectators at all times
Also published here 1975 113
Jon Racherbaumer, Ed Brown Between Elmsley, Brown, and Himber using Himber Wallet and Stranger
Related to 1976
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Strange Secrets chapter intro
1976 79
Impossible Location No. 52, selection located first without looking at faces, then in pocket, stranger card
1976 79
It's in the Bag No. 55, deck and case dropped in paper bag and shaken, case then has selection inside
1976 84
Philip T. Goldstein Nijinsky Two selected ace travels into deck, card in hand, stranger
1977 117
Karl Fulves A Device, Cloaked joker as open prediction, it changes to the card left face down
1978 13
Edward Marlo Reversed Assembly using stranger Ace
1979 17
Edward Marlo Un-Gaffed Approach three methods for "New Approach to a Revisit" from page 172
1979 175
Stranger Corner sticking corner on card making a fake index card
1980 28
Frank Garcia, Ken Krenzel Switchcraft Outdone! three methods (one with duplicate, one impromptu, one with stranger)
Inspired by 1982 22
Edward Marlo Transposition Card To Wallet Tip usage of stranger card
Related to 1984
Dai Vernon Al 'n' Dai at the Hop one card sandwiched
1988 98
Edward Marlo Signature Transfer nine methods, ungaffed, stranger, duplicate, double backer, partial roughed menetekel (method 8)
1988 189
Edward Marlo Latest Observation Test using duplicate strangers
1988 206
Edward Marlo Siamese Strangers
  • First Method (stranger card)
  • Second Method (double facer)
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Nov. 1964
1988 106
Bruce Florek Post-It Prediction prediction on post-it stuck on face card to deck, spectator cuts and faces deck below table at predicted card, with handling without stranger card by Ed Marlo
Inspired by 1990 66
Edward Marlo Unhappy Students three methods
Related to 1990 122
Edward Marlo Instant Ace Assembly three x-cards on one Ace, other Aces in deck, three x-cards become Aces, three stranger Aces
July 1991 1
Edward Marlo I'll Do It Again! two halves on table, face-up card travels from half to half, repeat, red and black sections transpose, three stranger cards
Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Logical Reverse Assembly - Third Method four Aces with three x-cards, fifth packet to which Aces travel, then all back, stranger Aces
Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Neo Jazz Aces three stranger cards
Apr. 1992
The Olram File (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Marlo's Transposition Routine with stranger card, first phase Buffalo'd, then two repeats
Inspired by Apr. 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 2)
T. Nelson Downs Transposition Extraordinary No. 24, deck separated in red and black, card from red half put in black half, it is predicted and transposes with another red card, halves rubber-banded
Also published here 1992 31
Charles T. Jordan The Barefaced Detection No. 54, card chosen by cutting, found with the faced towards the spectators at all times
Also published here 1992 63
John Scarne Trapped Under Glass card inside inverted glass transposes with card outside, visible
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Alex Elmsley Between Your Palms card between spectator's palm turns out to be a later signed selection, using stranger card
VariationsAlso published here
  • Abracadabra, Vol. 13 No. 335, June 28, 1952, p. 361
1994 246
Ariel Frailich If I Were a Real Magician... selection turns over and its back changes color
Inspired by
  • early Edward Marlo effect
1997 52
David Regal Sending It Through Card goes through a series of changes when pushed sideways through the deck
Inspired by 1999 43
Herb Runge Hidden Mystery two cards selected with dealing procedure, performer places another card next to them one by one, reprinted from Jinx
Also published here 1999
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Edward Marlo Borrowed-Deck Transposition with stranger card
  • First Phase
  • Second Phase
  • Final Phase
1999 107
Al Baker, Dai Vernon Al-N-Dai stranger card
Related toAlso published here
  • marketed 1941
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Instructions)
Juan Tamariz Prediction prediction of named card, with odd backed card
  • A. The Hofzinser Mehod
  • B. With a Regular Deck and Two Jokers
  • C. With a Regular Deck, without Jokers
  • D. With a Stranger Card
  • E. A Stage Version: "The Joker"
2004 91
Burling Hull, Karl Fulves Mid-Nite Marvel performer finds a four-of-a-kind below table, those transpose with some card in the deck, changed from dark room effect to below table
  • Second Approach (involving the location of a selection)
Inspired by
  • "Mid-Nite Marvel" (Burling Hull, Clever Card Collection of 1932)
2005 403
Ken Krenzel Strange Hummer red-black separation by spectator beneath table with ten-card packet, suggests CATO as false trail
2009 211
Aldo Colombini A Card Gag apparently destroying card from borrowed pack, stranger card
2010 111
Joseph Barry A Narrowed Thought card thought of and after small dealing procedure it is named, hands-off
Inspired by
  • "Mind Reader's Lucid Dream" (Justin Higham, Clairvoyant, Mental Topper and The Mind-Reader's Dream, 2011)
2014 22
Tomas Blomberg Joseph Kerr prediction written on back of Joker, it is cut in deck and ends up next to predicted card
Related to July 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 7)
Howard Hamburg The Heavy Deck extra card secretly added to the deck and the removed as skill demonstration
Sep. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 9)
Tony Giorgio The Tony Giorgio Mercury Fold card folded in borrowed deck as gag
Sep. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 9)
Aimar Garcia, Allan Ackerman Revisiting the Hofzinser Ace Problem two-phase routine
Inspired by
  • Aimar Garcia routine with double facer
2024 154