146 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Re-Deal Force
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
A Card having been Drawn and Returned, and the Pack shuffled, to make it Appear at such Number as the Company Choose two methods (Glide and Re-Deal)
1876 73
Donald Holmes Double-Dealing Placement Force handling in which a card is added
1913 28
Simple Deal Force bottom cards are force card, dealt into two piles, top cards are now force cards
Also published here 1919/1920 68
Al Baker Al Baker's Famous Two Souls Trick two spectators select cards via counting, performer writes down two predictions one by one
Related to 1932
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Al Baker's Pack)
Ralph W. Hull Delayed Re-Deal Force
1932 9
Ralph W. Hull Single Card Wonder Prediction spectator shuffles deck, names number and card at that position is predicted, re-deal force
1932 17
Ralph W. Hull The "Will-o'-the-Wisp" Card "Sometimes Known as The Run-A-Way Card"
card and its position thought-of, it vanishes and reappears reversed at named number, re-deal placement
Related to 1933 7
Al Baker Twin Souls two spectators select cards via counting, performer writes down two predictions one by one
Also published here 1937 17
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Keystone Card Discovery two numbers named, predicted card is found at position equal to the difference between the two numbers after two failed count-downs, actually Jordan's?!
Related to 1937 182
Dr. Stanley Jaks Symphronismus der Zahlenkarten ten number cards are dealt on the table and one is selected by naming a number, rest of the deck is dealt in three piles and cards on the bottom match selected cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Telepathie? cards dealt on table in four piles, top cards match date of borrowed coin
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 3&4)
Al Baker Al Baker's "Twin Soul" Card Prediction two spectators select cards via counting, performer writes down two predictions one by one
1941 229
Jonny Eine Karte sympathisiert spectator finds other spectator's selection by dealing deck into two piles and eliminating one, repeated until one card remains
Sep. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Reverse Deal Force bottom three cards end up on top of three piles after three piles are cut and remaining cards are dealt on top
1944 79
Larry Russell Predicting the Unknown deck is cut and half dealt into four piles, one is selected and bottom card predicted on billet
Dec. 1946 271
Art Lyle Lyle's Four of a Kind No. 88, Mates to selection are found by dealing a shuffled deck into three piles.
1950 163
Paul Rosini The Fair Count count-down to named number, count repeated because of skepticism of audience, selection found reversed
VariationsAlso published here 1950 18
Bill Simon The Mathemagician two spectators discover the Aces by random dealing, dealing to bottom and then into multiple piles
Related toVariations 1954 8
Stewart James The Flight of the Spelling Bee a random card and a selection are spelled to, re-count
1954 11
Sidney Lawrence The Eye Opener two spectators have half the deck, they count off any number of cards and then deal those into two piles, the four Aces are at the top of the arrived-at piles
Related to 1954 ca. [8]
Charles T. Jordan The Keystone Card Discovery two numbers named, predicted card is found at position equal to the difference between the two numbers after two failed count-downs
Related toAlso published here 1956 22
Hen Fetsch The Smith Myth Prelude two chosen cards end up at the same position in two piles
1956 9
Al Leech The Spectator Does a Trick two cards tell value and suit, "Untouchted" with touching
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1959 6
Double-Deal Force in one packet, then in two packets
1959 6
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) d) The Royal Marriages production of Queens (Bill Simon's "The Mathemagician"), then Kings, before going into a marriage routine
Inspired by Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli), Leopold Figner Count-Down Marriage deck dealt into four piles, then named numbers are counted down, Queens are found on bottom of dealt packets and Kings right underneath
Inspired by
  • Leopold Figner routine from 1920s
Related to
Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Al Leech A Divination two cards tell value and suit
Related toVariations 1965 22
Jerry K. Hartman Re-deal Force
VariationsAlso published here 1970 19
Bruce Cervon Zauberkunste Triumph! based on a Hofzinser trick, amount of chosen card is divined by finding the four cards with the same value, re-deal force
Magick (Issue 23)
Frank Garcia Cut the Kings spectator deals in four piles, Kings on top, change to Aces
Related to 1972 23
Card at Any Number first time it fails, re-deal
1972 42
Al Baker Twin Souls two spectators select cards via counting, performer writes down two predictions one by one
Also published here 1972 83
Paul Rosini Rosini Reverse No. 365, count-down to named number, count repeated because of skepticism of audience, selection found reversed
Also published here 1972 102
Tony Faro Spectator Magician card is on the table, spectator makes two piles, one top card for the value the other for the suit
Related toVariations Sep. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Rolf Andra 2 Seltsame Karten-Paare re-deal force of two cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 35 No. 6)
Philip T. Goldstein Twice-Dealt Tale Esp deck, re-dealing
Magick (Issue 140)
Charles T. Jordan The Keystone Card Discovery two numbers named, predicted card is found at position equal to the difference between the two numbers after two failed count-downs
Related toAlso published here 1975 38
Simple Deal Force bottom cards are force card, dealt into two piles, top cards are now force cards
Also published here 1975 116
Re-Deal Force with spelling
1976 86
Tieneblas Pair-Cognition prediction of single card with mate, re-deal force
Magick (Issue 148)
Philip T. Goldstein, Ray Goulet Predixion X on the card in a second deck
Also published here 1977 17
Ray Goulet Modified Double-Deal Force
1977 18
Philip T. Goldstein Pre-DiXion X on the card in a second deck, re-deal force
Also published here 1977
Magick (Issue 180)
Howard A. Adams Counthink deck of ESP cards, two cards are predicted, re-deal
Related to 1979
OICUFESP (Issue 1 - ten brand new esp card miracles)
David Britland Creo prediction of created card, re-deal
The Talon (Issue 6)
Spectator finds your Card spectator deals cards and again in two piles, suit and value of top cards combine to performer's selection, re-deal force
Related to 1982 5
Robert Schwarz Moment of Truth
Nov. 1982
Magick (Issue 312)
Frank Simon Quorum Quota card of same value and suit of card are found after dealing in two piles, then card itself
Inspired by 1983 94
Maurice Fogel, Eugene Burger Fogel's Triple Prediction including "the necessary degree of error"
Also published here 1983 60
Card Forces re-dealing to named number with apparent error
1985 1
David Britland A Simple Prediction re-deal force
1986 9
John Bannon Three-Card Moxie three spectators remove a card from the deck that is at a chosen number with shuffles in between, all cards are divined
1986 29
Daryl Martinez Untouched card is on the table, spectator makes two piles, one top card for the value the other for the suit
Related toVariations 1988 20
Allen Swift Fogel Fusion prediction in form of mates of three chosen cards and chosen number, written on business card
July 1988
Magick (Issue 408)
Rudy T. Hunter Tarot Predixion written prediction of two selected Tarot cards, re-deal force
Dec. 1989
Magick (Issue 432)
Karl Fulves Triple Mystery three cards mated via re-dealing packet
Variations 1989 43
Philip T. Goldstein Chance re-deal force, multiple out with ambigram prediction, initials of card
Jan. 1990
Magick (Issue 434)
Larry Baukin The Doorway prediction of chosen ESP-card, ESP deck, re-deal force
Feb. 1990
Magick (Issue 435)
Michael Powers Whether Forecast spectator deals into two piles and stops anywhere, sum of top cards predicted, each pile dealt into two piles, top cards are Aces, Aces change into Royal Flush, re-deal principle
1990 21
Charles T. Jordan The Keystone Card Trick No. 7, two numbers named, predicted card is found at position equal to the difference between the two numbers after two failed count-downs
Also published here 1992 5
Jim Sisti Easy Card Prediction in envelope, re-deal force
Sep./Oct. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 19)
Richard Mark Brainstorm on a multiple card prediction effect Maurice Fogel used to do, on predictions
Nov. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 5)
Aldo Colombini Vortex two decks, various coincidences, then dealing into four piles to find Aces
Inspired by
  • Frank Pemper routine
1994 76
Maurice Fogel, Eugene Burger Psychic Sense "A New Analysis Of The Three Card Prediction"
Also published here 1994 6
Jörg Alexander Weber Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft prediction of three selected Tarot cards, representing past, present and future
Inspired by
  • Carlhorst Meier, "Mein Tarot Seminar" (1992)
Related toAlso published here
1995 23
Double-Deal Force
Related to 1995 29
Jerry K. Hartman Word Wise cards are randomly selected and arranged by spectator to designate a specific word in a book, performer has predicted it
1995 217
Chad Long The Shuffling Lesson spectator shuffles and cuts and turns over and gets Aces while performer demonstrates the actions with the other half and gets Kings
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Astonishing Friends)
Karl Fulves Trifecta after cutting and dealing three jacks are on top of three piles, re-dealing
1996 96
Floyd Beatlebaum Soul Mates spectator selects a card, deals two hands and top card of one pile matches value and the other suit
Inspired byAlso published here Mar. 1996
The Minotaur (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Bob Farmer The Cadd Force "Cut-and-Deal-Down Force", spectator cuts off a pile and deals the rest into x piles, the top cards are forced
Also published here Nov. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 3)
Bob Farmer Dirty Dealing revealing royal flush in chosen suit, Cadd Force
Inspired by
  • "Dirty Dealing" (Gary Plants, Genii August 1996)
Dec. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Nick Trost Spectator's Card Trick
Related to 1997 119
Kartenfinden mit Zuschauernamen prediction, two chosen cards (by dealing and spelling name) match prediction in suit and value, Untouched
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Larry Jennings Der prophetische Zuschauer selection appears at sum of four values after dealing piles
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
G. W. Hunter The Card Chosen Corresponds with Paper in Person's Pocket No. 40, re-deal force, motivated by having two cards chosen, one predicted and one divined
1999 78
Jerry Mentzer Spectator Finds Your Card Magician chooses a card, spectator deals to find two cards that divines value and suit of selected card, uses double-deal force
1999 51
Philip T. Goldstein Divin-ace-tion dealing, count-back force, credit information
Variations Apr. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 4)
Jerry K. Hartman Patent Portent spectator names any card, mate is removed, spectator thinks of any number, spectator deals to that number - all cards face-up except the one, it turns out to be the named card
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Dec. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 12)
Jerry MacGregor The Walk-Around Mentalist
  • Phase 1: postcard selected and predicted
  • Phase 2: two spectators take five cards each, exchange one, all cards lost in deck, performer finds the selections
  • Phase 3: card prediction
1999 249
Maurice Fogel, Eugene Burger Fogel's Triple Prediction including "the necessary degree of error"
Also published here 2000 148
Maurice Fogel, Eugene Burger Psychic Sense "A New Analysis Of The Three Card Prediction"
Also published here 2000 211
Kenton Knepper, Daryl Martinez Sleightly Touched card is on the table, spectator makes two piles, one top card for the value the other for the suit, all the other cards are blank
Inspired by Apr. 2000
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Chris Wardle The Perfect Match card chosen, it is predicted inside a paper match that turns out to be a rolled up piece of paper
2000 9
The Deal Twice Force
2001 147
Bill Simon, Karl Fulves Unbalanced Aces No. 57, two packets dealt into two heaps each
Inspired by 2001 86
Al Baker Twin Souls two spectators select cards via counting, performer writes down two predictions one by one
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Contributions)
Yves Doumergue Ten For Ten after some spectator shuffling and dealing, four Tens are on top of three piles to match prediction
VariationsAlso published here Sep. 2003
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Al Leech, Roberto Giobbi Back to the Future two cards tell value and suit
Also published here 2006 122
Jerry K. Hartman Re-deal Force
Related toAlso published here 2007 249
Al Leech, Tony Faro, Roberto Giobbi The Spectator Does a Trick two cards tell value and suit
Inspired by 2008 43
Juan Tamariz Four Aces four Aces are lost and found by dealing four piles, using a reversed lucky card
2008 53
Christopher Williams Predictext re-deal force with four cards, they have been sent to spectator's phone as a text message prediction
Inspired by 2008 31
Scott Creasey The Eternal Triangle prediction of three selected Tarot cards, representing past, present and future
Related to 2008 95
Fred Robinson, Tony Faro Spectator Magician Plus spectator divines card's suit and value via Double-Deal Force, does OOTW and finds performer's thought-of card, marked deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 202
Benjamin Earl The Gambling Lesson various games played, at the end spectator and performer each find four-of-a-kind
Inspired byVariations Jan. 2009
Gambit (Issue 1)
Nick Trost A Matter of Design after some dealing, the top cards of four piles match a prediction
2009 554
Caleb Wiles Semi-Automatic Luck Test Kings and Aces found with cutting and dealing procedure
2009 62
R. Paul Wilson, Chad Long Luck Versus Skill multiple phase gambling themed routine with cutting the high card culminating in a variation of "Shuffling Lesson"
Inspired by 2010 155
Scott Grossberg Overskill Kings found on top of four packets via re-deal force, then performer finds the Aces in the four piles with a cut as well
2010 48
Christopher Woodward Triple Prediction simple re-deal prediction of three cards
Related to
  • Fogel's last American lecture
2010 112
Harry Lorayne Choices! suit and value of top cards after dealing match selection, mates of those two cards produced as well
Related to 2011 16
Jon Racherbaumer Value-Suit, Suit-Value two cards tell value and suit
Inspired by Mar. 2011
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Al Thatcher, George Kirkendall J. Stewart Smith's "Mighty Moments" four prediction cards tabled, spectator stops dealing, then deals into four piles, top cards match the predictions
Inspired by
  • "Mighty Moments" (J. Stewart Smith, The Weird Influence, 1966)
2011 577
Nick Trost Spectator Deals Any Hand Called For spectator stops anytime, then deals cards into five piles, top cards form previously named type of poker hand, re-deal force and Zens stack
2011 674
Nick Trost Gilbreath Meets The Spectator-Magician spectator chooses two cards after a riffle shuffle by dealing into one pile, then re-dealing into two piles, and taking the value and suit of top cards
Inspired by 2011 715
Robert Cassidy Deal With It handling for the re-deal force, prediction of single card
2013 187
Ichiro Moriya God of Romance four numbers are dealt, packets assembled and dealt again into four piles, four-of-a-kind on top which matches month of birth of spectator
2013 152
Simon Aronson Double Vision Spectators select two cards, magician predicts them both correctly, self working force
Related toAlso published here 2014 53
Kiko Pastur A Través del Espejo spectator mirrors actions of performer, both end up with four of a kind
Inspired by 2014 174
Michael Weber, Tim Trono False Advertising shuffling lesson presentation, performed to card handling instructions printed on advertising card
Inspired by Mar. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Chad Long The Shuffling Lesson spectator shuffles and cuts and turns over and gets Aces while performer demonstrates the actions with the other half and gets Kings
(Real Secrets Bonus sheet)
Also published here Mar. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Bob Farmer CADD Cut-and-Deal-Down Force, see later
Related to 2015 46
Bob Farmer The Automatic Blind Gambler using CADD Force
Inspired by 2015 165
Bob Farmer Strip Club with CADD Force, belly strippers
  • CADD
  • Power Poker
  • Bottom Dealing
  • Trap Dance I
  • Trap Dance II
Inspired byVariations 2015 193
Bob Farmer The CADD Force chapter intro, Cut-and-Deal-Down Force
Related to 2015 213
Bob Farmer CADD Force Cut-and-Deal-Down Force, spectator cuts off a pile and deals the rest into x piles, the top cards are forced
Also published here 2015 213
Bob Farmer Jonah You CADD
2015 216
Bob Farmer Bottom Line CADD Force, Winkler Principle
  • Wired Deck (with five Royal Flushes in Spades)
2015 321
Alexander de Cova Die Chad Long Shuffle Sequenz comment on the shuffling section of the trick as part of blindfold card act
Related to 2015 192
Nick Trost Divin-Ace-tion Revisited dealing, count-back force
Inspired by 2015 1229
Nick Trost Do As I Do Queens and Poker
  • Phase One - Do As I Do Queens (Hamman)
  • Phase Two - Do As I Do Poker (Fulves, re-dealing)
Inspired by 2015 1260
Ryan Schlutz Somewhat Touched incorporating two-way-out strategy
Inspired byAlso published here 2017 22
Jörg Alexander Weber Past, Present, and Future prediction of three selected Tarot cards, representing past, present and future
Also published here 2017 38
Double-Deal Force
2017 43
Nick Trost Quadruple Blackjack two spectators discover the Aces and Jacks by random dealing, dealing to bottom and then into multiple piles
Inspired by 2017 1389
Nick Trost ESP Spelldown selected card found by spelling top card of either half after dealing an ESP deck into two piles
Inspired by
  • "Driftin" (Aldo Colombini, Simply Impromp2, 2006)
Related to
2017 1557
Syd Segal Untouched Re-touched Card is on the table, spectator makes two piles, one top card for the value the other for the suit, produce four of a kind as a kicker
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
David Solomon Suited Double Deal two spectators cut off a pile, piles dealt into six packets each, all top cards are one suit, prediction is missing card, re-deal force
2018 107
Jon Racherbaumer Tracking the Double-Deal Force Idea credit information
2018 108
Leo Reed Bob Ross Would Have Liked This a word card is chosen, selection is predicted by four cards that can be placed together to form one of two pictures
May 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 5)
Nick Trost The Mystic Nine II number nine forced with 10-20 force, then four Nines show up
Inspired by
  • "A Pack to the Power of 9" (Raymond Grosholz, Magigram, Mar. 1978)
2019 1607
Nick Trost Triple Match II spectator riffle shuffles deck, then three cards are mated with re-deal force into three piles
2019 1610
Nick Trost Triple Match III three cards mated via re-dealing packet
Inspired by 2019 1612
Nick Trost Royal Flushed II spectator finds royal flush
2019 1636
John Graham Discovery card lost, spectator deals some cards and then re-deals those cards into four piles, on top of chosen pile is his selection, on top of the remaining three piles are three previous selections
Inspired by
  • "Ace Discovery" (Hen Fetch, Impromptu Card Routine, 1956)
2021 9
Roberto Mansilla "You Won't Choose"
  • Artifices
card chosen with dealing procedure, gag prediction "You will not choose the Queen of Hearts", all other cards are Queens of Hearts
Inspired by
  • routine in John Born's "Meant to Be"
Related to
Feb. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 2)
Satish Factory Seconds four cards chosen with re-deal procedure are predicted on performer's facebook site, mates found with spelling, then Aces show up as well
Apr. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 4)
Yves Doumergue Ten For Ten after some spectator shuffling and dealing, four Tens are on top of three piles to match prediction
Also published here 2022 223
Simon Aronson Double Vision Spectators select two cards, magician predicts them both correctly, self working force
Also published here 2022 880
Christoph Borer Das Duft-Dreieck prediction of chosen fragrances, 50 cards with different fragrances
Related to 2023 6
Justin Higham Deal-Cut-Shuffling Lesson spectator shuffles and cuts and turns over and gets Aces while performer demonstrates the actions with the other half and gets Kings
Inspired by 2023 20
Justin Higham Finessed Dealing the Aces spectator deals and stops, then deals into four piles
2023 21
Allan Ackerman Lucky spectator finds the Kings and Aces after some shuffling, cutting and dealing piles
Inspired by 2024 120
Allan Ackerman The Spell of Sachs any card named, spectator spells any name and finds card thought of by performer, when spelling again the named card
Inspired by
  • "To Cause a Card to Appear in Any Position in the Pack" (Sachs, Sleight of Hand, 1885)
2024 193
Dai Vernon The Whispering Queen three cards chosen after a cut, a Queen is removed which whispers all three selections to the performer
  • My comments (Roberto Giobbi)
Inspired by
  • booklet Secrets of Magic (Dai Vernon, 1924)
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Aug. 14)