45 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Gambling / Poker / Blindfold Poker & Think-a-Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Nate Leipzig Leipzig gambling exhibition cards remembered in first deal, dealt to oneself with second deals
1933 10
Nate Leipzig Five Hands
Variations 1938 560
Edward Marlo Blindfold Poker Deal
1942 25
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Blind Man's Poker
1942 23
Laurie Ireland Laurie Ireland's Blindfold Poker Deal with unknown and selected hole card, tactile marks on side of card
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1943)
Neal Elias Blindfold Poker Deal brief idea
1946 16
Warren Wiersbe Blindfold Poker Deal
1946 7
Tony Kardyro The Blind Fold Poker Deal Supreme selected cards from several hands end up in performer's hand in next deal
1955 31
P. Howard Lyons Dirty Deal five spectators remember a card in a poker hand each, those cards eventually end up in one poker hand in a later deal
Nov. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 4)
Ken Beale Blindfold Stud remembered hole cards in the poker hands end up in same hands again, Aces for performer
July 1956
Ibidem (Issue 6)
Dai Vernon Blindfold Poker Deal
Related to 1961 9
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Variation Of Poker A'la Leipzig And Finnerman Effect No. 275, "eliminating seconds", blindfold poker deal with shuffle placement after each hand is returned instead of false deal
Related to 1972 68
Blindfold Poker Deal Improvement No. 496, memorizing numbers and second dealing to get chosen cards in one's hand
1972 138
Dr. Jacob Daley Poker Placement Cull Formula No. 555, performer remembers position of selections in four poker hands, formula to calculate where the cards are when packets are put together for easier culling
1972 155
Arthur Finley Finley's Blindfold Poker Deal Finish No. 705
Also published here 1972 190
Edward Marlo Simplex Blindfold Deals seven methods
Variations 1974 20
Derek Dingle 4-Way Triumph with four named cards from poker hands, Daley's Blindfold Poker Deal meets Triumph
Variations 1975 31
Jerry K. Hartman Poker Face-to-Face Four cards selected from Poker hands, Triumph
Inspired by 1975 23
Jerry K. Hartman Hand in Hand Blindfold Poker Deal
Related toAlso published here 1975 45
Jon Racherbaumer Psychic Poker two phases
Related to Aug. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Frederick Braue Impromptu Poker Deal
Inspired by 1978 22
John F. Mendoza Routined Poker Mental princess card trick with lie detection presentation
Variations 1978 19
Edward Marlo Faro Fantastiques 49 card deck, several spectatators shuffle packets and remember card, selections appear in one poker hand, three presentations
1979 359
Harry Lorayne, Jon Racherbaumer Impromptu Psychic Poker cards thought of and chosen from poker hands are found
Inspired by 1979 140
Derek Dingle Poker Triumph with four named cards from poker hands
1981 9
Derek Dingle Four Poker Triumph combined with Triumph
Related toVariations 1982 144
Karl Fulves The Restacking Problem players leave or arrive after deck is already stacked, several solutions:
  • 4 Hands to 3
  • 5 Hands to 4
  • 5 Hands to 3
  • 3 Hands to 5
  • Mind Games (including finding some thought of cards (blindfold poker deal))
Related toVariations 1984 192
Sam Leo Horowitz Blindfold Poker Deal Variation
1989 xvii
Jerry K. Hartman Best Hand Forward
Also published here Jan. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Jerry K. Hartman Best Hand Forward
Related toAlso published here 1991 439
Jerry K. Hartman Hand in Hand Blindfold Poker Deal
Also published here 1991 443
Edward Marlo Unexpected Poker Deal spectators think of highest card in their poker hand, all assembled and re-dealt and all thought-of cards are in one hand
Inspired by Jan. 1991
Technomagic (Issue 7)
Jon Racherbaumer Epilogue to Epilogue on a Jack Liuso satire article in Hierophant, Ed Marlo, Karl Fulves, Neal Elias letters, Ed Marlo letters, all on riffle shuffle work and Marlo & Daley, blindfold deal credit information
Related to Dec. 1992 7
Jerry K. Hartman High Hopes two versions:
  • I. Spectator chooses one of five dealt-out hands and thinks of best Poker hand he can make by discarding four cards, cards are re-dealt and the thought-of hand is dealt to the same position
  • II. Similar to I., but spectator keeps original hand, cards are re-dealt and card that spectator wanted to keep in his hand vanishes leaving only four, it is found in the newly dealt hand together with the other four cards he thought of to complete it, see also p. 155 for slight variation
see p. 155 for “real time” deck setup
Related to 1995 148
Jack Avis Auto Deck performer deals himself Aces, then spectators remember one card in their hand, performer shuffles and deals again, everyone has a Straight Flush and performer the memorized cards, extra Aces and duplicates
Also published here
  • marketed in 1953
1998 56
Darwin Ortiz, John F. Mendoza Liar's Poker princess card trick with lie detection presentation and sucker finale à la Fingerprint Card Trick
Inspired by 2002 26
Nate Leipzig, Juan Tamariz Assembly of Selections in Poker Hands four hands dealt, one card remembered in each hand, after shuffling cards, selections all end up in hand of performer
Inspired by 2004 150
Arthur Finley Finley's Blindfold Poker Deal Finish No. 705
Also published here 2007 30
Derek DelGaudio High Five! five people remember the highest card in a poker hand, they're punch-dealt in one hand
  • Self-Working Version
2010 9
Paul Vigil High Five credit information on the plot
2014 189
Paul Vigil High 5.0 five poker hands dealt, four spectators remember one card in their packets, cards redealt, performer reads minds of four spectators
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2014 201
Paul Vigil High 5 Remix last card to envelope in wallet
  • An Impromptu Handling: Sans Wallet
Inspired by 2014 215
Simon Aronson Gimme Five five poker hands dealt, four spectators remember one card in their packets, cards redealt, performer has all four chosen cards in his hand
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2009
2022 878
Paul Vigil High 5 five poker hands dealt, four spectators remember one card in their packets, cards redealt, performer reads minds of four spectators
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 1074
Dai Vernon Vernon's Five Hands performer blindfolded, five hands dealt, one for performer, four spectators remember a card and put it back in any position in their hands, deck shuffled and dealt, no one has his selection, they are not in performer's hand, on next deal everyone gets his selection and performer names them
Inspired byRelated to 2022 1