56 entries in Cane / Vanish
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Russel Walsh The Vanishing Cane
1938 953
George Davenport Cane to Silk Ideas
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
Henry E. Ebel For the Cane to Silk
1939 92
Henry E. Ebel A Prepared Knob for the Cane reel
1939 92
Laurie Ireland The Vanishing Cane for Close Up cane pushed in coin purse, small cane inside
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1940)
Johnny Albenice A Suggested Routine with the Vanishing Cane and Handkerchief
1941 18
The Great Fataque Shock Absorber as Fataque Sanders, vanishing cane treatment so it can be thrown and used for juggling without breaking
Aug. 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 111)
G. Gloria Une Entrée - Comment je présente le tour de la canne aux foulards routine with vanishing cane, cane changes to silks and when placed in hat silks change into flowers, followed by german translation "Ein Auftritt - Wie ich den Trick mit dem Stock und den Tüchern vorführe"
Mar. 1947 4
Arthur H. Buckley Opening for a Card Act manipulation act with vanishing cane to silk, card production, dove production, gloves
1948 143
Don Grosini A Colorful Opening milk poured in paper bag, bag pierced with cane and flowers appear on cane, then cane changes into silk
Sep. 1948 459
Harry Hardini A Suggestion combining knob of Walsh Vanishing Cane with Ireland's Golf Balls
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Karrell Fox One for the "Magi-Ministers" wiggly snake in Walsh cane
1954 32
Karrell Fox Cane Thru Body
Also published here
  • "Cane Thru Body" in "The Sphinx" 1948
1954 46
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Der verschwindende Spazierstock ideas for the vanishing cane
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Everyman's Vanishing Cane building a vanishing cane from a roll of adding machine paper
May 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Patrick Page The Vanishing Cane in Newspaper
Also published here 1966 8
Marconick Taking the Corners Away corners of silks are removed and replaced, silks stand by themselves, secret use of vanishing cane
1967 140
Alan Shaxon The Cane and Cigarette Holder cane, lit cigarette and cigarette holder vanish, then cigarette and holder are reproduced and the holder turns into the cane, vanishing & appearing cane
1970 7
Pavel Six Ideas for Cane Workers ideas with the vanishing and appearing cane
1970 ca. 25
Alan Shaxon 20th Century Cane and Silks opening to a cabaret act
Two handkerchiefs are produced from the ends of a cane, tied together and rolled around the cane. The cane is wrapped in a newspaper, a third handkerchief transforms into a cane and in the newspaper the missing handkerchief is found, knotted in between the other handkerchiefs.
1976 2
David Berglas Vanishing Cane - My Cane in Newspaper Routine
1976 19
The Vanishing Walking Stick different presentations, with newspaper
1976 247
Roberto Furegati Eine "altbekannte" Eröffnungskombination opener for stage, vanishing cane in news paper, torn and restored news paper
  • 1. Der Stock
  • 2. Das magische Salz
  • 3. Die Zeitung
  • 4. Die Vorführung
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 3)
Karrell Fox Nova-Cane cane transforms into silk with name of next performer
1979 199
Patrick Page The Vanishing Cane The Appearing Cane vanishing and appearing cane in newspaper
Also published here 1980 6
Johnny Cooper Surprise Finish to the Vanishing Cane Trick cane rolled in newspaper, vanishes, newspaper rolled up again and wine poured out of it
1980 30
Horace Spencer The Vanishing Cane as impromptu magic
Jan. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Jonathan Neal Brown One-Hand Vanishing Cane cane held by the center
1983 107
Bob Friedhoffer Cane and Able one-handed method for cane to silk in flash of fire
July 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Ali Bongo Vanishing Cane Tip knob alternative
1983 2
"Magic" Christian Stelzel Cane Gag - The Appearing and Vanishing Cane with a handkerchief
1983 5
Karrell Fox The Really "Vanishing Cane" rolled up in newspaper, breast pocket unload
1986 115
Karrell Fox "Bocane" cane to bouquet, bouquet comes from sleeve
1988 91
Karrell Fox "Nosteal" Cane Vanish cane vanishes in newspaper, no steal necessary
1988 95
Roy Kissell The Arkay Silk Fold guaranteeing that design on silk appears the right way for cane to silk
1988 138
Fantasio 20th Century-Stock nach neuer Art two handkerchiefs appear on ends of a cane, third handkerchief vanishes, then cane vanishes and handkerchief can be found knotted two other two silks
1988 2
Fantasio Stockfärbung und Verwandlung in eine Flagge cane changes color three times, then it transforms into flag
1988 6
Fantasio Der tatsächlich verschwindende Stock vanishing cane handling with reel
1988 19
Fantasio Der Karten-Schwert-Stock card sword with cane, two cards are correct last card is wrong, cane changes into silk with printed card
1988 44
Otto Wessely Tips on Canes eight tips
Jan. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Gianni Mattiolo Some Things with a Metal Cane
  • Flash Vanish
  • Flash Cane to Silk
June 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Gianni Mattiolo Cane to Cards to Ball
Sep. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 9)
Karrell Fox Three New Canes
  • Number One - Cane to Rope
  • Number Two - Cane to Wand
  • Number Three - Cane to Confetti
1991 113
Patrick Page, Senor Charles Mardo Der Verschwindende Stock - Der Erscheinende Stock vanishing and appearing cane in newspaper
Also published here 1993 34
Fantasio Das Challenger Gimmick method for locking a vanishing cane or candle without extra props
1995 6
Fantasio Der Challenger Stock cane to handkerchief, with challenger preparation
1995 9
Fantasio Akrobatischer, farbwechselnder Stock silk on cane jumps into a hat, cane changes color and then transforms into silk
1995 15
Alexander de Cova Der Verschwindende Spazierstock vanishing cane, ending empty handed
1998 68
Verschwindender Spazierstock fake fingers in vanishing cane, gag
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 2)
Don Alan Disappearing Cane, Using a Top Hat with hole in hat
2000 203
Antonio Ferragut Desaparición del Bastón en el Periódico cane vanish in newspaper, handling
2003 183
Alan Wakeling Switzerland watch appears in hand, vanishes from silk, reappears in pocket, vanishes again, reappears in cigarette case, cane vanishes in hat and alarm clock appears in hat
  • Notes (Jim Steinmeyer)
Sep. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 9)
Patrick Page Vanishing Cane in Newspaper
Also published here 2011 278
Patrick Page The Vanishing Handkerchief cane disappears, comedy presentation
2011 287
Alexander de Cova Verschwindender Spazierstock comments on Fred Kaps's performance, rolled up in newspaper, with salt shaker
  • Die de Cova Variante
  • Die Fantasio - de Cova Variante
2016 154
Jonathan Neal Obscurity and the Vanishing Cane
  • Secrets Within Secrets
cane appears in silk, then same cane vanishes after being wrapped up in paper
Dec. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 12)