56 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Ribbon / Penetration
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Les Anneaux Enfilés Dans un Double Ruban grandmother's necklace - routine, with rings and ribbon, referencing Ozanam
1784 36
Chris Charlton, Laurie Ireland Another Effect with Chris Charlton's Ringing the Ribbon Gimmick ring and ribbon
1931 25
Sleeve Fooling Trick No. 27, deck with hole through center, two selections lost and cards put onto ribbon, under handkerchief the two selections are removed, then put back on reversed
1935 28
Edward Bagshawe A Giant Card Problem jumbo card with two holes is inside case with matching holes, ribbon threaded through holes, card is removed while ribbon’s ends are held
1936 ca. 31
Gordon M. Howatt A Different Kind of Penetration ribbon through holes of a tube glass, which has two holes as well is put inside and is threaded on the ribbon
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1942)
Bob Hanko Gaglet Department
  • bit of business for the walking through a ribbon routine (Hanko)
  • deck transforms into a forcing deck gag
Sep. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 17)
Tom Sellers Block and Ribbon Penetration ribbon through holes of a square tube, block drops through tube and is then threaded onto ribbon
1943 5
A Card on Ribbon Mystery card in envelope peneatrates ribbon that goes through both items
1945 320
The Dollar Bill on the Ribbon bill with notified serial number and slit penetrates ribbon in envelope
1945 323
Milbourne Christopher Ribbon Fantastique idea for Massey's Ribbon Release
Jan. 1946 184
Paul Curry On and Off two ribbon rings threaded through a nut and lowered into a hat, under a handkerchief the selected ribbon penetrates the nut
Related to June 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 127)
Milbourne Christopher Walking Through a Ribbon presentational idea
Oct. 1947 359
John Hamilton Diamond Mystery card with hole in envelope, ribbon penetrates card and ends up threaded on card
May 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 176)
John A. M. Howie John Howie's "Ring and Ribbon" ring falls off ribbon, wax
VariationsAlso published here
  • John Howie's "Thanks to Ellis" in "Pentagram" Vol. 3, No. 8. 1949.
1952 6
Ching-Chang-Chong = T'Sun-schynt-schö three disks with different colors, chosen color penetrates ribbon
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Bertram Millidge A Ring and a Ribbon five phases, with and without the Jardine Ellis Ring, normal ring and split ring
1953 2
Bertram Millidge A Quick Ring Trick ring on ribbon, two phases, Jardine Ellis Ring, with slit cut ring
1953 8
Tenkai Ishida Knots Supreme - Tenkai Silk and Tapes grandmother's necklace
Also published here 1953 4
Blackstar Mystic Match Box rippon penetrates matchbox, three methods
1954 119
Lu Brent, Orville Wayne Meyer Safety Pin Off Ribbon
1955 61
Bertram Millidge New Move with the Jardine Ellis Ring through ribbon
Also published here 1956 23
Bertram Millidge Silk through Ring larger ring through ribbon
1956 24
Bertram Millidge Millidge's Ellisring-Trick through ribbon
Also published here 1960
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Edwin Leist-Bernini Neuer Durchbruch als Maloko-Flasche two tubes on ribbons, chosen tube penetrates ribbons
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 3)
Edwin Leist-Bernini, Edward Bagshawe Ein Farbscheibentrick cardboard disks are threaded, chosen ones penetrate ribbon
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Paul Stadelman The Dizzy Die large die with hole penetrates ribbon
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Ben Christopher Ambulating Glass ring penetrates ribbon underneath wrapped glass, then glass penetrates table
Winter 1967
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 1st Folio)
Dan Tong Ring and Ribbon Ellis Ring
1969 67
Eddie Joseph Cutting Through a Lady with a ribbon
1969 269
Han van Senus Another Ribbon Penetration borrowed ring
1972 219
Robert (Bob) Hess Droxene's Ring two paper rings link onto a ribbon, then with each other
Related to Jan. 1972 479
Tenkai Ishida Knots Supreme grandmother's necklace
Also published here 1974 120
Block and Ribbon Release block in a frame penetrates ribbon
1976 52
Louis Histed Histead Block Release block threaded on a ribbon is released, block in a container
1976 80
Frank Garcia The Maximus Routine for the Experts Wild Card routine with big holes in all cards with ribbon penetration climax
1977 141
Stephen Minch The Ribbon That Was Something Ellis ribbon, small metal ring appears, penetration routine
Inspired by 1977 76
Tan Hock Chuan Ribbon Fantastique Plastic sheet threaded onto frame by ribbon can be pulled free
1977 41
Jimmy Revill Block and Frame block penetrates ribbon in frame apparatus
1980 57
Jerry Mentzer 33 1/3 Release ribbon through record or beer mat with hole
1984 (ca.) 2
Wesley James Jack Off deck has hole in middle, two selections a threaded on ribbon, one of them penetrates the ribbon
1990 45
Locked in Place No. 64, rope tied between both wrists of performer, ribbon around it through keyhole, penetration
1990 135
Jean Garance Eine Routine mit Seidenbändern und einem Changierbeutel ribbons in bag become ribbon rings, then they link, form a large ring and disappear at the end, with child assistant
1990 6
Mila Trnka Das Frauenherz ribbons penetrate a person
Also published here
  • Prager Zaubereien
Sep. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Sid Fleischman You, Too, Can Saw A Lady in Two "Or, Five Minutes of Comedy Suspense with a Red Ribbon"
ribbon through person
1993 210
Robert Parrish Ellis in Bangkok ribbon penetration with ellis ring
Inspired by
  • B.A. Millidge (The Magic Wand, Oct./Nov. 1938)
Also published here
1995 60
Robert Parrish Ellis in Bangkok ribbon penetration with ellis ring
Also published here Jan. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Goutam Guha Ring on the Ribbon
1996 8
Goutam Guha Ring off the Ribbon
1996 9
Terri Rogers BlockBuster Solid metal ring penetrate through ribbon that is threaded onto solid block of wood
1998 104
Paul Curry On and Off two ribbon rings threaded through a nut and lowered into a hat, under a handkerchief the selected ribbon penetrates the nut, brema nut
Related to 2001 356
Al Baker Ribbon Through Wand
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 29 No. 12, Feb. 1931
2003 638
Troy Hooser The Bottomless Box Objects produced from bottomless box, strange things happen when placed in it (Produce crystal balls, linking ribbons, spongeball routine, ring links on ribbon)
Inspired by 2010 41
Jim Steinmeyer A Hole in Your Head
  • Conjuring
hole in hand optical illusion with tube, then ribbon penetrates hand visually
Inspired by
  • "The Penetrating Ribbon" (Gordon Howatt, The Restless Spook, 1940s)
Dec. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 12)
Ribbon Escape card peeked at in deck with hole through all cards, ribbon through deck and pulled, selection jumps out
Errata (Issue 1)
Jim Steinmeyer Cutting An Unwilling Spectator in Half
  • Conjuring
ribbon through spectator
Apr. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 4)
Jim Steinmeyer That Thing in the Envelope
  • Conjuring
ribbon goes through an envelope, finger ring is thrown in and penetrates onto ribbon
Feb. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 2)