99 entries in Cards / Principles / Daub
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Daub
1933 40
Al Baker A Dirty Trick stacked, daub
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Cardially Yours)
Dai Vernon Miracle Card Location daub on case
Also published here 1937 302
Dai Vernon Miracle Location Club Version daub, full deck stack, four or five cards
1937 302
Franklin M. Chapman Just Peek card peeked at behind performer's back, deck immediately shuffled, performer locates card
1937 7
The Daub Location
1938 66
Al Baker A Problem in Plumbago stacked and daub
Also published here 1938 67
Carbon-Paper Daub & Carrying Daub tips
1938 69
"Golden Glow" Daub
1938 70
Dai Vernon Daub Application with Cardcase
Related to 1938 72
Newspaper-Piece Daub
1938 73
Paul Rosini A Problem in the Fourth Dimension daub transferred to spectator's thumb via him holding the performer's wrist previously, see also p. 495
1938 74
Paul Rosini The Daub. A Miracle Location daub transferred from performer's finger to bottom card of cut-off packet as it is replaced, button storage suggestion
Also published here 1938 495
Theodore Annemann Tips on Daub
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
Julian J. Proskauer Smeero
Sep. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 60)
Paul Rosini The Gamblers Outwitted daub transferred from performer's finger to bottom card of cut-off packet as it is replaced
VariationsAlso published here 1940 217
Paul Rosini A Rosi-Cruzian Mystery daub, button storage, two phases, red-black separation during first phase that is used in second phase
Variations 1940 219
Wheels within Wheels saliva used as daub
1940 327
1940 417
47 - Daubs.
1940 65
Charles Nyquist Daub Substitute
The Jinx (Issue 147)
Bob Hummer Imagination spectator throws invisible die and deals deck in that amount of packets, back of performed turned divines amount of packets
Also published here 1941 14
James G. Thompson Jr., Charles Nyquist Daub securing it and what to use
Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 24)
Eddie Joseph Daub Deception location tricks with daub
  • Preparation for the Daub
  • First Method of Daubing
  • Second Method of Daubing
  • Third Method of Daubing
  • Fourth Method of Daubing
  • Fifth Method of Daubing
  • Sixth Method of Daubing
  • Seventh Method of Daubing
  • Eighth Method of Daubing
  • Ninth Method of Daubing
  • Tenth Method of Daubing
  • Eleventh Method of Daubing
  • Twelfth Method of Daubing
  • Thirteenth Method of Daubing
  • Fourteenth Method of Daubing
  • Fifteenth Method of Daubing
  • Sixteenth Method of Daubing
  • Seventeenth Method of Daubing
  • Eighteenth Method of Daubing
  • Nineteenth Method of Daubing
  • Twentieth Method of Daubing
  • A Few Words of Advice
1942 48
Eddie Joseph The Writing on the Wall card chosen and some personal information written on paper, card reverses and information divined, impression with daub
1942 69
Milbourne Christopher, Bob Hummer Under Cover ideas with a matchbook, as an ambush for a list, for a shiner, to pick up daub, picking up a coin
Also published here Feb. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 53)
Elray Hey...Rube! story of a con men, marking cards at a three card monte game with daub
Nov. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 73)
Gerald Kosky Impromptu Daub
June 1944 54
Edward Marlo, Bill Gusias Types of Daub
1945 3
Edward Marlo, Bill Gusias How to Get the Daub
1945 3
Edward Marlo The First Miracle daubed spectator, three variations
1945 4
Edward Marlo The Peek Location spectator peeks himself
1945 5
Edward Marlo Spectator Peeks Again
1945 5
Edward Marlo The Spectator Cuts daubed key card
1945 5
Edward Marlo Just Another Miracle distant daubed key card
1945 5
Edward Marlo The Lie Detective
1945 6
Edward Marlo Daub Co-incidence daubed instead of glimpsed key card
1945 7
Bill Gusias Bill's Trick daubed edge
1945 8
Edward Marlo, Bill Gusias Poker Face
1945 8
Edward Marlo, Bill Gusias Marlo's Application daubing method
1945 9
Edward Marlo In Lieu of Pencil daub on borrowed deck as alternative to pencil dotted key card
1945 9
Edward Marlo Think of a Card among five in spread
1945 10
Edward Marlo The Super Miracle daubing multiple cards
1945 11
Sylvan Barnet At a Mentally Chosen Number
1945 71
Julian J. Proskauer Carbo daub from carbon paper
1945 106
Tommy Dowd Liars! three poker chips with a different stamps on it are selected, one of three spectators has to lie the other two tell the truth, performer knows who has which chip
Inspired by
  • an idea of Jack Vosburgh's "More than a Trick"
Aug. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 90)
Dr. William Weyeneth Un joli tour de cartes medium in other room finds three selection, lipstick used as daub, followed by german translation "Ein hübscher Kartentrick"
Jan. 1946 15
Milbourne Christopher Daub Tip impromptu daub from shoe
Feb. 1947 293
George G. Kaplan Impromptu Marking of Cards rubbing thumb-nail on pencil
1948 37
George G. Kaplan The Yogi's Secret putting flesh-colored daub on spectators forehead for an out-of-the-room selection
Variations 1948 163
Herb Runge Fifty-Two to One
May 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 177)
Paul Rosini Daub daub transferred to spectator's thumb as he is brought up on stage
1950 27
Don Alan You Have Wax in Your Match Box matchbox to obtain wax, daub etc.
1951 10
Bob Hummer Imagination spectator throws invisible die and deals deck in that amount of packets, back of performed turned divines amount of packets
Also published here 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Eddie Fields The Zodiac Card Miracle card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Related toAlso published here 1952 28
Milbourne Christopher Bill Larsen's Problem numbers from one to ten on big cards, performer removes the one a spectator is thinking of
1954 13
Dr. William Weyeneth Aus einem amüsanten Gag wird ein wunderbarer Trick weird way to apply daub, on forehead of spectator
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 6)
Dai Vernon Vernon Miracle Card Location daub on case
Related toAlso published here 1962 21
Dai Vernon Club Version of the "Miracle Card Location", daub, full deck stack, four or five cards
Related to 1962 22
James Steranko Psycussion saliva put on selection during peek procedure, not for vanish but identification
Related to 1962 [29]
Karl Fulves Static Problems with Cards - No. One
selection made by stabbing joker into deck without removing selection, how to control it
Solutions: see references
Variations Feb. 1966 19
Eddie Fields Field's Zodiac Card Miracle card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Inspired byAlso published here 1968 33
Eddie Fields Yogi You-Do-As-I-Do flesh-colored daub on spectator's forehead
Inspired byAlso published here 1968 54
Irv Weiner Dabbling With Daub study on the use of Daub
  • Getting the Daub
  • Applying the Daub
  • The Spectator Does the Work For You
  • Tips on Daub and Daub Technique
Feb. 1968
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 70)
Eddie Joseph The Hidden Truth two cards peeked behind performer's back, both found, different-colored daub
1969 34
Edward Marlo The Variant Fingertip Peek applying substance to peeked-at card with right second finger
  • The Basic Method
  • Daub Variant
  • Saliva Variant
  • Adhesive Variant
Related toVariations 1970 74
Eddie Fields The Zodiac Card Mystery card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Also published here 1971 6
Special Delivery
Related to 1972 38
Louis Zingone Zingone Daub No. 361, daub applied as card is removed from dealing shoe
1972 101
Paul Rosini Rosini Daub Gag No. 364, daub transferred to spectator's finger from bottom card of deck
1972 102
Metalic Daub Formula No. 505, list of ingredients
1972 141
Dr. Jacob Daley Use Of Daub No. 536, left fourth finger applies daub during peek, located in reverse fan
1972 151
Will Dexter Positive und Negative Markierungen on marking decks, or other objects
Also published here
  • The Gen, Feb. 1953
Dec. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 4)
1978 39
Steve Beam Dissertation on Magic with Bodily Functions using saliva and earwax etc. for card magic, humorous article
  • Natural Force
  • The Ultimate
1979 47
Bob Hummer Graphite Matchbox Daub idea for preparing a matchbox to access daub at all times
Also published here 1980 2
Graphite Match Box Daub daub on key card
Related to 1980 12
Bob Hummer Imagination spectator throws invisible die and deals deck in that amount of packets, back of performed turned divines amount of packets
Also published here 1980 21
Valerie Nielsen, Bascom Jones, Charles "Cicardi" Scott, Sandy Spillman, Dr. Lawrence Weinstein, Adam Weishaupt, Jack Kent Tillar, Diana Zimmerman Wish I Thought of That
  • The Intimate Touch (Cicardi, idea for palmistry)
  • Signed, Sealed, and Delivered (Spillmamn / Weinstein, business card idea)
  • In a Crystal Darkly (Nielsen, idea for crystal balls)
  • Name Dropping (Weishaupt, idea for Tarot readings)
  • Color Coordination (Tillar, idea for Daub)
  • Big Can be Better (Zimmerman on bigger props)
Magick (Issue 263)
Steve Beam Overlooking Miracles using oily skin as daub
1980 45
Jack Kent Tillar Challenge Test books bought in advance, using daub
Sep. 1984
Magick (Issue 338)
Chris Kenworthy Cover Up location of selected Tarot card using a pendulum
Sep. 1991
Magick (Issue 460)
Vanni Bossi An Inexpensive Daub Dispenser tip
1992 12
Daryl Martinez Tipped in Lucca
1992 10
Vanni Bossi An Inexpensive Daub Dispenser cap from film container
1992 24
Jonathan Cooke Recycled Thoughts: Casual Prediction two decks, card selected and found on named number in second deck, half forcing deck
Feb. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Roger Crosthwaite Daub Fingertip Peek
Inspired by 1994 78
Anthony Owen Magic for the Rest of the Week using skin cream as open daub type item for pseudo explanation, all other cards are "wrinkled" at finale
1997 23
Eddie Fields Fields' Zodiac Card Miracle card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Also published here 1997 60
Eddie Fields Yogi You-Do-As-I-Do flesh-colored daub on spectator's forehead
Also published here 1997 63
Karl Fulves Line of Thought demonstration of memorising all twelve court cards
Related to 1998
Underworld (Issue 9)
Al Baker A Problem in Plumbago stacked deck, daub on table
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Contributions)
Eric Evans, Paul Rosini Rosini Works the Street
Inspired by 2012 37
Roberto Giobbi The Fan Control
  • The basic idea
  • The Fan Control with Step
  • The Fan Control with Key Card
  • The Fan Control with Bridge
  • The Fan Control with Daub
2012 99
John Born Sticking the Bridge Three cards peeked at, deck is shuffled, magician divines all three cards, chapstick daub
Inspired by 2012 33
Ryan Schlutz I Love You out-of-hand selection procedure, grease daub
Also published here 2017 5
Ryan Schlutz I Love You out-of-hand selection procedure, grease daub
Also published here 2020 5
Max Malini Daub Hide-Out planting daub and wax in advance, even at an earlier visit of a venue
Related to
  • Dabbling with Daub, Irv Weiner
2022 235
Daub Location
2022 236