38 entries in Match & Matchbox / Match / Vanish
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Carl Willmann Die verschwindenden Streichhölzchen matches vanish, slipped under finger ring
Apr. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 4)
A. J. Die Streichholzschachtel im Dienste der Magie uses of match box in magic tricks, back palm with matchbox
1. appearing silk
2. vanishing silik
3. color change with matchbox cover as secret tube
4. matchboxes travel from one hat to another
5. vanishing matches
6. coin travels from box to box
7. double color changing silk in rolled up paper, silk to paper streamer
8. appearing spring flowers
July 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Verflüchtigung eines Streichholzes vanish of match, wax
1930 9
Lu Brent A Match Box Melange Dollar bill vanishes, travels to matchbox that was previously full of matches (matches have vanished, leaving only the bill)
1932 11
Lu Brent He Watches the Matches Three matchboxes, one full two empty. Matchbox monte routine, ending is all three boxes are empty (rattle box)
1932 13
Vanishing Matches vanishing from box
1938 830
William Larsen For Magi Only! vanish of matches
Jan. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Franklin M. Chapman Impromptu Match Routine
  • blowing match out through sleeve
  • burnt match head pops off, invisible hair
  • vanish of pieces
  • jumbo match appears
June 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 12)
T. Nelson Downs Matchless Digits three matches disappear and reappear in bare hands
Also published here 1941/49 30
Verne Chesbro, James G. Thompson Jr. Popper Upper match on business card covered by matchbook, penetrates it twice, match vanishes in the end
Related toVariations Sep. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 43)
Tom Bowyer Match Vanish after lighting a cigarette
Apr. 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 11)
U. F. Grant Rising and Vanishing Match match rises out of matchbox, vanishes in handkerchief
Oct. 1948 7
Nate Leipzig Vanish of the Matches matches vanish and appear in handkerchief
1963 150
Eddie Joseph Slow-Motion Squeeze Vanish under finger ring at back of hand
  • Single Match Vanish
  • Multiple Vanish
  • Twin Vanish
  • Resumé
1969 161
Eddie Joseph Match Flight and Recovery vanish and recovery with cup, hide-out under finger ring
  • Flight "One"
  • Flight "Two"
  • Flight "Three"
  • Flight "Four"
  • Flight "Five"
  • Flight "Six"
  • The Recovery
1969 167
Eddie Joseph Perpetual Matches another match vanish handling with hide-out under finger ring
1969 174
Witchwood match changes orientation in fist, vanish as climax
1971 14
Werner "Werry" Geissler Werry's Crazy Match Routine match changes orientation in fist several times, second match is shown and matches vanish
1971 16
II. Match Vanish thumb tip handling
1973 52
Arthur Emerson Match Weight four matchbooks, spectator removes a match from one, performer divines it, then matches vanish from a matchbooks
1973 161
Steve Spillman Smoker's Swindle matches vanish and appear in empty cigarette box
Also published here 1973 78
Fred Lowe Der Sohn des Morgens two matches vanish one by one
VariationsAlso published here
  • New Pentagram
Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Patrick Page The Vanishing Match
Also published here 1976 171
T. Nelson Downs Zündholzverschwinden three matches disappear and reappear in bare hands
Also published here 1978
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 1)
Patrick Page Match Miracle vanish of a match
1980 5
Steve Spillman Smoker's Swindle matches vanish and appear in empty cigarette box
Also published here 1980 61
Gene Anderson Son of Morning burning match vanishes in fist
1982 53
Roy Cottee The Hole(y) Tearer routine with paper napkin
  • hole torn in center, torn out piece is smaller than hole
  • both rolled up and bigger ball vanishes when lit
  • match vanishes and found in smaller ball
1984 115
Patrick Page The Lighted Match Vanish
Related toAlso published here 1984 14
Mike Bornstein Match and Rematch borrowed marked coin vanishes, bill changes to matchbox, matches vanish and coin and bill are found inside box
1990 24
Roger Klause Smokeless vanish of lit match, then lit cigarette, thumb tip handling details
VariationsAlso published here 1991 15
Roger Klause Smokeless vanish of lit match, then lit cigarette, thumb tip handling details
Also published here Dec. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Patrick Page Das Streichholz-Wunder
Also published here 1993 45
Steve Dusheck Universal Gimmick hook-up for invisible thread that can be attached to clothing, with weight to pull back thread, with applications:
  • rope floats to hand
  • third tassel gag for Chinese sticks
  • rising card with card floating to hand
  • as pull, match or coin vanish
Inspired byVariations
  • "Invisible Thread Retractor" (Steve Dusheck, marketed 1978)
Also published here
  • marketed in 1968
1994 74
Martin Lewis, Michael Close Lucifer's Card lit match vanishes, matchbook transforms into folded playing card
Inspired by Sep. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 9)
Christian Engblom Match Vanish after lighting it, one-handed
Feb. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 2)
Gene Anderson Vanishing Match vanish of burning match
  • A. Performance
  • B. Gene's script
Related to 2016 39
Alexander de Cova Der Sohn des Morgens thumb tip match vanish, detailed explanation, smoke appears aftewards
  • Das Wiedererscheinen des Rauches
Inspired by 2016 184