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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Martin Gardner Wink Change face card of one half changes as fan is waved over it
Related toVariationsAlso published here Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Edward Marlo Jump-Jump Aces extra Three of Diamonds as pseudo Ace
Related toVariations 1971 31
Edward Marlo Logical Faced Triumph Faced Deck, nice Subtleties
Related to 1976 192
Paul Harris The Dehydrated Deck small folded card case is unfolded and deck taken out
VariationsAlso published here 1976 18
Allan Ackerman Card Case Collectors faro, no contact
Related toVariations 1978 17
Allan Ackerman Open Travelers
Variations 1978 31
Allan Ackerman Blanks - Selections - Aces four blanks transform into duplicates of selection, then aces, ungaffed
Related to 1978 70
Allan Ackerman Variance Variant with transformation kicker
Related toVariations 1978 90
Charlie Miller, John F. Mendoza The Miller(?) Change card rises from back of deck, changes there
Related toVariations 1978 29
Don England Close-up Zigzag Card gaffed, middle is removed
May 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Don England Card Linking Bit with really linked cards
1979 158
Don England Silver Streak producing coins under cards, gimmick to hold coins
Variations Dec. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Walt Lees (reviewer) Don England's T.K.O.'s by Don England (written by John F. Mendoza) Oct. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Don England England's Penetration dime through card into spectator's hand, twice
Variations 1980 11
Don England Four-Warned four coins appear at once on top of deck
Dec. 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Bonus Effect card on tabled banded deck changes
Inspired by 1981 7
Don England After Words
1981 5
Don England Visual Retention Color Change white on white principle
1981 1
Don England Visual Retention Change #2
Inspired by 1981 2
Don England The Flip Up Move
1981 5
Don England Easy One Hand Triple Cut
1981 13
Don England Phase 51 deck vanish to pocket
Variations 1981 15
Don England Very Simple Triumph
Inspired by 1981 19
Don England Inserting a Card into a Break
1981 20
Don England Very Simple R/B Triumph red-black separation climax
1981 21
Don England Folds Flat For Packing reverse of "Dehydrated Deck"
Inspired by 1981 24
Don England Deck Lapping from Case
1981 25
Don England One Shuffle Rollover Aces
Inspired by 1981 27
Don England Down the Elevator and Up the Ladder all cards transform
Inspired by 1981 32
Don England, Martin Gardner The Blink Change streamlined version
Inspired by 1981 38
Don England Color Changing Deck Triumph with kicker
1981 41
Don England Another Collectors? Aces start underneath close-up pad
Inspired by 1981 45
Don England Seven Card Location
1981 49
Don England The Mysterious Case of the Open Travellers tabled packet is underneath card case, last card inside
Variations 1981 55
Don England The Upper Deck cased deck floats underneath silk Zombie like, then vanishes from case except for selection
1981 1
Don England Long Spread wire gimmick
1981 5
Don England Ever-Ready Hole Card hole removed from pocket placed on card becomes real
1981 7
Don England Snaparoon face card of tabled and rubber-banded deck changes, tosheroon
Variations 1981 12
Don England Flashtoration inspired by Flash Newspaper Restorations
1981 17
Don England 10% Flashtoration corner torn off and restored
1981 25
Don England Card Warped using bill, card is not torn at the end
1981 29
Don England Cigarette Through Card
1981 37
Don England Red Hot Hofzinser
1981 42
Don England The Zig Zag Card Trick
1981 46
Don England England's Four the Hard Way one of the cards signed, transformation kicker, signed card into wallet (three times)
Inspired by
  • Solomon's "Four, the Hard Way" (Racherbaumer's Lecture Note #1)
1981 1
Don England Reset Twist combo
1981 4
Don England Twisted Hofzinser combo
1981 9
Don England Apocalypse Now
Don England's T.K.O.'s (Issue Diamonds)
Don England Edge Grip Spellbound
Don England's T.K.O.'s (Issue Diamonds)
Don England The Cliff-hanger Change not really visual
1982 40
Michael J. Gerhardt Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Jan. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Don England The Tilt Bluff Pass control to second from top
Sep. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Don England Two Impromptu "Stretches"
Variations Dec. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Harry Lorayne Don England mini bio
1982 414
Don England Open Travelers Plus Aces to Kings transformation as kicker
Inspired byVariations 1982 415
Don England Twisted Hofzinser combo
Variations 1982 420
Don England English Channel two cards pushed through at once, they transform into selections
1982 31
Don England Solo Change gaffed, glued on index on picture card
Apr. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Jerry K. Hartman Apocalypse Variations or Additions
Inspired by Mar. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Roger Crosthwaite The Lost Card
Also published here
  • Don England's "The Direct Twist" in "The Sorcerer's Eye" Vol. 3, Nr. 33-36.
1985 26
Don England Geiger Counter Card forcing Joker-Gaff à la Sellers for two cards
Related to 1985/93 9
Don England Losers Weepers using Step Gaff for clean handling
Variations 1985/93 13
Don England Red-Hot Hofzinser two Phases, first card changes with Hofzinser transparent Gaff
1985/93 17
Don England Peek-a-Boo Color Changing Deck visual color change of the back
1985/93 21
Don England Technicolor Inversion Color Changing Deck Kicker
1985/93 25
Don England, Richard Kaufman Peek-a-Boo Inversion Color Changing Deck Kicker
1985/93 26
Don England Long and Lean Card is streched
1985/93 29
Don England In the Bag! Visual Change of Card in transparent Bag
1985/93 33
Don England, Jon Racherbaumer The Multiple Eidetic Change gaffed
1985/93 37
Don England Plastic Lady II card is streched both ways
Variations 1985/93 49
Don England About Face Zig-Zag I in full view
1985/93 53
Don England Telescopic Alice Card visibly shrinks and returns to original size
1985/93 60
Don England The Trick Deck All backs, one side blank, normal, with changing case kicker
1985/93 63
Don England Casperian Case
1985/93 67
Don England, Richard Kaufman Holy Point of Arrivel II visual
1985/93 73
Larry Jennings Collectors IV - The Skip Tracers faro
Related to 1986 117
Don England In-Hand Transposition top card with card reversed in center
Feb. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Don England Pumpkin Seed Vanish over deck of card as penetration
1990 55
Edward Marlo Bonus Effect banded tosheroon
Inspired byRelated to 1991 40
Don England Plastic Lady card stretches between two other cards lengthwise and sideways, then shrinks
Inspired byVariations 1991 1
Michael Weber (reviewer) Don England's Plastic Lady by Don England Oct. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Don England, Richard Kaufman England's Vanishing Aces aces vanish on top of deck one by one
1992 xxxviii
James Swain The Kings' Holiday three selections in one half of deck travel to other half and are found interlaced between Kings
Inspired by 1992 97
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Royal Travelers Aces to Royal Flush transformation as kicker
Inspired by Sep. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Peter Studebaker (reviewer) Don England's Gaffed to the Hilt by Don England (written by Jon Racherbaumer) Sep. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Aldo Colombini The Rubber Illusion card stretches between two other cards, then shrinks
Inspired by 1994 143
Aldo Colombini The Rubber Illusion card stretches between two other cards, then shrinks
Inspired by 1994 143
Jon Racherbaumer Banded Together rubber band around deck, vanishes and reappears in case, banded deck face up on table, face card changes
Inspired by 1995 15
Doug Conn Plastic Surgery monte type routine with Bizarre Twist, stretching and shrinking
Inspired byRelated to 1995 1
Michael Close (reviewer) Ultra Collectors by Don England Aug. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Don England England's Penetration (Revised) dime through spectator's hand, twice
Inspired by 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Lee Freed A Bondian Collusion combination of three cited routine
Inspired by 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Don England Micro-Macro Finale miniature Joker placed separately on table, it also grows along with rest of deck
Oct. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Sam Schwartz Fan-Tastic Joker pushed in fan, card next to it noted, then repeated in different position, cards vanish and travel into other half, Sellers force for two cards
Inspired byRelated to 1998 262
Don England D.E. Triumphs! using uncredited Goodwin/Jennings Display
July 1999
Onyx (Issue 8)
Don England The Full Molly monte routine with several phases and back changes
1999 140
Don England Rhumba Count Olram Combination
1999 141
Don England The Town Fool coins transpose and grow, Jumbo Coin Climax, with variation by Kevin Kelly
2001 2
Don England The Philosophers' Stone using Mirror, Twilight Variation
2001 6
Don England thgiliwT using Mirror, Twilight Variation
  • The Silver Phase
  • The Copper Phase
2001 11
Don England The Three Card Repeat
2001 18
Don England The Cannibals Eight too Much! "or The UnfortunEights!"
2001 21
Don England Phase 51 - Revisited and in Color card to pocket with 51 to pocket climax and C.C.
Inspired by 2001 26
Don England P-51, This Time the Cards are on the Table! with 51 through table Climax
Inspired by 2001 31
Don England The 4's Card Trick using the Fours
Inspired by 2001 34
Don England Repeat Inversion
2001 37
Don England What if Six turned out to be Nines? two Nines transpose with one Six
2001 39
Don England What if... Or vice versa! different colored backs
2001 42
Don England A Get-ready for Piet Forton's Pop-Out Move
2001 43
Don England Open Travellers plus One Aces to Queens transformation as kicker
Inspired by 2001 46
Arthur Finley, Don England Tent Vanish
2001 47
Don England We're Three Fourth There with Ace to Four and Double indexed extra card
2001 51
Don England A Micro-Macro for Jokers nice Joker Bit
2001 57
Don England Micro Warp Card Warp with the Card shrinking
2001 60
Don England Contrast! two Cards change, change size, back color..
2001 63
Don England The Eye Exam Card shrinks under magnifying lense
2001 66
Don England The Optical Shrink Card shrinks and grows under magnifying lense
2001 68
Don England The Shrink Joker shrinks and grows, than the deck shrinks
2001 70
Don England A Shrink to Pocket Card to Pocket with shrinking Deck Climax
2001 75
Don England The Little Big Card Card first visibly shrinks, then becomes Jumbo Card
2001 78
Don England Christine II Ace to Four change Suit
2001 82
Don England Warped and Single with bill and change of the card at the end
2001 86
Don England The Geiger Gaff
2001 90
Don England Double Crossed!
2001 94
Don England Early P.O.D. Holy P.O.D. Versions
2001 100
Don England Holy Tear! ala Chocolate Coin
2001 104
Don England Kreskin, Eat your Heart out! sucker prediction with transparent Card
2001 106
Don England The Evolution Transposition double facer
2001 108
Don England The Sympathy of Hearts under cover of a Jumbo Card
2001 112
Don England The English Chunnel two Cards change
2001 116
Don England d/Warp unfolded Card is pushed through the pack
2001 119
Don England The Card Collection using four Aces with different backs, gaffed
2001 122
Don England The Universal Card of Escorial three cards
2001 125
Don England The Bag Lady through clear plastic bag
2001 129
Don England P.H.aradox with 51 to pocket Climax
2001 134
Don England Slick Oil and Clarified Water 4&4
2001 140
Don England The Face-up Cards Through the Newspaper
2001 145
Kevin Kelly Don England - Published and Marketed Effects (1978-2001)
2001 150
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Don England's Paradox by Don England (written by Kevin Kelly) Jan. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 1)
Matthew Field (reviewer) A Lecture by Don England by Don England Mar. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 3)
Michael Close (reviewer) Don England's Paradox by Don England (written by Kevin Kelly) Mar. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 7)
Michael Powers Open Travelers Transpo Redux Kings put aside, Open Travelers with Aces, one Ace travels from Kings packet to other Aces, quartets transpose
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 17
Michael Powers Expert Cards to Pocket two signed cards, multiple phases, deck vanish phase, card to wallet climax with transposition
Inspired by 2006 33
Don England The Dousing Card selection lost, Joker torn in two parts to make an impromptu dousing card, it then transposes with the selection
2006 1
Don England CDDD "Center Deal Deficit Disorder"
four Aces cut in center are deal, face up Aces
2007 12
Don England White Art Change
2008 18
Tomas Blomberg Hoftwister card is selected and lost (say, Seven of Clubs), Jacks turn face down one by one except the Jack of Clubs (same suit), then it turns into the selection and the other Jacks into the rest of the Sevens
Inspired by 2014 165
Alexander de Cova Bermudadreieck coin through card or business card into spectator's hand
Inspired byAlso published here Feb. 2014 477
Alexander de Cova Das Bermudadreieck coin through card or business card into spectator's hand
Inspired byAlso published here 2015 62
Larry Jennings No-Gaff Handling of Don England’s Collectors Aces placed on top and three selections instantly appears between them
Inspired by 2020 425
David Boothe Another Man's Treasure, Revisited
Inspired by
  • "Another Man's Treasure" (Don England, Kevin Kelly's Intermezzo)
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2007
2022 683