198 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Stop Force
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Simple Modes of Discovering a given Card - First Method top cards openly pushed back one by one until spectator stops, bottom card force card
1876 42
Injog Stop Force top cards openly pushed back one by one until spectator stops
1889 15
Das Vorherbestimmen der Gedanken spectator stops during deal, number of dealt cards matched prediction, long card under predicted number, excess cards palmed and transferred
Nov. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Forcieren durch den Blick forcing with the gaze, timing stop force
Variations 1910 5
Charles T. Jordan A Novel Force deck held high with faces towards audience in left hand, cards dealt until stopped, force card horizontally held by little finger
Also published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
As a Force application of Spring Palm
1936 132
Stop me at Any Time stripper deck
1937 274
The "Spring" Force forcing second card
Related to 1938 36
Tommy Rozum Pick-up Force cards picked up from tabled deck one by one until spectator stops
  • Forcing One Card
  • Forcing One Card Several Times
  • Forcing Several Cards
Mar. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 54)
The Multiple Force using multiple glide
1940 190
Henry Christ Stop When Ready cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in out-jogged condition
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 74)
Eddie Joseph End Grip Stop Force block taken when spectator says stop
1942 35
Jonny Geist Nummer XYZ three numbers named and cards counted to table, bottom cards are selections
Sep. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 9)
An Amazing Location spectator says stop while performer is springing the cards, forcing second card from face
1946 89
James Kater Thompson Thompson's Stop finesse of watching the mouth of spectator to aid in timing
Related to 1946 171
George G. Kaplan Forcing Three Numbers using cards
1948 230
Glide Force
1952 138
John Derris Hockley's Prediction prediction written on face of card which is left out-jogged, spectator stops during deal and selection matches prediction
Variations 1957 34
Henry Christ Stop When Ready Force cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in out-jogged condition
Also published here 1958 1
Edward Marlo Technical Variation of the Henry Christ Force cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in out-jogged condition, three handling variations
  • Number 1
  • Number 2
  • Number 3
Inspired byVariations July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Ronald B. Edwards Stranger in our Midst odd-backed card is stabbed next to thought-of card behind back by performer, Stop When Ready type disclosure
Related to Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Edward Marlo Who's Hockley Biddle type stop force
  • Method One
  • Method Two
Inspired byRelated toVariations Summer 1970 205
Tom Batchelor The Transfer Force spectator says stop during deal, card is them palm-transferred onto tabled dealt pile
1971 17
Packet Stop Force
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Henry Christ Stop When Ready
Also published here 1972 43
Stop Me at Any Time cards are drawn back on deck, force
1972 49
Last Stop seven card stop force
1972 50
Karl Fulves Stop When Ready as cards are dealt
Related to 1973 53
Karl Fulves Eveready Force as cards are dealt
1973 54
Jerry K. Hartman Drop Stop spectator stops on their own card
Also published here 1973 37
Charles T. Jordan A Novel Force deck held high with faces towards audience in left hand, cards dealt until stopped, force card horizontally held by little finger
Also published here 1975 75
Packet Stop Force timing
1976 19
Rick Johnsson Rape!! forcing a card with the Felonious Assault
1976 89
Glide Force stop force
1977 35
Packet Stop Force during running card from hand to table
1978 17
A. Stop Force with Stripper Deck
1978 35
Steve Beam Backdoor Force #1 using a table
1978 36
Don Morris Backdoor Force #2 dealing cards, stop
1978 37
Edward Marlo Who's Hockley Stop Force Biddle Count stop force
Related toAlso published here 1978 12
Karl Fulves, Herb Runge Gemini Twins Placement
Related toAlso published here 1979 2
Pair Stop Force top and bottom cards dragged off deck and replaced to bottom until stopped
Related to 1979 3
Tieneblas Pair-Cognition cards are dealt twice, on pile selected and top card predicted
Magick (Issue 273)
Bruce Bernstein It Takes Two card is chosen and shuffled back into the deck, cards are eliminated, last card is selection, PATEO
Related toAlso published here 1981 47
Edward Marlo Open Hockley as force
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1982 95
Peter Marshall Apocalypse Variations Or Additions peeling stop trick
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Stephen Minch Force Feed biddle count, spectator says stop
Related toVariations 1982 528
Jerry Sadowitz Slip-Jog
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Jerry Sadowitz Slip Jog Open Hockley
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1984 9
Herb Runge, Karl Fulves Gemini Twins Placement
Also published here 1984 2
Jack Lamonte Der Lamonte Cut Change deck cut with one hand, bottom half dropped, bottom card of bottom half dragged secretly towards top half
Nov. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Dan Garrett Force-Ooth rub a dub-dub vanish as switch or force
1985 268
Stephen Minch Force Feed
1985 468
Greg Eanes Forced Vanish force and card vanish with the Silicard
1985 178
Lift Shuffle Force
1985 1
Larry Jennings Discrepancy Deal Force
Related toVariations 1986 158
Gary Ouellet Further Applications 1. The ProControl Multiple Card Control
2. ProControl Variations (Glen Brown)
3. The ProControl Force
4. The New Break Method
5. The Flourish Drop Cut
1986 46
Ben Harris Double Deal Stop Force
1986 7
Stephen Minch Feed Force as cards are biddled in other hand
1987 34
Glide Force stop force
1987 3
Jerry Sadowitz Stop Sleight cards dealt singly from tabled deck into left hand, spectator stops at selection
1987 24
Timing Cut Force spectator says stop during consecutive cuts
1987 97
Karrell Fox "Two-Easy" Card Force automatic second deal with corner cut off
1988 47
Bernard Bilis Ambitious Prediction
May 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 5)
Randy Wakeman Face-up Force kind of face-up Open Hockley force
Related to 1989 9
Gerd Winkler Noch ein Stop-Trick cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in in-jogged condition
1989 21
Edward Marlo Open Hockley
1990 60
Jerry K. Hartman Drop Stop
1991 111
Karl Fulves Biddle Stop Force spectator says stop, "Force Feed"
1991 36
Karl Fulves Feedback / Force Feed card in center sandwiched, as sandwich is pulled out it is switched for top card, see next page for face-up version
Related to 1991 42
Packet Cut Force
Apr. 1991
Profile (Issue 1)
Jack McMillen The Spring Force cards sprung on table until spectator says stop, palm, for credit see page 8
1991 98
Gary Ouellet Special Forces similar to a riffle force
1992 812
Bob King As A Force packet cutting force while spectator says stop, face-up and face-down
1992 10
Vanni Bossi An Unbelievable Force cards drawn from top and bottom until stopped, then bottom card is force card, discrepant
Also published here 1992 14
Justin Higham Combination Force Control cards dragged from half in right hand end grip into left hand one by one until stopped, card forced and then controlled
Inspired byVariations Apr. 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 2)
Charles T. Jordan A Novel Force No. 175, deck held high with faces towards audience in left hand, cards dealt until stopped, force card horizontally held by little finger
Also published here 1992 213
グライドによるフォース (Glide as a Force)
1993 64
Steve Beam The Falling Prediction II cards are dealt on table face up with one hand, force
1993 44
Steve Beam The Opened Prediction bold and easy open prediction, name written on joker, no-touch force
Related to 1993 47
Wayne Kyzer Bottomout card is stopped at, hands separated and selection dropped on table
1993 154
Jeff Busby Discrepancy Deal Force
Related to Sep. 1993 16
Gene Maze Odd Man Out spectator stops at only black card in 15-cards-packet or red cards
1994 66
Roger Crosthwaite Variation: The Spring Force springing, spectator says stop, only one card remains in right hand, face-up or face-down
1994 53
James Kater Thompson Thompson's Stop finesse of watching the mouth of spectator to aid in timing
Related to 1994 167
Jack Avis Flip Up Put Back Count cards counted off the top of the deck, left thumb flips the cards up one by one
  • The Genuine Count
  • The False Count
  • The Force
1994 188
Edward Marlo Who's Hockley Stop Force Biddle Count stop force
Also published here 1994 25
Peter Duffie Spread Stop Force spreading through deck in the hands and stopping at break
1994 [5]
Lou Gallo The Newark Move similar to the business card prophecy force, stopped card is turned over while deck is secretly cut
1995 1094
Aldo Colombini Biddle Stop Force spectator calls top during biddling cards into other hand one by one, original bottom card shown, flushtration force, discrepant
Also published here 1995 86
Jerry K. Hartman Drop Stop
Also published here 1995 125
Henry Christ, Aldo Colombini Stop Force Variation top card turned over in-jogged, next card pulled out and put on first in-jogged card, repeated until spectator stops
1995 128
Jerry K. Hartman Small-packet force spectator says stop as performer peels singly through packet
1995 81
Eddie Fechter Cutting Stop Force timing force
1996 4
Dealing Cross Cut Force
1996 26
Francis Haxton Card Force
1996 84
Paul Hallas Hallas Force cards taken into hand one by one until stopped, then block turnover
1996 17
Ken Krenzel Spectator's Stop When Ready Force cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in out-jogged condition, done in the hands of the spectator
Inspired by 1997 13
Ken Krenzel, Harry J. Smith Shoe-in force from card case from where cards are removed one by one, ungaffed method
Inspired by 1997 29
Edward Marlo Here's Hockly Force stopping while biddling
1997 56
Christian Scherer Paradoxes focieren sighting the card while explaining the concept, stop force
1997 53
Simon Lovell Vernonesque Three Way packet stop force with outs
1997 41
Karel Ditta Finessed Christ Force selection lost, it appears at named number from five to twenty, cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in out-jogged condition (not usual "Christ Force")
Inspired by Nov. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Overhand Slip Shuffle
1999 3
Eddie Fechter Cutting Stop Force timing, see p. 165 for Fechter's out
1999 158
Ellis Stanyon Drawing the Card from the Bottom No. 4, cards jogged back one by one until spectator says stop, the top jogged portion removed and bottom card shown
VariationsAlso published here 1999 2
Ellis Stanyon Simple Method of Forcing the Bottom Card No. 2
Also published here 1999 269
Stop Trick spectator stops dealing, envelope with prediction is put onto dealt pile with secret card underneath
Also published here 1999 [6]
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser, The Packet Force
2000 799
Michael Sibbernsen Thumb-Off Addition Force card dragged from end grip into left hand until spectator calls stop
2000 105
Glide Force small packet
2000 33
Ton Onosaka Ton's Dropped Force cards dropped on table one by one, End Grip second deal
May 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 5)
Harry Lorayne Stop Me, Please performer does continuous cuts, spectator stops him, selection is there, also as four-Ace revelation
2001 97
Jon Racherbaumer Stop Force bold
Related to Aug. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 8)
Charlie Miller Table Spread Force card thumbed onto table in spread layout with left hand until spectator says stop
Also published here Dec. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 4)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Gaze Force
2002 15
Lewis Jones Con text spectator deals and stops for page number, repeated for word number, word divined
2002 219
Deal Force for two cards
2002 46
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Biddle Force BF
cards counted one by one from end grip into right hand and each card turned over until stopped, next card face-down and then face-up again, forced or switched
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2003 1
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Multiple Card BF
Inspired by 2003 2
Steve Beam Bottom Feeder
Inspired by 2004 240
Ron Frost The Force That Counts Force a card from a packet of six cards, timing based
Variations 2004 20
Ron Frost The Force That Counts: Extended Method Outs if the force does not work
Inspired by 2004 21
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Biddle Force
Also published here 2004 2
Aldo Colombini Colombini Force spectator calls top during biddling cards into other hand one by one, original bottom card shown, flushtration force, discrepant
VariationsAlso published here 2004 25
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Face-up Drop Switch card added as card turns face-up
2004 32
Charlie Miller Table Spread Force cards are thumbed from dealing position onto table until the spectator says stop
2004 23
Remo Inzani An Unusual Card Force top and bottom card milked off one by one and put to bottom until told to stop
2004 14
Charlie Miller Charlie Miller's Table-Spread Force card thumbed onto table in spread layout with left hand until spectator says stop
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • MUM, Jan. 1997
2006 15
Scott Robinson Choice Cut to force two cards
2006 35
Scott Robinson Choice Cut Force with two cards
Inspired byVariations 2006 187
Jerry K. Hartman Outjog Force card peeled off one by one (biddle style)
2007 235
Dani DaOrtiz J.H. Hofzinser - Forzaje de la mirada on Hofzinser's forcing with the gaze, timing stop force
Inspired by 2007
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Jerry K. Hartman Cross Count Force cards dealt to table one at a time until stopped, top card of hand’s pile is force card (some more procedure involved)
Related to
  • originally published on jonracherbaumer.com, April 2001
2007 3
Henry Christ Stop When Ready cards turned over one by one and placed onto deck in in-jogged condition, uncredited
Related to 2007 33
Remo Inzani An Unusual Card Force top and bottom card milked off one by one and put to bottom
Related toAlso published here
  • "An Unusual Card Force" (New Pentagram, Aug. 1978)
2008 216
Benjamin Earl Logical Strip-Cut Force Spectator say stop anytime during a strip-cut sequence, top card dealt out as selection
Related to 2008 15
Justin Higham Illogical Strip-Cut Force Spectator says stop during stip-cut sequence, magician deals face card onto table as selection (modified Hindu Shuffle Force)
Related to 2008 16
Justin Higham, Roger Crosthwaite Third-Eye Force Spectator says stop while magician deals cards on table, bottom card of tabled packet is slid out
2008 22
Ken Krenzel The Vertical Slip Force spectator says stop during spreading, also as key placement
2009 17
"Senator" Clarke Crandall, Ken Krenzel Crandall's Card Force Handling
2009 142
Jon Racherbaumer Christ Almighty cards slid back one by one until spectator stops
Also published here Oct. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 10 (The Jinx - 75 Years))
Aldo Colombini Stop Force cards in small packet are transferred from top to bottom, brief
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Remo Inzani An Unusual Card Force top and bottom card milked off one by one and put to bottom
2009 440
David Davies Illogical Swing-Cut Force
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 13
Jon Racherbaumer Christ Almighty cards slid back one by one until spectator stops
Also published here 2009 16
Jerry K. Hartman U-Cut Force
Also published here 2010 9
Remo Inzani An Unusual Card Force top and bottom card milked off one by one and put to bottom until told to stop
Prolix (Issue 8)
Stop Trick spectator stops dealing, envelope with prediction is put onto dealt pile with secret card underneath
Also published here 2010 71
Slip Force
2011 53
Steve Beam Internal Control cards biddled into left hand one by one until spectator says stop, then top and bottom slipped off at once, force and control/switch, effect application in which a selection is divined via other cards, all other cards blank or duplicates
Related to 2011 21
Illogical Swing-Cut Force
Also published here 2012 25
Bruce Bernstein It Takes Two card is chosen and shuffled back into the deck, cards are eliminated, last card is selection, PATEO
Also published here 2012 134
Joseph Barry Spread-Cross Force cards thumbed off into spread onto table, spectator calls stop
2013 34
Justin Higham Stepped-Undercut Force small packets cut to top until called to stop
Inspired by 2013 36
Matt Mello Bonus Effect: Now I Know My ABC’S spectator runs through alphabet out loud in minute, final letter predicted, other thoughts on time miscall principle
Related to 2013 14
Charlie Miller Tabled Spread Force
Aug. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 8)
Alexander de Cova Eine Kartenforce für den Salon spectator says stop while performer is removed cards from bottom one by one, glide with corner of force card missing
  • Die Basis-Methode
  • Variante mit abgerissener Ecke (corner of card torn off, rest of card travels into anything)
Aug. 2014 748
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Dealing Stop Force spectator stops and a hotel key card is placed at that position
Jan. 2014
Real Secrets (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Steve Beam, Benjamin Earl Deal Force open prediction bluff procedure, no-touch force
Related to 2015 3
Timing Cut Force cutting packets
2015 16
Alexander de Cova Eckenforce glide stop force, bottom card is missing one corner, card to lemon or anything application, simulated corner tear
2015 105
Vanni Bossi Milking the Force cards drawn from top and bottom until stopped, then bottom card is force card, discrepant
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2016 15
Roberto Giobbi MaToFo: A Mathematical Topological Force no-touch dealing force
Hidden Agenda (Issue Aug 5)
Roberto Giobbi Forcing second deal
2016 93
Stop Force
2016 1
Stephen Minch Force Feed biddle count, spectator says stop
2017 91
Asi Wind Lazy Seconds Force dealing bunches instead of single cards
2018 125
Christoph Borer Die Stop-Force stop force with zodiac cards, for Toro (here as Tauro)
Related to 2018 27
Steve Beam, Scott Robinson Choice Cut Variation
  • V-Force
Inspired by 2018 45
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Bluff Jog Force cards peeled through singly, stopped-at card is forced, also see p. 96
Also published here 2018 93
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Bluff Jog Force also see p. 93 and reference there
2018 96
Glide Stop Force end grip
2019 15
Allan Ackerman Deal Force
Inspired by 2019 10
Timing Force cards dealt in batches
2019 46
Andi Gladwin Forcing a Card forcing a card in context of Fireworks Control handling
2019 21
John Carey Ribbon Spread Force
Inspired by 2019 46
Tom Gagnon Retention Hockley Force trying to improve illusion of taking top card
Inspired by 2019 213
Henry Christ Stop When Ready Force
Related to 2019 52
Ramón Riobóo The Underground Stop Using Vernon Transfer to force card
Related to 2019 203
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Timing Stop Force in a fan
2019 292
Ryan Plunkett 2. A Natural Spread Break deck spread onto table from left-hand dealing position until stopped, force or to replace card, breather crimp
Related to 2020 126
Benjamin Earl Red Herring Force Variation spectator deals and forces himself a card, no-touch force
Inspired byRelated to 2020 16
Steve Beam Raw Deal cards cut to table, stopped at selection / prediction
2020 211
Peter Gröning In-the-Hands Spread Stop Force to break
2020 12
Florian Brooks Dealing force exercise for previous techniques
2022 28
Florian Brooks Dropping force exercise for previous techniques
2022 28
Shimpei Katsuragawa Piles Number Force piles dropped onto table until told to stop, one chosen and counted as force number of cards
2022 44
Tyler Erickson Face-Out Classic Force cards spread with faces towards spectator until he says stop
2022 49
Charlie Miller Table Spread Force card thumbed onto table in spread layout with left hand until spectator says stop
Also published here 2022 34
Luis Otero Under Swing Force back of card hidden
  • To Force One Card
  • A Centralized Handling
  • Automatic Double Lift
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Dec. 2006
2022 566
Jean-Pierre Vallarino The Vallarino Force spectator says stop as performer thumb-peels through deck, stopped-at card is switched for force card while in out-jogged position, can do with multiple cards out-jogged in a group, also a handling to hide odd-colored backs of the out-jogged cards
2022 25
Juan Tamariz Two-Pile Stop Force two-pile-stop trick with 1-0-1 set-up with Nines and Tens as force
Related to 2022 18
Jon Racherbaumer, William Goldman Locus-Abruptus
  • Exhumations
spectator stops face-up dealing anytime, takes packet, loses top and bottom cards and takes top one, it appears at named number eventually, self-force, reconstructed from Bill Goldman performance
July 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 7)
Shawn Farquhar The Flop Force blocks of cards are spread off and tabled face up until stopped, block second deals
June 2024
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Wilson Issue)
Allan Ackerman Discrepancy Deal Force Handling
Inspired by 2024 66
Edward Marlo Here's Hockly Force stopping while biddling
2024 160
Roberto Giobbi On the Bossi Milk Build Force cards drawn from top and bottom until stopped, then bottom card is force card, discrepant
Inspired by 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Nov. 10)
Charlie Miller Table Spread Force card thumbed onto table in spread layout with left hand until spectator says stop
2024 135