24 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Traveling / Glass
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Das fliegende Tuch No. 18, silk travels from one glass bottle to another, vanishes visibly, other one is covered
1899 58
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Wie Einer aus der Tinte kommt No. 37, silk put in tube, taken out of glass with ink in dry condition, ink becomes clear water
1899 105
Francis King Das wandernde Tuch und Glas glass with silk vanishes from paper tube, reappears in borrowed hat
Related toAlso published here Jan. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Francis King Das wandernde Tuch und Glas II. Ausführung
Related to Mar. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Professor Hoffmann Handkerchiefs to Glass two handkerchiefs travel into glass that spectator holds, ends clean
1903 47
The Wedding Ring and Flag finger ring wrapped in flash paper vanishes, flag changes into flowers, flag with ring inside appears in covered glass
1903 204
Francis King The Hat and Handkerchief glass with silks vanishes from paper tube, reappears in borrowed hat
Also published here 1903 315
T. Nelson Downs The Flying Handkerchiefs origin not clear, silk in glass bottle visible vanishes and reappears in another bottle
Also published here
  • "Magic and its Professors" (Henry Ridgely Evans)
1903 341
Lu Brent The Silken Adventure Silk vanishes from paper bag, travels into glass filled with confetti
1932 19
Lu Brent Here, Bango! - There? Glass with silk in it vanishes in paper bag, appears in another paper bag
1932 20
Theodore Annemann The Handkerchief that Flew two tube-covered glasses, silk travels from one to the other, mirror glass
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Hans-Paul Wipf Magischer Wettbewerb! posed as problem, three silks vanish in glass and appears in paper tube
Related to 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Harry Bertall Tour de foulards silks travel from one glass to another, Chevalier Ernst Torn
June 1941 3
Ralph W. Read, Harlan Tarbell The Ghostly Silk comedy silk from paper cone to glass
1942 82
Leonard Austin Handy Combination silk travels from hand to glass under tube
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Karl Fulves The Black Room silk/tissue of chosen color travels from glass tumbler behind spectator's back to wrapped tumbler
Related to
  • p. 20 for idea by Sid Lorraine
Nov. 1965 4
Marconick Red, White and Blue three glasses with three different colored silks, glasses are stacked and all silks placed in top glass, when covered with a tube silks are found back in other glasses, when repeated silks are knotted together
1967 68
K. Yost Silk Monte silks and glasses travel behind two screens, as guessing game, as finale silk changes to orange
July 1969 267
Jules Giraud Der Gefangene des Tuches borrowed finger ring in ring case under handkerchief, case vanishes, then silk, silk appears knotted onto glass under tube, ring box with ring in glass
Also published here
  • Pentagram
Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Donald Holmes The Tea Chests of Wang Foo handkerchiefs vanish and appear inside candle, then placed inside one of three chests, covered with a tube and handkerchiefs travel from chest to chest
1978/76 235
Fred Kaps Fred Kaps' Silk Transposition three silks are produced, two in one glass and one in another glass, the two vanish and are found rolled up inside the other silk in the glass
1988 41
William Larsen, T. Page Wright The L.W. Bewitched Handkerchief and Glass handkerchief disappears and reappears in covered glass
1993 56
Jim Steinmeyer Phun With Physics
  • Conjuring
silk put in metal box vanishes and travels to pocket, repeated with two silks that travel to join a third one that has been in a glass, using Demon Hank Box
July 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Jim Steinmeyer Long Ago, Far Away borrowed credit card and silk travel from one glass with a cylindrical cover tube to another
2022 16