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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Franklin M. Chapman Fountain of Silks silk production routine, with unfolding silk fountain, one-man and two-assistant version
VariationsAlso published here 1945 293
Howard Wurst Thought Control No. 28, Ten cards chosen and written on slips of paper, along with number. One paper is chosen, dealing down to number reveals that card
1950 51
Larry Arcuri, Bill Pawson, Howard Wurst, Ken Krenzel, Frank Kelly Breath Control No. 84, magician locates card by apparently recognizing breath imprint
1950 153
Bill Pawson, Howard Wurst The Card in the Wallet No. 149, Two cards are selected. One appears reversed in the deck, while the second appears in the performer's wallet.
1950 291
Bill Pawson, Howard Wurst, John Scarne The Card Clock No. 150, after a card is selected and lost, 12 cards are dealt in a circle and eliminated via an unorthodox mathematical procedure until only the selection is left.
1950 292
Karl Fulves Lottery spectator chooses right card to fill a 21 hand
Related toVariations 1977 258
Howard Wurst Howard Wurst's Method selection travels inside box from underneath box while two Aces are halfway in box, ungaffed
Variations 1979 8
Howard Wurst Fake Partial Insertion apparently inserting two cards into case, but one goes underneath
VariationsAlso published here 1979 8
Howard Wurst Out of Control out for psychological stop trick, see p. 1301 for reference
Also published here
  • Sphinx, Feb. 1948
The Chronicles (Issue 20)
Karl Fulves Midnite Torn Card corner of whole deck missing, corner selected and held to missing-corner of deck, reattaches to correct card, posed as problem
Variations 1981
Interlocutor (Issue 46)
Howard Wurst Pen Ultimate No. 97, pencil put in one sleeves comes out from other sleeve, then it is stretched
1981 120
René Lavand Spanish Card Rise shown by Howard Wurst, card ribbon spread on the table, when levered over selection protrudes from the center, with one hand, shown by "south american magician" (Lavand not mentioned)
1982 30
Howard Wurst The Decoder Card Trick No. 34, numbers translated into letters to arrive at name of selection
1983 56
Howard Wurst Paper Money paper napkin torn up, pieces change into handful of dollar bills, getting rid of pieces via sleeving by Karl Fulves
1985 57
Howard Wurst Simplex Switch optional lapping at the end, sound covered by throwing switched coins on table
1985 91
Howard Wurst Rainbow Silks No. 52, several silks appear from one silk
Inspired by 1988 152
Karl Fulves, Howard Wurst This Just In red Aces in case change place with Jack outside case
Inspired byRelated to 1989 22
Howard Wurst Fake Partial Insertion apparently inserting two cards into case, but one goes underneath
1989 22
Karl Fulves Jacknife Jack in box, Aces outside, they transpose
Related to 1989 26
Karl Fulves Redblackjack out of five cards spectator picks the right one to complete his blackjack, "The Red Prediction"
Related toVariations 1989 32
Howard Wurst Midnite Card Trick corner of whole deck missing, corner selected and held to missing-corner of deck, reattaches to correct card
Inspired by 1989 30
Howard Wurst Quik Unlink simplified handling of crazy man's handcuffs, also through other objects
Cheat Sheet (Issue 2)
Howard Wurst, Karl Fulves One Good Hand one of six cards chosen with die, it makes perfect blackjack with previously dealt Ace, other five cards are a full house
Related to 1991
Swindle Sheet (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Spell Die one of six cards chosen with die, it makes perfect blackjack with previously dealt Ace, other five cards are a full house
Related to 1991
Swindle Sheet (Issue 6)
Howard Wurst Magnetic Marker Ace of Spades is marked with X on back and shuffled into deck, long in-the-hand spread then is supported by itself, case clings to spread when touched with spread, then Ace and other four Royal Flush cards are found in case
Cheat Sheet (Issue 9)
Howard Wurst Case Load from Spread card perpendicular under spread
Related to 1991
Cheat Sheet (Issue 9)
Howard Wurst Howard Wurst on Scarne's Shuffle Systems
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 7)
Jim Krenz TPC In Card Case
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1994 24
Howard Wurst, Charles Eberhardt Flyaway four coins vanish and reappear, using coin clip that can be clipped between fingers, optional complete vanish with handkerchief
Inspired by
  • Slydini Coin Clip (The Magic of Slydini, Ganson, Chapter 9)
Related to
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
John Scarne Fast Shuffle #2 "Scarne Shuffle Systems"
three Aces for five-handed game for dealer, crimp
Variations 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves, Howard Wurst System Notes
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Howard Wurst Stopwatch coin vanishes and reappears with clean displays, then splits into two
Rigmarole (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Interim Report on scripting and improvising, John Scarne producing a woman's library card, Howard Wurst, Slydini pickpocket anecdote
Related to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves Informant further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 1995 32
Howard Wurst Fake Partial Insertion apparently inserting two cards into case, but one goes underneath
Also published here 1995 49
Howard Wurst A Small Card, Right? miniature card jumps out of deck when riffled
1996 22
Allan Ackerman, Howard Wurst Card Case Unload two cards are apparently placed in case, but one stays outside, then dropped on tabled pile
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 58
Walter Rollins, Howard Wurst Han Ping Cheat classic Han Ping Ching routine with six coins and a ring, but done with coins in paper cups instead of hands
Related to 1999
Discoverie (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items, Card Spelling credit information
Related to 2000 66
Karl Fulves, Howard Wurst, Bill Pawson Breath Test No. 43, card found by another card
Related to 2001 63
Encore Breath Test No. 44, method for repeat
Related to 2001 64
Karl Fulves, Howard Wurst, Bill Pawson Rapid Transit No. 64, duplicate, card is supposed to travel into pocket but does not, wallet instead
2001 148
Karl Fulves Draw-Black six card on table, one removed by spectator, rest is a Full House and removed card fits to matching blackjack card, simultaneous games presentation
Related to 2001 99
Allan Ackerman, Howard Wurst Card Case Unload two cards are apparently placed in case, but one stays outside, then dropped on tabled pile
Also published here 2024 162