237 entries in Cards / Sleights / False Count / Elmsley Count
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Alex Elmsley, Dai Vernon Fingertip Elmsley Count
1960 6
Edward Marlo K.B.V. Count Kardyro-Biddle-Veeser, Elmsley count in end grip, see also next pages for variations
May 1962
Ibidem (Issue 25)
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1963 4
Bob Veeser The Veeser Count Elmsley Count from end grip
1963 6
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1967 227
Roy Walton Elmsley Count Variation does the same as Jordan Count now
Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Alex Elmsley Elmsley-Count
1968 16
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1968 3
Edward Marlo Flexible Count
1969 41
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count with jumbo cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 4)
Norman Houghton Modified Elmsley Count hiding the fourth count, also as Four as Five count
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, Nov. 1963
Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Edward Marlo Marlo Fakes Out Elmsley vertical handling
Summer 1970 181
Alex Elmsley Cuenta de "4 como 4"
1970 74
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1971 227
Henry Christ Riffs of Henry Christ comments on
  • The Count of Elmsley
  • An Unsolved Mystery
  • The Lota Bowl Deck Switch
  • The Challenge
Fall-Spring 1971
The Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1971 76
Alex Elmsley Elmsley or Ghost Count
1971 6
Alex Elmsley The Ghost Count
1972 8
Karl Fulves Double Up using four Aces, this is actually page 36A
Related toVariations 1973 36
Sam Schwartz Modified 4-As-4 Count Elmsley Count with displacement at the end
Nov. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 19)
Alex Elmsley, Larry West The Elmsley Count with dollar bills, including variation "The Modified Count"
1973 144
Joe DeStefano The Modified Ghost Count break picked up at end
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1975 181
Karl Fulves Broken Elmsley Count "half count"
Related to 1975 7
Alex Elmsley Der Ghost Count (Elmsley Count)
Feb. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count (Mechanic's Grip)
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
Innovations (Issue 3)
Derek Dingle, Alex Elmsley Derek's Elmsley Count Technique
Also published here 1976
Innovations (Issue 3)
Edward Marlo F.O.E. (Faked Out Elmsley) kind of bluff thing
1977 123
Alex Elmsley, Frank Thompson Elmsley Count Handling
1977 130
Bob Veeser Veeser Count as Elmsley Count alternative from end grip
1977 23
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count fingertip or into dealing position
1977 41
The Elmsley Count - Added Comment Elmsley Count as overcount or undercount
1977 45
John Murray Open Count showy count doing same as Elmsley Count from end grip
1977 51
Larry West Pairs Count different handling of Smile Count, broken Elmsley
Related to 1977 55
José de la Torre The Elmsley Count with Jumbo Cards
1977 7
Half Elmsley
Nov. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Alex Elmsley, Bob Farmer False Count four cards, hiding two faces
May 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Alex Elmsley, Eric Mason Elmsley Count variation
Aug. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1978 8
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1978 9
Jeff Busby 6-as-5 Count Elmsley type
1978 1070
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1978 3
David Britland The Experimental Elmsley Count four cards, two cards hidden
1978 4
Roger Smith The Five Card Elmsley five as five while hiding one
1978 2
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count brief
1978 18
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1978 72
José de la Torre Elmsley Count in Dealing Position starting in dealing position and counting into right-hand fingertip grip
1978 18
Edward Marlo Marlo's OPEC Count Out of Position Elmsley Count, second card from top is hidden, see also page 371
Related to 1979 82
Edward Marlo Additional Tips - Opec Count on the OPEC Count, see page 82
1979 371
Alex Elmsley Three as Four Elmsley Count
1979 77
Andrew Pargeter Multi Count Technique (Continued) variation for the Elmsley Count, Jordan Count, Siva Count, Eye Count
Related to Sep. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1979 1
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1979 1
Daryl Martinez Elmsley Count Finesse
1980 51
Walt Lees A-4-As-3-Count two show three red cards with just two and hiding two blue cards
1980 8
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1980 13
Alex Elmsley, Walt Lees Elmsley Count 3/4, with deck still in the hand
1980 22
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1980 4
Karl Fulves Outjogged Counts doing Elmsley and Jordan Counts with outjogged card
1980 19
Description of the Three as Four Elmsley
1980 43
Edward Marlo OPEC Technique
1981 40
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1981 4
Fred Castle, Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count Technique for doing Elmsley Count with jumbo cards, either horizontally or vertically
1981 2
Jack Avis The Elmsley-Jordan Count to Show Four Aces Siva Count basically
1981 8
Alex Elmsley The Ghost Count
1981 207
Broken Elmsley Count tabling two cards, then two more, with four cards
1981 3
Derek Dingle Elmsley Count Variation No. 1
1982 37
Derek Dingle Elmsley Count Variation No. 2
1982 46
Derek Dingle, Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count Technique
Also published here 1982 78
Derek Dingle Elmsley Count Variation No. 3
Also published here 1982 128
Elmsley Count with Packet in Hand
1982 473
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1982 39
Alex Elmsley, Edward Marlo The Elmsley Count mechanic's grip to mechanic's grip
1982 15
Edward Marlo Additional Ideas - Broken Count Broken Elmsley Count and more broken counts
Variations 1982 22
David Solomon Modified Elmsley Count cards face-down and right hand turns to show faces
1982 71
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Hippie Torrales Just A Count Elmsley Count varitiation to show both sides
Nov. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Edward Marlo Elmsley Count from Dealing Position to Dealing Position comment
1983 80
Double-Elmsley-Count with eight cards
Oct. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein The Ghostback Count Elmsley/Flushtration combination from Pinch Grip
1983 7
Paused Elmsley Count to hide discrepancy
Facsimile (Issue 1)
Alex Elmsley Ghost Count
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Edward Marlo, Alex Elmsley The OPEC Count Out of Position Elmsley Count, tip
4 as 5 Elmsley Count
1984 14
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count Technique
1984 50
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1984 18
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1984 9
Eddie Taytelbaum Two Elmsley-Count Variations
Related to June 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Peter Marshall Flushtrated Elmsley Count
1985 59
Broken Elmsley Count
1985 68
Edward Marlo OPEC Count brief
1985 4
Philip T. Goldstein Vertical Ghost Count
Jan. 1985
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Edward Marlo The OPEC Count
1985 40
Roy Walton Split Elmsley Count broken Elmsley Count, credit information
Nov. 1985 14
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1986 47
Larry Jennings Underground Elmsley Count
1986 122
Edward Marlo Opec Count
Dec. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Elmsley Count with jumbo cards
1986 3
John Bannon Discrepant Reverse Elmsley Display Count DRED Count, showing both sides, hand turns at every beat
1986 32
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1986 7
Edward Marlo OPEC Count
1987 99
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count Technique
1987 43
Darwin Ortiz Elmsley Variation different grip
1988 142
Juan Tamariz First Example: Elmsley - Jordan Count handling details
1988 23
Edward Marlo Marlo Flexible Count
1988 37
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1988 35
Jonathan Townsend Variation Elmsley to show both faces and backs
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Brother John Hamman Elmsley Count with Deck in Hands
1989 18
Karl Fulves Block Exchange Counts as used in Elmsley Count
1989 2
Sam Schwartz Interrupted Elmsley Count cards no three and four are counted in reverse order
1989 7
Bill Wisch Top Secret Count false counts off the top of the deck, over, under, hiding cards
Variations 1989 39
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1989 43
Edward Marlo Broken-up Elmsley Count
1989 71
Ellis Stanyon Stanyon Count three-as-four Elmsley count
1989 72
Edward Marlo OPEC Count
1989 96
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1989 81
Alex Elmsley Elmsley-Count (Vier als vier)
1989 75
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1990 2
Jerry K. Hartman DRED - Discrepant Reverse Elmsley Display used to vanish an ace in an assembly
1990 30
Gary Ouellet The Paradise Elmsley Count
1990 94
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1990 4
Philip T. Goldstein Ghostback Count
1990 76
Edward Marlo Marlo's Broken Elmsley just an Elmsley Count with a pause to disguise repeated suits
1990 19
Shigeo Takagi Jumbo Card Elmsley Count
1990 74
Broken-Up Elmsley Count first (?) two cards are tabled after being counted
1990 17
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count some fine details
1990 26
Larry Jennings Extended Elmsley Count sequence to show the reds and blacks mixed
1990 29
The "expert-grip" Elmsley Count
1990 5
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count fingertip or dealing position
1990 3
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1991 23
Persi Diaconis Avoiding Grip Shifting handling tip (now standard)
1991 51
John Bannon On The Elmsley Count brief
1991 19
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1991 27
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1991 22
Derek Dingle Elmsley Count Variation No. 3
Also published here Oct. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Modified OPEC
Feb. 1991
Technomagic (Issue 8)
Bob Stencel, Alex Elmsley Relaxed Elmsley Count
1992 57
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1992 19
Jack Carpenter, Alex Elmsley Extended Elmsley Count with five cards, showing a card twice
1992 102
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1992 51
Fred Kaps Voltea Angular after an Elmsley count, the cards are singly turned and dropped on the table, hiding one surface
Also published here 1992 11
Terry LaGerould Modified Elmsley Count showing both sides
1992 77
Alex Elmsley エルムズレイカウント (Elmsley Count)
1993 132
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1993 15
Alex Elmsley Cuenta Elmsley fingertip and dealing grip methods
1993 253
Paco Rodas Elmsley Count Variation placing cards on the table during the count
1993 256
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1994 171
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count brief
Dec. 1994
The Minotaur (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Roger Crosthwaite The Elmsley Count with credit information
1994 195
Alex Elmsley Das Elmsley- (oder Ghost-)Zählen
May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Jack Carpenter Two Moves – The Tabled Elmsley Switch Elmsley Count done onto the table, applied in "Full Reverse" (p. 16), see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 32) for small crediting correction
Related to 1994
Labyrinth (Issue 2)
Darwin Ortiz Elmsley Count with deck in hands
1995 33
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count fingertip handling
1995 24
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1995 3
Half Elmsley Count two cards are counted and then both hands turn their pair of cards face up
1995 181
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
1996 311
Jay Frasier Rolling Elmsley four cards, hiding one of the eight surfaces
Related to Spring 1996 48
Lee Freed All-Around Elmsley Display avoiding discrepancy in face-up Elmsley Count
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo Opec Count
1996 1189
Sam Schwartz Modified 4-as-4 Count credit information, from Back Flip
July 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1997 213
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
1997 223
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count "Ghost Count" or "Counting Four as Four"
Related to
  • "The Four Card Trick" (Alex Elmsley, marketed 1959)
1997 314
Simon Lovell The Squelmsley Count with jumbo cards
1997 103
1997 203
Steve Beam The Maeb-Y Count right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left, Elmsley Count
1997 20
Alexander de Cova 1. Elmsley Count comments
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 2)
Paul Gordon ITHEC "In The Hands Elmsley Count"
Elmsley Count type switch in the spectator's fingers
Inspired by Mar. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 3)
Mike Richards Vertical Elmsley Count
Related to Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Alex Elmsley Der Elmsley Count
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Wesley James Carry-Elmsley Count
Inspired by Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Covered Elmsley Count cards sticking out of book during count
2000 210
Stephen Minch Vertical Elmsley Credit Information
Related to Jan. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 1)
Edward Marlo, Simon Aronson Broken Elmsley Variation
2001 124
Roy Walton Partial Elmsley Count doing only first two counts (uncredited)
Also published here Aug. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Dan Garrett Down for the Count held at corner and movement is diagonal
  • My Elmsley Count
2002 19
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Elmsley Count Variant concealing two backs as well as one face
Related to 2003 79
Broken Elmsley Count
2004 34
Wesley James The JEHHFOWJ Count "Jordan, Elmsley, Haxton, Houghton, ?, James"
2004 55
Larry West, Jonathan Townsend, Wesley James West-Townsend-James (WTJ) Count Elmsley-style Gemini Count, backs and faces of four cards
Inspired by 2004 384
Alex Elmsley The Elmsley Count
2004 42
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
2004 143
Pete McCabe Face-Out Ghost Count cards lifted every time
Jan. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 1)
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count brief
2004 3
Broken Up Elmsley
2005 56
Fred Kaps, Channing Pollock Angular Turnover after an Elmsley count, the cards are singly turned and dropped on the table, hiding one face/back, see also p. 116 for more details
Related toAlso published here 2006 77
Alex Elmsley Mechanic's Grip Elmsley Count
2006 49
Roy Walton Split Elmsley Count broken
2006 22
Edward Marlo OPEC Count brief
2007 378
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
2008 265
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
2008 74
Arturo de Ascanio In-Transit Actions in the Elmsley Count
2008 320
Steve Beam The Beamsley Count aka the Maeb-y Count, includes the Third Finger Buckle
Also published here 2008 12
Wayne Houchin Elmsley Count Finesse lowering left fingers
June 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 6)
John Guastaferro Overturned Counts cards are turned over while counted one by one
1. Overturned Elmsley
2. Overturned Stanyon
2010 77
Jean-Claude Pagès, Lapping Elmsley no credit but similar to reference
Related to 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue May 6)
Roy Walton Split Elmsley Count doing only first two counts
Also published here Oct. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 10)
Steve Beam The Beamsley Count aka the Maeb-y Count, includes the Third Finger Buckle
Related toAlso published here 2011 iv
Harry Lorayne About Counts four-as-four counts in End Grip
  • The Center Switch Count
  • The Double Double Count
  • The Lorayne Count
Related to 2011 126
John Bannon "Triple Play" Display Sequence combination of Elmsley and Flushtration count to show both sides of four cards
Also published here 2011 11
John Bannon Bullet Party Display Count combination of Elmsley and Flushtration count to show both sides of four cards
Also published here 2011 12
Five-As-Five Count Elmsley Count dynamics
2012 61
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
May 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 5)
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
2013 29
OPEC Count Out-Of-Position Elmsley Count
2013 90
John Bannon "Triple Play" Display Sequence combination of Elmsley and Flushtration count to show both sides of four cards
Also published here 2013 123
John Bannon Bullet Party Display Count combination of Elmsley and Flushtration count to show both sides of four cards
Also published here 2013 200
Tomas Blomberg Tomas on the Elmsley Count small finesse
2014 164
Laurent Prochasson Display after Elmsley Count after an Elmsley Count cards are apparently shown on both sides, also to easily get a break over odd card
2014 5
Erik Jansson After Elmsley finesse in which cards are apparently shown in spread from both sides
Dec. 2014
Genii (Vol. 77 No. 12)
Javier Piñeiro Elmsley Count Variation brief, display of both sides
2014 189
So Sato Vertical Three as Four Count Elmsley Count alternative
2016 87
Pete McCabe Face-Out Ghost Count vertical
2016 192
Alex Elmsley Ghost Count
2016 239
Tom Stone Jogsley Count cards out-jogged and stripped out one by one, false-count type switch happens as they are removed that way
July 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 7)
Persi Diaconis Elmsley Counting Direction into left hand
2018 173
Alex Elmsley Elmsley Count
2018 17
Edward Marlo OPEC Count
2018 170
Edward Marlo OPEC Count
Silhouette (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Larry Jennings The Elmsley Count (All-Count Technique) right-hand corner grip
2020 261
Roberto Giobbi Practical Examples use of gaze
  • The Eye Onstage
  • Zarrow Shuffle
  • Elmsley Count
  • Coin Vanish
2021 41
Roberto Giobbi Positive and Negative Insertions in Practice
  • Historical Example of a Positive Insertion
  • Positive Insertion - Delayed Elmsley Count
  • Positive Insertion - Card Control
  • Negative Insertion - Dramatic Construction
2021 53
Nancy Colwell Elmsley Switch-Ditch Two versions of using Elmsley Count to switch and ditch cards on top of deck
2021 31
John Bannon Broken Elmsley Count Laydown
July 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 7)
Eddie Taytelbaum Taytelbaum Count
Related to 2022 55
Edward Marlo OPEC Count Out of Position Elmsley Count
Related to 2022 71
Dai Vernon Twisting the Aces comment on pivot move, from private lecture notes by Gene Matsuura
2022 104
Dai Vernon Elmsley Count five as five, from private lecture notes by Gene Matsuura
2022 111
Jonathan Townsend Townsend Elmsley Count to show both faces and backs
Also published here 2022 394
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Elmsley Count Variations
  • Variation One: cards are dropped onto table as they are counted
  • Variation Two: sort of a combination of Variation One with elements of Rumba Count
2022 6
Kiyoshi Satoh, Jonathan Townsend Twonsend Count to show both faces and backs
Inspired byAlso published here 2022 ca. 39
Kiyoshi Satoh Townsend Opec Count
Also published here 2022 ca. 48
Kiyoshi Satoh, Jonathan Townsend Townsend Count to show both faces and backs
Also published here 2022 ca. 69
Kiyoshi Satoh Townsend Opec Count
Also published here 2022 ca. 81
Jack Carpenter Finessed Elmsley Count packet is turned face up with a step so two indices are visible before the count begins
2024 10
Edward Marlo Underground OPEC Count
2024 133