148 entries in Cards / Sleights / False Count / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Gerade oder Ungerade No. 3, packet of cards is counted as an odd or even number, depending on what the spectator wishes, two cards stuck together with "weak rubber solution, soap or onion juice"
1895 5
Push-Back Count
1897 102
Push-Back Count cards are counted from top of pack, first one is stolen back
1937 52
Hiding a Card in a Small Packet four cards, hiding third, using glide and showing bottom card alternating to the left and to the right spectator
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 6)
Jack Avis The Siva Count
Mar. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 11)
Veeser Count
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jerry K. Hartman Four-as-Five Count cards counted one at a time, taking them from top and moving to bottom
1972 64
Jerry K. Hartman Four-as-Four Count end-grip, hides bottom card of four, “relative of the Elmsley and Veeser counts”
Related toAlso published here 1972 67
Karl Fulves Note on Grips
1973 33
Karl Fulves Random Notes (3) Notes on grip and four as five count
1973 108
Karl Fulves 3/4 Count only order changes, every card is seen
Variations 1973 111
Jack Avis, Roy Walton Siva Count "show four cards as four, concealing none"
1973 11
William Larsen, T. Page Wright False-Count Cover spectator and performer count simultaneously
Also published here
  • in "Random Conceptions with Cards" (ca. 1930)
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Tenkai Ishida Reverse Push-Off Count false count, moving doubles as in the side walk shuffle
Also published here
  • in "Genii" September, 1969.
1974 48
Roy Walton The E.J. Count "Elmsley Jordan", Siva Count, see "Vis à Vis" for credit information
Related to 1975 187
Jack Avis The Siva Count
1975 187
Karl Fulves Five as Five Count
Related to 1975 53
Jack Avis Siva Count show four cards as four, concealing none
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Karl Fulves Double Push changing order of eight card packet as it is counted
Related to
  • notes on p. 312
Epilogue (Issue Special No 5)
Karl Fulves Block Exchange Count see also notes on page 312
Epilogue (Issue Special No 5)
Bob Veeser, Philip T. Goldstein Half-Veeser Count
1976 3
Jerry Andrus Careful Count
1976 54
Jerry Andrus Careful Count No 2 hiding cards
1976 54
Jerry Andrus Canceled Count count, hiding one surface, similar to the ghost count
1976 54
Philip T. Goldstein Haback Count combination of Hamman Count and Flushtration Count
1977 29
Jack Avis The Siva Count five cards as four, center one hidden
1977 48
Elmer Biddle Biddle Count
Jan. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Bob Farmer Cabungle alternate handling, with application for packet ambitious card sequence
Inspired by Jan. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Elmer Biddle Biddle Count
Apr. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Philip T. Goldstein The Snap-Turn Count 2/4
Aug. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Jack Avis Siva Count
Feb. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Andrew Pargeter Multi Count Technique (Continued) variation for the Elmsley Count, Jordan Count, Siva Count, Eye Count
Related to Sep. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Karl Fulves The Contact Count using card with cut-out section in center of one side
1979 5
Karl Fulves Continuous Count count with two cards taped together at one side
1979 13
Philip T. Goldstein Spirit Count
Dec. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Jack Avis Siva Count five as four
1980 6
Elmer Biddle Biddle Count
1980 15
Jack Avis Siva Count
1981 119
Jack Avis Siva Count
Nov. 1982 19
Edward Marlo Additional Ideas - Broken Count Broken Elmsley Count and more broken counts
Variations 1982 22
Biddle False Count changing the order
May 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Edward Marlo False Count Spell two unknown Cards are spelled to
1983 60
Edward Marlo Unloading False Count cards counted one by one off deck, card unloaded back on deck, see also Marlo's Magazine 4
1983 61
Philip T. Goldstein Haback Count combination of Hamman Count and Flushtration Count
Aug. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Larry Taylor The LT Count four as four, one hidden
Dec. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Bob Veeser Veeser Count
Oct. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Marlo Count Displacement five as four, card extracted with buckling at penultimate count, originally from TOPS
Facsimile (Issue 1)
Edward Marlo Marlo Count Displacement five as four, card extracted with buckling at penultimate count, originally from TOPS
1984 340
Philip T. Goldstein Haback Count combination of Hamman Count and Flushtration Count
Apr. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Brother John Hamman Countback Variation
1984 35
Simeon Crystal, Harry Lorayne The Count of Mountie Crystal several false counts to count four-as-four and hide a card:
  • The Center Switch Count
  • The Double Double Count
  • The Lorayne Count
see page 1235 for credit corrections
Related to Feb. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Jay Sankey The Revolution Count apparently showing collectors-sandwich of seven cards, really only three selections
Variations 1986 88
Ellis Stanyon, Edward Marlo Stanyon Count with Marlo Concept
1986 27
Edward Marlo Marlo Count five as four, top and bottom pulled together on first count
1986 17
Jack Avis Siva Count
1986 51
Bob Veeser Veeser Count
May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Table Trix tabled false-count or second deal, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 50)
Brother John Hamman The Countback
1989 150
Brother John Hamman Countback Variation No. 1
1989 158
Brother John Hamman Countback Variation No. 2
1989 160
Brother John Hamman Countback Variation No. 3
1989 168
Brother John Hamman Countback Variation No. 4
1989 178
Karl Fulves MacCount four cards, Ace travels from pocket back to packet, featuring count that shows all cards but changes order
Variations 1989 3
Karl Fulves Demi-Device 2&2, featuring a displacement count
1989 21
Karl Fulves Gammatron four-as-four in which all cards are seen but order changed
1989 39
Wesley James The Carry Count (4-4) bottom card stays into place, one of four hidden, note on the Veeser concept
Variations 1990 4
Wesley James The SPEC-3 Count (2-3) one of four hidden
1990 6
Wesley James The Ducked SPEC-3 (2-2) one of four hidden
1990 7
Wesley James Spec-4 (2-4) one of four hidden
1990 8
Wesley James SWAPEC (3-2) one of four hidden
1990 9
Gary Ouellet The Paradise 2/4 Count
1990 99
Philip T. Goldstein Haback Count combination of Hamman Count and Flushtration Count, first published in "Son of Bat, Jr.", August 1976
1990 56
Jack Avis Siva Count
1990 70
Philip T. Goldstein Snap-Turn Count 2/4
1990 71
Philip T. Goldstein Haback-Count combination of Hamman Count and Flushtration Count
1990 12
Alex Elmsley Five-as-five Ghost Count combining Elmsley Count and Eric de la Mare False Count, Five-as-Five while hiding one
Related to 1991 55
Karl Fulves Upcount four black cards removed, but selection was red, still found in packet, false count with upjogged cards
1991 45
Jerry K. Hartman P. M. Count end-grip, hides bottom
Also published here 1991 133
Jerry K. Hartman Two-Sided Counts turning cards face up and face down in process, hiding surface
  • Over Count
  • Up Count
1991 134
Ronnie Ramin False count three cards counted as three, order is displaced
1991 16
Ronnie Ramin The Faces Display face-up five-card packet, three picture cards above two spot cards, packet shown to be all spot cards, "similar to Daryl's Combo Count"
1991 18
James Swain, Bill Malone The J. S. Count actually displays using KM style switch, thereafter referred to as "J.S. Switch"
  • To show three cards to be same card
  • To perform Brother Hamman's Gemini Count
  • Gemini Count Variation
  • To perform Daryl Martinez's Diamond Bar
1992 67
Veeser Count Variation
1992 765
Elmer Biddle Biddle Count
1992 27
Philip T. Goldstein Haback Count combination of Hamman Count and Flushtration Count
Oct. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Doug Edwards Fake-Take Count
Apr. 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 4)
グライドによるフォールスカウント (Glide as a False Count)
1993 65
Edward Marlo Unloading/Putback False Count
Inspired by 1994 178
Verbal Backwards Counting
1995 6
Edward Marlo Above the Buckle or Break Count displacement count, five as four
1995 157
Edward Marlo Necktie Move Handling hiding reversed card as packet is counted through and every card ducked reversed under packet
Inspired by
  • "Necktie Move" (Joe Ovette, "Fast Ones")
1995 160
Edward Marlo Displacements for packet tricks and the like, six methods
1995 385
Fred G. Taylor Taylor Count curious count application
1995 19
Jack Avis Siva Count
1995 60
Eye Count
1995 139
Karl Fulves Fulves Count five-as-five count, conceals fourth card in packet, positions of second and fifth card are exchanged on one count and restored on a second count, remaining cards (including concealed card) retain their original positions throughout
1995 20
Jerry K. Hartman Extended Jordan Count with seven cards
1995 117
Jerry K. Hartman Special Count 1 used as a displacement, also hides third card, see more details on p. 200
1995 197
Jerry K. Hartman Special Count 2 used as a displacement, also hides second card, see more details on p. 200
1995 197
Jack Avis, Roy Walton Four-card Siva Count displacement, does not hide any surfaces
1995 200
Jerry K. Hartman Special Count 3 displacement, does not hide any surfaces
1995 201
Jerry K. Hartman Special Count 4 displacement, also hides third card
1995 201
Jerry K. Hartman Special Count 5 displacement, does not hide any surfaces
1995 201
Larry Jennings The Six/Four Count verbal false count
1997 74
Ron Bauer The Take-Back Count Switch
Inspired by 1997 139
Jack Avis Siva Count brief
1997 10
Jack Avis Siva Count five as four, credit information
1998 51
Wesley James Carry Count Variant bottom card stays into place, one of four hidden
Inspired by Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Jack Avis Siva Count
1999 6
Jack Avis The Siva Count
1999 50
Wesley James Multi-Jordan Count repositioning false count with five cards
Apr. 1999
Onyx (Issue 7)
Roy Walton E. J. Count combined Elmsley/Jordan Count
1999 11
Jack Avis The Siva Count
Jan./Feb. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 9 No. 51)
Chuck Smith Optical Display to show two cards as three
2000 6
Simon Lovell The Flipster flourish sequence in which the cards are fanned out and closed and secretly displaced, Twisting the Aces application
2000 57
Jerry K. Hartman, Alex Elmsley Five-as-Five Count apparently shows four Aces surrounding a face-down card, one Ace's face is not seen
Also published here June 2000
Onyx (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo Swindle Count
2001 121
Guy Hollingworth Phantom Count Palm Replacement Count, as an Elmsley-type count is started palmed cards are replaced
July/Aug. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 2)
Verbal Backwards Counting 12-11-10-9-8-7-6
2002 27
Karl Fulves, Stanley Collins Re-Arrangement Move cards shown and rearranged secretly
Inspired by 2003
Off The Books (Issue 4)
Wesley James Edge-Off Displacement Edge-Off Displacement, Edge-Off Count, counting off a number of cards at first counting movement
2004 32
Edward Marlo, Wesley James The Marlo Flexible Count Grip, modified
Inspired by
  • New Tops, Vol. 3 No. 12, Dec. 1963
2004 54
Wesley James The JEHHFOWJ Count "Jordan, Elmsley, Haxton, Houghton, ?, James"
2004 55
Wesley James Feed Biddle Count break in both hands, cards interlaced
2004 212
Wesley James Four-as-Four (Hiding Two, FAF-Two) Counts discussion of 4-as-4 counts
  • The FAF-Two C Count
Related to 2004 380
Steal-Back card stolen back as cards are counted with faces towards spectator
2004 420
Jack Avis Siva Count
2004 13
The Revolution Count counted packet flipped over during count
2004 44
Psychological False Count 13-12-11-10-... and x makes y
2006 23
Elmer Biddle Biddle Count
2006 100
Jerry K. Hartman, Alex Elmsley Five-as-Five Count apparently shows four Aces surrounding a face-down card, one Ace's face is not seen
Related toAlso published here 2007 137
Father Cyprian Pivot Count credit?
"...the Pivot Count, a move explained by Father Cyprian many years ago in one of his lecture notes."
2007 287
Jack Avis Siva Count
2007 304
Psychological False Count 14-13-12-... and x makes y
Also published here 2010 13
Wesley James Four-as-Four (Hiding Two, FAF-Two) Counts discussion of 4-as-4 counts
  • The FAF-Two M Count
  • The FAF-Two C Count
  • Application Notes
Related to 2010 107
Harry Lorayne About Counts four-as-four counts in End Grip
  • The Center Switch Count
  • The Double Double Count
  • The Lorayne Count
Related to 2011 126
Jerry K. Hartman Displacement Count
2013 96
Psychological False Count 14-13-12-... and x makes y
Also published here 2015 12
Brother John Hamman 2-for-4 Count
2017 17
Brother John Hamman Two-As-Four Count
July 2017
Elixir (Vol. 1 No. 1 (Summer #1))
Brother John Hamman Countback
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Giancarlo Scalia Secuencia Cuenta Biddle biddle count variation, to switch and position cards
2019 16
Jack Avis Siva Count
May 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 5)
Larry Jennings, Richard Kaufman The All-Count Technique general comments on grips
2020 260
Larry Jennings False Count As Add-On top cards added to packet at start of count
2020 310
Larry Jennings Flushtration Variation using Verdnase Break, showing packet as four Jokers and one Ace
2020 341
Jack Avis Siva Count
2023 11
Allan Ackerman Revolution Count Variation Kings shown as eight cards
Inspired by 2024 81