97 entries in Coin / Sleights / Switches / With Props
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The "Changing" Plate
1876 210
Carl Willmann Das Thalerkästchen coin placed in metal box, can be vanished, produced or switched
Related to June 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Jean Hugard Changes 1. By Means of the Palm Proper
2. With One Hand (De Manche Change without credit)
3. By Means of the Thumb Palm
4. By Means of a Small Tray
Related to 1935 5
Easy Coin Switch using double backed card
1937 128
A Novel and Easy Coin Change using double backed card
Related to 1938 672
Eddie Joseph The Slide Exchange quarter hidden behind half dollar, coin dropped into spectator's pocket, switched for quarter
Related to 1942 27
Eddie Joseph The Cover Exchange switch on table with card
1942 27
Eddie Joseph The Band Exchange coin switched for coin under watch band when explaining that some performers hide things up their sleeves
1942 29
Eddie Joseph The Friction Exchange coin hidden in fold at elbow switched for visible coin
1942 30
Sleeve Switch under Handkerchief
1947 82
George G. Kaplan Gypsy Switch Handling
1948 251
Phil Thomas Coin Switch coin switch, using thumb tip
Feb. 1948 392
Allan Shaw, Stewart Judah Shaw-Judah Coin Switch with a glass
1952 13
Coin Switch with handkerchief
1952 293
George Mackenzie Coin Switch with handkerchief
Related to Dec. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 296)
Bob Ostin The "Peg" Coin Change coin held with peg is changed to other coin
1968 59
George Mackenzie Coin Switch with Handkerchief
Related to 1971 2
Bruce Cervon, Martin Lewis, Jules Lenier Clink! coin balanced on edge of a glass is pushed inside and switched in process
Related toVariations Jan. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 47)
Jeff Stenn, Bruce Cervon, Martin Lewis, Jules Lenier Here's a Tip coin balanced on edge of a glass is pushed inside and switched in process, Stenn suggests to use a different palm
Inspired by July 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 21)
Fred Kaps Coin Change & Vanish in Silk with tape and a handkerchief
Also published here 1972 9
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Flying Coins Move From Pocket No. 610, coin through pocket, no details, use as switch
1972 169
John Scarne, Sam Leo Horowitz Scarne's And Horowitz Hank Change And Vanish No. 663, coin vanished or switched with handkerchief, not enough details
1972 181
Magini The Coin Fold as a Coin Switch
Nov. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Patrick Page 4. The Purse Switch coins from purse
Also published here 1974 4
Jerry Mentzer Gypsy Switch Inflation Cent dollar changes to dollar-sized penny with handkerchief cover
Inspired by 1975 16
Brian MacCarthy Handkerchief Fold as a change bag
1975 44
Frank Paglia Pivot Change with cards
Aug. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Fred Kaps Münzenverwandlung und Verschwinden im Tuch with tape and a handkerchief
Also published here 1978 13
Richard Cawolsky Burst Switch switching an item that is pushed inside a balloon as it is burst
1978 78
Larry Becker Coin Switch using a note pad
1979 158
Ken Brooke Any Magazine or Book a Switching Tray switch with magazine or book
Also published here 1980 184
Steve Beam Toss Out Change/Switch with Okito Box
1981 44
Steve Beam Turnover Switch using cardboard-cellophane coin holders for coin collectors
1982 17
Peter Kane The Toss Switch coin dumped from shot glass onto table, changes visually
1982 85
Münzenaustausch switching a coin with help of shell
Apr. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Jack Avis Coin Switch coin scooped up with card
1984 43
David Roth Sweeplap Box Switch
1985 209
David Roth, Fred Kaps Roth/Kaps Box Switch
  • Fred Kaps Sokito Application
  • Boston Box Application
  • As A Production
  • As A Vanish
1985 210
David Roth Sound Box Switch
1985 212
David Roth Metamorphosis Box Switch (Opening Production No. 1)
1985 215
David Roth Opening Production No. 2 (The Boston Palm Load) Four coin production from coin box
1985 216
David Roth Opening Production No. 3 four coin production from coin box/ box switch
1985 218
David Roth Opening Production No. 4 (The Triple Load) four coin production / coin box switch
1985 219
Gypsy Switch coin in handkerchief
1985 31
Tom Gagnon Retroflex Switch visual switch of tabled coin with aid of playing card, tabled spellbound
Related toVariations 1985
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Roger Crosthwaite Coin Switch with card
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Stephen Tucker Coin Switch using a playing card, scoop up and throw
1987 4
Tom Gagnon The Shelter Change coin change with card
1988 396
Tom Craven Heads or Tails? coin is scooped up with a card and put in other hand, transformation / switch
Feb. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Coin Switch behind Purse
1991 92
Karl Fulves Monk's Money Move featuring a switch with dice cup
Related to 1992
Swindle Sheet (Issue 10)
Karl Fulves Barbooth Cup coin switch while tossing coin and dice in a cup
Related to 1992 5
John Hostler Coin Switch with Band-aid
1993 5
Steve Dusheck I.O.U. Paddle date on borrowed coin predicted, switched with a paddle
1993 28
Paul Gertner Deck Ping Chien switch in which coin or torn card corner is secretly dropped out of deck
1994 63
David Williamson Striking Vanish as transposition, with purse
Also published here Oct. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Gambler's Dice Switch with Coins using bills
Underworld (Issue 3)
J. B. Bobo Bobo Switch with sponge ball and coin
1996 9
Ken Brooke Das Magazin- oder Buch-Austauschtablett switch with magazine or book
Also published here 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Jim Steinmeyer Coin Switch with Purse as coin(s) are placed in purse
Oct. 1997
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Andy Nyman Flim Canister Switch with coin in it
Also published here 1997 [14]
Doug Conn Purse Ploy Switch Out
1999 48
David Williamson Striking Vanish as transposition, with purse
Also published here 1999 49
Don Nielsen Gypsy Switch as Load
Discoverie (Issue 6)
Jack Avis Scoop Switch coin scooped up with card and dumped into other hand
Also published here
  • Abra
July 2002
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Vernon Winiecke Switch with Handkerchief
Discoverie (Issue 8)
S. H. Robinson The Robinson Coin Change with piece of paper
2003 300
Gypsy Switch
2003 1
Alain Nu Flipped Out 2 two coins borrowed, one chosen and flipped, prediction is unfolded to predict coin, throw and date
Inspired by
  • version in MUM, Dec. 1999
Also published here
Mar. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Gypsy Switch
2005 32
Gypsy Switch
2006 55
Frank Paglia Pivot Change with cards
2007 110
Karl Fulves Tabled Gypsy Gypsy Switch
Prolix (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Creased Lightning Gypsy Switch handling
Prolix (Issue 6)
Miguel Ángel Gea Cambio por lanzamiento selectivo coin changes to other coin when tossed in a glass
2009 67
Miguel Ángel Gea Pintaje por pinzamiento coin changes to other coin when tossed in a glass
2009 67
Miguel Ángel Gea Pintaje envasado coin changes to other coin when tossed in a glass
2009 68
Joaquín Navajas, Miguel Ángel Gea Caverna envasada coin switch, while dropped into glass
2009 82
Daniel Celma IV. Pase de Celma coin switch while removing coin from glass
2009 85
Miguel Ángel Gea, Tom Gagnon Pintaje instantáneo visual switch of tabled coin with aid of playing card, tabled spellbound
Related to 2009 289
Andy Nyman Flim Canister Switch with coin in it
Also published here 2010 34
Patrick Page The Purse Switch coins from purse
Also published here 2011 195
Patrick Page Change of Four Silver Coins to Four Copper Coins in Glass
Mar. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 3)
George Mackenzie George Mackenzie "fake gypsy", with handkerchief
Related to 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Gypsy Switch brief
2012 168
Tom Gagnon Retroflex Switch visual switch of tabled coin with aid of playing card, tabled spellbound
2013 195
Alexander de Cova Gipsy Switch coin application for gypsy switch
  • Feinheiten
  • Variationen
2015 187
Vanni Bossi The Other Gypsy's Switch using handkerchief
2016 166
Michael Rubinstein The Envelope Substitution
2020 107
Michael Rubinstein Twist Substitution
2020 273
Michael Rubinstein Scoop Switch credit information
Related to 2020 275
G. W. Hunter Gypsy Switch
Nov. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 11)
Alain Nu Flipped Out 2 two coins borrowed, one chosen and flipped, prediction is unfolded to predict coin, throw and date
Inspired by
  • version in MUM, Dec. 1999
Also published here
2022 276
"Pins" Draper, G. W. Hunter Gypsy Switch
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2011
2022 1030
Tom Gagnon Radical Expansion visual switch of tabled coin with aid of playing card into jumbo coin
Inspired by 2022 213
Under Purse Switch purse handed over from hand to hand
June 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Alexander Boyce Jinx Coin Switch under napkin
Feb. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 2)