97 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Vanish Routines / With Props / Paperfolds
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To Extract a Coin from a Folded Paper
1890 143
Professor Ernst Das Verschwinden eines Gegenstandes item like borrowed watch wrapped into flash paper, it vanishes from there
Related to Jan. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 1)
A Coin Wrapped in Paper Disappears
Related to 1902 168
Carl Willmann Eine Reichsmark auf Reisen "Ein niedliches Handkunststück", question written on paper and cut in two, marked coin wrapped inside on half, vanishes in flash, coin reappears under previously selected, rolled up (to a tube) and tabled card, other half of billet reappears inside candle
Oct. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Joseph Michael Hartz Card, Coin and Candle coin wrapped in paper vanishes, reappears in chosen card, piece of paper into piece of candle
Related toAlso published here 1911 686
Joseph Michael Hartz Card, Coin and Candle coin wrapped in paper vanishes, reappears in chosen card, piece of paper into piece of candle
Also published here 1911 145
Louis F. Christianer The Card and Coin empty envelope given out, borrowed marked coin wrapped in paper vanishes in flash, chosen card vanishes and is found in envelope, marked coin found in card
Inspired by 1917 11
Charles T. Jordan The Dollar and the Sucker dollar changes into chip in stiff paper
Also published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Geschwind wie der Wind. No. 12, signed coin vanishes from paper fold and appears in envelope
1926 42
The Best Coin Fold with variation
1935 23
Another Coin Fold
  • A Third Method
1935 24
T. Nelson Downs A Neat Coin Fold
1938 704
Charles Harris, Allan Lambie Secret of Satan coin in paper burned in ashtray on top of glass, it penetrates and falls into glass
Variations 1940
The Jinx (Issue 94)
Shaman Curious Coin marked coin wrapped in newspaper and burned, appears in nest of boxes
The Jinx (Issue 112)
How to Vanish a Coin by Wrapping it in a Piece of Paper two methods
1941 103
Coin Through the Plate marked coin wrapped in paper and put on plate, plate on glass, paper burned, coin falls into glass
1941 7
Al Baker Envelopes and Coin in paper and three envelopes
Related toAlso published here 1941 54
ACME Coin Vanishing Paper gaffed paper with pocket
1942 93
Modern Coin Vanishing Paper gaffed paper with pocket
1942 94
Eddie Joseph The Cone Vanish small paper cone made from paper, coin vanishes from it
1942 12
Eddie Joseph The E. J. Coin Fold
1942 22
Classic Coin Fold
Related to Aug. 1943 11
U. F. Grant A New Coin Fold
July 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 207)
The Coin Fold paperfold
1952 61
Jack Chanin Folded sound is made shortly before paper is torn
Jan. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 247)
Art Lyle Papered Half coin vanishes from piece of paper
Sep. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 290)
Jack Chanin Sucker Coin Go sucker paper coin fold
May 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 308)
Edward Marlo Paper and Coin multi phase routine
Related toVariations 1957 3
Edward Marlo The Dealer's Pitch
1957 6
Edward Marlo Further Ideas on the Paperfold ideas "Flip Move Coin Fold", complete vanish ideas
1957 10
Edward Marlo The Spectator Wraps it Up
1957 11
Edward Marlo Solid-Soft-Solid-Gone coin folded in paper is bent
1957 16
Edward Marlo A New Method of Handling the Flip Move
1957 18
Edward Marlo Flutterless
1957 21
Edward Marlo Unprepared
1957 22
Edward Marlo Ed Marlo's Personal Routine with various paper fold effects
1957 23
Eugene Boyd Coin Combination combination of Chinatown Quarter and Magic Coin Box, transposition of two coins
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Coin Fold
Related to 1962 43
Nate Leipzig Coin in Glass marked coin vanishes from paper and appears in a glass, which was covered by a deck of playing cards
Variations 1963 124
Frank Ducrot, Stewart Judah Frank Ducrot's Coin Fold
1966 390
Ralph Gironda Penny Papers two borrowed rings wrapped in paper and placed in glass, covered with silk, one of the papers travels to another covered glass, then one of the rings travels to other glass
Oct. 1968
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Dave Ossip Miracle Coin Fold see also p. 415, p. 420 for comment by Bob Still
Variations Jan. 1971 391
Mel Stover Bill Fold
Apr. 1971 416
Wilfrid Jonson Swindles comedy patter about swindles, silk vanishes and reappears, paper fold vanish of coin with flash paper, coin reappears in orange, borrowed watch vanishes and does not reappear with gag, see also p. 565 and p. 585
Inspired by
  • a monologue by G. W. Hunter in an early Wizard or Magic Wand issue
Also published here
  • "Swindles" (Thayer's Trick Of The Month Club, Series 2, No. 10, April 1933)
June 1972 529
Al Baker Al Baker's - Fake Half Dollar Fold In Envelope Steal No. 630, note without content
Related to 1972 175
Magini Improved Travelling Coin marked coin travels from paper packet to a handkerchief, which is placed in a glass, second version where the coin appears in a knotted handkerchief
Nov. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Magini The Coin Fold as a Coin Switch
Nov. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Coin Fold
1974 8
Arthur Setterington Chop-Coin two coins are wrapped in a bill, which is hold in place by a bulldog clip and a chopstick, one coin vanishes
Apr. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Cone Coin vanish and reproduction from paper cone, similar to Tenkai item from Genii
1975 30
Charles T. Jordan The Dollar and the Sucker dollar changes into chip in stiff paper
Also published here 1975 210
Poh Ya Coin From a Bill coin folded up in bill vanishes, secret pocket
1975-1978 ca. 6
Harry Lorayne The Paper-Fold Coin Vanish
1977 168
Karl Fulves Coin Stabbing coin vanished by stabbing knife through folded paper
1977 87
Ken De Courcy Coin Vanish inside paper fortune teller fold
1980 6
Derek Dingle The DD Paper Fold
1982 33
Steve Dusheck Dollar-Bill Coin Fold
1983 66
Ross Bertram The Coin Fold paper secretly torn
1983 14
Ross Bertram Another Coin Fold
1983 16
The Coin Fold No. 14
1985 30
Karl Fulves, J. W. Sarles Sarles Coin Fold No. 5, coin stolen while tearing paper up, posed as a problem
1985 82
Bob Ostin Paper Prison paper fold with coin, small hole in paper and coin visibly penetrates paper
Related toAlso published here Feb. 1986
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Bruce Cervon Rewind - Phase 3 with Dollar Bill
1988 129
Karl Fulves Out Take silver coin folded in paper changes place with copper coin in envelope
1989 5
Karl Fulves Codex quarter changes into gold coin when wrapped in paper
1989 7
Karl Fulves Zimzum coin drops through holes in paper that are much smaller
1989 10
Karl Fulves Porous Coin No. 62, coin wrapped in paper is penetrated by pin
Inspired by 1989 77
Karl Fulves Rebound No. 82, silver coin in paper, copper coin in envelope, transposition
1989 114
Father Cyprian A Sad Story brass ring taken from ring box, it vanishes from wand and travels to pocket several times, then vanishes from paper and reappears in ring box
Inspired by
  • "Ring Off The Wand" (Cyprian, Lecture #8, Stand Up Close, 1980)
1989 22
Patrick Page The Snip Snip-Coin Trick coin first put in small transparent plastic bag, then folded in paper
Also published here 1990 74
Tony Cachadiña Miracle Coin Fold
1991 9
Tony Cachadiña Alternative of the Folded Paper coin stapled in folded card
1991 10
A Paper Fold
Dec. 1991
Profile (Issue 5)
Patrick Page Schnipp-Schnapp coin first put in small transparent plastic bag, then folded in paper
Also published here Dec. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 4 & 5)
Steve Dusheck Bill Fold coin dropped into folded bill vanishes, or changes, gaffed bill with pocket
1992 53
Jerry Mentzer Glitter-Ring ring vanishes from flash paper, reappears on key chain
1994 12
Karrell Fox Foxy Foldup no steal, pocket in paper
1995 14
Al Baker Envelopes and Coin in paper and three envelopes
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
S. H. Robinson The Robinson Coin Change with piece of paper
2003 300
Ron Frost Hindu Folding Papers
2004 129
Bob Ostin Paper Prison paper fold with coin, small hole in paper and coin visibly penetrates paper
Also published here 2005 103
Reed McClintock Time is Big Money borrowed quarter grows to jumbo coin, coin fold vanish with jumbo coin, quarter found under spectator's watch
Feb. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 2)
Clayton Rosencrance Anywise Coin Vanish coin vanishes from paper, moving coin from end to end, often with bills
Related toAlso published here
  • The Sphinx, March 1924
Prolix (Issue 5)
Fred Robinson Coin in Note coin disappears when folded into bill
2009 250
Jörg Alexander Weber Münze und Papier complete vanish of coin from paper fold
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 7
Karl Fulves Paper Holdout coin in paper unfolded, two coins loaded into hand at the same time
Prolix (Issue 9)
Victor Farelli The Victor Farelli Coin Fold
Related toAlso published here
  • Farelli's Coin Magic (1946)
Prolix (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Empty Hands complete vanish, coin at thread
Prolix (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Paper Prison two coins in paper, expansion of texture meets paper fold
Prolix (Issue 9)
Norman Houghton "A New Coin Fold" to fool magicians, not classic coin fold
2012 127
Jan Logemann Bill Paperfold to vanish ring in flash
2013 18
Vanni Bossi The Flaming Coin-Fold paper burned with coin inside, also for finger ring
2016 141
Jörg Alexander Weber Coin and Paper complete vanish of coin from paper fold
Also published here 2017 7
John Carney Between the Electrons small plate placed on glass, marked coin wrapped in paper which is torn up, coin then drops into glass
Inspired by 2020 58
Michael Rubinstein Fake Insertion of coin into envelope
2020 105
Michael Rubinstein Quarter Steal as it is inserted into coin envelope
2020 476
Coin Fold Vanish
Related to 2022 118