34 entries in Coin / Gaffed / Sound Gimmick
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To conveie monie out of one of your hands into the other by legierdemaine coin travels from hand to hand after false transfer, tapped with knife for sound illusion ("for both the eare and the eie is deceived by this devise")
Related toVariations 1584 184
How to make two Bels come into one hand, having put into each hand one bell travels from hand to hand, with bell in sleeve to fake sound of bell in hand
1634 30
How to convey money out of one of your hands into the other by Legerdemaine coin travels from hand to hand after false transfer, tapped with knife for sound illusion
Related to 1634 48
La Piece de Monnoie Enfermée Dans une Boîte, d'ou Elle Sort Sans qu'on y Touche coin vanishes from a box audibly and appears in shoe of a spectator, rattle box with spring feather, assistant
1784 22
Producing Clink with Wand when tapping on clothing, two methods (gimmicked wand and ungaffed)
1876 170
The Rattle Box "To make a Coin vanish from the Box, through still heard to rattle within"
1876 189
Albert Anton Die wandernden Thaler coins travel audibly in glass on table which is covered with a handkerchief, sound gimmick with thread behind table
Jan. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Fake Coin Sound coin secretly dropped into slim glass in the performer's pocket to make it seem it appears in bottle on table
1899 41
Eddie Joseph Rattling an Empty Box match box, coin hidden underneath
1942 54
Franklin M. Chapman Flying Ring ring put in small glass, glass shaken so ring is heard, it vanishes and appears on chosen finger of other hand, with glass tube rattle gimmick
1942 3
Senor Charles Mardo A Move with the Coin Rattle Box standard coin vanish from rattle box, new concept of ditching coin on bottom of box by pushing it into “lip” of frame on bottom
1945 26
Karrell Fox The B.S. Coin Pail coin on string attached to handle of pail, string struck for sound
Variations 1976 159
The Rattle Box also briefly explained for coins across
1978/76 134
Bob Evans Tap II coins jump around in box and make clink sounds by themselves
Inspired by
  • "Taps" (L. Vosburgh Lyons, Linking Ring & New Phoenix)
Related to
The Chronicles (Issue 26)
Steve Beam Rattle Wand coin from wand
1981 34
Bobby Bernard Illusion spoon, sound of hitting a coin is produced, then a coin
Related to June 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 14)
David Williamson Money Talks "Geld klingt"
production with sound effects with wand
Also published here 1984 6
David Williamson Money Talks production with sound effects with wand
1984 3
T. Nelson Downs, David Roth Modified Downs Sound Gimmick
1985 361
Jay Sankey Sound For Thought coins across with two sound gimmicks, back into purse as finale
1986 83
John Kennedy Coin Rattle Device
Apr. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 9)
David Williamson Money Talks production with sound effects with wand
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1989 27
Steve Dusheck Silence is Golden gold nugget in clear container is shaken, it makes no noice when spectator does it
1994 107
Robert Parrish The Coin Jar coins appear visibly in candy glass jar, box with glass bottom in lap for sound effect
Inspired by
  • "The Coin Jar" (Downs, Modern Coin Manipulation, 1900, p. 224)
1995 44
Alexander de Cova Coin-Catch coin production gimmick and sound gimmick in bucket
Inspired byAlso published here 2002 9
David Neighbors Clear Up Through three coins travel up through a clear glass table one by one
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Danny Archer Money Talks Back three coins appear and vanish with wand
Inspired by Dec. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. Annual 2006)
Christian Scherer Der Zauberstab mit dem Klick construction of a magic wand who does a click when hit on the hand
Also published here 2014 186
Tomoya Horiki Fake Beat Move (フェイク・ビート・ムーブ) Audio illusion
Inspired by 2017 46
Tomoya Horiki 影武者(かげむしゃ) (Kagemusha/Shadow Warrior) Audio illusion for Coins through Table
Related to 2017 48
Tomoya Horiki 4 to 1 Transpo (4トゥ1・トランスポ) Four silver coins placed in shirt pocket, Chinese coin in hand transposes with the four silver coins, audio illusion
2017 53
Michael Rubinstein Rubinstein Rattle Purse gaffed purse
2020 87
Motoki Kaido Tsukumogami (九十九神) Okito Box, production, penetration and vanish of a coin. Involves using prepared Okito Box as a rattle box to make sound of rattling coin appear and disappear
2021 223
Christian Scherer Click Wand construction of a magic wand who does a click when hit on the hand
  • Construction
  • Handling of the Wand
  • The Meaning of a Magic Wand
Also published here 2024 197