45 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Appearance & Vanish with Reproduction Routines / With Props / Purse
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Glenn Harrison Vanishing Coins and Purse purse vanishes underneath handkerchief, leaving frame behind
1966 409
Al Baker Purse Vanish original described in the sphinx
1967 110
Al Baker Coins & Purse three coins removed from purse vanish, the reappear in two pockets and underneath purse, then purse with coins vanishes
Dec. 1971 475
Martin Lewis Going Home three coins vanish one by one, reappear in purse
Also published here Jan. 1971
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 45)
Stephen Tucker Lord of the Ring coin vanish when dropped through a ring, coins reappear in purse
Also published here May 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Stephen Tucker The Midas Purse coin travels in purse, under mat and under purse, then it changes into other coins and several more coins appear on purse which eventually vanish again
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Dan Garrett Purse-Eption from purse come coins, four jumbo coins, another purse, then copper-silver transpo
1983 16
Martin Lewis Going Home Three coins vanish one by one, reappear in purse
Also published here 1985 121
Richard Bartram, Jr. Four Coin Vanish four coins vanish one by one and are produced again, last coin found in purse
1985 2
Richard Bartram, Jr. Coins to Purse four coins vanish one at the time and appear in a coin purse
1985 9
Hiroshi Sawa Invisible Purse (First Method) two invisible coins become visible, then vanish again, then a small purse appears with the coins inside
1988 30
Hiroshi Sawa Invisible Purse (Second Method) two invisible coins become visible, then vanish again, then a small purse appears with the coins inside, with sleeve
1988 34
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part Three
  • 9. The Bag Appears on the Purse
  • 10. Four More Coins
  • 11. The Penny Returns
  • 12. The Penny Vanishes
  • 13. The Penny is Found
  • 14. The Purse Disappears and Reappears
1991 20
David Harkey The Gathering four coins vanish and reappear in coin purse
  • Another Approach
1991 236
Stephen Tucker Der Lord der Ringe coin vanish when dropped through a ring, coins reappear in purse
Also published here July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Scott Robinson Differences three silver coins in purse, copper coin vanishes and appears in purse while silver coins appear on table
Variations 1995 1118
Scott Robinson Triple Crown copper, silver and brass coins in purse appear in hands and travel back to purse
1995 1120
Jay Scott Berry Quicksilver coin vanishes, appears, vanishes, appears in purse, then changes into silver streamer, using Diamond Tip
1995 21
Thomas Fraps The (W)hole (Money) in the Purse coin appears inside coin purse, then coin travels in an out several times
1995 14
Chad Long Rollover Opener coin taken out of purse, then purse flipped over on table to produce three more coins one by one underneath
Inspired by
  • “Rollover Half Dollars” (Magician Tested: Audience Approved, 1985)
July 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Gary Kurtz Relentless - Part Three
  • 9. The Bag Appears on the Purse
  • 10. Four More Coins
  • 11. The Penny Returns
  • 12. The Penny Vanishes
  • 13. The Penny is Found
  • 14. The Purse Disappears and Reappears
1995 ca. 17
Mike Gallo Coin Wrappers four coins appear in purse
1996 1176
Baltazar Fuentes Four Coin Vanish and Recovery with wand and purse
Variations 1996 14
Harry Riser The Purse Swindle coin in purse changes, transposes and more
1996 202
Lou Gallo Purs-e-verance three coins vanish one by one and reappear in purse, using Gallo Pitch
1996 28
Doug Conn Three-Peat empty coin purse, three coins produced, vanished, reproduced
1999 51
Doug Conn Hide-and-Seek Coins four coins taken from purse vanish, then they reappear in different places (like elbow, neck)
Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
R. Paul Wilson Gone Wishin' three coins appear and vanish one by one, then they reappear in purse
2002 13
Hiroshi Sawa Why a Big Purse? routine with silver and copper coins, purse, jumbo coin
Also published here Nov. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 11)
Eric Jones Flash Coins Re-Lit three coins appear in fire flashes, the vanish again with lighter and reappear in purse
Inspired by
  • "Flash Coins" (Chad Long's Magic Video, 1997)
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Curtis Kam Minimillion three coins taken from purse, they change to brass, three gold coins are in purse, then they come out of a pen, three red coins in purse, silver coins come out of pen
  • Who Ordered Chinese?
  • The Teller's Pen
  • Seeing Red
  • A Bic Finish
Inspired by
  • "Tiannamen Square" (Curtis Kam, Palms of Steel 2: Fists of Fury)
2007 20
Hiroshi Sawa Bad Tailor dollar vanishes and reappears in purse, penetrates it, penetrates pocket, then fifty dimes appear from purse
Dec. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 12)
Miguel Ángel Gea Monedas colgantes (y cayentes) three coins vanish and appear inside a purse, a glass and next to selection
2009 77
Miguel Ángel Gea Vuelta a empezar coin is removed from purse and purse placed inside pocket, coin vanishes and appears again, purse appears in hand with coin inside as climax
2009 164
Michael Feldman Spectacle for the Eyes three coin vanish and reproduction, production of performer's own glasses
Also published here 2010 36
David Gabbay Gabbay's Coin Opener coin produced from coin purse, three “invisible” coins previously set on table suddenly become visible
2012 57
Hiroshi Sawa Why a Big Purse? routine with silver and copper coins, purse, jumbo coin
Also published here 2013 245
Alex Ng Hopping Time Hopping Halves routine with time travel premise, coin keeps jumping back to fist to join another coin every time a wrist watch is used to touch the fist. At the end, both coins vanish and appear back in purse, while watch appears back on the wrist
Inspired by 2015 4
Scott Robinson Triple Crown three different coins begin in purse, one by one they appear on table, they all vanish and reappear inside purse
2018 169
Rick Holcombe Perfect Strangers three different coins taken from purse, they vanish one by one and are found back in purse
Sep. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 9)
Michael Rubinstein The Purse Routine two behind principle
  • Phase Two: Magical Extraction
  • Phase Three: Flash Penetration
2020 319
Michael Rubinstein Time for Change coin changes to Chinese coin in purse, vanish and reappearance, becomes lots of small change
Also published here
  • New York Coin Magic Seminar Vol. 12, DVD
2020 343
Jay Wang Purse-onal Coin Production four-coin production with purse
2020 449
Michael Eaton Under, On, In three coins vanish and appear under, on top and in a purse
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2004
2022 330
Michael Feldman Spectacle for the Eyes three coin vanish and reproduction, production of performer's own glasses
Also published here 2022 847